Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Eyewitnesses speak out: Has NATO staged the Libyan coup? [4 Attachments]

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From: nathaniel x vance <>
Date: Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 7:17 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Eyewitnesses speak out: Has NATO staged the Libyan coup? [4 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from nathaniel x vance included below]

Some international media have already informed the public about a serious and well-founded suspicion, that the Libyan uprising "could well be fully staged."
Eyewitnesses speak out: Has NATO staged the Libyan coup?

By Christoph R. Horstel April 24, 2011

Apart from a strategic hunt after access to foreign oil and gas, which the U.S. is conducting for most of the last 70 years, a few facts need consideration: Two eyewitnesses in Italy are on their way to help expose a U.S.-orchestrated NATO-supported coup d'etat in Libya.
This author's phone rang Friday evening – and he was late to answer. On calling back a number from Italy is on the display. Soon a friendly voice answers in German: And in split-seconds it is clear, that the last three weeks' search for an eyewitness, who had written a sensational reader's letter to the respected German daily FAZ (Tehran Times reported) might be crowned with success. And there he is!

The gentleman retells a more complete version of the few lines in FAZ: He often stays in the little Tuscan town Grosseto, next to an air force base. Since he nurtures a long-standing interest in air planes, he often spends time close to the landing strip of the base, watching the sleek fighter planes howling out for steep starts and rushing in to land upon return. But late January or early February, six or eight Danish F-16 plus 150 men ground personnel showed up – for the first time in a dozen or so years of the witness' memory. And that was not for show. The Danish squadron had an awe-inspiring exercise program, starting their engines early in the morning and coming back in late.
As anybody would have done, the witness asked his friend, a guardian at the base, what on earth the Danish were up to in Northern Italy. But the answer turned out somewhat frustrating, since it did not seem to make any sense at that time. The old buddy on the base had said: "They are training for Libya!"
Libya? Why Libya? That country was friendly with the West since 2003, enjoyed a special relationship with Italy and appeared not involved in any foreign policy adventure. However, in early March, roughly two weeks prior to the UN Security Council decision 1973, empowering NATO to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya and protect the civil population from the alleged mass killer Qaddafi, the Danish squadron vanished from Grosseto base, the witness recounts.
And, so he says, he sat in utter surprise in front of the evening news on one of these evenings, watching a TV report on six Danish F-16 based in the Southern Italian air force base Sigonella, taking part in the NATO air war against Libya. "I got very angry", the man remembers, since to me it is clear, NATO is just after Qaddafi's oil. All other stories are just the usual cover-up. And I do not believe in coincidence. Nor can I assume, those F-16s were flown back home to Denmark only to return to Italy two weeks later. And what with the 150 men ground personnel? I think they were all just shifted to Sigonella in time for the attacks."

This information is in line with the timetable of Libyan "uprising" events, which show a design all too familiar to analysts all over the world, from South and Central America to Asia.

The Danish military attaché in Berlin, Col. Claus Wessel-Tolvig, is two weeks overdue in answering this author's questionnaire.

*The author is a government and business consultant in Germany, multiple book author and expert since 25 years on issues of Central Asia, the Middle East and security-related questions.




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