Thursday, April 11, 2013

‘You have zero class’: Anonymous issues blistering attack on N.S. justice minister over lack of charges in Rehtaeh Parsons case

'You have zero class': Anonymous issues blistering attack on N.S. justice minister over lack of charges in Rehtaeh Parsons case

Local Input~ Rehtaeh Parsons is shown in this Facebook photo. The Cole Harbour student was allegedly gang raped and later committed suicide.

One day after threatening to release the identities of four boys allegedly involved in the gang rape of teenager Rehtaeh Parsons, the hacktivist group Anonymous has issued a blistering attack on Nova Scotia Justice Minister Ross Landry and other authority figures over their decision not to prosecute in the case.

Chris Selley on Rehtaeh Parsons: How not to solve the bullying problem

As if contemplating a tormented child taking her own life isn't horrible enough, we must now live with online blame-mobs grabbing hold of a narrative and demanding justice — and not necessarily in a courtroom. We are seeing it again this week in the sad case of Rehtaeh Parsons, a Nova Scotia 17-year-old who killed herself last week, her mother Leah Parson claims, after being raped and bullied relentlessly by peers over photographs of the assault.

On Facebook, in comment sections and on blogs, people are calling for Rehtaeh's alleged rapists and bullies to be outed, named and shamed (only without using the word "alleged"). Some want Anonymous — which fingered the wrong alleged culprits after British Columbia teenager Amanda Todd committed suicide in October — to get in on the act. What could go wrong, right?

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"What we have learned is certainly appalling, but it wasn't the act of rape that shocked us. It was the behavior of the adults in Rehtaeh's life that we found most disturbing," the Anonymous group "Operation Justice for Rehtaeh" said in a Thursday morning press release that took aim at "school teachers, administrators, the police and prosecutors."

"All of you have created a mess and instead of taking responsibility and cleaning it up, the first thing you did yesterday morning was get on television and defend your jobs. You have taught the young men in your community a terrible lesson: rape is easy."

Anonymous said that they had received "dozens of e-mails" from teenagers and adults alike that recalled the four alleged attackers openly bragging about "the rape of an inebriated 15-year-old girl" and questioned why police and the Crown said they did not have enough evidence to push forward with charges.

Parsons' father, Glen Canning, made similar accusations in a heartbreaking blog post.

"How is it possible for someone to leave a digital trail like that yet the RCMP don't have evidence of a crime?" he wrote. "What were they looking for if photos and bragging weren't enough?"

THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew VaughanJustice Minister Ross Landry heads from a news conference in Halifax on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012

Parsons died Sunday after attempting suicide last Thursday. Her parents have said she bullied mercilessly after a picture of the alleged assault was passed around Cole Harbour District High School and her community. She eventually moved to Halifax but was later hospitalized for six weeks when it was feared she would harm herself.

Anonymous says it has the names of all four boys and their locations, but says they will not release the names out of respect for Leah Parsons, who told the media she did not want people to go after the alleged perpetrators.

"At this time we can honestly say we're confident we know the identities of the people involved in Rehtaeh's rape. It would probably take us a lot longer to come up with a list of the people responsible for her death. We hope you all find some way to sleep at night," it said.

Police did not lay charges in the incident. The RCMP says they sought the advice of the Crown which said there was "insufficient evidence" for a reasonable chance of a conviction.

Landry initially said the government would not review the case but back peddled as public outrage grew over the Parsons case, which shares many similarities to two other high-profile cases, the suicide of B.C. teen Amanda Todd and the Steubenville, Ohio rape trial.

Anonymous slammed the justice minister's turnabout as "an act of public relations damage-control."

"You should be really ashamed of yourself. In contrast to your statements your actions are not genuine and your patronizing attention is unappreciated. Ross, you have zero class," it said.

Wednesday, Landry told the National Post that it's dangerous for the public to make any assumptions about the identities of the four boys.

"Leah [Parsons] said she didn't want harm to come to the other young people, that her daughter would not have wanted that," said Landry, who met with the girl's mother on Wednesday.

"We don't want another child taking their life because some vigilante group thinks it's OK … maybe it's a wrong name — then what would they do to someone?"

RCMP in Nova Scotia said that all four boys involved in the investigation are still minors and police are "concerned" about reprisals.

"It's a challenge," Cpl. Scott MacRae said. "We're aware of the stuff on social media that's circulating.… We don't want people to act on misinformation."

FacebookRehtaeh Parsons seen in an undated photo posted on Facebook.

The funeral for Rehtaeh Parsons will be held Saturday.

After her mother wrote an extensive Facebook post and spoke to many media outlets about her daughter's suicide and their frustration with the justice system, her father wrote a eloquent post describing his anguish.

"The worst nightmare of my life has just begun. I loved my beautiful baby with all my heart. She meant everything to me. I felt her heart beating in my soul from the moment she was born until the moment she died," he wrote.

"My daughter wasn't bullied to death, she was disappointed to death. Disappointed in people she thought she could trust, her school, and the police. She was my daughter, but she was your daughter too.

"For the love of God do something."

He ended his post starkly saying: "I feel like I am dead inside."
GlenCanning.comGlen Canning with his daughter Rehtaeh Parsons

Anonymous ended its Thursday press release with a warning shot.

"See you Sunday," the group said, referring to a planned demonstration in Halifax that day.

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