Friday, April 10, 2015

A compilation of statements by the International Community on Kamaruzzaman’s imminent execution

A compilation of statements by the International Community on Kamaruzzaman's imminent execution.
The International Community in one voice has called for suspending the imminent execution of Bangladesh opposition leader Muhammad Kamaruzzaman. Here follows a compilation of the statements issued till the evening of April the 9th  2015:
United Nations (OHCHR): Called upon Bangladesh Government not to execute Kamaruzzan as "The trial was reportedly rife with irregularities and did not meet international fair trial standards."   …. "any death penalty imposed after an unfair trial would be a violation of the right to life.". Full Statement :
Lord Eric Avebury : Lord Avery has written to the Prime Minister to 'intervene' and halt the imminent execution of Kamaruzzaman.
Human Rights Watch: Bangladesh's war crimes trials have been plagued by persistent and credible allegations of fair trial violations that require impartial judicial review." Link:
European Union: called for immediate imposition of moratorium on death sentence - Link:
Amnesty International: Amnesty International initiated 'Urgent Action' campaign to urge the Govt to halt execution of Kamaruzzaman
Lord Carlile of Berriew: He asserted that tge Court "failed to address clear deficiencies in the trial and appellate process that resulted in Kamaruzzaman's fair trial rights not being upheld. Lord Carlile described the death sentence as 'an injustice that diminishes the Bangladesh justice system in the eyes of the Common Law world'. Full Statement :
UK Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC): BHRC called for impartial investigation into serious allegations of malpractice and unjust procedure. Full Statement:
Common Wealth Lawyers Association (CLA): CLA commented that "ICT has either failed to acknowledge the serious shortcomings of the procedures adopted, or, if it has recognised such shortcomings, it has failed to address them.". Full Statement:

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami
International Relations Team 

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