Monday, July 25, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Pak military vs USA?+3 H.Tahrir issuesabducted+Saudi document+Dr. Badri+Yemen+Baluch agony & Islam+Spotlights on children

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From: kaukab siddique <>
Date: Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 9:07 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Pak military vs USA?+3 H.Tahrir issuesabducted+Saudi document+Dr. Badri+Yemen+Baluch agony & Islam+Spotlights on children
To: kaukab <>


New Trend Magazine
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Shaban 22, 1432/July 24, 2011
Inspiring article on Maulana Maudoodi by Sudanese scholar Dr. Malik Badri of Sudan. Introduction. Scroll way down.
Three Hizb-ut-tahrir activists have been abducted by Paki secret agents in Islamabad. Scroll down to report.
Latest News:
July 20: Saudis are bringing repressive law to crush dissent and stop criticism of the King. Please scroll way down, [Leaked to Amnesty International.]
July 22: Massive demonstrations against the tyrant Assad of Syria. Looks like Islamic demonstrators have taken over the city of Hama. First protest in Allepo.
July 22: Huge anti-regime demonstrations in Yemen. Also, for unexpected developments, please scroll way down
July 23: In Libya, Islamic resistance groups are advancing on three fronts against Qaddafi's troops.
July 1-20: Fighting continues across Afghanistan. Seven French troops were killed in Kapisa province by mujahideen Taliban on July 19. Another 45 NATO troops have been killed in 20 days. Two British Muslims captured by Karazai's men in Herat and handed over to the Brits. 22 Taliban killed in NATO attacks in three provinces.
An Invitation to think
Spotlights from Imam Badi Ali, Jamaat al-Muslimeen, N.C.
Spotlight #1. Some people here care more for their cars than for the upbringing of their children.
Spotlight #2: Raising children is a full time job. It is a hard job and if both parents are missing during most of the day, that's a form of child abuse.
Spotlight #3: We do not allow strangers to talk to our children. Why do we allow criminals and predators on the Internet to meet our children?
Spotlight #4: We must teach tolerance and love to our children but then we find children being killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan by the occupiers. What kind of message is that for our children?
Spotlight #5: Having children and loving them is not enough. What if you have a late model PC and love it? Don't you have to study how it works and all about its complexities?
Spotlight #6: We give chores to children. How they do those chores sometimes depends on how we, the adults, do our chores. Are we sloppy or doing it well?
Spotlight #7: Norway: Why are US Muslims always apologizing about what other people do. Sometimes we jump to apologize for the bad deeds of Muslims. We get so used to jumping, that now we jump to apologize for what a non-Muslim has done lest we be blamed.. We are responsible for what we do: not for the deeds of others.
Jamaat al-Muslimeen Press Release: Two items: contact:
1. The arrest of 62 year old Ghulam Nabi Fai [on July 19 in Fairfax, Virginia] indicates that the US has decided to take sides with India against the Kashmiri people. Mr. Fai is a patriot of America and has never criticized US policies. He lived comfortably and may have been receiving funds to influence congress [which needs to be proven]. If he has been doing this for 20 years, why his arrest now? Ms. Hillary Clinton's visit to India and USA's total swing towards India is indicated by the timing of Fai's arrest.
1a. Don't AIPAC and other agents of Israel constantly try to supply congressmen? Why are pro-Israelis not treated like Mr. Fai?
1b: India has a 700,000 man occupation army in Kashmir. President Obama should at least mention the Kashmiri girl who was raped by Indian troops last week.
1c. Masoud Khan's arrest for being anti-India led to his sentence  of 90 years during the Bush regime. US Muslims forgot Masoud and now we have the case of Fai. Why don't  we protest in a timely fashion?
2. We view with shock and horror that only two days back the UN recognized the suffering of the Somali people. For years the horrors of war have been visited on them. Why is the US treating the Islamic movement of al-Shabab as a terrorist group? Has the group ever done anything against the US? The least the US can do is to remove the ban on hawala transfers so that Somalis in America can send money home. Without US support for the clique in Mogadishu, there would be Islamic rule in all of Somalia. Why not recognize Islam as the legitimate will of the Somali people? Africa is Muslim and is becoming Islamic rapidly. Why fight against the wave of the future? Why not allow Muslim charities to go in? Why does the UN want European charities only?
Islamic literature distributed in 104° degree Weather.
100 Muslims reached in Newark, Delaware
On July 22, 2011 after Juma prayers at the Islamic Center of Delaware in Newark. a 4-page unit of Islamic literature was given to 100 Muslims, mostly Arabs and Indo-Pakistanis with a very few African-Americans.
Page 1 of the info was about Jamaat-e-Islami 's anti-US rally in Gujranwala [Pakistan] plus Munawar Hasan's support for Amna Janjua's disappeared [by government] husband.
Page 2 was about the human rights conference in Detroit about political prisoner Shifa Sadequee, Tarek Mehanna and Kifah Jayyousi as well as the widening net of FBI surveillance and repression.
Page 3 was about Dr. Siddique's uncovering of CAIR's role in the suffering of US Muslims now imprisoned in Pakistan. [CAIR plays the role of "Muslim" Zionists.]
Also, reported on p.3 were Imam Badi Ali's Spotlights and his invitation to think plus an article which shows that most of the opposition to Qaddafi is Islamic.
Page 4 was Sis. Nadrat's article on the scientific reasons for not eating pork which underlie the Qur'anic prohibition of pork. [Good gift for non-Muslim friends.]
The mosque was packed in anticipation of Ramadan. Must have been about 400 or more people, many of them teenagers. The imam did a good job of comparing preparation for Ramadan with preparation for running the marathon. One doesn't just get up and start running. It takes months of preparation. The imam's prayer for the success of the uprisings in Egypt, Yemen, Syria. Libya was good too but this he said only in Arabic.       The heat was intense but the Muslims' faith was stronger.
Jamaat prayer room in key area of New York
The prayer room will be open, to start with, only on Saturday and Sunday.
The address is:  350 Stirling st., #5G, Brooklyn, New York 11225
Phone: 718-974-3190   [Ask for Br. Winston. He is West Indian.]
Impact of Mass Imprisonment in America
[This was received by Jamaat al-Muslimeen supporter Sis. Aamira in Philadelphia]
Greetings Key Faith Leader,
Increasingly, communities of faith are recognizing the affect and impact of the Criminal Justice system on the communities in which family support ministries are invested and in greatest demand. One such impact is mass incarceration of individuals detained or convicted of various criminal charges, who are otherwise, most needed by families at risk. Please consider attending the upcoming free "Mass Incarceration Summit" hosted by the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity. You must pre-register for this free summit at 215-748-6510
After Osama: Pakistanis Complicit or Incompetent?
 Change will come, Planned or Unplanned?
by Kaukab Siddique
The US raid which killed Shaykh Osama bin Laden has brought Pakistan to the crossroads of history. Will it choose independence or subservience?
The Americans and the Pakistani leadership are squabbling. Gradually the differences between them have come out.
You are Complicit
The Americans are complaining that how could the Pakistanis not know that Osama was concealed in close vicinity to their premier military academy known as Kakul. If the Americans really doubt the Pakistanis, it would mean that that they are accusing the Pakistanis, in particular the intelligence agency known as ISI, as being complicit with  al-Qaida.
The Americans are also indicating that they now have so much infiltration in Pakistan that they can bring about changes within Pakistani intelligence itself. American top brass Mullen suddenly revealed that ISI was involved in the murder, after torture, of noted Pakistani journalist Shahzad Saleem. This was like a warning to the ISI that "you cannot hide anything from us" which of course contradicts the American assumption that ISI was able to hide Shaykh Osama for so long.
We are Incompetent
The Pakistani regime is insisting that it was not complicit with Shaykh Osama. It really did not know that the Islamic leader was hiding in plain sight. General Shuja, the ISI chief, rushed [or was rushed] to Washington to purportedly argue the ruthless intelligence agency's incompetence or more politely "inability" and ignorance related to the presence of America's enemy number one.
Pakistani Nationalists Flabbergasted
Some Pakistanis have a high opinion of the country's military. They still count the troops killed in fighting the Pakistani Taliban as "shaheed."  They sense treachery in the military's inability to stop the US raid on Osama's home in Abbotabad. There is grumbling among them. They still can't face the fact that the Pakistani military generals, like the politicians, sold out a long time ago. The operations in Islamabad [the attack on the Red Mosque/Jamia Hafsa] by General Musharraf and by General Kayani in Swat were indications that the military has become a branch of US intervention against Islam.
The drone attacks originated inside Pakistan, and even when launched from Afghanistan, they have the support of the Pakistani military. The military has not even pretended to protest.
Planned Change
Pakistan still has a chance to bring about planned change. Its institutions are intact. It is a nuclear power. It could easily do the following:
1. Withdraw its troops from the Islamic northern areas including Swat and send them back to the border with India and to the cease fire line in Kashmir.
2. Start a process of reconciliation in Baluchistan, with a trial of General Musharraf.
3. Stop the appointment of retired military men to civilian positions.
4. Ask the masses if they want Shar'ia and implement it if they want it, starting with Swat and Dir where the people have already supported Shar'ia law.
5. Replace Zardari, Gilani and Kayani with a new leadership.
6. Enhance the relationship with China and Iran.
7. Strict accounting for all income and expenditure.
Unplanned Change [1]
The Pakistani people are no longer timid and naive. They are cynical about the corrupt men in power. The police have lost all respect and there is growing contempt for the military. [A handful of Pakistani Taliban resisted 1500 Pakistani troops in the Mehran Navy Center in Karachi for 16 hours.]
An uprising of the masses is quite possible in Pakistan. Most of the people are in serious economic trauma. The people are aware that economic fundamentals should be available to them. The rich are served by the poor and the poor can see what an improved life style can mean.
The people are patient and largely non-violent because of Sufi religious influences. It is a matter of time that someone like Maulana Bhashani will turn up and urge the poor to rise against the rich who are violating God's law.
The mosques could easily lead an uprising but the Islamic leadership is badly divided. They do not see that Islam is under attack. They see sects: Shia, Sunni, Deobandi and Berelvi. The religious leaders did not unite and rise up even when the Red Mosque was attacked and later when the military removed the entire population of Swat and turned it into a free fire zone.
The mosques could lead an "unplanned" uprising if the religious leaders unite. A charismatic leader who spoke for ALL the Islamic groups and was willing to give his life might be the catalyst for the uprising. [Another Umar Mukhtar, Usman Dan Fodio, Imam Khomeini, Mullah Omar or Syed Ahmed shaheed.]
Unplanned Change [2] 
Brahmin India keeps a close eye on Pakistan.  India can see Pakistan fighting a war against itself. It can see Pakistani leaders totally at the beck and call of USA. It can see Baluchistan getting alienated from the brutal Paki regime there.
The power of a secular ethnic group, MQM, in Karachi along with secular ethnic groups under the banners of ANP and PPP is eroding Karachi's position as an essential part of Pakistan.
If India decides to create serious trouble in Karachi, it could easily throttle Pakistan's only major port outlet to the world. [Gwadur is still small.] MQM is ripe for treachery like the Northern Alliance which facilitated American victory in Afghanistan. The leader of MQM, Altaf Hussain, accused of major crimes in Pakistan, lives comfortably under British protection in England.
Conclusion: Pakistan is the power house of Islam. It could easily succeed as an independent state in spite of pressures from the US and India. The condition is that the Islamic forces plan strategically and not get bogged down in day to day tactical moves. For the US and India, anyone who prays, fasts, has a beard [or hijab] is a fundamentalist. That would mean most Pakistanis. Anyone who protests or demonstrates for Islam and against the US/India is deemed an extremist [like Jamaate Islami]. One who picks up weapons, be it Pakistani Taliban or anyone else, is a terrorist.
Countrywide Islamic Rallies Condemn Military rule in Baluchistan: Murder and humiliation of Baluchis by Kayani
Pakistan's future linked to Baluchistan, JI

Quetta, July 19: The Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan expressed its complete solidarity with the people of

Baluchistan on Tuesday, on the appeal of the JI chief, Syed Munawar Hasan.

Addressing the huge gathering at the JI sit-in at Quetta during the day, Syed Munawar Hasan said the future of Pakistan was linked with Baluchistan. He said that the rulers in Islamabad had fallen prey to the conspiracies of the US and other western colonial powers which could darken the future of the country.

He said the people of Baluchistan were being provoked through continuing military operations and maimed dead bodies of their missing people to fulfill the international agenda.

Syed Munawar Hasan counseled the rulers to learn a lesson from the developments in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab countries where the US agents in power had been swept away by the mass movement. 

Syed Munawar Hasan said both the federal and the provincial governments were to be blamed for the present deprivations of Baluchistan.  He urged President Zardari the Prime Minister Gilani to give up oppressive policies against the Baluchistan people to escape divine wrath. He said the JI had been continuously stopping the masses from taking to the path of revolt but if the rulers did not mend their ways, the situation could change.

 He said the latest come back of the MQM was the sixth in recent times. He  said Mian Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Husain had been providing crutches to the Zardari government for the last three years. The Grand Alliance, he said, in fact aimed at saving the Zardari government.

The solidarity with Baluchistan camp in Lahore was set up at  Faisal Chowk and was  attended by thousands of people. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Farid Ahmed Piracha called upon the government to stop military operation in Baluchistan and accept the genuine demands of the people there.

In the federal capital, a demonstration was held in front of the Islamabad Press Club. Speaking on the occasion, JI Secretary General, Liaquat Baloch said that the whole nation was with the Baluchistan people and the rulers could not deprive the Baluchis of their rights for long. .

In Karachi, the solidarity camp was set up at Empress Market. Senior JI leader Prof. Ghafoor Ahmed and JI Karachi chief Muhammad Husain Mehnati addressed the gathering. In his address, Prof. Ghafoor Ahmed said that the federal government attitude towards the Baluchistan people was improper which was deepening a sense of deprivation among them. 

In Peshawar, the Solidarity camp was set up at the Yadgar Chowk, Addressing the gathering at the spot, JI deputy chief  Sirajul Haq said the people of Baluchistan were our brothers and we shared their grief and problems. He said if the government did not correct its behaviour towards the Baluchistan people, the entire nation would rise in their support.

The Solidarity camp in Hyderabad was set up at the local Press Club and was addressed by the JI Sindh chief Asadullau Bhutto. Speaking on the occasion, Asadullah Bhutto said the people of Sindh won't allow the rulers to exploit the people of Baluchistan any more.

In Multan, the solidarity camp was set up at Chowk Ghanta Ghar. Speaking on  the occasion, JI Punjab chief, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar said that the rulers were selling out the precious mineral wealth of Baluchistan for peanuts while this wealth actually belonged to the Baluchistan people.
[Report from Shamsuddin Amjad, Lahore.]
Latest war news from Yemen:
July 20: A British shipping consultant was killed in a bomb explosion in Aden.
July 21: The army offensive on Zinjibar has stalled but it succeeded in killing several al-Qaida fighters including a local leader.
Heavy Fighting in Yemen after al-Qaida took two towns and an army base.
25th Army Brigade asks for Help. Tanks & 500 troops trying to break through.
[Courtesy: Yemen Online.]
July 18, 2011

Yemeni forces backed by armed tribesman launched an offensive to try to retake the southern provincial capital of Zinjibar yesterday, after months of fierce fighting with al-Qaeda militants who seized two cities and an army base in the area. Dozens have been killed and some 54,000 civilians have fled the flashpoint southern province of Abyan, which has descended into daily bloodshed as the army faces a rising challenge from militants the government says have ties to al Qaeda.
After weeks of pleas for support from a besieged military brigade near Abyan's capital Zinjibar, Yemen sent reinforcements aiming to flush militants out of the seaside city. Zinjibar sits down the coastline from the strategic Bab al-Mandab strait, where some 3 million barrels of oil pass daily.

The head of the Defence Ministry sent reinforcements including tanks, rocket launchers, and 500 extra soldiers," a local official said. "These forces began attacking (the city) backed by heavy tank shelling and rocket attacks from naval ships in order to liberate the 25th brigade just outside Zinjibar and under siege for over a month.

Residents told Reuters by telephone they saw army ambulances screeching through the city, filled with wounded people.

Yemen Times photo of two Al-Qaida fighters moving openly in the key port city of Aden.
Aden is still under government control.
Written by Abdul Jabbar [London, England]
Excerpted: July 22, 2011
Member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Osama Haneef abducted on his way to his office In Islamabad, Pakistan

 Whilst the whereabouts of the Deputy to the Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan, Imran Yousufzai, and Hizb member, Hayan Khan, remain unknown, the secret agencies have abducted yet another member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Osama Haneef, a graduate of NUST and a Telecom Engineer, whilst he was on his way to his office today, at nine am.
 This is the third abduction in Islamabad so far, this month.
  Engineer Aftab, who was abducted in Multan, has finally been "recovered" from the secret agencies and put behind bars by the police. It is regrettable that the courts have handed him back to the brutal police for "physical remand", instead of ordering his release.
As for Osama, a young father of a baby girl, he has had an outstanding academic record and is an outstanding and respected individual. He was one of the best students in the nationally reputed National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST). The abduction of Osama has proved that the government agencies have absolutely no regard for the law of the country. Yet, when it comes to crushing Muslims they claim the "sanctity" of Kufr law and justify the burning of the chaste Muslim girls of Jama-e-Hafsa with white phosphorus. Moreover, they present the argument that the students of Lal Masjid challenged the writ of the state, because they abducted corrupt people.
 We ask the government doesn't its abduction of Hizb members by secret agencies  violate this writ? Will the transgressors of this "sacred writ" be punished in the same way as the girls of Jama-e-Hafsa? And the same false excuse is being used for the current military operations in Kurram and Mohmand Agencies of the Tribal region. Millions of people have become homeless and tanks and fighter planes are bombing the tribal people. This brutal act was not even committed by India in Kashmir, during their operations against the so-called terrorists.

Proposed Saudi Arabian anti-terror law would strangle peaceful protest

Amnesty International obtained a copy of the draft anti-terrorism law
Amnesty International obtained a copy of the draft anti-terrorism law

22 July 2011

A draft Saudi Arabian anti-terrorism law obtained by Amnesty International would allow the authorities to prosecute peaceful dissent as a terrorist crime.

The organization has obtained copies of the Draft Penal Law for Terrorism Crimes and Financing of Terrorism, which would also allow extended detention without charge or trial. Questioning the integrity of the King or the Crown Prince would carry a minimum prison sentence of 10 years.

The leak of the draft comes as ongoing peaceful protests across the Middle East and North Africa are being met with government repression.

"This draft law poses a serious threat to freedom of expression in the Kingdom in the name of preventing terrorism," said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Deputy Middle East and North Africa Director.

"If passed it would pave the way for even the smallest acts of peaceful dissent to be branded terrorism and risk massive human rights violations."

A Saudi Arabian government security committee reviewed the draft law in June but it is not known when or if it might be passed.

'Terrorist crimes'

The definition of "terrorist crimes" in the draft is so broad that it lends itself to wide interpretation and abuse, and would in effect criminalize legitimate dissent.

Under the draft law, terrorist crimes would include such actions as "endangering…national unity", "halting the basic law or some of its articles", or "harming the reputation of the state or its position".

Violations of the law would carry harsh punishments. The death penalty would be applied to cases of taking up arms against the state or for any "terrorist crimes" that result in death.

A number of other key provisions in the draft law run counter to Saudi Arabia's international legal obligations, including those under the UN Convention against Torture.

Detainees' rights

The draft law allows for suspects to be held in incommunicado detention for up to 120 days, or for longer periods – potentially indefinitely – if authorized by a specialized court.

Incommunicado detention facilitates torture or other ill-treatment and prolonged detention of that nature can itself amount to torture.

Detainees in incommunicado detention are also, by definition, denied access to a lawyer during their investigation.

The draft law allows for arbitrary detention: it denies detainees the right to be promptly brought before a judge, and to be released or tried within a reasonable time. It gives the specialized court the power to detain without charge or trial for up to a year, and to extend such detention indefinitely. Detainees are not given a means to challenge the lawfulness of their detention in front of a court.

It also fails to include a clear prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment.

The draft law gives wide-ranging powers to the Minister of the Interior "to take the necessary actions to protect internal security from any terrorist threat." It does not allow for judicial authorization or oversight of these actions. 

"At a time when people throughout the Middle East and North Africa have been exercising their legitimate right to express dissent and call for change, Saudi Arabian authorities have been seeking to squash this right for its citizens," said Philip Luther.

"King Abdullah must reconsider this law and ensure that his people's legitimate right to freedom of expression is not curtailed in the name of fighting terrorism."

Syed Maudoodi: A testimony and a Comparison

By Dr. Malik Badri [Sudan]


American University of Beirut and Muslim Students:


In 1953, I was admitted to the American University of Beirut. At that time this university was still under the influence of extreme anti-Islamic sentiments of the era of the Crusades. In was in reality a Christian missionary institution, though not outwardly so. Most of the students were Muslims but three times a week they had to participate in religious discussions held in the university's church. A covert purpose of these discussions was to imbue the minds of students with the concepts of western modernism. Students who excused themselves from these programs were assigned difficult research topics in the library. Already burdened by regular course work, students usually chose the easy way out by going to the university church.

At the conclusion of each lecture or sermon, the speaker told the students to get up and join in a Christian religious song. Christian and students from western countries loved the loud music in the chapel and joined in the chorus. Muslim students would stand by quietly or pretended to join the crowd. I was 21 at the time and I had grown up in a westernized family living in British occupied Sudan. In spite of all that, as Muslim I felt the humiliation of these activities.

During the first two years of their studies, all the students were required to complete two courses in addition to the syllabus. The first required course was titled "Islamic Philosophy," This course , usually taught by Christians, had been compiled on the basis of the work of al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, and early Muslim philosophers like Ikhwan-us-Safa who had apparently been influenced by Greek philosophers. Long drawn out and vague arguments went on about the claims of these philosophers when God was cognitive of the personal lives of humans , whether humans have freedom of choice or is everything pre-ordained? If God has be pre-ordained everything, how can justice be fulfilled? Is life after death meant for both body and soul or is it only for the soul or is there any collective life after death?  Is the death of the human after life the ultimate end? Is the moon located on the third heaven or on the sixth? And should the prophet  or the philosopher be considered a better human being?

For Muslim students coming from secondary schools in the rural areas of Arab countries, these issues created complexities and anarchic thoughts which had been culled from the ancient books of Muslim philosophers with great expertise.  These were being presented as the refined Islamic thought of early Muslim philosophers. Some incidents from Muslim history had been cleverly included in this course which were meant to underline differences between Sunnis and Shi'as. Some of these were the conflicts between Usman, r.a., Ali, r.a. and Muawiyya, r.a., as well as the Battle of the Camel and the role of Ayesha, r.a in it.

The second course based on General Education was extensive, covering 12 credit hours, which covered  the evolution of humanity from the birth of the first man to the appearance of the modern, western, man. Ancient and modern history, evolution, art, architecture, philosophy, religions and other social stories had been expertly woven into this course. Guest scholars were invited to join the university's  professors in teaching this course, The students, already bewildered by the first course on "Islamic philosophy" were brought towards the assumption that western modernism is indeed the apogee of human civilization. In the fifties, this education was enough to convince the new generations affected by western colonialism.  Such were the common experiences of students in that era of trial and tribulation.

The Great Favor done me by Syed Maudoodi.

Inspite of this limited educational background, I searched for authentic Islamic sources. Thus I read the entire Qur'an for the first time when I was a young man. Owing to this reading, I became capable of answering the groundless criticism of Islam by my professors in an uncompromising way, although in front of these seasoned Christian missionaries, my questions must have sounded naive. In this mental condition I soon joined a small group of Ikhwan al-Muslimoon which included students from various countries who felt stuck and helpless like me. Among them were Prof. [now] Ishaq Farhan who went on to be President of Zarqa University in Jordan, Dr. Yaseen Abeera of Eritrea [who has passed away], Dr. Nabeel Mahayni of Syria, Dr. Muhammad Qoja and Dr. Ali Shabaika of Sudan. We found the Ikhwan's literature impressive and spirited. One very impressive was Prof. Muhammad Qutb's Haul al-Islam [Islam and the Doubts of the Modern mind]. This book was effective for the new generations of the 50s, 60s and 70s. Prof. Qutb's fluent Arabic was magical,its touching arguments and relentless criticism of western modernism could not be resisted and it was seen as a unique book.

[To be continued] [Translation from Urdu by Kaukab Siddique.]

Book received from Sajjad Niazi in Pakistan


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