Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] U.S. aircraft carrier to join drill with S. Korea: Officials 27 Feb 2011

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Date: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:27 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] U.S. aircraft carrier to join drill with S. Korea: Officials 27 Feb 2011


Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
27 Feb 2011
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U.S. aircraft carrier to join drill with S. Korea: Officials 28 Feb 2011 South Korea and the United States on Monday morning kicked off their annual joint military drills amid continuing tensions on the peninsula. The 11-day joint maneuver, codenamed Key Resolve/Foal Eagle, draws some 200,000 South Korean and 12,800 U.S. troops. South Korean officials said a U.S. aircraft carrier would join one of the two exercises, while U.S. military officials here neither confirmed nor denied it, Yonhap News Agency reported. Key Resolve, mainly involving computer simulations, will last until March 10, while Foal Eagle, involving joint air, ground and naval training exercises, will run through April 30.
North Korea threatens to fire at S. Korea, U.S. 27 Feb 2011 North Korea threatened Sunday to enlarge its nuclear arsenal and mercilessly attack South Korea and the United States, as the allies prepared to start annual joint military drills which the North says are a rehearsal for an invasion. North Korea called the planned South Korea-U.S. drills a "dangerous military scheme." Earlier Sunday, the North's military warned that it would destroy South Korean border towns if Seoul continues to allow activists to launch propaganda leaflets toward the country.
Iraqi Security Detains 300 in Crackdown on Intellectuals 27 Feb 2011 Iraqi security forces detained about 300 people, including prominent journalists, artists and lawyers who took part in nationwide demonstrations Friday, in what some of them described as an operation to intimidate Baghdad intellectuals who hold sway over popular opinion. On Saturday, four journalists who had been released described being rounded up well after they had left a protest of thousands at Baghdad's Tahrir Square. They said they were handcuffed, blindfolded, beaten and threatened with execution by soldiers from an army intelligence unit. [Saddam Hussein: *Clearly* the better deal.]
Baghdad under curfew following protests 26 Feb 2011 The Iraqi capital Baghdad has been placed under curfew following the nationwide protests which have called for more accountability from elected [sic] leaders. As thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Baghdad on Friday, Iraqi security forces blocked Bab al-Sharji Square and tightened the security measures, a Press TV correspondent reported.
Iraq dictatorship uses live bullets at protests, 19 killed --Security forces used tear gas, water cannons, sound bombs, and live bullets to disperse crowd. 25 Feb 2011 At least 19 people were killed in Iraq on Friday as tens of thousands defied an official curfew to join a nationwide "Day of Rage," echoing protests that have roiled the Middle East and North Africa since January. Protesters expressed anger and rage at local leaders as well as at US-installed Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, storming provincial government offices in several cities and calling for more jobs, electricity and clean water, better pensions and medical care. [Gee, I wonder where the US-installed Exxon-BP-Monsanto dictatorship in Iraq procured *sound bombs* to use on demonstrators? Hmm... So: There's no money for al-Maliki to get the electricity running, but there's money to buy sound bombs? Hopefully, the protesters will overthrow the US-installed dictatorship in Iraq and nationalize the oil industry, as in the days of Saddam Hussein.That's why the USociopaths invaded: they couldn't stand the fact that the Iraqi people benefited from the oil and Bush-Cheney wanted it for their corpora-terrorist overlords. --LRP]
Bombing shuts down Iraq's largest oil refinery 27 Feb 2011 Militants have attacked Iraq's largest oil refinery, killing four workers and detonating bombs that started a raging fire and shut down the plant in northern Iraq. In the southern town of Samawa, a second refinery was shut down by fire but officials said initial reports indicated it was started by a technical failure rather than an insurgent attack. The militants planted explosives at a kerosene and benzene production unit at the northern refinery in the town of Baiji, 180 kilometres north of Baghdad, Salahuddin province governor Ahmed al-Jubouri said.
'CIA mulls targeting Pakistani agents' 27 Feb 2011 Pakistani diplomatic sources say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is considering targeting Pakistani diplomats, in retaliation for the arrest of one of the agency's contractors. The sources also insist that the situation is increasingly turning out to be not merely a loss of the cover of a CIA spy, Raymond Davis, but, actually, the loss of a key asset of the notorious US spy agency, a report said on Saturday. According to the report, the CIA is mulling over targeting Pakistani diplomats and intelligence agents across the world in an effort to pressure Islamabad to release Davis.
Burnt NATO tankers hit in Pakistan 27 Feb 2011 Four NATO tankers that were burnt earlier on Friday by a series of blasts have caught fire again as an unexploded timed device went off in northwestern Pakistan, police say. Militants struck a terminal on the outskirts of Peshawar on Friday and planted devices on 12 out of 18 parked tankers that were carrying fuel for NATO troops in neighboring Afghanistan. Eleven tankers blew up while one remained safe. Militants also shot dead two guards and two drivers that confronted them.
US forced to pull out of Afghan base 27 Feb 2011 The US military is withdrawing troops from one of its strategic combat outposts in the Pech Valley in eastern Afghanistan under the burden of heavy military operations by Taliban. Pentagon officials announced on Friday that the withdrawal from the outposts in the eastern Kunar province of Afghanistan--once called instrumental in the fight against the increasing militancy in the war-wracked country--formally began on February 15 and is expected to take about two months, a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday.
Probe: US killed 65 Afghan civilians 27 Feb 2011 The Afghan government confirms that the US-led military alliance has killed scores of civilians during recent operations in the northeastern part of the country. The Afghan government said its probe had found the US-led foreign forces killed 65 civilians, many of them children in Kunar Province. The report was also presented at the meeting of National Security Council on Sunday. Sources say civilians were killed in the volatile region on February 17.
'Canadian spy detained in Afghanistan' 27 Feb 2011 The Taliban have announced that their militants have detained a "Canadian spy" during arrest operations in war-ravaged Afghanistan. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said on Sunday that Rutherford Colin Mackenzie was arrested several days ago in Ghazni city while he was collecting secret information, a Press TV correspondent reported. According to the spokesperson, there are documents, photographs and footage that confirm his espionage activities.
'US psy-ops unit sways war funding' 25 Feb 2011 The US Army is accused of psychologically manipulating American senators and officials to draw new troops and significant funds for their war effort in Afghanistan. Reports of the US military attempt to brainwash American politicians have prompted the top US commander in Afghanistan General David Petraeus to order an investigation into allegations that members of a psychological-operations team, known as psy-ops, had instructions to tip US senators and other officials into providing further funding for the US war in Afghanistan. 

U.S. Gathered Personal Data on Times Reporter in Case Against Ex-C.I.A. Agent 26 Feb 2011 Federal law enforcement officials, trying to uncover the sources of a New York Times reporter, James Risen, obtained extensive records about his phone calls, finances and travel history, according to a court brief filed late Thursday. Prosecutors gathered "various telephone records showing calls made" by Mr. Risen, as well as "credit card and bank records and certain records of his airline travel" and three credit reports listing his financial accounts, the document said. The brief was filed by lawyers for a former Central Intelligence Agency official, Jeffrey A. Sterling, who has been charged with leaking classified information to an unnamed reporter.

Feds spy on reporter in leak probe 24 Feb 2011 Federal investigators trying to find out who leaked information about a CIA attempt to disrupt Iran's nuclear program obtained a New York Times reporter's three private credit reports, examined his personal bank records and obtained information about his phone calls and travel, according to a new court filing. The scope and intrusiveness of the government's efforts to uncover reporter James Risen's sources surfaced Thursday in the criminal case of Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA officer facing federal criminal charges for allegedly disclosing classified information.
Libya: African mercenaries 'immune from prosecution for war crimes' 27 Feb 2011 African mercenaries hired by the Gaddafi regime to kill Libyan protesters would be immune from prosecution for war crimes due to a clause in this weekend's UN resolution that was demanded by the United States. The UN Security Council... called for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the killings of demonstrators. This inquiry could lead to senior Libyan ministers and officials being indicted to stand trial for crimes against humanity at The Hague and being given lengthy prison sentences. But it has been widely alleged that many of the attacks were in fact carried out by foreign mercenaries hired by Colonel Gaddafi. And the US insisted that the UN resolution was worded so that no one from an outside country that is not a member of the ICC could be prosecuted for their actions in Libya... The move was seen as an attempt to prevent a precedent that could see US citizens prosecuted by the ICC for alleged crimes in other conflicts. While the US was once among the signatories to the court, George W. Bush withdrew from it in 2002 and declared that it did not have power over Washington.
Libya uprising: Anti-Gaddafi forces control Zawiya 27 Feb 2011 Forces fighting to oust the Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi have seized the city of Zawiya, 50km (30 miles) west of the capital, Tripoli. The Libyan government took journalists to Zawiya on Sunday morning. But instead of a show of government force, reporters saw opposition fighters manning the barricades in the city centre and flying their flag.
Britain Freezes Gaddafi Family's UK Assets 28 Feb 2011 The UK assets of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his family have been frozen by Chancellor George Osborne - the latest in a raft of sanctions to hit the Libyan leader. Gaddafi owns a stake in the publishing company Pearson, owners of the Financial Times and Penguin Books, as well as various buildings in prestigious central London locations. An office block off Oxford Street and a building opposite the Bank of England are two of the properties in his portfolio, according to reports.
US closes embassy in Libya 26 Feb 2011 The United States has shuttered its embassy in the Libyan capital Tripoli and levied financial sanctions against Muammar Gaddafi's regime. The US State Department announced the closure on Friday, saying in light of the current security conditions in Libya, and due to an inability to ensure the safety and security of diplomatic personnel, Washington has decided to "temporarily" withdraw its diplomats and suspend all embassy operations in Tripoli, AFP reported. US Embassy personnel had been ordered to leave Libya earlier this week after the United States decided to evacuate 40 non-essential personnel and embassy family members from the North African country.
Cable: Moammar Gaddafi offered to help U.S. fight against terrorism 25 Feb 2011 A secret United States diplomatic message describes Moammar Gadhafi as offering to help the U.S. with counterterrorism operations in Africa just three years after the U.S. removed Libya from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. The brash proposal came during Gadhafi's May 2009 meeting with Gen. William Ward, head of the U.S. Africa Command, according to a memorandum published this week by the website WikiLeaks.
Bush nixes Denver visit, citing invite to Assange 25 Feb 2011 George W. Bush has canceled plans to visit Denver because WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was invited to attend one of the same events as the former president [sic]. Bush planned to be at a Young Presidents Organization "Global Leadership Summit" Saturday but backed out when he learned Assange was invited. Bush spokesman David Sherzer said Friday that Bush doesn't want to share a forum with someone who has "willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States." [No one has "willfully and repeatedly done great[er] harm to the interests of the United States" than George W. Bush. Assange should send back his invitation because Bush was invited. --Michael Rectenwald]
Alleged bomb plotter pleads not guilty 26 Feb 2011 The Saudi college student who allegedly planned to bomb a series of US targets, including the Dallas home of former President [sic] George W. Bush, has pleaded not guilty in federal court in Lubbock, Texas. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, will remain in custody until his formal detention hearing, set for March 11. The student at Lubbock's South Plains College faces a maximum sentence of life in prison and a $250,000 fine if convicted of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.
DIA Travelers Warned of Possible Measles Exposure 25 Feb 2011 Denver International Airport is warning travelers and employees that they may have been exposed to measles. The exposure would have happened on Tuesday, Feb. 22. According to the Department of Public Health and Environment, a person with measles arrived at DIA, Gate C39 at about 9 p.m. That person remained in the area for several hours. People who were working or traveling through Concourse C at DIA on Tuesday after 9 p.m. should monitor themselves for any early symptoms of measles, especially fever, from March 1 to March 12.
First US scientist to die of plague in 50 years worked in labs with 'harmless' Yersinia Pestis --Scientist was working on 'chain of events' behind bubonic plague 26 Feb 2011 A scientist died after becoming the first American researcher to contract the plague in 50 years, it has been revealed. Malcolm Casadaban was working with a weakened form of the plague's bacteria thought to be harmless to humans when he died in September 2009, a report said. The University of Chicago genetics and cell biology professor's work with the live bacteria was not even noted when he fell ill and he followed proper safety protocols. Dr Casadaban was researching the chain of events that happens when a person is made sick by the bacteria Yersinia Pestis, which are behind the plague. [See: List of Dead Scientists By Steve Quayle.]
Army of Fake Social Media Friends to Promote Propaganda 23 Feb 2011 It's recently been revealed that the U.S. government contracted HBGary Federal for the development of software which could create multiple fake social media profiles to manipulate and sway public opinion on controversial issues by promoting propaganda. It could also be used as surveillance to find public opinions with points of view the powers-that-be didn't like... EFF previously warned that Big Brother wants to be your friend for social media surveillance. While the FBI Intelligence Information Report Handbook mentioned using "covert accounts" to access protected information, other government agencies endorsed using security exploits to access protected information. [See: HBGary Email Viewer: Portal.]
Personal details in UK census to be processed by US form which stole Obama's student loan records concerns have been raised about the spiralling cost, which is expected to reach almost £500 million. 26 Feb 2011 Personal details collected in the 2011 national census will be processed in a plant run by an American firm whose staff were prosecuted for stealing President Obama's student loan records. Every householder in the UK is required to fill out the questionnaire next month, with those failing to comply facing a £1,000 fine or even jail. UK Data Capture was formed by Vangent and Edexcel in 2007 specifically for the UK census, which will take place on March 27... The company is sub-contracted by Lockheed Martin UK, a subsidiary of another US firm, which is in charge of managing the census. There is already a campaign to boycott the census because Lockheed Martin is an arms manufacturer responsible for Trident.
Many protesters refuse to exit Wisconsin Capitol 27 Feb 2011 Dozens of protesters against proposed legislation to weaken state public unions refused to leave the Wisconsin state capitol building on Sunday and police said they would be allowed to stay the night. Hundreds had remained in the Capitol from a massive protest rally on Saturday, with hundreds more outside in chill winter weather. Police had announced they would close the building at 4 p.m. for cleaning and custodial work. About 200 refused to leave, with many mingling with assembled local police and building workers.
Off-duty cops join protests in Wisconsin 26 Feb 2011 Hundreds of off-duty police officers and deputies joined protests today against Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill that would strip most collective bargaining powers from about 170,000 public employees. Police, state troopers and firefighters are excluded from the proposal, and even as some marched on the downtown Capitol Square, hundreds of other officers from around the state provided security.
Big union protests planned in Wisconsin, nationwide 26 Feb 2011 Tens of thousands of demonstrators were expected to take to the streets of the Wisconsin state Capitol later on Saturday as protests against a Republican plan to curb the power of public sector unions entered their third weekend. Labor groups also planned for large demonstrations in every state capital in the nation on Saturday to show solidarity with Wisconsin in fighting the proposal they see as trying to break the union movement.
Rep. Paul Broun asked by constituent: When will someone shoot President Obama? 25 Feb 2011 A Republican congressman with Tea Party ties declined to fire back at a town hall audience member this week who asked him when someone was going to shoot President Obama. Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia instead deflected the question, telling the audience, "I know there's a lot of frustration with this President," the Athens Banner-Herald reported.
Tennessee bill would jail Shariah followers --Bill calls Shariah law 'danger to homeland security' 23 Feb 2011 A proposed Tennessee law would make following the Islamic code known as Shariah law a felony, punishable by 15 years in jail. State Sen. Bill Ketron, R-Murfreesboro, and state Rep. Judd Matheny, R-Tullahoma, introduced the same bill in the Senate and House last week. It calls Shariah law a danger to homeland security and gives the attorney general authority to investigate complaints and decide who's practicing it. It exempts peaceful practice of Islam but labels any adherence to Shariah law -- which includes religious practices such as feet washing and prayers -- as treasonous. [WHO elects these sociopaths? I realize that in the case of George W. Bush - no one - but otherwise, I am at a loss.]
Fox News boss persuaded fellow executive to 'lie' to federal investigators --Roger Ailes wanted Judith Regan to keep quiet about affair with man shortlisted to head US homeland security department 27 Feb 2011 The chairman of the right-wing current affairs channel, Fox News, Roger Ailes, has been named in court documents as the previously anonymous executive who allegedly tried to persuade a fellow boss at News Corporation to lie to federal investigators over a crucial Washington appointment. The New York Times reported court documents had become available that for the first time name Ailes as the mysterious executive involved in the allegations.
Sunday is International Polar Bear Day --Only 25,000 polar bears remain in wild 26 Feb 2011 Sunday, February 27, is International Polar Bear Day, says the nonprofit organization Polar Bears International. According to the National Wildlife Federation, there are fewer than 25,000 polar bears left in the wild. They're disappearing due to poaching, pollution and climate change [global warming], which destroys the sea ice polar bears depend on for hunting.
Stand Up for Alaska's Polar Bears 26 Feb 2011 Polar bears in the Hudson Bay are in danger of dying out completely as global warming melts away the ice they depend on to hunt for food. The polar bears further north, including in Alaska, still have hope, but only if we reduce global warming pollution--starting now. Big polluters are doing everything they can to continue dumping unlimited global warming pollution into the air. Right now, they are attacking the Clean Air Act and Environmental Protection Agency--at the expense of the future of polar bears. Take Action! Help protect Alaska's polar bears by editing and sending a message to your members of Congress and President Obama, urging them to oppose big polluter plans to undermine the Clean Air Act.
Polar Bear Cubs Emerge From Their Den 25 Feb 2011 Polar bears are born in the darkness of December, within the mountainous areas of the Arctic circle... Resting in their deep warm nesting place, the Polar Bear mother will usually give birth to a pair of cubs. Born blind and deaf, these vulnerable bears take several weeks to develop even the basic abilities of seeing, hearing, smelling and walking. (Photos, Video)
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Palash Biswas
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