Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Many are courageously awakening

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha <>
Date: Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 3:03 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Many are courageously awakening
To: bangla vision <>
Cc:, Calcutta Group <>, bahujan group <>

But the rest of us are vying for the DARWIN AWARD, or chicken manure award and prevent ourselves from thinking clearly and realizing that NO ONE GROUP, OR PERSON, OR COUNTRY COULD DO IT; EXCEPT PERHAPS ISRAEL BY THE SUBCONTRACTING FROM TRAITORS FROM WITHIN.

This is without any doubt AN INSIDE JOB.  A new, hinest-t-goodness investigation with panels from the US AND THE WORLD must be opened.  This panel must contain the prominent figures in the 9-11 truth movement.

A bunch of traitors brought shame to our country and they should be brought to justice.   In a country an armed robbery at a 7/11 store brings seven years imprisonment; another armed robbery, an unprecedented treason committed on  9/11 should not be left unpunished.

There is a wealth of information in the videos and article below.  Be sure to watch at least the videos.  BE A GOOD AMERICAN not a mouse.....

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Kendrick <>
To: Kendrick Ed <>
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 8:31 am
Subject: Many are courageously awakening

Poll in Germany: 89.5 doubt official version of 9/11

A recent poll in the german magazine "Welt der Wunder" conducted by the well known Emnid Institute results in astonishing 89% of the german respondents not believing the official line 9/11. The magazine in 2010 already published the story of NATOs "secret nuclear war", where the consequences of the widespread use of depleted uranium ammunitions were explained.

 AE911Truth Newsletter Vol. XVIII — APFN, Sun Jan 23 19:13
AE911Truth Newsletter Vol. XVIII Address:
In December's Blueprint, we reported that AE911Truth is producing a new documentary DVD, "9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out," which will present analysis and testimony on the destruction of the three WTC Buildings... more
   Inside 911 - National Geographic Channel — APFN, Mon Jan 24 15:06
   Google "China Syndrome at the WTC" — David Howard, Mon Jan 24 04:59
Inside 911 - National Geographic Channel
"Inside 9/11" traces the time line that led up to the deadly attacks, spanning decades and circling the globe to lay bare the roots of SO CALLED Al Qaeda.

nside 9/11 | Inside 911 - National Geographic Channel

Video; Newsletters; Animals. Animals Home; Facts; Photos; Animal ... Inside 9/11 follows the footsteps of the terrorists as they ... Ad Sales; live curious. © National ...​inside-911

Veterans Today Network - Nila Sagadevan - 8 hours ago
... that prods it to face reality; it seeks solace anywhere but in truth, shuddering at the insanity of the very suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job. ...
"It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth … For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it."
—Patrick Henry
Mission, accomplished.
The Road Ahead
Upon my return, I feel that as a citizen of this planet I can no longer turn a deaf ear nor cast a blind eye to this criminal web of deceit. What self-respecting person can?
The emotion that engulfs me now is no longer one of frustration, but of deep concern; it stirs in me profound pity for the millions of my fellow Americans unable to see beyond the ceaseless barrage of propaganda and mindless drivel dished out by the controlled media via television—that clever modern implementer of Caesar's cunning recipe for control: "Give the people bread, blood, and games…"
As we can see, Big Brother's mastered the recipe. What's more, he has at his disposal tools of mass manipulation beyond Caesar's most delirious dreams.
But then, so do we. It's called the Internet.
The powers behind 9/11 may practically own the mass media and manipulate its messages at will in order to achieve their damnable ends, but the Internet is a different animal altogether. It is in fact more powerful than the might of the corporate media—arguably more powerful than any government on the planet. If the Internet were a country, with its billions of users it would be by far the most populous nation on Earth.
The 9/11 criminals are painfully aware the Internet is the Truth Movement's communicational lifeblood. Equally important, they also know its rich abundance of alternative news sources—fiercely independent sites devoid of Big Brother's influence—also makes it our singular source of oxygen. The Internet is the single biggest thorn in their side, and constitutes the biggest threat to their plans to achieve "full-spectrum dominance".
While I'm admittedly no expert on the subject, on this I will bet: censored, surveilled, sliced, muted, gated, whatever—the Internet, as we know it, will be forcibly reconfigured into some form of hierarchical or taxonomic arrangement that will readily lend itself to Caesar's tyrannous control.
This potentially lethal tactical counter-attack is imminent.
As with the infamous Patriot Act that was craftily pushed through Congress virtually unread (during recess and in the immediate chaotic aftermath of 9/11 when fear and fervor blinded a nation to all else), new legislation is being drafted, as this is written, that would not only severely restrict (at least, strictly control) access to the Internet, but also globally censor—and block outright, if necessary—all Web content. "Problematic" sites would be rendered inaccessible. Doubtless, all 9/11-related sites and alternative news portals—the only founts of unadulterated information these days—will occupy top slots on the hit list.
The World Is Waking Up—Fast
Given the astonishingly robust worldwide growth of the 9/11 Truth community, this was inevitable. A recent poll in the German magazine Welt der Wunder [2] conducted by the well-respected Emnid Institute revealed that an astonishing 89% of respondents—eighty-nine percent—do not believe the official version 9/11. A poll by the Australian Herald Sun [3] showed 76% of respondents doubt the official narrative.
Burgeoning public awareness of professional organizations of unimpeachable credibility, such as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (whose membership is nearing 1,500 professionals) [4]; Military officers for 9/11 Truth [5]; Firefighters for 9/11 Truth [6]; Pilots for 9/11 Truth [7]; Scientists for 9/11 Truth [8], et al.; as well as the brilliant new television campaign, "Building What?" [9], have sent the 9/11-message soaring.
Obviously, this is bad news for the bad guys. As to be expected, the Internet has suddenly become the top-priority target. But something as draconian as killing the 'Net cannot be enacted into law easily in a "free democratic society" without raising howls of outrage (even from Sheeple). Naturally, yet another "false flag" pretext was needed to justify this action to "protect the people" from yet another imaginary threat.
It is hardly accidental, then, that the perfect pretext for this soon-to-be-enacted new law that would choke the Internet arrived in the guise of… [roll eyes] Wikileaks—now proven beyond a doubt to be another insidious COINTELPRO (Counter-Intelligence-Program) operation. [10]
Right on cue, Wikileaks' "treacherous" actions were promptly branded a "National Security Threat". Consequently (by inference, since Wiki is a wholly net-based operation), the Internet has now been "proven" to be a serious threat to the nation's security, thus cementing it as a legitimate official target ripe for the kill.
Voila! Problem-Reaction-Solution—the beautiful, tried-and-true false-flag formula that never fails: 1) Manufacture a Problem; 2) Await the public's Reaction; 3) Offer the perfect Solution. Works every time—9/11 is a classic example of its demonstrable efficacy.
Martial law will be their final option. With the country's economy circling the drain, it could arrive a lot sooner than we think. Forced internment of citizens in DHS (Department of Homeland Security) camps would likely soon follow—over four hundred of these "facilities" already exist across the country, skeletally staffed for the moment, ready to accommodate tens of thousands of American citizens whenever Caesar feels the peasants are getting a little too rowdy.
The ostensible purpose of these "facilities": To contain "civil unrest".
Of course, as the noose continues to tighten, anyone who questions the OCT (Official Conspiracy Theory) will, at best, be deemed to possess the potential to incite "civil unrest" and thus placed under surveillance; at worst, found guilty of "providing comfort to the enemy" and shipped, one-way, to their friendly neighborhood DHS resort.
These are not spurious alarmist "conspiracy theories." They are verifiable facts.
No doubt, the perpetrators are keenly aware that when—not if— 9/11 truth explodes, there will erupt across this nation a cacophony of rage, of people screaming for justice—and for heads to roll for treason, and the murder of not only the three thousand of our fellow citizens who perished that fateful day, but the thousands of our soldiers who continue to be fed as canon fodder on foreign battlefields; and the untold numbers of innocent civilians being slaughtered abroad, all based on one heinous lie.
Americans, in general, are some of the most genial, affable, and generous people on Earth. That being said, hell hath no fury as a Good Ol' Boy scorned. An American who awakens to a system that has deceived, lied, and misled his country into fraudulent wars, and literally murdered its own citizens, is one who can shape-shift, in an instant, into a most dangerous animal—one who'll take the law into his own hands in a heartbeat. Given the right stimulus, "revolution" is a word that flies off his tongue with great ease. It is ingrained in his freedom-loving genes.
Then there's the rest of the world, the Muslim countries in particular. While the US may have been 9/11's iconic epicenter, 9/11 is no longer only about America. Its repercussions and ramifications are now manifestly global, as we can see from the "news" of the continuing carnage that endlessly bombards our jaded minds and benumbed senses.
On the world stage, 9/11 is the Big Kahuna. Entire nations and peoples have been falsely vilified, and countries invaded on account of this unspeakable fraud. Millions abroad will surely rise up in arms when they awaken to the truth. There will be blood on the streets; of that there is no doubt.
The Path of the Peaceful Warrior
It is important to remember Gandhi's words that an eye for an eye will only leave the whole world blind.
I abhor violence in all its forms. Violence is not the answer. It cannot be the answer. To paraphrase Einstein, we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that was used to create them.
Having made that clear, I wholeheartedly embrace Gandhi's concept of non-violent resistance in all its manifestations. 'Satyagraha', or "Truth Force", surely is the way forward.
Truth, it is said, is the most powerful force in the Universe, verily indomitable. Gandhi demonstrated this beyond a doubt when he wielded Truth as his sole weapon to bring to its knees the greatest empire of our times.
The 9/11 Truth movement is a peace movement. It is a clarion call that heralds Truth in a world ripped asunder by lies.
Our job is not to speculate about who did 9/11. Nor is it for us to theorize about how it was done; or hypothesize about the numerous unknowns. We do not profess to have all the answers. That is for a new and impartial investigation to determine. Our only job is to remove blinders and open eyes to the Big Lie. Our task is to get people thinking for themselves, instead of gullibly buying the twisted party propaganda our televisions dish out.
But denial is one of truth's most tenacious—and insuperable—adversaries. Especially when faced with a paradigmatic leap, such as with 9/11, the mind reels at the ramifications; it begs relief from the inner voice that prods it to face reality; it seeks solace anywhere but in truth, shuddering at the insanity of the very suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job. That one's "government" would murder its own people is something far too outlandish for the average person to stomach. The mind simply refuses to go there. It's akin to telling some fellow that his kindly father has just been exposed as a serial killer. The knee-jerk reaction is denial, that comforting, illusory cocoon of safety.
Fact is the forces behind 9/11 transcend "government" as we know it. To delve any deeper into this subject would surpass the scope of this essay. Let it suffice to say that ever active but unseen, omnipotent but un-elected, there exists in the world today a formidable core of power that operates silently behind the scenes and across national borders. It is impervious to electoral influence; unaffected by public opinion; accountable only unto itself; and exists for one reason alone: the selfish generation of profit through engineered geopolitical divisions and conflicts.
Former US President Woodrow Wilson best described the insidious nature of this unseen force:
"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
It was not "our government" per se that orchestrated 9/11, but rather, this formidable behind-the-scenes power bloc that did. But this is a fiendishly difficult subject to fully grasp, let alone explain to the average person who has been reared virtually since birth on our rigid two-party political diet. This perpetual Republican/Democrat circus shrouds the real power that controls our system: a colorblind vulture with wings of two colors.
Implicit faith in this deeply ingrained two-party political charade is what makes people reject any suggestion that the "government" could have been behind 9/11, and prompts the common rejoinder, "Well, who did it, then?"
The best answer: We don't know; that's for a new Investigation to determine.
"But the 9/11 Commission Report explained everything!"
No, it explained nothing. In fact, more than sixty percent of the Commission's members now admit they were lied to, and that the official version of 9/11 was based on false testimony and documents, and is almost entirely untrue. [11]
[4] Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth:
[5] Military Officers for 9/11 Truth:
[6] Firefighters for 9/11 Truth:
[7] Pilots for 9/11 Truth:
[8] Scientists for 9/11 Truth:
[9] Building What? Campaign:
# # #

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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