Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 05 Oct - Vulnerable Nations Could Take Industrialised Countries To Court

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:33 AM
Subject: CC Issue 05 Oct - Vulnerable Nations Could Take Industrialised Countries To Court

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Vulnerable Nations  Could Take Industrialised Countries To Court, Say Lawyers
By Marianne de Nazareth

Climate-vulnerable developing nations could use international law to break the current deadlock in the intergovernmental negotiations on climate change by taking industrialised nations to court, says a paper published on 4th Octoberby the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development

Obama Is Going Solar
By Bill McKibben

The Obama administration announced this morning that they are going to put solar panels on the First Family's living quarters, returning to a tradition begun by president Jimmy Carter and abandoned by Ronald Reagan

Himalayas Unsettled By Melting Glaciers,
More Avalanches
By Bhuwan Sharma

Even making one's way just up to Base Camp, which lies at an altitude of 5,380 metres, can already give one the dismal view of the devastation climate change is wreaking. Snow cover in the mountains is decreasing, crevasses are opening up in the glaciers. Avalanches (have been) occurring frequently (in) the past two years

India Says Is Now Third Highest Carbon Emitter
By Gopal Sharma

India's environment minister said on Monday the country could not have high economic growth and a rapid rise in carbon emissions now that the nation was the number three emitter after China and the United States

Youth Across North America Are Fighting
For Their Future Climate
By Subhankar Banerjee

Here are three stories about young people with a different perspective -- a teen rock band called One Eyed Rhyno from Sacramento, California; climate students from the North Cascades Institute in Sedrow-Woolley, Washington; and a bicyclist from the Yukon province in Canada

Political Wish List: Honest Talk About
Economics, Empire, And Energy
By Robert Jensen

Here are my contributions, three short essays that raise critical questions about economics, empire, and energy that are routinely ignored by most politicians

In Kenya, Farmers Grow Their Own Way
By Heather Day & Travis English

Thousands of grassroots, African-led efforts are building locally rooted alternatives to the chemical agriculture promoted by the Gates Foundation and Monsanto

US Agency Exploited Guatemalans
For Lethal Medical Tests
By Rafael Azul

The exposure of a 64-year-old secret study conducted in Guatemala on human subjects by the US Public Health Service has created an international uproar, forcing the US government to issue a belated apology

Judge Baltasar Garzón: The Latest Victim Of Franquismo
By George Venturini

Just two weeks before the recent Council's meeting the Criminal Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court in Madrid had unanimously upheld the lower court's order that Judge Baltasar Garzón of the Audiencia Nacional - the National Court - should stand trial for the charge of the delito de prevaricación - the crime of knowingly overstepping his judicial competence. Garzón was charged on 7 April for his attempt to investigate the war crimes committed between 17 July 1936 and December 1951, the bloodiest period of Franco's dictatorship - a charge that Garzón claimed was politically motivated

Social Movements And The Academy
By Delia D. Aguilar

I did not intend this to be a nostalgia trip or a journey down memory lane that the elderly are prone to. What I am hoping to draw attention to, instead, is the way in which social movements, when they are as robust as they were in the 70s, exert an impact on the academy to such an extent that key ideas vital to any progressive undertaking get infused into the academic lexicon and mindset

Eight Reasons Why You Should Oppose
Unique Identification: Stop UID Campaign
By Kalyani Menon-Sen

The National Identification Authority of India Bill approved by the Union Cabinet on Friday has sidestepped critical privacy aspects relating to profiling and function creep — a term used to describe the way in which information is collected for one limited purpose but gradually gets used for other purposes. Here are some reasons why you should oppose this Bill

Message To The World On Receiving
Carl Von Ossietzky Medal 2010
By Mordechai Vanunu

I want to thank International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) .for the courage to give me the Von Ossietztky medal even if I receive it after 24 years. I hope this time I will be free to come to Berlin and speak also on behalf of Ossietztky in the city

We Need An Alternative To The Democrats
By Timothy V. Gatto

I am proposing that the unions themselves start thinking about starting a labor party in the United States. This labor party could exist with the network that unions have already established. This party would eschew corporate funding and exist from the dues of union workers and the general public that is tired of the corporate control that exists over the Democratic Party today

Untenurable: The Firing of Ariella Azoulay
By Neve Gordon

Bar Ilan university of Tel-Aviv decided to deny Ariella Azoulay's bid for tenure, effectively firing her for her critique of Israeli rights abusive policy and of Zionism

More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean
Coup Attempt
By Stephen Lendman

Washington's fingerprints are again visible, and though unsuccessful, Correa can by no means rest, not with actors like O'Grady around, vilifying less than hard right leaders, stopping just short of endorsing their ouster

Will Hezbollah Defeat Israel (again!)
In The Coming War?
By Franklin Lamb

The increase in activity along the Blue line, especially near Fatima's Gate is only partially in preparation for the rumored visit of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in mid- October. An Israeli invasion could be launched at any time and locals explain that, for their part, they have selected their targets, completed their surveillance, so far eluded capture and are ready to attack deep into Palestine when commanded

Unemployed : Stranded On The Sidelines Of
A Jobs Crisis
By Andy Kroll

Sometime in early June -- he's not exactly sure which day -- Rick Rembold joined history. That he doesn't remember comes as little surprise: Who wants their name etched into the record books for not having a job?

The Mask Is Off
By Sucheta Chatterjee

This note is an expression of the shock and disappointment that assailed large sections of Indians in the aftermath of the Ayodhya verdict. The judgement of the Honourable Allahabad High Court appears to be a clean break from the secular traditions of India, where a judicial body has openly intervened on behalf of the people of a particular religious faith and has failed to uphold its role as that of a rational, impartial arbiter

By Guru Golmalkar

A spoof

Asian People's Solidarity For Palestine Announces
The Asia To Gaza Solidarity Caravan

500 civil resisters from 17 Asian countries will join the caravan from India and march through 18 Asian cities of Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey to break the siege of Gaza through the sea route in December 2010

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Palash Biswas
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