Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 28, Feb - US & Europe Mull Mititary Intervention in Libya

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:00 AM
Subject: CC Issue 28, Feb - US & Europe Mull Mititary Intervention in Libya

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew, Editor,
Educate! Organize! Agitate!

As Libyan Rebels Close In On Gaddafi,
US And Europe Ramp Up Intervention
By Barry Grey

With dictator Muammar Gaddafi's control over the country ebbing, the United States and its European allies are stepping up their intervention into the Libyan crisis. Their aim is to ensure that any new regime will be equally subservient to their economic and geostrategic interests

Tunisia Prime Minister Resigns
Amid Mass Demonstrations
By Patrick Martin

The prime minister of Tunisia, Mohammed Ghannouchi, a holdover from the hated dictatorship of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, announced his resignation Sunday in an address on national television. He stepped down after more than a week of mass demonstrations against his government, culminating in two days of rioting in which police killed five protesters

Three Killed In Police Firing On People
Protesting Against Thermal Power Project
In Andhra Pradesh

The inevitable has happened, police opened fire on the peacefully protesting villagers in Vadditandra village and killed three villagers and critically injured atleast 25 people today afternoon in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Wisconsin Capitol Protesters Avoid Eviction,
Win GOP Lawmaker To Their Side
By Micah Uetricht

Two major victories for cross-class crowd opposing Gov. Walker's proposed unionbusting bill

No Other Way Out
By Chris Hedges

We will not stop the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, we will not end this slaughter of innocents, unless we are willing to rise up as have state workers in Wisconsin and citizens on the streets of Arab capitals. Repeated and sustained acts of civil disobedience are the only weapons that remain to us

War Über Alles
By Paul Craig Roberts

The United States government cannot get enough of war. With Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's regime falling to a rebelling population, CNN reports that a Pentagon spokesman said that the U.S. is looking at all options from the military side

Cairo In Wisconsin
By Andy Kroll

For this brief moment at least, people here in Madison are bound together by a single cause, as other protesters were not so long ago, and may be again, in the ancient cities of Egypt

The American Civil War Redux:
A Middle Class Divided
By Robert Weitzel

If the obscenely rich can break the unions, the only bulwark between a nominally democratic form of government and an outright plutocratic oligarchy, the middle class will become the serf class. We will become little more than "sharecroppers" with no hope of succor or redress other than what the obscenely rich think necessary to keep us on our feet and behind the plow

Spreading Activism For Change
By Stephen Lendman

Fascism landed in Wisconsin under Walker and his cronies, aiming to turn the whole state into Guatemala in the worst sense of its meaning. More than ever, exposing and stopping him is crucial. It's no exaggeration saying, as Wisconsin goes, perhaps also America, a possibility too grim to allow

This Is What Democracy Looks Like
By Mary Shaw

there is no guarantee that the protests in Wisconsin will prevent Governor Walker from eventually getting his way. But it is a start. And it is the only way that true democracy can be born

Profit Pathology And Disposable Planet
By Michael Parenti

We have to get up from our seats, quickly place them under adult supervision, rush the front of the bus, yank the driver away, grab hold of the wheel, slow the bus down, and turn it around. Not easy but maybe still possible. With me it's a recurrent dream

The Un-Sustainability Of Modern Capitalism
By Anthony Wile

An interview with John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"

CNN's War
By Dave Fryett

The deepening coarseness of the reportage one hears from CNN and the rest of the media wolfpack is a measure of how alarmed the Lords of Capital are with the groundswell of rebellion sweeping across the Maghreb. There are revolts all over the Islamic world, but it is upon oil-laden Libya and its embattled "Brother-leader", Colonel Moammar Gaddafi, that the media has compressed the world's attention

Bahrain Bleeds For Liberty
By Mamoon Alabbasi

In Bahrain, a persecuted majority has literally been bleeding for equality and now, after days of anti-regime protests, dare dream of democracy. Unfortunately, many mainstream media outlets and so called analysts have failed to report the protests in Bahrain as a people's struggle for democracy and equal rights. Instead, they sought to stress the sectarian divides of the country, even though the protesters were calling for Sunni-Shiite unity against dictatorship

Why Our Media Betrays Us: The Guardian
And The Benevolence Of The West
By Jonathan Cook

Last week the Guardian, Britain's main liberal newspaper, ran an exclusive report on the belated confessions of an Iraqi exile, Rafeed al-Janabi, codenamed "Curveball" by the CIA. Why did the Guardian miss the main point in its own exclusive? The reason is that all our mainstream media, however liberal, take as their starting point the idea both that the West's political culture is inherently benevolent and that it is morally superior to all existing, or conceivable, alternative systems

Quit Gaddafi, Quit
By Chandra Muzaffar

It is obvious that it is not Libyan lives that the likes of McCain, Lieberman and Wolfowitz want to save. If military action is being contemplated, it is mainly because the centres of power in the West are fixated upon Libya's oil

India, Pakistan And The Kashmiri Struggle
By Dr Shabir Choudhry

Why I criticize Pakistan's Kashmir policy

Dylcia And Cisco On Panthers And Independistas --
SF8 Hearing On March 2
By Kiilu Nyasha & Angola 3 News

An interview with Puerto Rican Independista and former political prisoner Dylcia Pagan, as well as former Black Panther Francisco (Cisco) Torres, the last of the San Francisco Eight co-defendants still facing charges

Drinking As An 'Ally' Of Training
By Raj Nandy

Some questions about the opening of a bar in the probationer's mess in the IAS Academy at Mussoorie

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