Friday, July 1, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] PACBI-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS): The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights

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From: LGR <>
Date: Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 2:42 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] PACBI-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS): The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights
To: LGR <>

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS): The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights "I have been to Palestine where I've witnessed the racially segregated housing and the humiliation of Palestinians at military roadblocks. I can't help but remember the conditions we experienced in South Africa under apartheid. We could not have achieved our freedom without the help of people around the world using the nonviolent means of boycotts and divestment to compel governments and institutions to withdraw their support for the apartheid regime. Omar Barghouti's lucid and morally compelling book is perfectly timed to make a major contribution to this urgently needed global campaign for justice, freedom and peace."
-- Archbishop Desmond Tutu

"No one has done more to build the intellectual, legal and moral case for BDS than Omar Barghouti. The global Palestinian solidarity movement has been transformed and is on the cusp of major new breakthroughs."
-- Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine

Once again Omar Barghouti delivers a conceptually lucid argument for the BDS movement that is difficult to refute. He offers a principled position accompanied by nuanced and thorough analyses, and though one may not agree with all of his claims, one is fully persuaded by the passionate clarity of his appeal. Barghouti reminds us what public responsibility entails, and we are lucky to have his relentless and intelligent analysis and argument. There is no more comprehensive and persuasive case than his for boycott, divestment, and sanctions to end the Israeli occupation and establish the ethical claim of Palestinian rights."
-- Judith Butler, Co-director of the Program of Critical Theory at the University of California at Berkeley

"This is a book about the political actions necessary to hinder and finally to stop the Israeli state machine which is operating every day to eliminate the Palestinian people. It is like an engineer's report, not a sermon. Read it, decide and then act."
-- John Berger

Essential reading for all who care about justice and the plight of an oppressed people."
-- Ken Loach

"Barghouti explains with lucidity, passion, and unrivaled intelligence…that bringing an end to apartheid in Palestine and seeing justice and equality for all the people who live there is not a distant dream but a reality we can bring about in the next few years using BDS."
-- Ali Abunimah, author of One Country and cofounder of the Electronic Intifada

"Those who think they are free to disregard international law because they are powerful… are dead wrong. At the same time it is the tolerance of such behavior that has led Israel to believe that they can literally get away with murder.… Omar Barghouti's book…is timely and responsibly written by a man who understands that creative and relentless nonviolence is the only way out of the dire situation in which Palestine, and our entire world for that matter, finds itself."
-- Father Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, M.M., former president of the UN General Assembly

"For the first time, we have in front of us a succinct and poignant case made for the BDS strategy vis-à-vis Israel. There is no one better placed to make this case than Omar Barghouti, as this book shows clearly.... This is a must read for anyone interested in, and committed to, the Palestine cause, regardless of their particular stance on the BDS strategy."
-- Ilan Pappé, University of Exeter, and coauthor of Gaza in Crisis

"The ABC for internationalist support for Palestine is BDS. And the boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaign against Israeli cruelty and injustice is gaining in significance and scope. Like the anti-apartheid movement against racist South Africa, BDS is helping to make a tremendous difference in what has been a most difficult struggle for human rights and the right of a colonized and dispossessed people to national self-determination. This inspiring book is a weapon in a noble struggle in which all right-thinking people can play a part."
-- Ronne Kasrils, author, activist, and former South African government minister

"I commend this excellent book by Omar Barghouti.…It challenges the international community to support the BDS campaign until the entire Palestinian people can exercise their inalienable rights to freedom and self-determination and until Israel fully complies with its obligations under international law. BDS is a call to refuse to be silent in the face of military occupation of the Palestinian people by the Israeli regime, apartheid, and colonialism. BDS is a nonviolent way in which each of us and our governments can follow our conscience and rightful moral and legal responsibility and act now to save Palestinian lives by demanding that the Israeli apartheid regime give justice and equality to all."
-- Mairead Maguire, 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate

"Barghouti is the future. He is intelligent, empowered, and nonviolent. He is completely impressive. It would help Americans to see such a picture of Palestinian political engagement when they have such a distorted image of who Palestinians are. Some day they will know him."
-- Phillip Weiss, cofounder of Mondoweiss: The War of Ideas in the Middle East

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights
Publisher: Haymarket Books
ISBN: 978-1-60846-114-1
320 pages, $16.00

Posted on 29-04-2011



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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