Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 01, Feb - What Lies Behind Egypt’s Problems?

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 11:16 PM
Subject: CC Issue 01, Feb - What Lies Behind Egypt’s Problems?

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

The Era Of Cheap Food  May Be Drawing To A Close

U.S. grain prices should stay unrelentingly high this year, according to a Reuters poll, the latest sign that the era of cheap food has come to an end. U.S. corn, soybeans and wheat prices — which surged by as much has 50 percent last year and hit their highest levels since mid-2008 — will dip by at most 5 percent by the end of 2011, according to the poll of 16 analysts

Protesters Flood Egypt Streets
By Al Jazeera

Up to two million protesters have flooded into central Cairo, turning Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital, into a sea of humanity in a massive show of protest against Hosni Mubarak, the country's president for three decades

What Lies Behind Egypt’s Problems?
How Do They Affect Others?
By Gail Tverberg

At least part of Egypt’s problem is the fact that in the past the government has threatened to reduce food subsidies. Now it is planning to hold food subsidies level and raise energy subsidies, but it is not clear that the dollar amount of subsidy will be enough. The government is taking steps to make food and energy affordable for most, but there is worry that the steps being taken will not be enough

Underneath The Egyptian Revolution:
The Politics Of Food
By Billy Wharton

Hidden beneath the spectacular street battles that aim to force Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak out of office is a trigger that exists in dozens of countries throughout the world – food. Or, more specifically, the lack of it

Why Fear The Arab Revolutionary Spirit?
By Slavoj Žižek

What cannot but strike the eye in the revolts in Tunisia and Egypt is the conspicuous absence of Muslim fundamentalism. In the best secular democratic tradition, people simply revolted against an oppressive regime, its corruption and poverty, and demanded freedom and economic hope

Crunch Time Coming For America
In The Middle East?
By Alan Hart

The right side would see America using its leverage to oblige Israel to end its occupation. This would open the door to a real peace process. The wrong side would see America continuing with the policy of support for Israel. This would open the door to the forces of violent Islamic fundamentalism and set in motion a confrontation that could go all the way to a clash of civilizations

Egypt - U.S. Intelligence Collaboration With
Omar Suleiman “Most Successful”
By Richard Smallteacher, Wikileaks staff

New cables released by Wikileaks reveal that the U.S. government has been quietly anticipating as well as cultivating Omar Suleiman, the Egyptian spy chief, as the top candidate to take over the country should anything happen to President Hosni Mubarak. On Saturday, this expectation was proved correct when Mubarak named Suleiman to the post of vice-president making him the first in line to assume power

Egypt's Revolution: Obama Backing
Regime Change?
By Stephen Lendman

Odds are Mubarak will leave, and stability will return under a new regime, very much subservient to Washington like all other global despots wanting to go along to get along, or put another way - survive long enough to enjoy power and related privileges

Prisoners In Egypt’s Tora Istiqbaal Prison
Under Attack By Security Agencies
By Cageprisoners

Cageprisoners has received news from the Tora Istiqbaal prison complex just outside Cairo, Egypt that hundreds of prisoners are being attacked by the security forces in a pre-emptive action taken against political inmates

Uprising In Egypt – Country At The Cross Roads
By Mirza A. Beg

Two years ago when I was in Cairo, I talked to Egyptians from a broad cross section of generational, educational and economic and religious background. They were friendly talkative and inquisitive. They talked about everything under the sun, but could not voice opinions on their government. Liberation is in the air and Egyptians have found their voice

On Food Crisis And Corruption
By Devinder Sharma

We need our own people to produce food for the nation. This is possible provided we throw away the American cloak and put our heads together to develop an Indian version of agriculture and farming. We can chart a sustainable path for the rest of the world to follow. We don’t need to follow the West, we need to look inwards and come up with policies and structures that are feasible given the conditions we have

Introduction To Navigating The Coming Chaos:
A Handbook For Inner Transition
By Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.

This book is a hands-on, practical toolkit. Because it is a study, it offers a cache of personal reflection exercises to which a great deal of deep thought and contemplation have been given. This is about giving—to yourself and to the people and experiences you may encounter in the collapse process, as well as to the earth community

Beyond The Economic Treadmill
And Toward True Well Being
By Michael Abrams

The materialistic treadmill that we are on–both as individuals and as societies–turns out to be a dead end. It makes us no happier, and in the process is laying waste to the natural capital upon which our real well-being ultimately depends. To the extent that civilization has a future it will depend on the transition to another mode of living, one in which our well-being–both as individuals and as societies–is the overriding goal, and not any of its economic proxies

What Right Do You Have To Be Here
On Planet Earth?
By William Kotke

We are now living out the last gasps of materialistic, industrial civilization and the dying away of the flesh of our planet, with its exploding population and dwindling resources. If there were any maturity in the human societies they would be glad to sponsor experimental communities such as ecovillages. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the death culture could push through a few surviving ecologically balanced human communities past the apocalypse to become the seeds of the new human culture based on the principles of life?

Razor Blades And The Limits Of Complexity
By Kurt Cobb

The alternative to scaling the walls of complexity continuously would be to simplify society when the returns on complexity diminish or turn negative. One of the essential inputs for increased complexity is increased energy input, according to Tainter. Thus, peaks in fossil fuels may force global society to simplify. Why not recognize now that the solution to our problems may not involve higher degrees of complexity? Why not get ready ahead of time and make the transition less painful?

Why Jews Around The World Are Praying
For The Victory Of The Egyptian Uprising
By Rabbi Michael Lerner

Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine and chair of The Tikkun Community, affirmed that there is a growing upsurge of support for the Egyptian Uprising in the Jewish community

Future Weapons, Future Wars,
And The New Arms Race
By Nick Turse

In the future, the power of magnetism will be harnessed to make today’s high explosives seem feeble, “guided bullets” will put the current crop of snipers to shame, and new multi-purpose missiles will strike targets in a flash from high-flying drones. At least, that’s part of the Pentagon’s battlefield vision of tomorrow’s tomorrow

It Is Time We Censored The Censor Board
By Leena Manimekalai

On December 31, 2010, the Censor Board of Film Certification (CBFC) watched and refused the clearance certificate to my film "Sengadal". The film captures the fragments of ordinary lives beaten by three-decade-long ethnic war in Sri Lanka. It unfolds in a fisher village at Dhanushkodi, the southernmost tip of India and talks of the travails of the fishermen risking their lives everyday in the border waters between Sri Lanka and India

Towards Dawn – A Documentary
On The Tamil Nadu Fishermen
A Film By R.N. Joe D’cruz

This Documentary Portrays the Plight of Fishermen on the Palk Strait who are suffering by the atrocities of the Sri Lankan Navy

Continuing Disaster Of Endosulfan
In Kasargod And Kannur Districts Of Kerala
By VT Padmanabhan

Between 1976 and 2000, more than 50,000 villagers of Kasargod district in Kerala, India have been exposed to endosulfan, a persistent organic pesticide, sprayed on the cashew plantations owned by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. More than 3000 people living near, downstream and downwind of the estate were affected by debilitating rare diseases like mental retardation, cerebral palsy, cancer etc

Deepening Canada-U.S. Security And Military Ties
By Dana Gabriel

A recent North American defense ministers meeting was originally scheduled to be a trilateral gathering, but Mexico’s Secretary of Defense was unable to participate in the summit. Canada-U.S. talks focused on continental, hemispheric, as well as global defense issues. The meeting went a long way to further deepen bilateral security and military ties

Unrequited Questions In  Manufactured “Democracy”
By Farooque Chowdhury

Grand goal of manufactured “democracy” does not attend to one fundamental aspect of democracy: the economic question. It efficiently deceives people by silver-tongued slogans while ignores the essential part of democracy-equation: people’s interest and role in economy

Abusing Palestinian Children
By Stephen Lendman

Israel is an equal opportunity abuser, treating women, old men, invalids, and children like young adults because they're Palestinians, not Jews, so they're fair game, vilified as national security threats or terrorists for wanting freedom, equality, justice and peace

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