Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Sikhs Genocide by The Indian Government

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From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 8:19 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Sikhs Genocide by The Indian Government


Sikhs Genocide by The Indian Government

Habib Yousafzai


Since 15th of August, 1947, the Sikhs have lost almost everything in their lives that is needed for survival. First of all, the Sikhs lost their Sikh Nation, holy and historic homeland, PUNJAB (Khalistan), the Sikh Nation used to be the 'First Sovereign and Secular Nation' of South Asia. This was the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, of monarch Ranjit Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1899.


On 15th August, 1947, the day India received freedom from Britain, MK Gandhi and JL Nehru, 'swallowed' the Sikh Nation, Punjab.  Within seven weeks, on 10th October, 1947, these two friends declared through a state circular that the "Sikhs are lawless people and are dangerous to the law-abiding Hindus-Brahmins." Did the Sikhs remember these words and act in terms of what is in store for them in the post-15th August, 1947 period?


Since 15th August, 1947, more than 3.4 million Sikhs of the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan, have been killed in numerous genocides, pogroms, fake-encounter killings of Sikh youth and Sikh females have been humiliated.  In the 1978 massacre of Sikhs in Amritsar, an 'undeclared' war in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, 1980s, 1990s, together with the genocide of the Sikh culture under the 'ulterior motives' adopted by the Hindu-Brahmin fundamentalists and militants.


The Sikh nation needs to think about its future.  We, the Brahmins-Hindus will take care of you, to destroy you and uproot you.  In essence, your enemy will make you a culture-less entity, devoid of everything which makes you a person to fit in the society of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and its mainstream. And by the time you come to your senses (or open your eyes), it will have been too late and you have missed the boat.


We, the Brahmins-Hindus, will never let you to come to your senses. This is our policy, the Sikh nation, if you try to understand it. This will continue to destroy the Sikh Culture, your religious institutions, until you, the Sikhs, realize that you belong to the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib alias Guru Khalsa Panth', the Brahmins-Hindus would have a 'Tight Control' on your life as we the Brahmins-Hindus have already captured your apex institution under our 'Tight fist', using your turbaned Brahmins-Hindus in 'The Sikh Identity' until you realize.

An example is the genocide of the Armenians in Turkey. For instance, the Association of Genocide Scholars in its conference held in Montreal, June 11–13, 1997, reaffirms that the mass murder of over a million Armenians in Turkey in 1915 is a case of genocide which conforms to the statutes of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. It further condemns the denial of the Armenian Genocide by the Turkish government and its official and unofficial agents and supporters.

Among the prominent scholars who supported the resolution were: Roger W. Smith (College of William & Mary; President of AGS); Israel Charny (Hebrew University, Jerusalem); Helen Fein (Past President AGS); Frank Chalk (Concordia University, Montreal); Ben Kiernan (Yale University); Anthony Oberschall (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill); Mark Levene (Warwick University, UK); Rhoda Howard (McMaster University, Canada), Michael Freeman (Essex University, UK), Gunnar Heinsohn (Bremen University, Germany)

The IAGS, has recognized the 1915 genocide in three different resolutions, the latest (October 5, 2007) extending the recognition to, in addition to Armenians, also include the Assyrians/Syrians and Anatolian and Pontic Greeks among the affected minorities:

Whereas the denial of genocide is widely recognized as the final stage of genocide, enshrining impunity for the perpetrators of genocide, and demonstrably paving the way for future genocides; Whereas the Ottoman genocide against minority populations during and following the First World War is usually depicted as a genocide against Armenians alone, with little recognition of the qualitatively similar genocides against other Christian minorities of the Ottoman Empire;

Be it resolved that it is the conviction of the International Association of Genocide Scholars that the Ottoman campaign against Christian minorities of the Empire between 1914 and 1923 constituted genocide against Armenians, Assyrians, and Pontian and Anatolian Greeks.  Be it further resolved that the Association calls upon the government of Turkey to acknowledge the genocides against these populations, to issue a formal apology, and to take prompt and meaningful steps toward restitution.

Based on the same analogy wherein after about ninety years the killing of Armenians by the hands of Turks has been recognized as genocide then why can the killing of Sikhs not be recognized as genocide by the Canadian Parliament as well as damages be claimed from the Indian government along with an apologyIndia is killing Sikhs continuously for the past 64 years and the number of innocent killings has reached more than 3.4 million.  Therefore, the claim of the Sikhs for Justice is valid and should be endorsed by the Canadian government without any further delay. Besides, Sikhs for Justice, many other Sikh Diaspora have formed their groups, professional outfits, Simran Sewa, Law Societies, etc., to tackle the Genocides, human rights, religious rights, gross human rights of the Sikhs and non-Hindu-Brahmin minorities. Good for you, the Sikh professionals of the Sikh Diaspora. I believe that you will definitely succeed as you are doing selfless services.

However, I still maintain that sovereignty is the 'Life line for the Sikhs' Survival'. My dears (Sikhs) do not forget what you need and that your devotion should be for the 'Sikhs' Sovereignty, and nothing less than Sovereignty.


I am encouraged by my dear Sikh youth who have been anxiously working to break the chains of the "Brahmins-Hindus' slavery. Please always remember that (i) the Sikhs had their Sikh Nation on the world map until the British Empire took over from the Sikhs, (ii) the 'Brahmins-Hindus had been 'subservient' for more than 3500 years and up until the morning hours of 15th August, 1947, (iii) the Sikh Nation under the British Empire was "annexed'" to the British Empire for administration purposes only.

As a matter of fact, the Indian Constitution 1950's Article 14A, which provides protection to every citizen, has been rendered 'ineffective' not only once, twice, three times but several times to 'eradicate' the Sikhs and Muslims in particular and the non-Brahmin-Hindu minorities in general. 


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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