Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Uprising in England - earlier reports

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From: Nickglais <>
Date: Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 4:50 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Uprising in England - earlier reports


Here is some earlier material on the riots/uprising to complement articles of Emma and Roshan written for Democracy and Class Struggle

The Uprising in England in 2011
Source: Pan Afrikan Voice

The interesting thing is that nobody knows what's happening. When these same events takes place abroad, journalists and politicians in Britain can immediately identify the causes.Therefore,all we're hearing from the people in charge here and their media, is their half baked ideas.
I think it would be a sad day in Britain if talks of using water cannon and bringing in the army were to be seriously considered. Look at other parts of the world where there measures have been implement by desperate regimes and see if people just rolled over.
David Lammy was so incensed, almost at the point of having an heart attack, because his (white or apolitical black) constituents told him that "what's going on is a disgrace".

Diane Abbott thinks some kind of "curfew should be imposed to prevent people from leaving their homes".

The Home secretary Theresa May think that what's taking place is "pure criminality". Hopefully she'll recognise criminality when so called and failing businesses begin to make fraudulent insurance claims.

Do you recall hearing any of the above saying their colleagues who fraudulently claimed monies from the public purse or the bankers who paid themselves excessive bonuses;The supermarket raking it in and paying their staff minimum wages,the utilities who make billions in profits and continuing to hike up prices are criminals?

The killing of Mark Duggan would appear to be the straw that broke the camel's back. So no amount of getting his family to condemn the reactions of people is going to intimidate protesters.

We've seen police excess rewarded and never punished.There is the case of the Hackney Man leaving the pub with a chair leg in a bag being shot by the police; There is the murder of an innocent man murdered at Stockwell tube station; The murder of the paper seller in the city and now Mark Duggan.

In each of those cases the police attempt to lie their way out of their illegal actions. Consequently costing the taxpayers millions of pounds for some meaningless enquiry-report which always let the police off and the eminent judge richer.

David Cameron was one of the MPs, who made immodest claims for his Kitchen refurbish. The same person who want to repay the deficit quickly though painful and telling us that "we're all in it together".

Cameron is not loosing his job, his family and friends are not affected by the cuts he is spearheading. When the electricity, gas prices and transport cost increases he and his millionaire cabinet colleagues won't even notice.

People are concerned about not having any meaningful say, no representation and while they have no future, they see the privilege others milking the state - paying for nothing and having a way of claiming for everything.

Posted by nickglais on 8/11/2011 05:21:00 AM 0 comments
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Questions on the Uprising in England in 2011 - reply to a German Comrade
What are the reasons for the rebellion ?

The current rebellion in England was triggered by the Metropolitan police execution of Mark Duggan in Tottenham on 4th August 2011.

However the Metropolitan police shoot first ask questions later goes back years to the execution of Charles de Menendez on the London Underground.

The killing of Ian Tomlinson, the death on arrest of Smiley Culture,with the execution of Mark Duggan acting as the final straw in a line of recent police killings.

Who are the participants ?

The participants in the rebellion are the inner city youth from the deprived boroughs which have been at the receiving end of the savage Con Dem Government cuts.Youth services in the borough that Tottenham is in have been cut by 70 per cent.

The combination of government cuts and aggressive policing has led to this social explosion.

What role is the Left Playing ?

The movement is largely spontaneous with some organised Anarchist elements, especially skilled in utilising new communications technologies like blackberry messenging.

The movement has the "faceless" character of many European,North African and Middle East protests to defend key organisers.

The traditional left has been active in the anti cuts campaign and the March 26th and June 30th mobilisations and strikes.

However the traditional left are tailing and not leading the current protests.

The social democrats from the deprived inner London boroughs like David Lamy and Diane Abbott are condemning the uprisings and even calling for curfews.
Posted by nickglais on 8/10/2011 07:22:00 AM 0 comments
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Youth Rebellion goes North
Manchester and Salford and Liverpool were the scenes of further rebellion has 16,000 police were put on the streets of London.

The government response is in line with their ideology with more planned repression - aggressive policing and cuts to youth services.

The Peoples Movement must combat this repression with exposure of aggressive policing and the devastating effects of the cuts on communities.

This Con Dem Government has lost is sell by date - it is time to finish it off.In reply to the Daily Express who call for clearing the "scum" off the streets Democracy and Class Struggle call for clearing the scum from the government.

Posted by nickglais on 8/10/2011 12:31:00 AM 0 comments
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Police lied about Mark Duggan death the IPCC already expose fact that Mark Duggan did not fire gun.
The bullet the police claim hit one of their men's radios was of police issue and not from Mark Duggan's gun.

This is already revealed by police IPCC investigation.

This makes the call for an independent investigation into this police execution of Mark Duggan even more important.

Contrary to the nonsense in the right wing media in the UK it was "robust" aggressive policing that shoot first and asks questions later policy of the metropolitan police that killed Mark Duggan.

The Daily Mail is calling for more aggressive policing and denying that the 70 per cent cut back in youth services in Tottenham is relevant to the current social explosion.Littlejohn in the Mail has a theory of violent shopping and not aggressive policing or government cut in EMA and youth services has the basis for the current social explosion.

This right wing nonsense must be combated with cool reason and facts- this Con Dem government like Littlejohn in the Daily Mail have lost contact with reality.

The Youth in rebellion have had the reality of cuts and aggressive policing in their face. Unlike the Daily Mail and Littlejohn who are removed from this daily grind people know the truth in their life and hence the social explosion we are witnessing today.

Posted by nickglais on 8/09/2011 11:07:00 AM 0 comments
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The March 26th Movement supports those protestors in Tottenham demanding an independent enquiry into death of Mark Duggan
The March 26th Movement supports those protestors in Tottenham demanding an independent enquiry not a IPCC inquiry into the machine gunning of Mark Duggan.

The aggressive police tactics against the demonstrators demanding such an enquiry, especially the police attack on the 16 year old girl protestor is condemned by the March 26th Movement.What have the police to hide about the gunning down of Mark Duggan ?

The mass media in its hysteria against the social explosion caused by the aggressive policing in Tottenham have called for "robust" policing this is fuel that will burn the fire of revolt.

Robust policing means more deaths like that of Ian Tomlinson and Mark Duggan.

The cutting of Youth services funding in Tottenham by 70 per cent has part of the austerity drive of the Con Dem Government adds more fuel to the Tottenham fire.
Posted by nickglais on 8/09/2011 05:30:00 AM 0 comments
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Monday, August 8, 2011
Protests continue in London and now extend to Birmingham
Peckham and Lewisham in South London have seen renewed protests and vehicles including a double decker bus have been set alight in Peckham.Stop and search activities in Hackney in North London by the police have reignited protests there.A group of people have occupied the Hackney Empire Theatre.

There are also reports of protests in Birmingham and confrontations with the police.

The pressure from the Con-Dem cuts and the robust i.e aggressive policing is igniting the dry tinder of rebellion

Democracy and Class Struggle Report

Posted by nickglais on 8/08/2011 01:02:00 PM 0 comments
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Tottenham explodes against shoot first ask questions later policy of Metropolitan Police.

The protest organised against the Police machine gun killing of a father of six Mark Duggan in a Taxi by the Metropolitan Police in Tottenham exploded when Police adopted aggressive tactics against the protestors in particular a 16 year old girl.

Two police cars, a bus and ­several shops were attacked and set ablaze on Saturday night as Tottenham expolded following a protest demanding justice over a fatal police shooting.

Officers on horseback and others in riot gear clashed with hundreds of protestors armed with makeshift missiles in the centre of Tottenham after Mark Duggan, 29, a father of six was killed on Thursday.

This explosion in Tottenham against the police shoot to kill policy follows on from the death of Smiley Culture and the shooting of Charles de Menendez and the death of over 300 prisoners in police custody in the last 10 years.

The recent brutal government cuts in Tottenham have seen 75 per cent cut in youth services after a cut of 41 million pounds in the council's budget have contributed to creating this social explosion.

The cuts in one of London's poorest boroughs and aggressive policing resulting in death are signs of what is to come if the current government course is continued.

Democracy and Class Struggle Report


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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