Friday, July 22, 2011

Fwd: Fw: US may be 'bankrolling' Afghan insurgents: audit 21 Jul 2011

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 3:14 AM
Subject: Fw: US may be 'bankrolling' Afghan insurgents: audit 21 Jul 2011

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From: CLG_News
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 6:57 PM
Subject: US may be 'bankrolling' Afghan insurgents: audit 21 Jul 2011

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
21 Jul 2011
All links are here:
Terrorists 'R Us: US may be 'bankrolling' Afghan insurgents: audit --Since 2002, the United States spent more than $70 billion in Afghanistan. 20 Jul 2011 US aid money could be fueling corruption and inadvertently bankrolling insurgents in Afghanistan because the United States is unable to closely track the funds, a government audit said Wednesday. The report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said the effect of massive US funding was jeopardized by a lack of financial controls as well as a deep reluctance by Afghan authorities to prosecute corruption cases. The audit reviewed oversight of US aid converted to cash, including electronic payments to contractors, and assessed American efforts to bolster the Kabul government's regulation of commercial banks [LOL! Too bad the GOP votes against that in the US] and informal hawala financial networks. [Instead of cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, why not get out of Afghanistan (and Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia) and use that money to pay down the debt?]
US abuses Afghans in secret jails: UN --Shir Khan says inmates are blindfolded, hanged from the ceiling and dogs are unleashed on them during interrogation. 20 Jul 2011 A new report by the UN shows the United States continues to abuse prisoners in secret CIA jails in other countries including Afghanistan. A UN inquiry says inmates are routinely forced to take off their clothes in secret CIA detention facilities in Afghanistan. The report also says many prisoners are denied access to lawyers and deprived of the right to visit their relatives. The developments come as a well-known Afghan prisoner named Shir Khan has said Washington still runs secret jails in Afghanistan despite US President Barack Obama's claim to the contrary.
Mortars hit near Afghan transition ceremony 19 Jul 2011 A mortar attack on Tuesday marred the transition of responsibility from NATO to Afghan officials in Mehtar Lam, the second of seven areas due to be transferred this week. Two mortar shells landed close to the town's government office in the eastern Afghan province of Laghman where senior government ministers and Afghan and foreign commanders were attending the formal handover. The Taliban claimed responsibility in a telephone call to AFP, but the provincial police chief denied the attack had happened.
US drone strike kills four in Pakistan 20 Jul 2011 A non-UN-sanctioned US drone attack has killed at least four people and wounded several others in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal area. The CIA-operated unmanned aerial vehicle fired two missiles at a house in Mir Ali area, which borders Afghanistan.

NATO fuel truck torched in Pakistan 21 Jul 2011 Taliban-linked militants in northwestern Pakistan have blown up a NATO oil truck carrying fuel for US-led foreign troops in Afghanistan, security officials say. In a fresh militant attack on the NATO containers heading from Pakistan to neighboring Afghanistan, the militants destroyed a NATO fuel truck on Thursday, Reuters reported. Pro-Taliban militants claim responsibility for such attacks, arguing that the assaults are in retaliation for non-UN-mandated US drone airstrikes on Pakistan's tribal regions.

Report: NZ quake exposes possible Israeli spy ring --Newspaper: One victim may have been agent, and police computers may have been target 19 Jul 2011 One of the victims of the February earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, may have been an Israeli spy, according to a report in The Southland Times. The man, Ofer Benyamin Mizrahi, was carrying five passports with him at the time of his death, according to the Times. The newspaper's reports centered around a possible breach of New Zealand's national police computers. The Times said police and the nation's Security Intelligence Service were investigating.
Israel stops French boat near Gaza Strip 19 Jul 2011 At least three Israeli military ships have surrounded a small French boat as it approached the Gaza Strip to break Israel's blockade of the Palestinian coastal sliver. "The boat is surrounded by at least three Israeli ships and since 9:06 a.m. local time (0706 GMT) all the communications have been jammed. We can't get in touch with them by phone or by Internet," Julien Rivoire, an organizer for the pro-Palestinian voyage, told AFP on Tuesday. More than 300 activists from 22 countries have signed up to participate in Freedom Flotilla II.
Japan to name new Fukushima 'hot spots': report 21 Jul 2011 The Japanese government will announce new "hot spots" recommended for evacuation near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant possibly "within the next couple of days," Kyodo News reported Thursday, citing Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano. Late last month, for the first time since the nuclear crisis was began in March, the government designated about 100 households in the city of Date in Fukushima Prefecture as being located in the so-called hot spots, where radiation levels are sporadically higher than other locations nearby.
False flag alert! New Terror Report Warns of Insider Threat to Utilities 20 Jul 2011 Sabotage by an insider at a major utility facility, including a chemical or oil refinery, could provide al Qaeda with its best opportunity for the kind of massive Sept. 11 anniversary attack Osama bin Laden was planning, according to U.S. officials. A new intelligence report from the Department of Homeland Security issued Tuesday, titled Insider Threat to Utilities, warns "violent extremists have, in fact, obtained insider positions," and that "outsiders have attempted to solicit utility-sector employees" for damaging physical and cyber attacks.
FBI arrests 16 Anons across US; UK police pick up LulzSec member 19 Jul 2011 The FBI has made a series of raids at addresses across the US and arrested 16 people accused of participating in Anonymous-branded cyberattacks. Arrests were made in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Ohio, with further raids and equipment seizures conducted in New York. 14 of those arrested have been charged with conspiring with others to damage computer systems belonging to PayPal. PayPal was the victim of a distributed denial of service attack performed by Anonymous after the site blocked the ability to donate money to WikiLeaks, an action named "Operation Avenge Assange."
FBI arrests 16 in Anonymous hacking investigation 19 Jul 2011 Sixteen people were arrested in the United States today in connection with hacking attacks by the Anonymous group of online activists, as well as one person in the U.K. and four people in the Netherlands, the U.S. Department of Justice said. An indictment filed last week in San Jose, Calif., names 14 people accused of conspiring to intentionally damage protected computers at PayPal last December in retribution for PayPal suspending WikiLeaks' account to prevent supporters from donating to the whistleblower site.
'Someone's coming to get me': Terrified phone-hacking whistleblower feared for his life before he was found dead --Police probing former showbiz reporter's 'suicide' 19 Jul 2011 The man who launched the entire phone hacking scandal... believed someone was out to get him, a friend has revealed. Sean Hoare, who was found dead at his flat in Watford, Hertfordshire, yesterday, had spent much of the last weeks of his life 'hiding' in his flat with the curtains drawn. Last night a friend and neighbour claimed Mr Hoare, 47, had become increasingly reclusive and 'paranoid' in recent weeks. 'He would talk about someone from the Government coming to get him,' he said. 'He'd say to me, "If anyone comes by, don't say I'm in".
Reporters in trouble for covering Murdoch pie attack 21 Jul 2011 Two journalists who covered the aftermath of Tuesday's shaving cream attack on Rupert Murdoch were briefly suspended from working in the British Parliament on Wednesday, after falling afoul of authorities there. One of those suspended was BBC producer Paul "Gobby" Lambert, who captured the assailant being dragged away by police. Lawmaker Louise Mensch told the House of Commons that officials had revoked Lambert's parliamentary pass for breaking strict rules on where journalists can film. The Press Association news agency said its reporter Theo Usherwood was also suspended for covering the same incident.
Murdochs in the dock 19 Jul 2011 The phone hacking scandal that has claimed the jobs of Britain's two most high-profile police officers, caused the closure of one of the country's most famous newspapers, prompted 10 arrests so far and led to calls for the resignation of the Prime Minister reaches a critical juncture today with a moment of high drama to rival anything that the British media has produced before... The founder and the appointed heir to the world's most famous media empire will take centre stage in the next act of the hacking saga. Rupert and James Murdoch will sit before a panel of MPs and face questions that the company over which they preside was involved in phone hacking on an "industrial scale", made illegal payments to police officers and sought to corrupt the democratic process by "owning" politicians.
Bill Clinton: I would raise the debt limit and 'force the courts to stop me' [Right, but Obusha is a Wall Street/GOP troll, so that won't happen.] 19 Jul 2011 Former President Bill Clinton said he would raise the nation's legal borrowing limit on his own if he had to and "force the courts to stop me" in order to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt obligations for the first time in history... But "if it came to that," [the August 2 deadline] he would raise the debt ceiling using powers granted under the 14th amendment of the Constitution. The amendment says that the validity of the public debt shall not be questioned.
Democrats win first Wisconsin recall race 20 Jul 2011 In Wisconsin's Summer of Decision, the first round went to the Democrats. State Sen. Dave Hansen of Green Bay defeated Republican David VanderLeest. Hansen won big, 66 percent to 34 percent, on a healthy turnout that Democrats took as a good sign for the eight remaining recall elections spurred by a revolt against Gov. Scott Walker and the anti-union legislation he pushed through a Republican-controlled legislature.
'Gang of Six' Plan Cuts Corporate Taxes, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid [Thanks, Obusha!] 19 Jul 2011 The "Gang of Six" returned to life today in the U.S. Senate, unveiling a plan for $3.7 trillion in budget savings over 10 years, breathing new life into the drive to reach a bipartisan [Wall Street] deal on the budget, which could then pave the way for an increase in the nation's debt ceiling [which GOP hypocrites voted for *seven times* under unelected George W. Sociopath and referred to their vote on the Sunday talk show circuit as 'routine house-keeping'].
Democrats, Republicans vow trillions in US spending cuts --President Obama hailed the Gang of Six proposal while at the same time admitting he had not even read it. By Patrick Martin 21 Jul 2011 Talks on raising the federal debt ceiling resumed at the White House Wednesday, as leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties declared their support for rival measures that would slash trillions from Social Security, Medicare and other vital federal social programs... The framework for the bipartisan budget talks continues to shift to the right, in the wake of Obama's decision to put Social Security on the table and propose overall cuts even greater than those initially demanded by the Congressional Republicans.
Allen West: Apology to Wasserman Schultz 'is not happening' 21 Jul 2011 Rep. Allen West (Teabagger-Fla.) says he is not apologizing to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz for attacking the Florida Democrat in an e-mail. "That is not happening," West told Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney Thursday morning when asked whether he plans to apologize to Wasserman Schultz, who is the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. In his message to Wasserman Schultz, which he copied to House Republican and Democratic leaders, West said that the lawmaker was "not a Lady" for criticizing his support for the "Cut, Cap and Balance" plan in remarks on the House floor. West also called the Democrat "vile" and "despicable" and said that she should "shut the heck up." A group of five House Democratic women on Wednesday called on House leaders to rebuke West for his remarks; leadership has yet to weigh in on the incident.

GOP lawmaker unleashes email tirade at colleague 19 Jul 2011 A Republican congressman from Florida turned to email on Tuesday to call a Democratic colleague from the state "vile, despicable and cowardly" after she called into question his stance on Medicare during the debate over a spending cap and balanced budget bill before the House. Rep. Allen West, a first-term Republican from south Florida, sent his derogatory email to numerous lawmakers as well as his target, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. The subject line of the email: "Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman Schultz."

Stress-related condition 'incapacitates' Bachmann; heavy pill use alleged 19 Jul 2011 Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) frequently suffers from stress-induced medical episodes that she has characterized as severe headaches. These episodes, say witnesses, occur once a week on average and can "incapacitate" her for days at time. On at least three occasions, Bachmann has landed in the hospital as a result... Sources who spoke to The Daily Caller said they did so because they are terrified about the impact the condition could have on Bachmann's performance if she actually became president. "It's a careful choice of words I used: 'incapacitated,'" the adviser says.
Longest Polar Bear Swim Recorded--426 Miles Straight --Study predicts more long-distance swims due to shrinking sea ice. 20 Jul 2011 A female polar bear swam for a record-breaking nine days straight, traversing 426 miles (687 kilometers) of water--equivalent to the distance between Washington, D.C., and Boston, a new study says. The predator made her epic journey in the Beaufort Sea, where sea ice is shrinking due to global warming, forcing mother bears to swim greater and greater distances to reach land—to the peril of their cubs. The cub of the record-setting bear, for instance, died at some point between starting the swim and when the researchers next observed the pair on land. The mother also lost 22 percent of her body weight.
Polar Bear Cubs Dying: Forced to Swim Longer Distances 19 Jul 2011 Polar bear cubs forced to swim long distances with their mothers appear to have a higher mortality rate than cubs that didn't have to swim as far, a new study reports. The polar bear cubs are forced to go further afield as their icy Arctic habitat are melting. Polar bears hunt, feed and give birth on ice or on land, and are not naturally aquatic creatures. Previous reports have noted individual animals swimming hundreds of miles to reach ice platforms or land.
Shock forecast: NOAA predicts heat index of 116 in Washington, D.C. Friday 19 Jul 2011 NOAA has upped its peak heat index prediction for D.C. Friday to a stunning, sweltering [globally-warmed] 116 degrees. Remarkably, it predicts there is a 90 percent chance it will reach at least 110 and a 100 percent chance of at least 105. Earlier today, NOAA was predicting a maximum heat index of 109 Friday. And poor Richmond, Va.! NOAA projects its heat index will soar to a stifling 118 degrees.
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