Thursday, November 3, 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shakil Wahidullah Khan <>
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 12:38 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] PROTEST AGAINST IMPERIALISM


                                                   PROTEST AGAINST IMPERIALISM



PAM is an independent forum consisting of nationalist, progressive political parties, intellectual, laywers, doctors, poets, and human rights activists. The forum discusses and tries to resolve the problems faced by PAKHTOONS. PAM has always deep concerns over public issue at national and international levels.

Today imperialism is deep rooted in the whole world exploiting the rights of a common man. Apart from this the wide spread violence all over the world is the result of imperialist policies. Scinece its beginning imperialism is still standing strong. However people all over the world have been repelled by this system. Therefore today the people of the world have come out in protest against imperialist forces, capitalism and international monitory institutes. In the US the frustrated people have protested on wall street which is the sign of their discontent of capitalism, monopoly, and imperialism Even united nation has failed to stop this. This system has effected all the countries of the world. Imperialism and capitalism have promoted violence, poverty, and unemployment all over the world. Multi national companies have subjugated the poor and labor of the world. There is an uncertainty all over the world, the future looks gloomy.  Having been irritated by this cursed system the people of the world especially Americans have raised their voice.

In order to express solidarity and unity with the wall street protestors the PAKHTOON AWARENESS MOVEMENT(PAM) organized a grand rally on 2nd November 2011 at the Peshawar Press Club (PAKISTAN). The aim of the rally was to reject imperialism, capitalism, injustice, corruption and other evils of imperialist policies. At the call of PAM other political parties of PAKISTAN namely Pakistan Mazdoor kisan party, Awami party of Pakistan, FATA students Federation, intellectuals, lawyers, doctors, women, journalists, religious minorities and other civil society organizations participated in the rally. The protestors gathered in front of the Peshawar Press Club with play cards and banners with anti imperialist slogans. Anti imperialism speeches were delivered. They chanted slogans against imperialism, multi national companies and capitalism. The participants of the rally showed their commitment to stand by Wall Street protestors.  


Shakeel Wahidullah Khan,

GS. PAM, Peshawar, Pakistan



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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