Friday, August 5, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] WILL INDO-PAK, the Brahmins-Hindus'demoncracy/democracy, Border Clash Lead to Indo-Pak III? Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) [1 Attachment]

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Date: Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 4:33 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] WILL INDO-PAK, the Brahmins-Hindus'demoncracy/democracy, Border Clash Lead to Indo-Pak III? Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from DR AWATAR SINGH SEKHON included below]

WILL INDO-PAKthe Brahmins-Hindus'demoncracy/democracy, Border Clash Lead to Indo-Pak III?
Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

Sir VT Rajshekar
Editor in Chief
Dalit Voice
101, Shivdeep Residency
Shivabagh, Kadri
Mangalore 575 002

My dear older brother Sir Rajshekar,

Good day!

The June 16-30 June, 2011, Vol 30, No. 9, has just arrived in today's mail. Please accept my sincere thanks for the work you have been doing despite your age and health factors. Anyway, it is great as for as your guidance, contents and international issues are concerned. Thank you kindly for giving space to my comments and challenge to the the militant and fundamentalist 'Brahmins-Hindus', who have been warning to the Sikhs that "they should change Guru Granth Sahib." Who the hell these creatures are who had been 'subservient' to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for more than 3500 years and up until the morning hours of the 15th August, 1947, when the British India Empire brought on a platter the 'Brahmins-Hindus' independence, because of the 'Stupidity and Betrayal of a Brahmins by birth, raised in a Khatri Hindu family and lived as parasite on the Sikhs' apex institution and political party, i. e., the Darbar Sahib Complex, Amritsar, PUNJAB, and Akai Dal (please see "Betrayal of Sikh Nation By Master Tara Singh With British Documents of Transfer of Power 1947 Written and Compiled by Ram Singh (U K), second edition August 2009 ISBN 978-0-9811360-6-6;" contact person:<>). 

With best wishes and warmest regards.

Your younger brother,

Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

Well, I am sending you my comments on the subject (please see above):

There appears to be a remote chance of another war between India and Pakistan, although you are fully right that the war-mongers and hateful 'Brahmins-Hindus' would like to bring under their control (expansionist, imperialist and colonial) of the Indian-occupied Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir (IDA:JK) and make it the 'integral' part of the alleged Indian democracy, hereafter referred the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy/democracy. The question is "Is it the only way to resolve the IDA:JK dispute? Maybe as the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy's demoncracy would like to. I agree with you over the chances who you are getting the news from, i. e., the Brahmins-Hindus' agencies, the news media of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan at present when the 10-25% administration is unfortunately weak; thus, the Pakistan's armed forces and armed forces' supporting institution are being compromised in the 'decision making' areas, along with the pressure of 'external sources'. The latter is the one which one could dictate the terms. With the tough economic realities, every source is getting weaker and weaker. This source would not like to loose its 'grip' over the Afghanistan. There is also a third factor commonly known as the 'triangle'. The roots of this newly emerged 'triangle' are in South Asia, Europe and North America. No one can take the risk, however.

The Kashmiri people are indeed helpless, but I do not think that they will wait for another 64-year+. Besides, there is one big factor which you have not mentioned. I am aware of that, as that factor lacks reliable leadership internally and externally. As far the internal leadership is concerned, the 'Brahmins-Hindus have tried their best to wipe it out since the 15th century. The founder of this factor called the 'Brahmins-Hindus' as the 'Butcher of Humanity' in his teachings. These Brahmins-Hindus have been trying their best to 'exterminate' the one big factor, using an 'undeclared' war in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984. The 'Brahmins-Hindus, along with their turbaned 'Brahmins-Hindus' in 'The Sikh Identity' came out with empty hands.

The 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy has been trying its utmost to make them 'terrorists' (the Sikhs), but have not succeeded, despite of destroying a civilian airliner, "Air India Flight 182, Toronto-Montreal-London-Delhi/Bombay, on 23rd June, 2011 and tried another unsuccessful 'terror' to destroy another Air India airliner in Europe, but this 'terror' programme of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy, its Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), along with its Five friends in Europe and North America, remained failed to accomplish its goal to 'make the Sikhs terrorist (ISBN 0-13-325697-9; 1994). Further, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy has been trying its best to use their RAW, foreign missions and foreign administrations to brand the 'Sikhs' terrorist, but they have been at the square one.

This factor, the Sikh factor, may appear to non-Sikhs and others that it is leaderless, both indigenously and externally, the factor is engaged in in-fighting and is of no use to consider it a 'factor' between the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 'war mongering', so to speak. Well, my point is that irrespective of the turbaned 'Brahmins-Hindus in 'The Sikh Identity', what you call a 'sick Khatri Manmohan Sinh and his likewise of the non-Sikh parties, will have no role between the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. One must not forget or miscalculate that the'Sikh Factor' will never let the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy's armed forces to go to the border (western), and the Sikh Nation's land route will not be available to the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy to fight with the Pakistan's armed forces through the IDA:JK, regardless what happens. One must not forget that the Sikhs have been "Struggling for their Lost Sovereignty." At the same time, the Sikh Factor will continue to play the role of 'Peace-maker', understanding the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy's war-mongring.

The Sikh factor will ask their Sikhs in the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy's armed personnel that 'they must think of the Sovereignty of the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB'. The Sikh factor knows it perfectly well that the Sikhs' survival is ONLY  through the 'Sovereignty of the "annexed" Punjab; the Sikhs are NOT obliged to the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy's Constitution 1950. The Constitution (Article 25) 1950, has been 'rejected' by the Sikhs' elected representatives, in its draft and final forms, in 1948, 26th November, 1949, 1950 and 6th September, 1965. After 'rejecting the Indian Constitution 1950', the Sikhs' representatives walked out of Lok Sabha, in protest. The Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy' Constitution has no implication on the Sikhs and their Sikh Nation, PUNJAB.

I, as Spokesperson, of the Dal Khalsa Alliance (US), will request all Sikh organizations, within the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB and outside PUNJAB to take necessary actions to inform the people concerned with the "Sovereignty of the Sikh Nation."

I should also make it clear that the "Sikhs' Leadership is in Guru Granth Sahib."
Similarly, I would request my brothers, sisters, youth and elderly of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the people of the IDA:JK to take necessary action to prevent any eventualities.


Attachment(s) from DR AWATAR SINGH SEKHON

1 of 1 File(s)

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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