Friday, July 22, 2011

Fwd: LOL! We see Feroze still defying his leader Osama Bin Laden about 9/11!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mario Goveia <>
Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 8:42 PM
Subject: LOL! We see Feroze still defying his leader Osama Bin Laden about 9/11!
To:, RP Shahi <>

Unfortunately for Feroze, who is turning every know fact in ancient and modern history upside down, he cannot hide the fact that every Muslim majority country is ethnically cleansed - including areas they dominate like Kashmir and villages in W. Bengal and Bihar being infiltrated by illegal aliens from Bangladesh.
Neither can he deny the Khilafah Movement which has broken out into the open and is holding conferences in major western cities.
But we can expect even more bogus allegations and barrages of accusations to deflect attention and confuse the gullible.
Feroze is showing us how the jihadi propaganda machine works.  There is not a single fact that he does not try to turn upside down.  These days what they do is get several of their jihadis to write bogus information on the Internet.  No one has any idea who these people are.  Then the propagandists use these as references.  You will never see them using a mainstream source that everyone recognizes as a reference.
It is very important for them to find a few non-Muslim chamchas which helps to confuse people.
The ultimate hoax is accusing governments of killing their own people so as to deflect attention from the radical Muslims.
Osama Bin Laden had personally rubbished the Feroze propaganda about 9/11.  Nothing Feroze writes about it makes any sense.  Nothing Feroze writes about Mumbai on 26/11 makes any sense.  Nothing he writes about Osama dying in 2001 makes any sense - even to Al Qaeda.  Nothing he writes about the history of what is now called Palestine makes any sense based on the history we do know.
From his denial of the Hamas Charter anyone with an open mind can clearly see what he is up to.  It was written by Hamas, not the CIA or Mossad or any Zionist.
So, then how can anyone believe anything he writes?
He keeps up his barrage of disinformation to try and confuse people.  This is a trick he has been taught in whatever jihadi training camp he attended.

--- On Fri, 7/22/11, RP Shahi <> wrote:

From: RP Shahi <>
Subject: Re: [विश्व-दर्शन:253] Re: [Citizen-Mumbai] Top 5 IM leaders moved to Karachi after Oct '08
Cc: "Feroze Mithiborwala" <>, "Satark Chintan" <>, "Satark Chintan" <>,,,, "Indian" <>, "peace-mumbai" <>,, "Asha Kachru" <>, "Mario Goveia" <>, "SADANAND PATWARDHAN" <>, "kishor jagtap" <>
Date: Friday, July 22, 2011, 3:46 AM

Thanks, Feroz,

I read your article, and it is very well written in the sense that you have used good logic for the whole matter but some how I could not understand the two derivations from all the logic, as I can also think of many  theories which can generate such acts of terror and the one being very often used openly by Mario too, is one theory, that the people who have believe in Hamas Charter or such documents (the links for which he had posted), are trying to scare the people of other faith with a hope that in the end the tortured or scared people would willing come for shelter and will be a part of  that community,which will fulfill their goal of making the whole world as a Islamic world.

The conclusion like this from your logic can not be accepted without much proof. If there are many in US or India who are challenging the verdict of their govt, there are more numbers who are believing in it, so? That does not give us any clue as to what are facts.

"Thus it is imperative that the myth of 9/11 be challenged, deconstructed & exposed for what it truly is. Let it be revealed to the people of the world that the 9/11 was a US-Israeli false flag terror operation, which was masterminded by the Zionist-Neocon cabal that rules Washington & Tel Aviv."

"With the 26/11 attack, the case is similar. Far too many questions lie unanswered & far too many facts do not match the official story. The government of India refuses to institute a commission of inquiry, which in itself is unprecedented."

Since Govt is not ready to open up investigations or allowing some group to be a part does not prove that they have used CIA or Israel for all the troubles which was created by radicals and the whole world is not against Islam that where ever there is a blast, every one come up with set theory fed by CIA, US or Israel that it is an act of Muslim terrorists. 
Even if what ever you say is true, why this phobia has been created against one particular community only? One can understand that due to Palestinian problem, Israel may do this there but what about other places?

Like I have mentioned many times, I am an ordinary person, and dont understand heavy ideology and am confident that the general mass too does not read or understands complicated theories. May be there are larger designs, but people like me would like to believe in simple ways and theories, so if a particular community is being targeted for all the terror acts, its the responsibility of the theoreticians  of that group to come up with better logic or acts to protect the good name and not just push the blame on set nations.

I think, the discussion about the things where I cant contribute much has no relevance and from now onward, I would try to resist from commenting on it. I have found many groups in Jharkhand which are working directly for village people, and would love to devote much time there or to discuss such developments. If I can be of any help in KP issue, I have already agreed with Asha to do so.


On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Sadanand Patwardhan <> wrote:
*If you research the stories by Kaumudi, a journalist in Pune, you will note that the CCTV's were of a very low pixel to begin with & could not see beyond the compounds onto the streets*
I tried but could not find the relevant story. Could you provide link? The ones I found did not have much researched content.
"NRI journo provides vital clues about blast suspect
By: Kaumudi Gurjar and Bipin Kumar Singh
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Citizen-Mumbai] Top 5 IM leaders moved to Karachi after Oct '08
Dear Sadanandji Holmes,
Well Done There.
You have easily ripped apart the anomalies inherent in the stories planted by the IB.
Riyaz Bhatkal too has been long dead.
During the Pune blasts we were told that Riyaz came to Pune from Pakistan & then went back after the attack. In the CCTV footage that they said was Riyaz Bhatkal - the IB-RAW-ATS then framed Samad Bhatkal as the one in the CCTV footage.
The CCTV footage was a cut & paste job as from the fist day on the Police had said that the CCTV's were badly damaged & had no clues. Then they said that they had footage from the surrounding buildings. If you research the stories by Kaumudi, a journalist in Pune, you will note that the CCTV's were of a very low pixel to begin with & could not see beyond the compounds onto the streets.
Then they said that had the frame from over the Cash Counter - Riyaz Bhatkal became Samad Bhatkal, but finally the ATS released him.
Later Maria had to close the case, so he sntrapped to young Muslims with a criminal record.
That is how it is all done.
Also note the case of the 2 boys (13th March 2010) who were alleged to try to burn down the ONGC but could not procure petrol. It was a love affair that got one of the Muslim boys into trouble & the father sealed his fate by getting the ATS to frame him, I'm sure for a decent sum. The case is ongoing, they live in the slums of Behrampada & Dharavi & now the ATS is not even appearing for the ongoing trial. My friend Farrouk Mapkar (who himself was a victim of the 92-93 riots, was nearly shot dead by the police).
Then you are already aware about how the story changed on Malegaon (x2), Ajmer, Samjhauta, Mecca Masjid Hyderabad, Goa & the whole range of blasts attributed to IM, but finally linked to Abhinav Bharat & Sanatan Sanstha.
Do read all the detailed police reports by Praveen Swami of all the meetings that were held to plan the terror attack, the key operatives in the meeting, the SIM cards found, telephone conversations tapped . . . & then do please ask as to how we can believe the state, the police investigations & the corporate media in ther case of all the terror attacks & now on Mumbai 13/7 as well.
So there are 3 ways of taking the police narrative apart:
1) The varying versions that appear in the media. Each paper has its "sources said" & thus the "masterminds" differ from newspaper to newspaper & so do the suspects & terror organizations.
Not too many people read all the 5 main English newspapers, leave aslone all the other 20 odd Marathi & Hindi & . . .
A comparative study of even the Pune 13/2 blasts if undertaken by you, will prove this fact.
2) A fact finding team at the spot does help, as it did in the case of exposing Malegaon & Nanded, as well as the worthy work done by Nandita Haksar & Arundati Roy on the Parliament attack.
3) This is in tandem with a socio-economic & political analysis of the terror attack.
All of the above will lead us to the truth in my estimation.
The article by General Leonid Ivashov that I sent out last night is very important, do read it - again if required.

On 21 July 2011 19:43, Sadanand Patwardhan <> wrote:
This article appeared in Indian Express attributed to Johnson T A. It looks massaged, or carefully leaked narrative. It refers to NIA's executive summary without saying if it is in public domain or accessed by or leaked to the author. The suspect characters mentioned are either in jail or were arrested and had to be released or were mentioned as absconding since long. Headley seems to be obligingly retrofitting the events that supposedly took place in the past.
For instance, one of the accused in the IM's southern India network, Ahmed Bava, arrested in Mangalore on October 3, 2008 in a police crackdown on the network, following the Batla House encounter in New Delhi, told interrogators that Riyaz Bhatkal, co-founder of the IM, and his brother Iqbal had made efforts to buy a fishing boat at Malpe near Mangalore on September 18, a day before the Batla House encounter occurred. According to Bava's account, the Bhatkal brothers quizzed a boat owner on a wide range of capabilities of a boat and negotiated a price in the range of Rs 20 lakh for it. They told Bava that the boat would be used for smuggling gold. According to police sources, who have questioned the boat owner, the prospective buyers never returned to close the deal.
Seen in the context of the NIA's interrogation of Headley in June 2010 where the American states that the LeT was trying to get a boat to transport the 26/11 attackers to India as early as September 2008, this effort to buy a boat in Mangalore by the IM operatives is being seen as a possible instance of the IM pitching in for the LeT for the Mumbai attacks. According to the executive summary of the NIA's interrogation of Headley, both the LeT and Pasha — who is linked to al-Qaeda elements like Illyas Kashmiri — were running parallel Karachi setups for operations in India.
"Ahmed Bava, arrested in Mangalore on October 3, 2008....told interrogators that Riyaz Bhatkal....had made efforts to buy a fishing boat at Malpe near Mangalore on September 18". Author doesn't say when he got this information, now, or back then in October 2008 when Bava told his interrogators. If back then, did he publicize it or sat on it till now? 
If he has got it now, then it is quite obvious that he is acting as a conduit to publicize that material, which would give an appearance that investigative agencies are painstakingly putting together different clues. 
From the evidence of the leads being chased by investigators into the July 13 triple bomb attack on Mumbai, it is fairly clear, though not overtly stated, that the focus is again on picking up lost threads of what is now known as the Indian Mujahideen network — from as far back as the 2002 attack on the American Center in Kolkata, involving gangster Aftab Ansari and IM co-founder Sadique Sheikh.
Why should the investigative agencies wait for another *terror attack* to happen for *picking up lost threads*? This clearly looks like a case for making a charge of dereliction of duty.  See below.
Who these people in Karachi were who were wanting to work for a terrorist network being operated by Syed Abdur Rehman Pasha, who is now on India's most wanted list of terrorists, is still not clear though there is anecdotal evidence from the interrogation of people like the most recently arrested Pakistan trained Indian Mujahideen operative, Salman Ahmed, that at least five top IM leaders who were in India till October 2008 are now in Karachi.
Ahmed Bava, arrested in Mangalore on October 3, 2008 in a police crackdown on the network
NIA's interrogation of Headley in June 2010
Most recently arrested operative Salman Ahmed was taken into custody way back in March 2010. Bava is in custody since October 2008. Headley's interrogation took place in June 2010. So all the LOST THREADS have been in the hands of investigating agencies since over a year. Why are they talking about it now after the July 2011 attacks? They should have known this for over a year at least. Something suspicious out there?
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Feroze Mithiborwala

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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