Saturday, October 1, 2011

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Dear Brethren, You are requested to understand the reason behind - Why is a need for this SOCIAL WEBSITE? And what for this is needed. We have started this revolutionary Website for the bright future of the MULNIVASI INDIANS (Aboriginal people of this great country). The Future of the Nation depends on the true benefit and strong progress of it people for which Democracy is the most suitable mechanism. Which in its true sense means Rule of Law in the right spirit as enshrined in the Constitution of India.
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Subject :
Muslim - Hindu Riots in India

Speech By:
Hon. Waman Meshram

Current News

S. Kulkarni of BJP finally visited court for the issue of "Note for Vote" 

Congress and BJP government somewhere find themselves engulfed within the sea of corruption and find it difficult to continue their drama of finger-pointing each other while draining the country of its wealth and natural resources. Due to their uncontrolled control over the democracy, media and current system, they are always suppressing different issues. 


We Are Online 

S. Kulkarni of BJP finally visited court for the issue of "Note for Vote"
Copyright @ 2011 Indian Liberation News

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