Friday, January 28, 2011

Consciousness Change By Chris Thomas

There is a point at which all of the changes that have been spoken of in the last few years come about.

As we moved into November 2010, all of the long awaited shifts in energy began in earnest and we started a new phase of development as the energies we have available to us entered a new, and final, phase of acceleration.

Many felt this new phase begin and welcomed it in, whilst others started to feel that they were under pressure, almost to the point of feeling under some kind of `attack'.

So what is going on?

If you look at the graph below, what is represented there is the way in which the energy frequencies connected with us and the Earth have changed in recent years.


In order for us to be physical on this planet, the Earth has always produced a `base-note' frequency of 7.56 Hz (that is a frequency of 7.56 cycles per second). Don't worry if you do not understand cycles per second or Hz, it is the values of the level of change that are important.

The Earth's own frequency is that which allows the soul to take on physical form and also, through our `root' chakra, connects us to the Earth.

At the time of Atlantis, we had the whole of the soul within the physical body – not the physical self/higher self soul division we have become used to. The problem was that we knew that the Earth's base-note frequency was too low to maintain our original `whole soul' state but we did not know what this frequency needed to be raised to in order for us to be in that state again.

For the past 7,000 years we have been investigating what the new frequency needed to be and in the year 2,000 we finally worked it out. Once we had arrived at the answer, the Earth responded immediately and raised her base-note frequency from its original 7.56 Hz to 3,500 Hz (3.5 kHz) in May of that year (green line on graph). Unfortunately, humans being humans, we were a little slow in responding in the same way and it has taken us a further ten years to arrive at the point where we can accelerate our own energies.

A new phase of existence

This is what happened at the start of November 2010. As can be seen from the graph (blue line), we had raised our own frequencies a little (to around 13 Hz) but then the graph begins to curve and then rise. By the start of November 2011 we will have caught up with the changes the Earth has already made and be in a position to resonate at 3.5 kHz, allowing us to reintegrate the whole of the soul back into the body and, for the first time in 7,000 years, once again become true Human Beings.

Once we have achieved that new state, we begin an entirely new phase of human existence which has no time limit.

The November 2011 date then allows us an extra year to sort ourselves out before the end of the calendrical cycle of the `Fifth Sun', of the Mayan Calendar, that ends on the 21st December 2012. The important thing to remember about the Mayan Calendar is that it does not mean the end of the world, it just means that we have completed the last cycle of our old way of life and we are set to begin an entirely new level of being. As we do begin our new consciousness, the calendar `rounds' begin afresh and, this time, there are no limits and no end-dates.

What we are becoming is very difficult to describe, as we do not have an adequate vocabulary to describe our new way of being. One thing is for certain, it will be beyond our wildest imaginings.

There are, of course, those who have attempted to prevent us from reaching this point by attempting to create `A New World Order'. This acceleration, in our own levels of consciousness, will ensure that this `opposition' will not, and cannot, succeed but it will not stop them from trying and so 2011 and 2012 are likely to be periods where our transition will appear difficult.

Just think of this time as though you were riding on a surf board – whatever the seas of change throw at us, just ride over the waves, do not become drowned in the falsely created currents that would hold our change back.

It might be a bumpy ride for a little while, but our destination is a new paradise on Earth.

©2011 Chris Thomas

Reach out and touch someone with your Love & Gratitude.


Palash Biswas
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