Friday, July 1, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Friday, 01 July 2011

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Date: Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 9:32 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Friday, 01 July 2011


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Rebel Newsflash (by )

That man is dangerous (by Yossi Sarid)

Who knows him better than his faithful, loyal servants? Do we not understand what they are telling us? After all, there is no witness to confidential events like the most loyal disciples.



Our Tahrir Square (by Doron Rosenblum)

The real revolution has been here for a long time. But as we search for it in Rabin Square, it is shaking the ground in Jerusalem and the hilltops. It seeks to take us back to a theocracy while strengthening the besieged ghetto mentality.

The trend of looking to imitate the Arab uprisings by finding "our" Tahrir Square met only partial success in the cottage cheese boycott and the...


A warning from a good friend (by Haaretz Editorial)

Benajmin Neyanyahu should take the advice of Ron Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, seriously. Lauder wants what is good for Israel and is concerned by its growing international isolation.

An unexpected voice joined the critics of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's standstill policy this week: Ron Lauder. The president of the...


A racist, messianic rabbi is the ruler of Israel (by Sefi Rachlevsky)

Rabbi of Kiryat Arba municipality, Dov Lior, returned from questioning on charges of incitement after publishing his approval of a book discussing when it is acceptable to kill non-Jews under Halacha, to his well-paid position and teaching at Nir hesder yeshiva. Without dramatic change in these matters, Israel will make all of its laws illegal.



Silent no longer (by Claude Kandiyoti)

More and more Jews outside Israel have ceased to understand what the government in Jerusalem stands for and where it is leading its nation and the whole Jewish people.

Several weeks ago, in Prague, I participated in a meeting of young Jewish leaders from all over the world. None were part of any political party, although we all belong to a...


An academic war zone (by Jonathan Judaken)

Rather than serving as fodder for another melee in the political war over the 'new anti-Semitism,' the controversy over the Yale Initiative should serve as a wake-up call.

In recent weeks, the front lines in the battle over the "new anti-Semitism" have moved to Yale University. A controversy has raged over the decision by Yale to shutter...


Isolating ourselves to death (by Yoel Marcus)

Bibi succeeded in obliterating Obama's mistakes on the peace issue because his own were more serious. He created a situation of appearing to be excessively unwilling to stop the settlements.

Were someone to ask me which of the two headlines in Wednesday's issue of Haaretz worried me more - that about the flotilla to Gaza or Barak Ravid's...


Of medication and morality (by Guy Kahane)

Even if 'moral pills' are just science fiction, they raise deep questions. Will we want to take them if they ever become available?

In Anthony Burgess' novella (and Stanley Kubrick's film ) "A Clockwork Orange," Alex, an unrepentant psychopath, has his eyes pried wide open and is forced to watch violent images. Like Pavlov's dog, Alex is...


A critical test for the police (by Uri Gopher)

The police cannot afford to waste time; the department must take the initiative now if it wishes to reverse the worrying trend in its relations with Arab society.

For many Arab citizens, the murders last month of Hadra Abu Gariba in Lod and Sammy Katar in Yarka - the 15th and 16th murders of Arab-Israelis this year - are not only...


King Lior and his subjects (by Sefi Rachlevsky)

When King Lior parted from the evildoers, who had detained him for an hour of questioning, he turned to Mercaz Harav Yeshiva, where he was borne on the shoulders of those celebrating his messianic kingdom. Once again, he began to use the many official positions that entitle him to tens of thousands of shekels each month, and gave a class at...


'The Audacity Of Hope' waits to sail for Gaza (by Mark Weisbrot)

The 'Palestinians' transition to non-violent protests' deeply concerns the Israeli government and its US backers.

An American flag is seen from inside the US boat to Gaza at Perama port near Athens, Greece [REUTERS]

One of the most important foreign policy statements of the year came from Ehud Barak, Israel's Defense Minister, on May 16. Responding to non-violent...


Fighting 'hate speech' smears on Sheikh Salah (by Robert Lambert)

Palestinian activist Sheikh Raed Salah was barred from the UK due to unfair allegations from neo-conservatives.

Like other Muslim leaders, Sheikh Raed Salah (C) has been unfairly targeted by British authorities, author says [EPA] 

Writing in the Guardian newspaper Hanan Zoabi, a member of the Knesset, where she represents the Balad Party, asks how Sheikh Raed Salah's...


Chemical Warfare? People back to central Athens after violent riots (by Russia Today)

Greece has voted on a second bill in the final step towards implementing the next wave of austerity measures. Its the last hurdle that Athens has to jump to qualify for a new stack of European bailout funds. Let's cross live to the heart of Athens, financial journalist Demetri Kofinas is there for us.

Source: Russia Today

'US economy as unstable as Greece's' (by PressTV)

Greek parliamentarians have approved new austerity measures despite colossal disagreements by protestors who have been struggling to get their opposition to the measures heard.

Press TV talks with David Korten, author of Agenda for a New Economy from...


'Greek bailouts, short-term solutions' (by PressTV)

The Greek parliament has recently voted to sharply reduce government spending and sell off some of its national assets as a rescue plan to bail the country out of a deep debt crisis.

Press TV has interviewed Shahrar Ali, spokesman of Green Party and Green...


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Palash Biswas
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