Monday, June 6, 2011

CORRUPTION CAN’T BE REMOVED AS IT IS PART OF OUR SOCIAL SYSTEM Anna Hazare & Co. prove DV right on “Khatri Sick” PM : money corruption killing India


Anna Hazare & Co. prove DV right on "Khatri Sick" PM : money corruption killing India


Anna Hazare & Co. prove DV right on "Khatri Sick" PM : money corruption killing India

After our last Editorial of April 1 ,2011 ("DV  proves right on Khatri Sick PM: (Without his  blessing how  so many robbers can thrive?") and during the course of our shifting from Bangalore to Mangalore, there was a countrywide furore  an the  stinking corruption  directly  pinning down the PM himself. The flood of criticism  was  not against private sector corruption but against the burgeoning  corruption right under the nose of the "Khatri Sick" PM .  Never before the  corruption of  politicians directly working under the PM and the bureaucracy was washed so openly. The corruption   scandals  under the PM  received international attention  following the hunger strike by a Gandhian.

Wikileak expose : What is more interesting is the comment of Julian Assange  heading the Wikileak .  He held the PM fully responsible for all the corruption and the PM's silence on that. He blasted the PM saying: 

"It means he (PM) has a habit  of  reactively covering up allegations of corruption."

PM called liar:  The PM shielded all the corrupt  fellows and encouraged the man-eaters  to devour anybody and everybody'. Not only  that.

Why he is closing his eyes?  What makes him close his eyes on all cases of highway robbery?  Man-eaters ? This is "intellectual   corruption" which is the most dangerous form of corruption.

The world famous Economist, which is very much pro-capitalist and pro-American  like the PM, called him a liar (Economist, March 26, 2011 p.33) and a dismally weak leader.

Anna  Hazare and company stripped the PM naked.

Nothing may come out of Anna Hazare's  "fast" and the  subsequent  Lokpal Bill which is a product of the ruling  upper castes (15%)  who are the very promoters and perpetrators of   money corruption.

DV proves right: That is different.  Our point  is DV has proved right in directly indicting the PM  and holding him responsible for all the scams under his leadership as PM.

 Our views on corruption  are well known to all DV family members. In our book, India's Intellectual  Desert (DSA-1999,Rs.50) . We have listed four varieties of corruption:-

  1. Intellectual corruption.
  2. Caste corruption
  3. Moral corruption
  4. Money corruption.

Of the four, we have given the last place to "money corruption" which is the sole target of Anna Hazare and company who also belongs to the ruling class.

Oppressed majority forgotten: Over 85% of India's population, comprising SC/ST/BCs and Muslim/Christian/Sikhs plus women of all categories including upper castes, are the principal victims of the first two categories of corruption. Of course they are also victims of money corruption which cannot be eradicated without destroying the other three categories.

But neither  the Anna Hazare & co. anti-corruption  crusaders  nor their target, the "Khatri Sick" PM and his cronies, are interested in the first two varieties. That concerns the country's oppressed majority (85%) who are forgotten by both the parties. That only proves the Hazare & Co. are not serious about the country's basic maladies – except cheap publicity.

Parliament is supreme:   The problem with Hazare  and his tiny urban–based cronies    is they think the politicians  alone are corrupt. Fine. Yes. That is true.  But the MLAs and MPs are elected representatives of the   people as per the  Indian constitution,   according to which Parliament is  supreme. Whether we like it or not, we have to abide by the constitutional  principle .

That means our MPs  and  MLAs  cannot be  overlooked. Our urban elites may hate the politicians who are a negligible minority. But urban elites we noted  only for making nioise, criticizing everybody else but not caring for the public good. Left to themselves, they are all   for bypassing   the   constitution   and entrusting   the  government to the corrupt  corporates.

A second hunger –strike: That means the urban upper castes elites, who are  the backbone of Anna Hazare,  are taking a stand against the  constitution  which the country weaker sections – SC/ ST/ BC's (65%) and Muslim / Christian/ Sikh (20%) will not agree.

In democracy, it is the people who rule through their representatives. The Indian Parliament will not accept the Hazare formula. He may have to come again to Jantar Mantar to start the fast again (and perhaps die?)

    Be that as it may, the Anna Hazare & co. should be thanked at least for exposing the "Khatri Sick" PM's role in the current money corruption poison killing the country. Their campaign received front-page publicity in India's corrupt media and helped the outside world to know how "Hindu India" is stinking and degenerating.

This is what we have been writing and saying all these years. We are supremely happy that we have again and again proved right.  Meanwhile   the scurrilous smear campaign at the "top"   between different forces show how rotten is   India' "top" which proves our point that corruption begins at the top. 



I am disappointed to find your reference to the Prime Minister as "Khatri Sick PM". (DV Edit April 2011). This is not the language any writer worth his salt should ever use even in polite conversation, much less in the widely read (and admired) journal like DV. You have gone on to make a catalogue of DV issues — since 2005 — wherein you have similarly sunk low enough to use the term. By resorting to abusive language surely you have not enhanced your credibility — even among your loyal readers like me. You owe Sikhs an apology — in black and white.


Sikhs have disowned PM

We know Brother Saran Singh and had lunch at his house in Calcutta over 15 years back. But we have never met the PM. Nor does he know us. So our criticism has nothing personal — except for converting India into one of the most corrupt countries of the world and yet pretending to be honest. The very fact Anna Hazare got the country's unanimuos support in his anti-corruption drive rpoved us right. Not one Sikh from Punjab has so far criticised us for our over one decade-long campaign against the PM. In fact the Sikhs of Punjab have disowned him and he had to run to far off Assam and get elected to Rajya Sabha by giving a false address at Guwahati. All the crooks have flourished only with the blessings of the PM — EDITOR.

India's corruption worse than sub-Saharan Africa


Are we Indians are wrose than Africans and Arabs?

We only have to look at Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway to understand that. Sweden is a cradle to grave type welfare state with high taxation.

Prostitution and porno movie making is legal, but trafficking in women or minors and pimping is a crime. Soliciting or selling sex is not a crime, but men who are caught approaching prostitutes are promptly jailed and fined. Men are forced to take fully paid paternity leave to look after wives or girl friends whenever they get pregnant. But everybody has to pay high taxes.

Are Arabs from Egypt to Libya to Saudi Arabia fighting for Islamic fundamentalism? No. They are fighting for democracy.

Are the Indians worse than even the Arabs? After all Indians claim to be part of a secular democracy despite the fact that Pakistan is a haven of Islamic fundamentalism.

So what exactly is stopping the Indians who are supposedly "the world's biggest democracy" from fighting for more democracy and making it a success? Nothing really is stopping them — except they themselves. The fact is that  Indians do not seem to be really serious about anything. Yes, we are not serious about anything at all. We got our democracy the easy way, without having to fight for it. Anything received free, is never valued.

Corrupt media: We have semi-literate journalists who never read anything whatsoever and cannot even get their spellings right even after using spell check. They have no values at all and stand for nothing at all. Some people led by a few freedom fighters fought Indira Gandhi and her Emergency dictatorship.

But today, the media is totally corrupt and full of safe side artistes, salary conscious careerists, two penny whorenalists, presstitudes, an assorted bunch of farts, mediocres and nincompoops who do not know anything, do not care about anything, and do not know anything about anything at all, and do not even know that they do not know anything.

If ignorance is bliss, India is the happiest country. Like George Orwell wrote, "ignorance is strength". These are the buffoons running the Indian media these says. The media or a free press is called the fourth estate— with legislature (MLAs, MPs), executive (bureaucracy) and the judiciary being the other three estates. But what we have is a fourth rate estate and not a genuine fourth estate.

Except three or four publications, our entire media stinks to the high heavens. These guys would be least bothered even if they saw American marines and tanks patrol Chowpati — they would go and watch an IPL cricket match, saying "They are there to save us from terrorists, Al Qaeda, Pakistan or China". Such is the pathetic state of affairs.

Where is any civilisation or civilised behaviour in India?

Despite all this legacy and claims of 5,000 years of so-called civilisation and 64 years of "secular democracy" with a free press, if we are still so pathetic and barbaric, then surely it is time to question whether we are actually far more barbaric than the Arabs can ever hope to be?

We still being fooled by the likes of Anna Hazare who praises Narendra Modi. Barbaric Arabs are fighting for secularism and democracy, whereas the heroes who claim to have the legacy of 5000 years of so-called civilisation along with 64 years of democracy seem enthusiatic to follow religious type babas like Anna Hazare. Now tell me who are more barbaric and primitive. The Indians or the Arabs?

When Arabs are trying to enter the 21st century, the Indians are trying to do time travel and somehow jump into the 21st century BC. Back to the stone age. Let's de-evolve, grow tails and jump back onto the trees where we came from and be monkeys once again... seems to be the popular mood. Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev are all we can come up with it seems.

Even Supreme Court Chief Justices and even the Indian Army is corrupt. Adarsh scam has proved it. 2G scam has proved that even our top most journalists are corrupt. Shanti Bhushan, former union law minister of India, said on the record that even most of our Chief Justices of the Supreme Court were corrupt. What more is left? Nothing more is left to be saved any longer. When will you all wake up?

Syrian Christian scholar confirms DV findings on "Jews of India"

Powerful argument to support DV theory

Abraham Benhur in his book


Says the earliset people St. Thomas had converted to Christianity were descendants of Jews described in the Bible as the Lost People.

The author's  findings have been fully endorsed by the Namboodiri Brahmins of Kerala .

The unanimous Brahminical support to Jews and Israel   proves our point

The Syrian Christians of Kerala dominate entire Christians church in India — whether Roman Catholic or Protestant . Kerala Roman Catholics do not come under the Catholic Bishops Conference in India (CBCI) as they feel they are ethnically different from the rest of the Indians Catholics who are converts mostly from the "low caste" SC/ST/BCs or some shudra castes.

Jews &Brahmins as blood brothers:

Benhur's book also confirms DV's findings that Brahmins maintain close relationship with Israel and Jews because of their  age-old blood  relationship.

Prof. George Menachery of the Church History Association  in a foreword to the book approves thefindings of the author.

All those who embraced Christianity in Kerala were the Namboodiri Brahmins .The author says jewish tribes left Israel 2,700 years ago and reached Kerala.

He  gives the  following names of Brahmin castes who were Jews. Gowda Saraswat and Saraswats,  all those Brahmins with the surname of Bhat. Arya Bhata, Bana Bhatta, Kumarila Bhatta are the most famous names.

The Tamil-speaking  Iyers like C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer, Jayendra Saraswathi  heading the Kanchi Shankaracharya  Peetha, Sir C.V. Raman, M.S. Swaminathan, agriculture scientist, T.N.Sheshan, V.R.Krishna Iyer.

2011     pp 300       Rs. 475

Jeevanist Books

Nalanda ,A.G. Road

Calicut- 673 001



We can find no reason why the Sutras should not have been ranked as Sruti, except the lateness of their date, if compared with the Brahmanas, and still more with the Mantras. Whether the Brahmanas themselves were aware that ages must have elapsed between the period during which most of the poems of their Rishis were composed, and the times which gave rise to the Brahmanas, is a question which we need hardly hesitate to answer in the affirmative. But the recklessness with which Indian theologian claim for these Brahmanas the same title and the same age as for the Mantras, shows that the reason must have been peculiarly strong which deterred them from claiming the same divine authority for the Sutras."

The exclusion of the Sutras from the category of Shruti is a riddle that calls for explanation.

There are other riddles which strike the student who cares to investigate into the subject. They relate to the changes in the content of the liteature comprised in the term Shruti and their relative authority.

One such riddle relates to the class of literature calledthe Brahmanas. At one time the Brahmanas weer included in the term Shruti. But later on they seem to have lost this position. For Manu seems toexclude the Brahmanas from the category of Shruti as may be seen from the following extract from his Smriti.

"By Shruti it meant the Veda, and by Smriti the institutes of law; the contents of these are not to be qeustioned by reason, since from them (a knowledge of) duty has shown forth. The Brahman, who relying on rationalistic treatise, shall condemn these two primary sources of knoweldge must be excommunicated by the virtuous as a sceptic and reviler of the Vedas... to those who are seeking a knowledge of duty, the Sruti is the supreme authority". Why were the Brahmanas excluded from Shruti?


We may now turn to the class of literature called the Smritis, the most important of which are the Manu Smriti and Yajnavalkya Smriti. The number of smritis was ever on the increase and the composing of Smritis went on up to the advent of the British. Mitramistra refers to57 Smritis, Nilakanta to 97 and Kamalakar to 131. The Smriti literature is bigger than any other class of religious literature regarded as sacred by the Hindus.

There are several points regarding the relation of the Smritis to the Vedas.

The first is that the Smriti was not recognized as part of the Dharma Shastra literature represented by the Dharma Sutras such as that of Baudhayana, Gautama or Apastambha. A Smruti originally dealt with social customs and conventions that were approved of and recommended by the leared leaders of society. As Prof. altekar observes:

"In the beginning, Smritis were identical in nature and contents with Sadacara and were based upon it. When Smritis came into existence, the scope of Sadacara became naturally reduced, as much of it was codified by Smritis. It began to denote those old practices which happened not to be codified inSmritis, or those new ones, which had acquired social approval at a period subsequent to the codification of the early Dharmasastras or Smritis."

The second point to note is that the Smritis were treated as quite different from the Vedas or the Srutis. So far as their sanction and their authority were concerend they stood on absolutely different footing. The sanction behind the Sruti was divine. The sanction behind the Smriti was social. In the matter of their authority the Purva Mimamsa lays down two rules. The first rule is that if there is a conflict between two texts of Sruti then both are authoritative and the presumption will be that the Vedas have given an option to follow one or the other. The second rule is that the text of the Sruti. These rules were rigorously applied with the result that the Smritis could not acquire either the status or the authority of the Vedas.

Surprising as it may appear a time came when Brahmins took a summersault and gave the Smritis a status suprior to that of the Vedas. As Prof. Altekar points out:

(To be continued)


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches, Vol.4,  Riddles in Hinduism (p.54-56) 1987, Rs. 35. Maharashtra Govt.,  Manager, Govt. Central Book Depot, Near Charni Road
Railway Station, Netaji Subhash Road, Bombay - 400 004.


Just imagine the difficulties undergone by parents in the non-Brahmin communities. Tolerating their poverty and hunger, many parents save money to educate their children. Some parents risk all their belongings. Some parents part with their ancestoral property. Some parents borrow a lot of money at high rate of interest to educate their children.

The children of such poor non-Brahmin parents have to realise their duties and responsibilities in the schools and colleges. If they neglect their studies and indulge in goondaism it is nothing but betraying their own poor parents. Creating lawlessness and hooliganism is not at all a patriotic work. Most of our non-Brahmin students are today negligent of their duties. Foolishly they act and get ruined. The duty of the student is to learn. Education should not be neglected at all. They may behave as they like after their education is completed.

If the student thinks that education is not more important than nationalism, he should express his will to his parents and get out of the school or college to do things as he likes. That is what a decent and honest fellow will do. Behaving in any other irresponsible way as a goonda is condemnable. It is a mistake to talk of nationalism remaining in the classes as a student. It is nothing but disgraceful. I like to stress all these particularly to the non-Brahmin students.

Unwise literature: Another item that has attracted the attention of the people is the burning of unwanted literature. I am held responsible for this. Why do the self respectors do so? It is only to induce the Tamilians to boycott such books as Manu Code which is responsible for the creation of belief in religion and god. Ramayana is created as the story of a god. Periapuranam is also created like that. They are propagated as the literatures of the Tamils. that is the reason why we ask the Tamils to boycott such literatures. Burning campaign is only a formal token of our protest. Many people have written letters to me suggesting the burning of Hindu law also as it is based on the Manu's code. We are telling this for many years. Today we are ruled according to the Manu's cde only. we will do one by one. Let us first burn the three books Manu's code, Ramayanam and Periapuranam. But the Tamil pundits and Saivites amongst us are realising a cry against us (Self-respect Movement people).

Let us first of all try to know how these books are related to us. Then we should know as to what is contained in them. Then we should find out whether they are in any way helpful to us. We should know whether there is any benefit to us by following the unwise ideas elaborated in these books. It is only after closely scrutinising all these that we can talk about them.

These three books are not at all concerned about the Dravidian Tamils. They are not helpful to us in any manner. If any Tamilian is of the opinion that Manu's Code should not be burnt, we will have to doubt about his very birth. Ramayana is also like Manu's Code. Some pundits praise Kamba Ramayana as a valuable literature. They are against burning. But the very author of Ramayana does not call it a literature. Kambar himself says:

"At risk of the world speaking ill of me and my reputation getting spoiled, what my work seeks to state is".

He has emphatically stated that Ramayana is not a piece of literature.

He considers Ramayana merely as his masterpiece to establish his talents.

There are others who state that Periya Puranam is history throwing a lot of information about astronomy and geography. They are of the opinion that it should not be burnt.

Ramayana and Kandapuranam were written with a competitive spirit. Periapuranam was written to countaract the Bhakthavijayam and Bhaktha Leelamritham. This is evident from a general reading of all these books.

The ideology of Ramayana and Kandapurana is the same. Rama was born to destroy Arakkars(Rakshasas). It is believed that Mahavishnu incarnated as Rama.     (To be continued).


Collected Works of Periyar , (pp.165 to 167) (4th edn. 2007),  The Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution, Periyar Thidal, 50-EVK Sampath Rd., Vepery, Madras - 600 007.

( Page -20 back cover  advt)

Amnesty  International  indicts "lawless  law" in  Kashmir

Failure to hold the promised plebiscite created all the problem.

Reckless human rights violations. Detentions are as high as 20,000 for the past 2 decades — though such detentions without trial violate India's human rights legal obligations.

Hundreds of people are locked up on spurious grounds under the Public Safety Act (PSA) in Jammu and Kashmir every year. They are held without charge or trial in administrative or "preventive" detention on vague allegations of acting against "the security of the state" or against "the maintenance of public order".

Detainees are mainly political activists and suspected membes or supporters of armed groups, sometimes including children. Before their formal detention, they are often held illegally, denied access to a lawyer, the courts and their families, and may be tortured during interrogation.

The Jammu and Kashmir authorities can hold detainees without charging or prosecuting them for up to two years at a time. Detention orders are often repeated and habeas corpus orders ignored, meaning that detainees are held for much longer than the maximum two-year period provided.

This report exposes a catalogue of human rights violations associated with the use of administrative detention under the Public Safety Act. It highlights how these run counter to India's obligations under intrnational human rights law. If India is serious about meeting these obligations, then it must ensure that the PSA is repealed and that detainees are released immediately or tried in a court of law.

2011                                                               pp.86 (A/4 size)

Amnesty International Ltd 
Peter Benenson House 1 - Easton 
Street London WC1X 0DW



Shifting of DV to Mangalore & its aftermath


Instead of jumping to Delhi from Bangalore to launch the " media centre" that we have been dreaming  for years, DV has shifted  to the west coast city of Mangalore (Karnataka). Sunset over the Dalit- Bahujan (85%) world is complete. The darkness is total.

All these years we waited for  the "media centre" but  none took any interest in the media of our own – though SC/ ST/BCs (65%) plus the more prosperous  Muslims/ Christian/ Sikhs(20%) have been all unanimously  complaining that  each of them  is the victim of Brahminical  imperialism.  Each one of them know the truth. They all have the money needed to set up the " media centre" .  DV  has  demonstrated  the capacity to launch  such a "media centre".


But what they lack is the will, the enemy having  diverted their time, energy and money to fight for "political power"  which they will never, ever get. We we have written enough on the " media centre", prepared  project report, explained A to Z, but not one came forward to support us. To that extent our Bahujans are mentally , culturally enslaved.


We waited so long, converted our blood into sweat – but nothing was coming out. DV itself was about to die but for the timely injection of a little money.

 In the meanwhile, we became victim Bangalore's peculiar   climate   which is harmful   for those with weak lungs . Allergy became a daily headache  and the doctors started warning us that if we don't quit Bangalore we would succumb to asthma.


 With darkness all around, "media centre" a mirage   and a failing  health, we thought it is better we quit Bangalore and go to a safe place. Mangalore being a coastal city, the doctor suggested it would be the ideal place.

So we are at Mangalore where our health recouped   quickly. We are fit and busy bringing out DV. The different formalities are time consuming   but things are taking a shape. Many called us from  distant lands on reading our health problem . We are fine.

We had to decline  two foreign invitations – one to lead a Dalit delegation to UN Human Rights Commission at Geneva and other to be the chief guest at the Pakistan Govt. celebration of Babasaheb Ambedkar's Jayanti.


Our three email ID are working, website will continue. DV may be for some time slimmer. Our response for DSA books may slow down. But all this will come back to normalcy soon.

The country is in a very bad shape. Our political leaders, bureaucrats, media magicians, culture vultures, business tycoons, religious frauds have all showed their true colour, with minor exceptions.


The upper castes (15%) in their craze to dominate the rest are trying to eat everything. They are killing their own female children. Alarming development as revealed in the latest census figures.

Over 85% of Indians are in great pain. The country is fast going down under the highly deceptive "Khatri Sick" PM who presides over this empire of the corrupt – pretending to be honest.


DV has been exposing all these frauds. Anna Hazare thinks politicians alone are corrupt. But he does not know that when politicians go to villages to seek votes, the voters say they can't give their votes unless they are paid. That means the voters, the people themselves, have become corrupt – thanks to decades of Brahminical rule. Where  is the future for India?

DV, however, will play its role. And we know our family world-wide will stand by us.


Turbulence faced by DV is the mirror image of the situation of India. Within years of DV publication was back in 1981, we were arrested under the derided Terrorist Act (TADA), handcuffed and taken to Chandigarh   and jailed. Within 15 days we were released with an apology of the Union Home Minister  the arrest helped us launch the Punjab  edition of Dalit Voice.


For a speech we delivered in Libya   at a world   conference of Africans, the Government of India improvked our passport for 20 long  years. When DV shifted to Delhi   and started publishing from then, the upper caste launched a violent agitation against    Mandal   Commission , DV office in Vasant Vihar was attacked. As we  were not allowed to bring out DV from   Delhi. We were retreat  to Bangalore.


We shifted back to Delhi in (     ) and started publishing DV from there when Vajpayee   became the PM. For about 4- 5 years we continued there, DV became popular in Delhi and all over the world. 

But the illness of our wife forced   us to retreat to Bangalore  where we got stuck hoping  for the elusive "media centre".   

IT looks the deprived destitute of India are forever doomed to remain as slaves. Who can save people who are refusing to save themselves?.

People starved to death in "booming India"


Mangalore: India's "national" dailies totals   ignored   the   shocking observation of the Supreme court, (or published just a pare),  on April 20,2011 on  starvation deaths. To the well- fed upper caste rulers of India (15%), the other India just doesn't exist.

     Justice Dalveer  Bandari's  criticism   of the Govt. of  India's false claims were blacked  out because it is so uncomfortable for  those who daily chant their favourite    mantra of  Sarwejan   Sukhino Bhavanthu, then eat well, sleep well, forget the world outside their  class and caste.

  It is the urban- based well- fed section that is so much worried of corruption while being the very fountain head of corruption

 Court ruling:

New DelhiA bench comprising Justice Dalveer Bhandari  and Justice Deepak Verma, hearing petition relating  to the streamlining of the public distribution system (PDS), expreesed serious concern over the increasing number of  starvation deaths . Justice Bhandari  told Additional Solicitor-General  Indira Jaising:  " See what the stark contradiction in our whole approach is. You  say we are a powerful economy. You have a bumper crop this year and our godowns  are full, and it is a happy situation, no doubt. When you have your own godowns full and people are starving, what is the benefit? You cannothave two India."  

Earlier, senior counsel Colin Gonsalavs  summitted  that  though   India was a signatory to the United Nations millennium Development Goals, starvation deaths were still taking palace in the country. He wanted the court to direct the Centre to release foodgrains to the 150 most starved districts as a one-time measure to prevent starvation deaths. (Hindu April 21,2011)        

Staving people not getting angry:   Ever since India became "independent", our rulers are simply promising  but doing nothing to relieve the pain of the oppressed masses, who   too are not getting angry. Their patience is encouraging the rulers to be more and more harsh and reckless. 

The rulers are deliberately starving the people to submission and death

Sanity on Babri Masjid

Mangalore(foc):The endless Babri Masjid dispute proves we are a chronically quarrelsome people . Fortunately, the Supreme Court on May 9.2011 stayed the "strange" Allahabad  High Court verdict of Sep30, 2010 upholding the Hindu fundamentalist stand which even Hindu historians have rejected . All our time, energy and money are being spent on silly but costly disputes arising out of greed or superstition which have put a permanent brake on India's progress .

Sedition law must go  


Mangalore: Binayak Sen  was finally  given the bail by the Supreme Court  on the sedition charge against him . But DV  did not support him . In our March 1,2011 (p.7) report: "Why DV did not support Binayak Sen,."  we have elaborately   explained our stand.

However,  we welcome the chorus of condemnation  of the outdated sedition law (section  124/A  of the IPC). But our point is when the Editor of DV was arrested under the very same section  charged with  sedition, not one  member   of the ruling class that   cried in chorus for Binayak Sen came to our support. Rather they defended  our arrest. 

Double Standards: We are pointing out this double­­- standard  to prove that the ruling class becomes hyperactive   only when its class-caste   birds  like Sen are  involved.

M.K.Gandh i was  also charged with sedition and he  defended himself in 1922. " Affection  cannot be manufactured or regulated by  law", he asserted  saying  that section 124/A was manufactured by the British rulers to threaten  and finish its enemies. India's   rulers who took over  from the British, however, retained  the same   IPC to threaten people like us.  Only when Binayak Sen of the ruling class fell a victim there   was howl.

The section 124/A (sedition law) must be   scrapped. Thinkers and scholars have the intellectual liberty to criticise   anybody–not only the govt,. any religion or any god  or god man.

Free speech and writing is the foundation of democracy. India calls itself a great democracy but hundreds have been jailed in Kashmir and else where   for expressing their anguished feeling.

Sedition law must go. The Supreme court  itself  must scrap it.

United Palestine worries war-mongers


Mangalore: Because of the intense   anti-Muslim prejudice among our ruling class, a sensational   news of    international importance is deliberately blacked out in the media.

The news is the world's longest lasting Palestine problem   is coming to   an end –- thanks   to the "revolution" in the Arab world. Fatah, the Western-sponsored   puppet regime  ruling West Bank fearing its overthrow, is seeking unity with the revolutionary Hamas controlling the Gaza strip.   Zionist Israel and those in US and West under its influence   are deeply worried over the proposed   unity. So   too  the   Indian ruling    class. 

A united Palestine is   hated by all war-mongers in the world.

Indian rulers refuse to see rise of China


Mangalore: The fall of America as the sole   super   power is getting speeded up with the rise and rise of China. As a follow-up the dollar domination of the world is also coming to an end – very soon.

DV has predicted all this. We have also said that as the tail of USA, India is likely to face financial doom as dollar sinks and the yuan takes over its place when China becomes the world's No.1 economic   power .

Dethrone of dollar: But the Indian ruling class (15%) with its strong bias for the West is not ready to accept the reality. DV had   given all the warning but Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, as the World Bank nominee and darling of the ruling class, which hates China, will not allow the change of direction.  The    dethrone   of the dollar, strongly predicted   even by Western experts, will seriously damage the Indian economy, already   in  great  crisis. The Indian rulers are afraid that a  pro-China tilt   will      jeopordise   its rulership.

Terrorism  will not end  with Osama  killing


MANGALORE: Osama Bin Laden  (54)  was killed by the American force in Pakistan on May 1,2011. The Western world and its admirers  danced   with joy.

We condemn all   terrorism. But at the same time we must also note that it is a reaction to an action.  Did they not say "Hindu terrorism" come as a reaction  to "Islamic terrorism" in India?. A major portion   of the world  any way had a different reaction.

China, the no.2 world power, had a different opinion.

  In DV, we were the first to disclose   a  different version of the 9/11.  Many leading Western writers  have expressed that the 9/11 was  master-minded  by the   Mossad.  Many books have come out on the subject.

 Since the West has the most powerful media it can sell   any product. That is how a major portion of the world had a different opinion on Osama killing.

 However, this much can be said that terrorism will not end with Osama.


DV FEb.1, 2007 p.20: "Osama did not attack WTC".

DV Edit Oct.16, 2004: "War on terror turns into wholesale war on Muslims & converts Osama into darling of oppressed".

DV Sept.1, 2002 p.9: "DV proves right on Osama".

DV Oct.16, 1999 p.4: "Islamic terrorism & bin Laden".

Palash Biswas
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