Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Wednesday, 25 May 2011

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Date: Wed, May 25, 2011 at 9:32 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Wednesday, 25 May 2011


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Rebel Newsflash (by )

DHS Merges with Pentagon and NSA Under Obama's Cyber Threat Plan (by Kurt Nimmo)

Obama has proposed legislation that will give the Department of Homeland Security more "autonomy" in its effort to protect civilian computer networks from ostensible cyber attack, according to Information Week .

White House officials testified Monday before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about the comprehensive plan presented by the administration two...


Reid Preempts Paul, Slips Patriot Act in Small Business Bill (by Kurt Nimmo)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has circumvented a call by the newly elected senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, to debate the Patriot Act.

In order to prevent a filibuster, Reid performed "some procedural gymnastics," according to Fox News , and slipped Patriot Act language into a House small business bill that is considered filibuster-proof.

In doing so, Reid has skirted objections to...


Financial Terrorism: TSA Holds Texas Flights Hostage (by Paul Joseph Watson)

Image: Steuben (Flickr Commons)

DOJ resorts to economic terrorism, lawmaker compares fight to revolutionary war against Mexico

An astounding Department of Justice threat to cancel airline flights to and from Texas, in addition to underhanded lobbying by TSA representatives, has killed efforts in the state to pass HB 1937, a bill that would have made invasive pat downs by TSA agents a...

'Islamic Awakening defy ME hegemony' (by PressTV)

A senior Iranian official says the ongoing Islamic Awakening throughout the Middle East challenges arrogance and hegemony in the region.

Addressing a gathering dubbed "Islam, Resistance and Victory" in Tehran on Tuesday, Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili said the US failure to pursue hegemony in the Middle East has forced the country to engage in...


Iranian scientist tortured in Bahrain (by PressTV)

A report says an Iranian scientist abducted by Saudi-backed Bahraini forces has been subjected to excruciating brutal torture since his detention.

Dr. Masoud Jahromi, who was the head of the Telecommunications Engineering Department at the Ahlia University of Bahrain, is suffering brutal torture in the hands of Bahraini government forces, Atynews news network reported on Tuesday.



'Israel in pursuit of war in ME' (by PressTV)

Israel has rejected a US demand to withdraw to borders set before the 1967 Israeli-Arab war as the basis for negotiations with Palestinians.

The following is the transcript of Press TV's interview with author and Middle East expert Saeb Shaath about the...


Zuma to visit Libya for Gaddafi exit (by PressTV)

South African President Jacob Zuma plans to visit Libya in order to discuss an exit strategy for embattled ruler Muammar Gaddafi.

Seeking to mediate an end to fighting between Libyan revolutionaries and forces loyal to Gaddafi, Zuma will visit Libya next week in coordination with a Turkish government efforts to help end Gaddafi's decades-long grip on power, Reuters reported.



Saleh: Yemen will not be a failed state (by PressTV)

An injured tribesman loyal to the Ahmar family was aided after clashes with the police in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, on Tuesday.

Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh says he will not be dragged into a civil war, even as clashes with the leader of a powerful tribal confederation rages on in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a.

Yemen will not be "a failed state, another Somalia...


UN slams Israel eviction of Palestinians (by PressTV)

A senior UN humanitarian official says Israel should end the forced eviction of Palestinians from their homes in the occupied Palestinian territories.

UN Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos said that the expulsion of Palestinians...


In Saakashvili's Georgia, the Bloom Is Off the Rose (by Stephen J. Lendman)
steve lendman

Since May 21, anti-goverment protests rocked Georgia. Organized by an alliance of opposition parties, they erupted initially in September 2007 for early elections and democratic change, as well as ending corruption and police state terror. More on current protests below.

In 2003, Georgia's bloodless "Rose Revolution" replaced Edouard Shevardnadze with Mikhail Saakashvili, a totalitarian...


The Empire Continues to Sweat: The British Ofcom case and Press TV/Iran (by Mark Dankof)

"The intensification of armaments, the increase in police forces, are all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans.  What we have to get at is that there should be in all the states of the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police, and soldiers.  . . .  We must create ferments, discords and hostility. ...


Tribesmen take Yemen news agency (by PressTV)

Anti-government protests in Yemen have reached a turning point, as armed tribesmen take control of the country's state news agency, Saba.

Tribesmen loyal to Yemeni opposition tribal chief Sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar took over the news agency's building on Wednesday, as fighting in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a resumed, AFP reported.

According to witnesses and an anonymous high-ranking official,...


'US-Israel ties causes turmoil' (by PressTV)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has once again rejected US President Barack Obama's call for returning to the 1967 borders.

The following is a transcript of Press TV's interview with Mark Glenn from the Crescent Cross Solidarity Movement about the issue:

Press TV: What will the Palestinians' next move be?

Glenn: Israel is not interested in peace. Israel is interested in...


Tunisian government upholds July vote (by PressTV)

Tunisia is set to hold elections for a Constituent Assembly on July 24 despite calls from the election commission for a delay until October.

Government spokesman Taieb Baccouche made the announcement after the council of ministers had thoroughly discussed a proposal to postpone the vote.

"We are committed to offering the commission all the means it needs to organize these elections," he...


'Pro-Gbagbo reporter killed in I. Coast' (by PressTV)

An Ivorian journalist who supported the country's ousted President Laurent Gbagbo has been killed, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) says.

The press freedom group said on Tuesday that Sylvain Gagnetaud, a radio journalist, had been killed in the Yopougon district of Abidjan.

The RSF has been "shocked to learn of the murder of Sylvain Gagnetaud," AFP quoted the organization as saying in a...


A White world that was stolen from us. (by Jeff Davis)

A Glimpse of the Past

You can find an interesting historical website here . It contains a series of color photographs from the early 1940s. About one quarter of them are of negroes and assorted browns, and should be discounted on grounds of political correctness. It should be noted that back then they were mostly doing manual work which is what they were best suited for. They were NOT going...


Iran warns IAEA against political aims (by PressTV)

Iran's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh has categorically dismissed unfounded IAEA allegations against Tehran, cautioning the regulatory body against any political aims.

"The latest IAEA report (about Iran's nuclear program) contained previously repeated and tedious issues, including baseless allegations against certain activities under the...


IAEA's new Iran report dubious (by PressTV)

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) claims it has received new information that Iran may not be merely developing nuclear energy for civilian purposes.

The confidential nine-page IAEA report says that Iran is pushing ahead with its nuclear activities and "there were indications that certain of these activities may have continued beyond 2004."

The report again repeated what it...


The dangers of artificial food colors (by Natural News)

Citrus Red 2, Red 3, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2 and Green 3, --which include some of the most commonly used artificial food colorings--have all been identified as being, or being contaminated with, potential cancer-causing chemicals , according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. And Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are known to trigger reactions in those with...


Afghan city falls into Taliban hands (by PressTV)

Taliban militants have captured a provincial city east of Afghanistan after two days of heavy fighting between the militants and Afghan forces, police say.

The city of Duab in Nuristan Province fell into Taliban hands after the two-day battles, a Press TV correspondent reported.

A local police commander described the Afghan troops' withdrawal from the city as a tactical measure.



Palestinians slam Netanyahu claims (by PressTV)

Palestinians have slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for refusing to withdraw to borders set before the 1967 Israeli-Arab war as the basis for negotiations.

Addressing the US Congress on Tuesday, Netanyahu ruled out a return to what he has repeatedly described as "indefensible" pre-1967 borders.

He also pledged to keep key parts of the occupied West Bank, including East...


Israeli Jew Bibi Netanyahu Lectures America (by Phillip Marlowe)

"I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction."

— Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin "Bibi"  Netanyahu, caught on video while talking privately with an Israeli family.

IN A DISGUSTING display right in front of the press on Friday, arrogant Jew Bibi Netanyahu lectured Barack Obama like a school boy about precious Israel and...


The Biggest Conflict of Interest (the one that is killing us) (by Dick Eastman)

That is why American bankers have quit providing money for domestic economy entrepreneurs. They much rather profit by deflation, with occasional refilling of the pot to drain by extending easy home-equity credit which they know will be soon eaten up again in deflation by virtue of the fact that no matter how much new money they create in the form of home equity loans will be taken back again...


Missouri tornado death toll at 116 (by PressTV)

A violent tornado that has swept through the US state of Missouri has killed 116 people with the damage estimated to be over $1billion, says risk and loss estimator Eqecat.

Hundreds of people are still missing and the estimate of possible losses from the deadly mega-tornado on insured property was only preliminary, Eqecat stressed.

The city of Joplin was the worst hit. City Manager Mark...


Iran sets precondition for Saudi talks (by PressTV)

A senior Iranian official says Iran's precondition for holding talks with Saudi Arabia over the political crises spreading across the region is that Riyadh withdraws its troops from Bahrain.

Amir Hossein Abdollahian, the director of Iranian Foreign Ministry's Persian Gulf and Middle East Department, also denied media reports that Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi was making efforts to...


'Pro-Israeli AIPAC policies terrible for US' (by PressTV)

The American Israel Public Affairs Policy Committee (AIPAC) is hiding behind the status of a charity organization while it actually manipulates the US foreign policy, says the co-founder of Code Pink.

Code Pink is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social...


Russia ready to recognize Palestine (by PressTV)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has vowed to throw his weight behind recognition of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.

"Every nation needs unity, or the more so the Palestinian people… (who are) striving to create a...


Car bomb kills 4, injures 14 in Baghdad (by PressTV)

Four people have been killed and 14 injured by a car bombing that ripped through a neighborhood in southwestern Baghdad, officials say.

The bomb was detonated in a Sunni neighborhood on Tuesday, according to police and medical officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, AP reported.

No group has yet taken responsibility for the attack.

Iraq continues to wrestle with violence in the...


2 killed, 19 hurt in Peshawar bombing (by PressTV)

At least two people have been killed and 19 others injured in a bombing targeting a police station in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar.

"Two police were killed and 19 people wounded," AFP quoted Peshawar Police Chief Liaqat Ali Khan as saying.

The Pakistani police said that a bomber detonated an explosives-laden car in the early hours of Wednesday morning, destroying the...


Yemen plagued by lingering crisis (by PressTV)

As the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Bahrain prompted other Arab nations to rise up against their dictators and remnants of colonial rule in their countries, the dictatorial regimes also learned lessons from the ouster of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and prepared themselves to counter the popular movements.

Muammar Gaddafi was the first...


AIPAC Conference: Target Islamic Republic (by Rehmats World)

Currently, the world is kept mesmerized by two con-men, Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu. Christian Obama, in his address at the State Department followed by his address at Israel Lobby's (AIPAC) annual foreign policy conference, warned Israel-Firsters that Arabs are awakening and the time for the legitimized existence of the Zionist entity is running out fast. However, stubborn Jewish...


More NATO airstrikes rattle Tripoli (by PressTV)

More NATO airstrikes have hit Tripoli, with the latest attacks targeting Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi's residence once again.

Three explosions rang out in the Bab Al-Aziziya district of Tripoli at 11:00 p.m. (2100 GMT) on Tuesday night. Three others were heard minutes later, AFP reported.

NATO warplanes also attacked Gaddafi's residence on Monday. The Libyan government said nineteen people...


Smoking Gun: Gov't moles alerted investigator of planted Obama birth certificate 2 months before release (by Aaron Dykes Alex Jones)

Speaking today on the Alex Jones Show, investigative journalist Jerome R. Corsi dropped a huge bombshell. Dr. Corsi provided proof that he was alerted to an on-going plot to release a fake more than two months before President Obama released his purported long-form birth certificate.

Corsi supplied with time-stamped Microsoft Word documents [ .ZIP ] of five unpublished World Net...


Iran sanctions 26 US officials (by PressTV)

The Iranian Parliament (Majlis) has imposed sanctions on 26 US officials, including former defense and intelligence chiefs, for their involvement in the killing of civilians and the torture of suspects in US-run prisons.

MP Kazem Jalali, the spokesman of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said on Tuesday that the committee has drawn up a list of US officials to be...


The Military Officer Who Sent Me a Husband (by Kawther Salam)

It is difficult to imagine the depths of the filth sloshing around in the heads of the officers of the zionist occupation state, the same people who style themselves as officers of a " civil administration " and as "Coordinators of Government Activities in the Territories" (COGAT). In fact there is nothing called " civil administration " or "COGAT". These are just grandiose, fake...


Flight disruptions loom over ash clouds (by PressTV)

The volcanic eruption in Iceland has cancelled dozens of flights across Britain with airlines calling on passengers to check for updates as more disruptions loom.

One year after Eyjafjallajokull volcano eruption wreaked travel havoc across Europe, another ash cloud now from the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland is to hit Northern Ireland and Scotland.

The ash cloud has already led to the...


High Court rules in favor of injunction (by PressTV)

Britain's High Court has ruled in favor of keeping the gagging orders as protection against "cruel and destructive media frenzy" rather than license for censorship.

In the ruling, judges rejected for the third time an attempt to remove an injunction, which banned naming of a married footballer accused of having an extra-marital affair.

Justice Tugendhat said the very fact that MP John...


Terror law unduly targeting non-whites (by PressTV)

The British security forces use their counter-terrorism powers for stopping and searching suspects up to 42 times more against ethnic minorities than whites.

The powers authorized by schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 allows stopping and searching of innocent people at random while giving them less rights than suspected criminals.

The figures, the Guardian quoted from official sources,...


British union calls for general strike (by PressTV)

A leading British trade union has called for a 24-hour general strike in a show of opposition to the government's "vicious" spending cuts program.

At its annual conference, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) unanimously backed calls for the Trade Union Congress (TUC) to co-ordinate a nationwide walkout against the government's "attacks" on pay, pensions and services.

Delegates at the...


UK teachers may strike against pensions (by PressTV)

Britain teachers' union leaders are to meet on Tuesday to discuss university pensions, which might affect exams and admissions, the University and College Union has said.

The higher education committee of UCU is to meet this weekend and will discuss the pensions in both further and higher education.

However, union officials said the previous series of walkouts were not enough and the...


Stop the violence in Abyei: UN chief (by PressTV)

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on North and South Sudan to stop violence in the disputed Abyei district.

"The secretary general calls on both parties to immediately cease their military operations, withdraw all forces and armed elements from Abyei and desist from further acts of antagonism," Ban's spokesman said in a statement on Sunday, AFP reported.

Ban has also condemned...


UK urges EU to be tough on immigration (by PressTV)

British Foreign Secretary William Hague has asked Europe to be tough on African migrants leaving their countries due to the crisis.

Hague said that European countries need to put a limit on the flow of African migrants as large numbers of them plan to enter EU after the political upheaval in the region.

The EU cannot let hundreds of thousands of people in, he added.

Hague said North Africa...


Privacy injunctions unsustainable: UK PM (by PressTV)

British Prime Minister David Cameron has considered the privacy rulings against the newspapers as "unsustainable" and "unfair."

Cameron said that the government will review the law in order to "catch up with how people consume media today."

The news comes after the Scottish newspaper, the Sunday Herald, named the footballer accused on Twitter of taking out a privacy injunction.

"It is...


Scotland against 'smash and grab' oil tax (by PressTV)

Scotland First Minister Alex Salmond is to ask UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne to reconsider the "raid" on the revenues of the North Sea oil.

Salmond criticized Osborne for his "smash and grab" oil tax policy, saying it is like a "blunt, last minute" move to get as much money as possible.

He also said that the Budget measure in March could cut 10,000 potential jobs...


Labour to win next election: Miliband (by PressTV)

Labour leader Ed Miliband has said that his party "needs to reject the easy answers" to persuade the voters to support them.

Miliband said that the Labour must encourage the people to back the party in the upcoming elections, with a sense of their national mission.

Therefore, Miliband said that they need to be more straightforward about the party's successes and failures in the last...


'US, Israel blood brothers of death' (by PressTV)

The US dominates countries for its self-interests, and AIPAC is one of its clients serving Israel as it murders Palestinians and steals land for imperialist tendencies.

In an interview with Press TV, Brian Becker, national coordinator for A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now...


Israeli PM rebuffs US president demand (by PressTV)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has once again rebuffed US President Barack Obama's demand for returning to the 1967 borders.

Addressing the US Congress on Tuesday, Netanyahu said that Israel could not return to the "indefensible" borders which existed in 1967.

"Any peace deal must take into account the dramatic demographic changes that have occurred since 1967," he said.


UK anti-Press TV campaign drags on (by PressTV)

In line with a pre-planned scenario, the British monarchy has published yet another article against the Iranian English-language news channel, Press TV.

The latest article against Press TV appeared in the British daily The Times on May 24, in which it has been claimed that Iranian-born Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari was interviewed by Press TV without his consent.

This is while, in an...


'Spaniards want vote system reform' (by PressTV)

Although Spain's recent elections proved the People's Party (PP) to be more popular than the Socialists, protesters continue to demand economic and democratic reforms.

Press TV has conducted an interview with the University College London's Pablo...


Peter Fonda Issues Threat Against Obama: Is There a DHS Double Standard? (by Kurt Nimmo)

Is actor Peter Fonda on a terror watch list now that he has called for the murder of Obama? Is it possible Rep. Peter King, the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, will include Fonda in his investigation into domestic terrorism? Has the FBI pulled Fonda aside like it has less famous political activists and asked him if he plans to engage in terrorist activity?

On Sunday, the


Bahari: Press TV interview voluntary (by PressTV)

Iranian-born Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari has acknowledged for the first time that his interview with Iran's English-language Press TV was conducted through his own free will.

Bahari had previously claimed that his interview with Press TV was conducted without his consent.

"I said 'OK, come and interview me,'" Bahari said in an interview with the state-run BBC Persian channel.



Government Internet Takeover Kicks Into High Gear (by Steve Watson Paul Joseph Watson)

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held a hearing Monday to debate the Obama administration's proposed move to provide the president with the authority to completely shut down the internet during a national emergency.

As we have documented, the administration's vision provides the President the power to shut down the Internet with a figurative flick of a...


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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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