Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fwd: US Economic Policies a recipe to kill India's Main Street (Financial Charts to prove it)

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Date: Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 8:19 AM
Subject: US Economic Policies a recipe to kill India's Main Street (Financial Charts to prove it)

US Economic Policies a recipe to kill India's Main Street (Financial Charts to prove it)
India has blindly adopted the Zionist/Israeli Economic Policies, without taking into account America a one time Super Power is barely crawling and can't even walk under the load of these Anti-common people and Pro 1% Rich policies. Today America has 50 mil people on Food Stamps, 20 mil unemployed, 30 mil under-employed, 16 mil children facing hunger, 1.5 mil homeless youth and 70 mil with no health insurance. Above all $16 Trillion external debts, $18 Trillion state government debt and $175 Trillion in unfunded liabilities. Today if you sell every American's assets the total that can be realized is $78 trillion!
The six heirs to the Walmart fortune are worth as much as nearly half of all American households. The Walton family was worth $89.5 billion in 2010, the same as the bottom 41.5 percent of U.S. families combined, according to Josh Bivens of the Economic Policy Institute. That's 48.8 million American households in total.

Congressional Elections are Fixed in America
India with multi party system there to fix an election or all elections for Parliament from a particular state  is a very difficult and expansive task. In India one needs booth capturing, fake voters, gunmen, money and goodies to voters, reservations in jobs, classification under schedule cast/tribe or backward class, Religious Fatwas (dictates) in favor of a particular candidate  and buying off some of the opposing candidates; to fix elections.
In America fixing an Election for House of Representatives with 435 Seats for a particular state is a piece of cake because of 2 party system. All you need is meeting between both party representatives to negotiate for constituencies in that particular state. This is the only country where the Members of the House of Representatives can virtually pick their voters every 10 years under the so called re-districting in hard bargains among both party representatives to create Democrat or Republican Safe constituencies in a particular state.
Congressional Elections are fixed in America!

US VP Biden & Rahm Emanuel wearing Israeli Flag, Die hard Israeli Loyalist Obama & Hillary all of them laughing at crying George Washington
America is a Banana Republic when it comes to Electing its President 
America is the only democracy that does not have a spending limit on Presidential candidates in Primaries as well as in the general elections. Moreover, the Presidential and Congress Elections are financed by groups with loyalty to a foreign country Israel. The 2008 campaign was the costliest in history, with a record-shattering $5.3 billion in spending by candidates, political parties, super PAC's and 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups on the congressional and presidential races. In the 2008 election, President Obama alone spent almost a billion dollars which includes over $650 million raised by him and the rest spent by his Party, super PAC's and nonprofit groups. President Obama is close to the target of raising $1 billion for his campaign that his advisors set in April 2011 for him. This does not include the money that will be spent by the Party, super PAC's and nonprofit groups on behalf of President Obama for 2012 elections. The expected tab for the 2012 general election is over $9 billion when 50 mil Americans are on food stamps, 20 million unemployed, 30 million underemployed, 70 mil with no health insurance, 16 million children facing hunger and 1.5 million homeless youth. 
American President is Elected by Foreign Money
Everyone knows that American Israel Public Action Committee (AIPAC) and its numerous losely affiliated PAC's and members committed to Israel will take out any sitting Congress member or Senator if they DARE speak out against Israel.  If someone does not tow the Israelie line when running for office, AIPAC or one of its many affiliate PACs or members will give financial support to the candidate who will. AIPAC and its affiliates working for a foreign country Israel can give unlimited financial contributions to any US candidate for any public office. America has lost its democracy to a foreign entity Israel and its supporters. What if India, China, Russia, or Pakistan started delivering billions to Presidential or Congress candidate of their choice? 


NJ WORLD'S MOST CORRUPT & RACIST STATE no Indian State can match it
New Jersey WORLD'S most corrupt & racist state with largest per capita deficit, most elected representatives, employees & attorneys per sq miles under Zionist Slaves, Pro Israeli Unionized Gangsters posing as Republicans, Democrats, judiciary, media, big businesses and religious leades under current spokesperson big fat fraud Chris Christie. (STATE UNDER NETA JI ROJGAR YOJNA) 
The absentee Governor Christie's administration has drawn down $22 million of $300 million allocated  to help home owners in distress under the Federal programme since 2010 according to Huffington Post.  On top of that Christie administration has spent less than $1 million to provide assistance to 171 borrowers under Home Affordable Modification Program
Only Christie can explain where he spent the rest of $21 mil and why he has not tried to use the maximum of $300 mil allotted to the state to help home owners in distress? Maybe he has been very busy in day time circus called stage managed Town Hall Meetings, raising funds for Presidential hopeful Romney and auditioning for Vice Presidential job. His auditioning took him to Israel for one week to get the nod of Israeli handlers of Romney. Moreover Christie does not feel obligated that he has to help the home owners in distress because majority of them belong to minority communities.
Romney picks King of Corruption & Racism Gov. Chris Christie of NJ as Keynote Speaker for Republican Convention
Christie should wear a Suit made as per the size of Romney while delivering Keynote address at Republican National Convention
Gov Christie the creator of "One Size Fits All" anti-minority anti-bullying Law for 8yrs old to 28yrs old student should not have any objections if his suit is made to the size of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney. Rather Christie should start a Campaign that every one attending the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa, Florida must wear the suit as per the measurement of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.
India Day Parade To Insult India By Gujju Leaders Of NY & NJ In America
Mera Rang De Basanti Chola: IN INDIAN TRI COLOR BIKINI
Bharat Mata ki Jai FIA style at India Day Parade in New York by davemakkar.
I am sure there are lots of people including right minded Gujaratis who will agree that India Day Parade by FIA in New York and OTIBA & IBA in New Jersey is nothing but a vulgar Bollywood Parade organized by self proclaimed Leaders of Gujarati Samaj for themselves, their sponsors and supporters. It has become a mindless affair for local politicians & Photo Hungry Desi (PHD) Gujju Leaders posing as Indian Community Leaders along with their supporters who can not be paraded for any cause any where in the world including the famous Pushkar Mela of Rajasthan in India for animals.
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Devendra Makkar
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