Monday, April 25, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 24 April - The Law Of Mother Earth: Bolivia’s Historic Bill ‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 2:06 AM
Subject: CC News Letter, 24 April - The Law Of Mother Earth: Bolivia's Historic Bill ‎

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 If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

The Law Of Mother Earth: Behind Bolivia's Historic Bill
 By Nick Buxton

A new law expected to pass in Bolivia mandates a fundamental ecological reorientation of the nation's economy and society

Renewable Energy: No Solution For Consumer Society
 By Ted Trainer

It would be difficult to find a more taken for granted, unquestioned assumption than that it will be possible to substitute renewable energy sources for fossil fuels, while consumer-capitalist society continues on its merry pursuit of limitless affluence and growth. There is a strong case that this assumption is seriously mistaken. Following is a summary of the discussion in my forthcoming book Renewable Energy Cannot Sustain Consumer Society

The Battle Ahead
 By Lester Brown

Long after the political uprisings in the Middle East have subsided, many underlying challenges that are not now in the news will remain. Prominent among these are rapid population growth, spreading water shortages, and growing food insecurity

Endosulfan: Endgames In Geneva And New Delhi
 By Prof. K.M. Seethi

 India is one of the largest global producers of endosulfan. It is the supplier of 70 per cent of the world's endosulfan needs—a market valued at $300 million (Rs. 1,340 crore). Out of the 9,000 tonnes India produces every year, half is bought by the country's 75 million farmers, making it the world's largest consumer of endosulfan. That explains New Delhi's reluctance to impose a ban!

Armenian Genocide Day, Australian Anzac Day
 And Australian Holocaust Denial
 By Dr Gideon Polya

Armenian Genocide Day, 24 April, commemorates the death of 1.5 million Armenians who died in the Turkish-imposed Armenian Genocide that commenced on 24 April 1915, the day prior to the Anglo-French and Australian and New Zealand Army Corp (ANZAC) invasion of Turkey at Gallipoli in the Dardanelles on 25 April 1915. 25 April is marked as Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates the war dead of both these sister countries. Yet Australia resolutely ignores its causal connection to the Armenian Genocide and indeed to other genocidal atrocities as a participant in Anglo--American wars

Capitalism's Warplanes: CIA AndAl Qaeda Destroy
 Socialist Libya's 53rd Highest Living Standard
 By Jay Janson

With all the strongest capitalist nations' firepower against what now remains of an Arab socialist society, of its blasted army and its heroic loyal citizen militias, it seems impossible that Gaddafi and his Libya will survive, let alone be able turn this blitzkrieg into a second Bay of Pigs defeat for weaponized private capital

What's The Harm In Hunting?
 By Alyssa B. Johnson

It's an expression of our most fundamental relationship with nature, but can you really be moral and be a hunter, too?

"Modern Times" Really Akin To The "Dark Ages"
 By Sherwood Ross

Humans may believe we live in enlightened times but future historians, (if there are any) will look back at our era as "dirty, crowded, superstitious, dangerous, and primitive" as the Dark Ages, ecologist Carl Safina, president of Blue Ocean Institute, says

Commemorating Palestinian Political Prisoners
 By Stephen Lendman

From 1967 - 2008 over 650,000 detained, or about 20% of the total Occupied Territory (OPT) population and 40% of all males. Moreover, since the beginning of the September 2000 second Intifada, 70,000 were interned. According to PCHR, 760,000 have been held since 1967. Currently, it states, about 6,500 are detained, including over 250 children and 37 women

Sleepwalking Into The Imperial Dark
 By Tom Engelhardt

What it feels like when a superpower runs off the tracks

Many U.S. Officials See The Events In Bahrain
 As Part Of The Chess Game With Iran :Robert Naiman
 Interview by Kourosh Ziabari

In the case of Bahrain , U.S. officials say they are concerned about alienating Saudi Arabia . Also, many U.S. officials see the events in Bahrain as part of the chess game with Iran ; a successful democracy movement there might bring to power a government that would be less hostile to Iran and less friendly to the United States . Even Egypt , under its new government, is moving to thaw relations with Iran . Many in Washington are concerned about this

Obama's Slapstick Open Mic' Routine
 By Dave Fryett

Damn the luck! No sooner had he launched his re-election campaign than did our unpopular emperor get tripped up by an open microphone

The Untold Story of the Anna Hazare Phenomenon
 By Devinder Sharma

The inside story of the Anna Hazare fast

Shout! Scream! Protest!
 By Rohit Mishra

So next time govt tries to silence you, raise your voice. Shout. Scream. Protest. Not just in your homes. But on the road. If govt wants participatory democracy to take form in this way, give them this way. But create a space for intellectual dissent. Participate. Debate. Contribute. Coz if you don't, you lose that right and empower govt in the battle against you

Need For Rational Alcohol Policy
 Instead Of Failed Prohibitionist Approach
 By Sukant Khurana & Brooks Robinson

The debate over the merits of alcohol consumption is hotly contested worldwide. There is no doubt that excessive drinking has caused pain and suffering for millions of people. On the other hand, human beings have been enjoying alcoholic beverages since prehistoric times and it is a tradition deeply rooted in many cultures, including Indian. Mild amounts of alcohol can have several health benefits while large doses can be poisonous. Can the two sides be reconciled?

New Islamist-Backed Muslim Political Party
 Stirs Intra-Muslim Debate
 By Yoginder Sikand

The floating of a new political party, styling itself the 'Welfare Party of India' (WPI), by India's apex Islamist outfit Jamaat-e Islami Hind late last week has, predictably, set off a vigorous debate in Indian Muslim circles

Investigate War Crimes In Sri Lanka
 Petition Campaign

Please sign the petition

Petition Campaign Against False Allegations

The recent false allegations by several politicians against Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court Shri Shanti Bhushan and eminent Lawyer Shri Prashant Bhushan shows the level of panic and consternation that has spread among the corrupt elements in the corporate and the political class, at the widespread public anger which has erupted against corruption

Hunger Strike Of The Prisoner
 Falsely Accused In 2006 Malegaon Blasts
 By Mustafa Khan

After spending more than four and a half years in prison Dr Faroqh Magdumi announced on March 17, 2011 that he would go on hunger strike. He started his hunger strike on April 5th and wrote from Arthur road prison in Mumbai making his reason for taking such crucial step

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Palash Biswas
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