Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fwd: Fw: Britain held secret war talks with U.S. general 11 months before Iraqinvasion 04 Oct 2010

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From: Brian Rayner <>
Date: Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 4:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Britain held secret war talks with U.S. general 11 months before Iraqinvasion 04 Oct 2010

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From: CLG_News
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 5:49 AM
Subject: Britain held secret war talks with U.S. general 11 months before Iraqinvasion 04 Oct 2010

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
04 Oct 2010
All links are here:
Britain held secret war talks with U.S. general 11 months before Iraq invasion 03 Oct 2010 America's most senior general flew into Britain for top secret talks on the invasion of Iraq 11 months before the attack on Saddam Hussein's Government. Details of the classified meeting, held at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, suggest Tony Blair's Government was involved in detailed discussions about toppling the Iraqi president earlier than previously disclosed. American General Tommy Franks flew in to the base in April 2002 to attend a summit meeting called by the then Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon.
Mission accomplished! Iraq raises oil reserve estimate 24 pct 04 Oct 2010 Iraq's oil minister on Monday sharply boosted the estimate on the country's proven reserves of oil to 143.1 billion barrels, an almost 25 percent increase that transforms the war-ravaged nation into the home of the world's second-largest proven reserves of conventional crude oil.
Taliban has infiltrated Afghan forces, claims ex-UN official in warning that sleeper cells are awaiting instructions to strike 04 Oct 2010 A former senior UN official has spoken of his concern that the Taliban has infiltrated the Afghan police and army. Former executive director of the UN's Office of Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan, Antonio Maria Costa said Taliban sleeper cells had been set up inside the security forces. According to Dr Costa the Taliban have already carried out a number of attacks and have scheduled further hits on Nato-led troops.
'US not after terrorists in Afghanistan' [They *are* the terrorists in Afghanistan!] 04 Oct 2010 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has hinted that the US and its Western allies are not serious enough in hunting terrorists in the country... The Afghan president said the security situation in Afghanistan does not improve as the US-led foreign forces have not been targeting the militants' main hideouts in the war-torn country, the office of Karzai's spokesman said in a Sunday statement, a Press TV correspondent reported. Karzai said on Saturday that the US-led foreign forces were pursuing their own national security interests in Afghanistan. [Right, that would be the opium and gas routes.]
US-led attacks kill Afghan civilians --Attack comes one day after US-led air strike killed over 20 people in same province 04 Oct 2010 At least 18 civilians have been killed or sustained injuries in deadly attacks launched by US-led foreign troops in troubled southern Afghanistan. The attack took place in the Kajaki district of the southern Helmand Province. Three people have been confirmed dead. Local witnesses say the victims were all civilians. NATO has confirmed the incident but claims 10 'militants' were killed.
MoD manual reveals 'execution' of prisoner by Afghan soldier 03 Oct 2010 A prisoner has been "executed" on a British base in Helmand province by an Afghan soldier, Ministry of Defence documents have disclosed. The shooting of the detainee on the small UK-controlled patrol base in Musa Qala in March was revealed in an MoD training manual for troops deploying to Afghanistan. The manual was released as part of the Baha Mousa public inquiry into abuse of Iraqi prisoners.
Unauthorized US attack kills 8 Pakistanis 04 Oct 2010 The death toll from a non-UN-sanctioned attack by unmanned US planes on Pakistan's troubled tribal belt has reached eight with several people wounded. According to Pakistani security officials, a US drone bombed a house in North Waziristan near the Afghan border. Officials say the house belonged to a local resident.
US Drone Kills Germans Amid Terror Fears --A suspected US drone strike has killed eight [alleged] militants holding German passports in Pakistan. 04 Oct 2010 The attack came amid warnings that 'al Qaeda' terrorists in northern Pakistan are plotting terror operations on European targets. According to reports, the number of drone strikes in the tribal belt have increased in response to the threat. The militants died when two missiles from a suspected CIA pilotless aircraft struck a mosque in Mirali in North Waziristan, Pakistani officials said.
Taliban claim attacks on NATO convoys in Pakistan 04 Oct 2010 Pakistani Taliban on Monday claimed responsibility for two recent attacks on NATO supply convoys in Pakistan and threatened to carry out more, a spokesman said. "We accept responsibility for the attacks on the NATO supply trucks and tankers," Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Azam Tariq told AFP.
Militants attack Nato tanker convoy in Pakistan 04 Oct 2010 Militants in Pakistan have destroyed 27 tankers which were carrying fuel for Nato troops in Afghanistan. The Taliban in Pakistan said it was behind the assault on a depot near Islamabad which left three people dead. Pakistan has stopped Nato convoys crossing the Khyber Pass in response to a Nato air strike last week in which three Pakistani soldiers were killed.
NATO fuel tankers attacked in Pakistan --Militants' third attack on NATO oil tankers since Friday 03 Oct 2010 Three people have been killed and eight injured in an attack on a convoy of 20 NATO oil tankers which were en route from Pakistan to US-led troops in Afghanistan. The attack took place near Islamabad in the early hours of Monday morning local time, a Press TV correspondent in Pakistan reported. Most of the dead and injured were civilian drivers and their helpers, AFP reported.
Army embeds active-duty PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations --WRAL and WTOC were on list of participants in Army's Training With Industry program By John Cook 01 Oct 2010 The U.S. Army has used local television stations in the U.S. as training posts for some of its psychological-operations personnel, The Upshot has learned. Since at least 2001, both WRAL, a CBS affiliate in Raleigh, N.C., and WTOC, a CBS affiliate in Savannah, Ga., have regularly hosted active-duty soldiers from the Army's 4th Psychological Operations group as part of the Army's Training With Industry program... The PSYOPS soldiers used WRAL and WTOC to learn broadcasting and communications expertise that they could apply in their mission, as the Army describes it, of "influenc[ing] the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences."
US Plans Law Enforcement 'Surge' On Trains --Amtrak's counterparts in Europe and Britain will also be holding exercise called "Rail Action Day" on Friday 04 Oct 2010 US authorities plan a law enforcement surge this week along Amtrak routes, an exercise called operation RailSafe, and the heads of the country's biggest mass transit systems were briefed today on the possible terror threat, all part of what is being called an abundance of caution. Amtrak is holding a high-security exercise on Friday in which uniformed officers will be a visible presence on national transit routes. RailSafe will include all the local police agencies along the Amtrak routes involved in the exercise.
Bomb Explodes Outside Shopping Centre 05 Oct 2010 AFP reports that a bomb planted in a car has exploded outside a shopping centre in Derry, Northern Ireland, causing substantial damage but no injuries. "Shortly after midnight a device in a Corsa car exploded outside a bank at the rear of the DaVinci retail complex" in the city, a spokesman from the Police Service of Northern Ireland said. "A warning had been received just over an hour earlier and a cordon was in place."
Airport Pre-security Areas Possible Terror Targets in European Plot, Official Says --Mounting 'Chatter' by Jihadi Extremists Has Law Enforcement Nervous 04 Sep 2010 Among the possible targets in the suspected European terror plot are pre-security areas in at least five major European airports, a law enforcement official told ABC News. Authorities believe terror teams are preparing to mount a commando like attack featuring small units and small firearms modeled after the Mumbai attack two years ago.
U.S. issues travel alert for Europe amid threat of 'al Qaeda' attack 03 Oct 2010 The State Department issued a travel alert Sunday for American citizens in Europe in light of increased U.S. and European intelligence that a large-scale 'al Qaeda' attack may be imminent. Intelligence officials in the U.S. and Europe have said an increase in activity in recent weeks suggests that a small cell of potential terrorists hiding in North Waziristan, a Pakistani tribal region, are preparing an attack that could be as spectacular as the 2008 [CIA] raids in Mumbai, India.
Foreign Office warns of high terror threat in France and Germany 03 Oct 2010 Britain followed the US in upgrading its travel advice for Europe today following a series of terror alerts. The Foreign Office warned that there was a "high threat" of attacks in countries including France and Germany, rather than the "general threat" previously identified. The move came shortly after the State Department issued guidance urging Americans to be vigilant when visiting Europe, highlighting the "potential for terrorists to attack public transportation systems and other tourist infrastructure".
Japan joins UK and US in Europe al-Qaeda terror alert 04 Sep 2010 The Japanese government has issued a terror alert to its citizens in Europe, following similar warnings from the UK and US. The foreign ministry in Tokyo urged people to exercise caution when using public transport or visiting tourist sites. Security sources warned last week of potential plots on the scale of the Mumbai attacks in 2008. US authorities have cited France, Germany and the UK as possible targets.
Japan plans to buy US spy drones 04 Oct 2010 Japan's Defense Ministry is reportedly planning to buy three American reconnaissance unmanned planes in a bid to increase its espionage capabilities. Citing unnamed ministry sources, Kyodo News said on Monday that Japan would pay $150 million for three Global Hawk spy drones. Tokyo hopes to use the camera-equipped drones to monitor its neighbors' military and nuclear programs, the report said.
NORAD plans training flights over Colorado 04 Oct 2010 The North American Aerospace Defense Command will send planes on training flights over Teller County west of Colorado Springs. The flights are planned Monday evening. NORAD says the planes will practice interception and identification procedures as well as responding to multiple threats.
NORAD jets practice intercept and ID in Teller County skies 04 Oct 2010 NORAD fighter jets will be practicing intercepting and identifying other aircraft in the skies over Teller County this evening. The exercise, which will also include assisting the Teller County sheriff in dealing with a simulated air crash, will take place in the early evening just west of Colorado Springs. Residents near Divide will hear the jets patrolling as well as other aircraft playing the role of target planes for the fighters.
Court: NSA doesn't have to say if it has records 04 Oct 2010 The Supreme Court won't make the super-secret National Security Agency divulge whether it has records of the warrantless wiretapping it did of lawyers representing Guantanamo Bay inmates. The court on Monday refused to hear an appeal from detainee lawyer Thomas B. Wilner. Wilner and other detainee lawyers filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the NSA asking whether it has warrantless wiretapping records on them. But the NSA won't say whether it does or does not, saying that revealing this information would endanger national security.
US top court refuses to hear Guantanamo wiretap case 04 Oct 2010 The US Supreme Court on Monday threw out a plea by 23 lawyers for Guantanamo Bay detainees prisoners to be informed whether conservations by their clients had been subjected to wiretaps. The nation's highest court refused to hear the case, without giving a reason, dismissing claims from the detainees lawyers that the possibility that their clients had been subjected to eavesdropping was complicating the cases. Intelligence services were given the authority to carry out wiretaps without first obtaining court approval after the September 11, 2001 attacks. But the existence of such tapes was only brought to light in 2005. [Right, the Wh*re York Times sat on the story until *after* the 2004 'election,' so that Bush would get more votes.]
Palestinians: Israeli settlers set fire to mosque --Official: Qurans burned at West Bank site 04 Oct 2010 Palestinians accused Jewish settlers of setting fire to a mosque in the occupied West Bank on Monday, an incident that coincided with U.S. efforts to save peace talks stalled by a dispute over settlement building. Fifteen Qurans and the mosque's carpet were burned, said Ali Thawabti, a municipal council official in the village of Beit Fajjar. It was the fourth time since December that a West Bank mosque had been vandalized in an attack blamed on settlers.
IDF soldiers convicted of using 11-year-old as human shield in Gaza 03 Oct 2010 The southern command military court convicted two Israeli soldiers on Sunday of using human shields during Operation Cast Lead, Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, in the winter of 2008-2009. The soldiers were convicted of offenses including inappropriate behavior and overstepping authority for ordering an 11-year-old Palestinian to search bags suspected to have been booby trapped. The conviction is the first such conviction for what is termed in the Israel Defense Forces "neighbor procedure" - the use of human shields during searches and pursuits, which has been outlawed.
Israeli soldiers convicted of using Palestinian boy as human shield 03 Oct 2010 Two Israeli soldiers were today convicted of using a nine-year-old Palestinian boy as a human shield during the three-week Gaza war in 2008-9 and could face a prison sentence of up to three years. The soldiers, who ordered the boy to open bags suspected of containing explosives, were charged with inappropriate behaviour and overstepping authority in a closed military trial.
Stuxnet worm: Private security experts want US to tell them more 04 Oct 2010 America's government security experts are among the best in the world. But their private sector counterparts are mystified why government's public findings on the Stuxnet worm - the world's first publicly-known cyber superweapon - so often have seemed muted, old news, or incomplete. Tucked away on a government website, the Industrial Control System-Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) - part of the Department of Homeland Security - posts alerts and bulletins with government analysis of Stuxnet, dutifully logging its findings since it emerged publicly in July.
US kicks off National Cyber Security Awareness Month 04 Oct 2010 US president Barak Obama has signed a proclamation recognising October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month. This reflects the president's continued commitment to cybersecurity as a national priority, said US cybersecurity co-ordinator Howard Schmidt in a blog post... For the first time, senior government and industry officials on both US coasts will participate in officially kicking off National Cyber Security Awareness Month today. 

Banks may need new bailout, warns think-tank 04 Oct 2010 Taxpayers should be braced for another multi-billion bail-out of Britain's banks, a left-leaning think tank claims today. Financial institutions face a funding shortfall next year as existing borrowing ends, forcing them to look for another £13 billion a month, or £156bn a year, the New Economics Foundation (Nef) warned in a report into the banking crisis. Banks were unlikely to make up the shortfall by making more money from customers and might ask for another bail-out, Nef suggested.  [I got your bailout right here, pal.]

Insurance firms infuse GOP with big doses of cash --Health care law changes spur surge of political donations from industry 04 Oct 2010 Faced with wide-ranging new requirements in the health care law, the insurance industry is pouring money into Republican campaign coffers in hopes of scaling back regulations while preserving the mandate that Americans buy coverage. Since January, the nation's five largest insurers and the industry's Washington-based lobbying arm have given three times more money to Republican lawmakers and political action committees than to Democrats.
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Previous lead stories: Concern That Terror Teams Have Selected Targets, Ready to Strike --U.S. Weighs Travel Alert For Europe Because of Threat of Terror Attacks 02 Oct 2010 Strong concerns that [CIA/MI5-backed] terrorist teams in Europe have selected their targets, completed their surveillance, eluded capture and are now ready to strike at airports and tourist attractions have prompted the State Department to ready a highly unusual travel advisory for Europe, multiple law enforcement and intelligence sources tell ABC News. Intelligence and law enforcement officials have information that the teams could at any time launch a "Mumbai style" terror attack that targets civilians for death or hostage taking.
CIA Escalates in Pakistan --The Pentagon and CIA have ramped up their purchases of drones, but they aren't being built fast enough to meet the rapid rise in demand. 02 Oct 2010 The U.S. military is secretly diverting aerial drones and weaponry from the Afghan battlefront to significantly expand the CIA's campaign against militants [and civilians] in their Pakistani havens. In recent months, the military has loaned Predator and Reaper drones to the Central Intelligence Agency to give the agency more firepower to target and bombard militants on the Afghan border. The additional drones helped the CIA escalate the number of strikes in Pakistan in September.
Iran 'detains western spies' after cyber attack on nuclear plant --Iranian government accuses the west of launching an 'electronic war' following sophisticated Stuxnet worm attack 02 Oct 2010 Iran has detained several spies it claims were behind cyber attacks on its nuclear programme. The intelligence minister, Heydar Moslehi, said western "spy services" were behind the complex computer virus that recently infected more than 30,000 computers in industrial sites, including those in the Bushehr nuclear power plant, appearing to confirm the suspicion of computer security experts that a foreign state was responsible.
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