Wednesday, February 1, 2012

‘Takeover the World’ Initiative of Dr. Manmohan Singh $200T Opportunity

'Takeover the World' Initiative of Dr. Manmohan Singh $200TOpportunity


Honorable Prime Minister of India,

Dr. Manmohan Singh

South Block,

New Delhi 110011


Baby Steps to Giant Leap


Dear Sir,

This WIPO awarded inventor had been advocating 'India Should Target 99% World Market Outside India Through Inventions and IPRs' since 1990 CIBC event at Taj Hotel.


In fact India had big advantage over China in that our Engineers and Scientists could access All The World's Intellectual Property EFFORTLESSLY.


This WIPO awarded inventor in 1986 Studied over 6000 EU Patents Electrical & Mechanical Inventions filed over three years in four days and about 16 hours – reading Abstracts.


World is going to have $6000Trillion Cumulative GDP by 2050 in next 38 years so India can potentially match China by 2050 and achieve $200T cumulative exports.


Compared to Baby Steps your government had taken in the past,'Takeover the World' is a GIANT Leap Ahead.




GOI & FICCI must be careful in not letting some 'Dubious Companies Transfer Their Holdings' to Singapore, Mauritious, Caymon Island etc.


Here you can see how easily ESSAR Group transferred all its Companies fraudulently funded by Indian Money almost entirely to Cayman Island andLondon.


It also raised Rs.10,000 crores on London Stock Exchange FRAUDULENTLY possibly to clear outstanding dues in India.


$44b Outflow from India as reported by TOI was of dubious nature – I call LOOT MONEY.


If India could restrict this FRAUD, and ensure 80% Outward Investment is led by Professionally Qualified Engineers and SMEs for IPR Creation –India can overcome Deficient R&D over last 60 years.


GOI to streamline CSIR – DSIR functioning from Bogus Research to Genuine IPR creator and Industry Partner it shall be contributing enormously in Promoting R&D Culture in India.


I can contribute by own Inventions in pipeline to VITALIZE CSIR DSIR.


In one of the Attachments I had summarized Mismanagement of economy – depriving 90% Indians Bank Funding at reasonable interests rates to improve their livelihood and generate GDP while dubious Corporate get over 80% bank credit for contributing just 5% to 10% GDP mainly assembling Imported Components.


Thank you,



Ravinder Singh

Inventor & Consultant

January31, 2012


$50b Loot ESSAR HUTCH, ESSAR STEEL, ESSAR Refinery, etc

All are now Cayman Island Companies.

ESSAR STEEL IPO Subscribers Paid Rs.220 each when Ruias paid just Rs.10 for each share, Indian Banks and Indian Money Funded The Project – Almost 100% Indian – Now Practically 100% Cayman Island Project For Some Years.



Essar Steel Holdings Ltd (which in turn is a subsidiary of Essar Global Ltd, Cayman Islands – the ultimate holding Company)continues to be the Holding Company of your Company. The ultimate holding company viz. Essar Global Ltd, along with its other subsidiaries, now holds 93.21% equity shares in the total paid up equity capital>>>>>



July 28, 2010: Essar Energy IPO prospectus. To download the report, please

 click here

The Company's expansion projects in its power business (the ''Power Plant Projects'') are divided into two phases (the ''Phase I Power Projects'' and the ''Phase II Power Projects'') and are designed to bring total installed capacity to 11,470 MW. Its six Phase I Power Projects have an expected total installed capacity of 4,880 MW and are expected to become commercially operational between 2010 and 2012. In addition, the Company will seek to further expand its power operations through its six Phase II Power Projects which are expected to increase its installed total capacity by a further 5,370 MW and are due to become commercially operational during 2013 and 2014.


Govt to help smaller firms mount global takeovers

Sidhartha TNN January30, 2012

New Delhi: The government is no longer fighting shy of Indian companies going for overseas acquisitions. Instead, it is preparing a plan aimed at boosting foreign buyouts by smaller players. 

    Senior government officials told TOI that the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP) has identified South East Asia, eastern Europe and Africa as areas where it will assist Indian companies to acquire assets as well as companies. It is working out a detailed strategy that is expected to be executed through Invest India, a public-private partnership initiative that was originally aimed at boosting investment into the country. 

    According to the latest available data, during April-October 2011, foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows from India were estimated at $25.3 billion, while inflows were of the order of $20.3 billion. As a result, there was net outflow of $5 billion despite a 28% decline in investments abroad and a 64% jump in inflows from foreign investors. 

    During 2010-11, net outflows were of the order of $13.5 billion, with FDI inflows of $30.4 billion. In terms of destination, SingaporeMauritius and the Netherlands were the favourite overseas places to invest, while services accounted for 59% of the outflows and manufacturing for 28.6%. FTAs to offer global options for Indian cos.

New Delhi: Till a few months ago, the perception was that Indian companies were scouting for overseas buys due to an adverse economic environment in the country and policy paralysis domestically. But with recent initiatives, there seems to be an improvement in sentiments which has been helped by a falling inflation graph, RBI's move towards easing interest rates and $2 billion of inflows into stock and bond markets so far in January. As a result, the assessment in the government is that companies will not just ramp up domestic capacity to meet higher demand but even look to acquire assets and companies abroad to boost local operations. 

    In any case, officials said that with a series of free trade agreements that have been signed, along with several that are in the pipeline, companies will increasingly look to take advantage of the opportunities available internationally. For instance, a company would prefer to import a component or raw material if it is more competitively priced due to low or zero duty. 

    In addition, in certain sectors such as power, companies with generation units in coastal areas are looking to acquire coal mines abroad. While the trend was earlier limited to larger players, even relatively smaller ones are now joining the global hunt, due to the quality and availability of the fuel in the country. Similarly, several IT and pharma companies are looking at buyouts in Latin America and eastern Europe so that they can more easily meet the legal requirements in Europe and the US

    Officials said foreign missions will be roped in to help in not just alerting companies and the government of opportunities but even match-making may be pushed through Invest India. Invest India is a not-for profit company where the Centre owns 49% stake and industry chamber Ficci has 51% shareholding. The Centre will dilute stake in favour of states over the next few months although it will continue to hold shares.

All wealth belongs to the Divine and those who hold it are merely its trustees-Aurobindo.
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