Sunday, July 7, 2013

Floods in Uttarakhand: Consequence of unbridled capitalist greed

CGPI Newsline Jul 1-15, 2013

Floods in Uttarakhand: Consequence of unbridled capitalist greed

Devastating floods in Uttarakhand as well as Himachal Pradesh, following heavy rains in northern India since June 13, have already claimed thousands of lives and left behind a terrible trail of destruction. Men, women and children, their homes and belongings, whole villages, roads and bridges have simply been washed away by the raging flood waters.    > read more

LARR bill draft

Paving the way for accelerated loot and plunder of people's assets

The UPA government is claiming that it finally has achieved an "all-party consensus" on the proposed new land acquisition bill, titled the Right to Fair Compensation, Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Transparency in Land Acquisition Bill, 2011.    > read more

Further developments in the US imperialist led war on Syria

The "Friends of Syria" —the Orwellian name given to the coalition of the US, its NATO allies, Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar— met in Qatar on June 22 and issued a communiqué announcing that US and its allies will "take all necessary practical measures" to arm the opposition forces in    > read more

45th Session of Indian Labour Conference

Workers can defend their rights only through uncompromising struggle against the capitalists and their government

Inaugurating the 45th Session of the Indian Labour Conference, held in New Delhi on 17th May, 2013, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said: "The recent two-day strike by trade unions focused on a number of issues relating to the welfare not only of the working-classes but also t    > read more

One year since the state oppression of Maruti-Suzuki workers

It will be one year, on July 18th 2013, since the Maruti-Suzuki Workers' Union sat on a hunger strike in Manesar to protest against "State oppression of workers". Running up to that date, the workers will be demonstrating in 10 districts of Haryana.    > read more

Airports Authority of India workers oppose privatisation

Workers of the Airport Authority of India are on the war path against the move of the government to privatise the Chennai and Kolkata Airports. This follows the decision of the Civil Aviation Ministry to hand over the running of Chennai and Kolkata Airports to private parties.    > read more

Postal workers agitate for their rights

At the call of the National Federation of Postal Employees, postal workers went on a day long mass dharna at all the state capitals and other towns on June 20, 2013.

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NLC unions plan indefinite strike against disinvestment

All unions of the workers of the Neyveli Lignite Corporation have decided to jointly go on an indefinite strike in protest against the recommendation of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) to the government on June 21, to disinvest 5% of the NLC shares.

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Nokia Siemens' workers strike for right to form union

Nearly 210 workers of the Nokia Siemens' Chennai plant are on strike since June 6, 2013. Their demand — recognition of the Union they have formed.

The company manufactures the entire range of telecom equipment for 2G, 3G and Long Term Evolution (4G technology). Around 800 workers work in the factory.

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Government school teachers in Tamilnadu demand their rights

School Teachers organized under the banner of Tamilnadu Elementary School Teachers Mandram took out protest rallies on June 16 in various towns of Tamilnadu in support of their legitimate demands.

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Contract rail workers demand regularization

Workers organized under the banner of Wheel and Axle Plant Contract Workers' Union have been organizing protests at the gate of the Yelahanka Rail Wheel Factory in Bengaluru demanding regularization of their services.

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