Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] October 7, 2010 Populist News and Commentary

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From: Dick Eastman <>
Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 2:42 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] October 7, 2010 Populist News and Commentary


October 7, 2010    Populist News and Commentary


"The business of America is the satisfaction of the US household sector.  The purpose of the financial sector is to ensure there is enough purchasing power appearing in the hands of households to make the business of America successful.  The only way to ensure that is to replace the Debt Slavery system with a system of debt-free treasury money and Social Credit."  --  Dick Eastman



"The Truth Will Set U.S. Free: " Israel's stranglehold over U.S. foreign policy
"We are being fleeced by purveyors of fear" - UK Guardian
THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE--So very sad and pathetic that a majority can't seem to overcome the brainwashing by The Elite 
Wake Up America! Israel, the country that paid Pollard to steal US secrets becomes major beneficiary of US aid, uses the money to lobby/buy-out key players in US Gov! CHUTZPAH!!!!!!
National Security Archive: THE IRAQ WAR, U.S. and British Documents Show Transatlantic Propaganda Cooperation, Fixed The Facts 
More on Rick Sanchez and the Zionist Control of the Media 
"Jesus, Mary, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John"

Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear and Read

From the Economic Collapse Blog.


Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States. Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations. These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day. They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites. Sadly, most Americans don't even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. Most Americans don't really seem to care about who owns the media. But they should. The truth is that each of us is deeply influenced by the messages that are constantly being pounded into our heads by the mainstream media. The average American watches 153 hours of television a month. In fact, most Americans begin to feel physically uncomfortable if they go too long without watching or listening to something. Sadly, most Americans have become absolutely addicted to news and entertainment and the ownership of all that news and entertainment that we crave is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands each year.

The six corporations that collectively control U.S. media today are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. Together, the "big six" absolutely dominate news and entertainment in the United States. But even those areas of the media that the "big six" do not completely control are becoming increasingly concentrated. For example, Clear Channel now owns over 1000 radio stations across the United States. Companies like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are increasingly dominating the Internet.

But it is the "big six" that are the biggest concerns. When you control what Americans watch, hear and read you gain a great deal of control over what they think. They don't call it "programming" for nothing.

Back in 1983 it was bad enough that about 50 corporations dominated U.S. media. But since that time, power over the media has rapidly become concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people....

In 1983, fifty corporations dominated most of every mass medium and the biggest media merger in history was a $340 million deal. … In 1987, the fifty companies had shrunk to twenty-nine. … [I]n 1990, the twenty-nine had shrunk to twenty three. … [I]n 1997, the biggest firms numbered ten and involved the $19 billion Disney-ABC deal, at the time the biggest media merger ever. … [In 2000] AOL Time Warner's $350 billion merged corporation [was] more than 1,000 times larger [than the biggest deal of 1983].

~ Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, Sixth Edition, (Beacon Press, 2000), pp. xx–xxi

Today, six colossal media giants tower over all the rest. Much of the information in the chart below comes from The chart below reveals only a small fraction of the media outlets that these six behemoths actually own....

Time Warner

Home Box Office (HBO)
Time Inc.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
CW Network (partial ownership)
New Line Cinema
Time Warner Cable
Cartoon Network
America Online
Castle Rock
Sports Illustrated
Marie Claire
People Magazine

Walt Disney

ABC Television Network
Disney Publishing
Disney Channel
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Buena Vista Theatrical Productions
Buena Vista Records
Disney Records
Hollywood Records
Miramax Films
Touchstone Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures
Pixar Animation Studios
Buena Vista Games
Hyperion Books


Paramount Pictures
Paramount Home Entertainment
Black Entertainment Television (BET)
Comedy Central
Country Music Television (CMT)
MTV Canada
Nick Magazine
Nick at Nite
Nick Jr.
Spike TV
The Movie Channel
TV Land

News Corporation

Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Fox Television Stations
The New York Post
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Fox Business Network
Fox Kids Europe
Fox News Channel
Fox Sports Net
Fox Television Network
My Network TV
News Limited News
Phoenix InfoNews Channel
Phoenix Movies Channel
Sky PerfecTV
Speed Channel
STAR TV Taiwan
STAR World
Times Higher Education Supplement Magazine
Times Literary Supplement Magazine
Times of London
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
20th Century Fox International
20th Century Fox Studios
20th Century Fox Television
The Wall Street Journal
Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox Interactive Media
HarperCollins Publishers
The National Geographic Channel
National Rugby League
News Interactive
News Outdoor
Radio Veronica
Sky Italia
Sky Radio Denmark
Sky Radio Germany
Sky Radio Netherlands

CBS Corporation

CBS News
CBS Sports
CBS Television Network
CBS Radio Inc. (130 stations)
CBS Consumer Products
CBS Outdoor
CW Network (50% ownership)
Infinity Broadcasting
Simon & Schuster (Pocket Books, Scribner)
Westwood One Radio Network

NBC Universal

NBC News
NBC Sports
NBC Television Network
SciFi Magazine
Syfy (Sci Fi Channel)
USA Network
Weather Channel
Focus Features
NBC Universal Television Distribution
NBC Universal Television Studio
Paxson Communications (partial ownership)
Universal Parks & Resorts
Universal Pictures
Universal Studio Home Video

These gigantic media corporations do not exist to objectively tell the truth to the American people. Rather, the primary purpose of their existence is to make money.

These gigantic media corporations are not going to do anything to threaten their relationships with their biggest advertisers (such as the largest pharmaceutical companies that literally spend billions on advertising), and one way or another these gigantic media corporations are always going to express the ideological viewpoints of their owners.

Fortunately, an increasing number of Americans are starting to wake up and are realizing that the mainstream media should not be trusted. According to a new poll just released by Gallup, the number of Americans that have little to no trust in the mainstream media (57%) is at an all-time high.

That is one reason why we have seen the alternative media experience such rapid growth over the past few years. The mainstream media has been losing credibility at a staggering rate, and Americans are starting to look elsewhere for the truth about what is really going on.

Do you think that anyone in the mainstream news would actually tell you that the Federal Reserve is bad for America or that we are facing a horrific derivatives bubble that could destroy the entire world financial system? Do you think that anyone in the mainstream media would actually tell you the truth about the deindustrialization of America or the truth about the voracious greed of Goldman Sachs?

Sure there are a few courageous reporters in the mainstream media that manage to slip a few stories past their corporate bosses from time to time, but in general there is a very clear understanding that there are simply certain things that you just do not say in the mainstream news.



Some names in Jewish American Media (this list is a few years old - today Murdoch now owns the Wall Street Journal , Dow Jones etc.)

RUPERT MURDOCH, Owner Fox TV, New York Post, London Times, News of the World (Jewish mother)
DAVID SCHNEIDERMAN, owner of the Village Voice and the New Times network of "alternative weeklies."
ARTHUR O. SULZBERGER, JR., publisher of the NY Times, the Boston Globe and other publications.
SAMUEL NEWHOUSE JR, and DONALD NEWHOUSE own Newhouse Publications, includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities; the Conde Nast magazine group, includes The New Yorker; Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplement; American City Business Journals, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America; and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving 1 million homes.
DONALD NEWHOUSE, chairman of the board of directors, Associated Press.
PETER R KANN, CEO, Wall Street Journal, Barron's
HOWARD STRINGER, chief of Sony Corp. of America
PETER CHERNIN, second in-command at Rupert Murdoch's News. Corp., owner of Fox TV
MARTY PERETZ, owner and publisher of the New Republic, which openly identifies itself as pro-Israel. Al Gore credits Marty with being his "mentor."
LLOYD BRAUN, Chair, ABC Entertainment
BARRY MEYER, chair, Warner Bros
MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN, owner of NY Daily News, US News & World Report and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups.
LESLIE MOONVES, president of CBS television, great-nephew of David Ben-Gurion, and co-chair with Norman Ornstein of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.
JONATHAN MILLER, chair and CEO of AOL division of AOL-Time-Warner
NEIL SHAPIRO, president of NBC News
JEFF GASPIN, Executive Vice-President, Programming, NBC
DAVID WESTIN, president of ABC News
SUMNER REDSTONE, CEO of Viacom, "world's biggest media giant" (Economist, 11/23/2) owns Viacom cable, CBS and MTVs all over the world, Blockbuster video rentals and Black Entertainment TV.
MICHAEL EISNER, major owner of Walt Disney, Capitol Cities, ABC.
MEL KARMAZIN, president of CBS
DON HEWITT, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes, CBS
JEFF FAGER, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes II. CBS
DAVID POLTRACK, Executive Vice-President, Research and Planning, CBS
SANDY KRUSHOW, Chair, Fox Entertainment.
SHERRY LANSING. President of Paramount Communications and Chairman of Paramount Pictures' Motion Picture Group.
BRAD SIEGEL., President, Turner Entertainment.
WILLIAM SAFIRE, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
TOM FRIEDMAN, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post. Honored by Honest, website monitoring "anti-Israel media."
RICHARD COHEN, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post
JEFF JACOBY, syndicated columnist for the Boston Globe
NORMAN ORNSTEIN, American Enterprise Inst., regular columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS, and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.
ARIE FLEISCHER, Dubya's press secretary.
STEPHEN EMERSON, every media outlet's first choice as an expert on domestic terrorism.
DENNIS LEIBOWITZ, head of Act II Partners, a media hedge fund
KENNETH POLLACK, for CIA analysts, director of Saban Center for Middle East Policy, writes op-eds in NY Times, New Yorker
BARRY DILLER, chair of USA Interactive, former owner of Universal Entertainment
KENNETH ROTH, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch
RICHARD LEIBNER, runs the N.S. Bienstock talent agency, which represents 600 news personalities such as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer and Bill O'Reilly.
TERRY SEMEL, CEO, Yahoo, former chair, Warner Bros.
MARK GOLIN, VP and Creative Director, AOL
WARREN LIEBERFORD, Pres., Warner Bros. Home Video Div. of AOL- TimeWarner
JEFFREY ZUCKER, President of NBC Entertainment
JACK MYERS, NBC, chief.NYT 5.14.2
SANDY GRUSHOW, chair of Fox Entertainment
GAIL BERMAN, president of Fox Entertainment
STEPHEN SPIELBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
JEFFREY KATZENBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
DAVID GEFFEN, co-owner of Dreamworks
LLYOD BRAUN, chair of ABC Entertainment
JORDAN LEVIN, president of Warner Bros. Entertainment
MAX MUTCHNICK, co-executive producer of NBC's "Good Morning Miami"
DAVID KOHAN, co-executive producer of NBC's "Good Morning Miami"
HOWARD STRINGER, chief of Sony Corp. of America
AMY PASCAL, chair of Columbia Pictures
JOEL KLEIN, chair and CEO of Bertelsmann's American operations
ROBERT SILLERMAN, founder of Clear Channel Communications
BRIAN GRADEN, president of MTV entertainment
IVAN SEIDENBERG, CEO of Verizon Communications
WOLF BLITZER, host of CNN's Late Edition
LARRY KING, host of Larry King Live
TED KOPPEL, host of ABC's Nightline
MIKE WALLACE, Host of CBS, 60 Minutes
MICHAEL LEDEEN, editor of National Review
BRUCE NUSSBAUM, editorial page editor, Business Week
DONALD GRAHAM, Chair and CEO of Newsweek and Washington Post, son of
CATHERINE GRAHAM MEYER, former owner of the Washington Post
HOWARD FINEMAN, Chief Political Columnist, Newsweek
WILLIAM KRISTOL, Editor, Weekly Standard, Exec. Director
Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
RON ROSENTHAL, Managing Editor, San Francisco Chronicle
PHIL BRONSTEIN, Executive Editor, San Francisco Chronicle,
RON OWENS, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)
JOHN ROTHMAN, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)
MICHAEL SAVAGE, Talk Show Host, KFSO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco) Syndicated in 100 markets
MICHAEL MEDVED, Talk Show Host, on 124 AM stations
DENNIS PRAGER, Talk Show Host, nationally syndicated from LA. Has Israeli flag on his home page.
BEN WATTENBERG, Moderator, PBS Think Tank.
ANDREW LACK, president of NBC
DANIEL MENAKER, Executive Director, Harper Collins
DAVID REMNICK, Editor, The New Yorker
NICHOLAS LEHMANN, writer, the New York
HENRICK HERTZBERG, Talk of the Town editor, The New Yorker
RALPH J. & BRIAN ROBERTS, Owners, Comcast-ATT Cable TV.
"War on Terror" most successful military diversion, busy killing poor desert peoples while RICH MEN are attacking taxpayers

Wake Up America! Israel, the country that paid Pollard to steal US secrets becomes major beneficiary of US aid, uses the money to lobby/buy-out key players in US Gov! CHUTZPAH!!!!!!
I have removed Deanna Spingola's extensive footnotes from the following text.  Click the URL to get the full version.  -- Dick Eastman

"By Way of Deception, We Shall do War"
by Deanna Spingola
September 16, 2010


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Lenin Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) said, "The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation."  Worldwide control obviously requires extraordinary organization, superior weaponry and high technology (like HAARP), political power and monopoly control of all the resources. On February 17, 1950, James P. Warburg declared to the U.S. Senate, "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent. In Russia and China and other countries, the elite used thugs for their violent conquest of existing leaders.


Populations wouldn't knowingly consent to their own demise. But distracted, naïve, ignorant citizens, by their consent, relinquish their liberties by placing their trust in others, (1) two-faced lying politicians who have abandoned the constitution and sold their souls and, (2) the persuasive profit-driven elite media. Smiling talking heads and brilliant, fast-talking female lawyers in low-cut garments legitimize immodesty while peddling infotainment disguised as news. They equivocate among themselves over the Neocon's next war target which they claim is necessary to keep America safe. While selling their illusions and building our perceptions, what to wear, eat, drink, think and who to fear, they conceal, suppress or gloss over stories that are actually pertinent to our lives.

Jacob H. Schiff, Paul Warburg and other bankers influenced Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act (December 23, 1913). The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was created in October 1913 to minimize predictable criticism. The bankers have manufactured panics, withdrawn credit and in the process have confiscated the citizen's resources and personal property through phony bailouts, sanctioned by compromised politicians. These actions are calculated and designed to ultimately decimate the economy. The same bankers who promoted the Federal Reserve funded Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Molotov and Kirov (assumed names) in their godless, violent take-over of Russia. The bankers began making major profits when Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis and others manipulated their puppet Woodrow Wilson into entering World War I on borrowed money after the provoked attack on the Lusitania. Bankers
Winston Churchill Winston Churchill, a Rothschild minion, referred to the Americans traveling on the ill-fated Lusitania as "live bait," a tactic for involving the U.S. in World War I, which started the flow of money from the pockets of U.S. citizens into the vaults of Rothschild and his fellow bankers. The "live bait" tactic had been successfully used with the deaths of American sailors aboard the USS Maine. Banker-backed corporate moguls exploited the situation. Their political puppets then ordered the military to invade the resource-rich Philippines. Meanwhile, the media vilified and dehumanized the innocent Filipinos so that the invaders could rationalize killing them. Mogul minions followed up by gathering cheap labor to extract resources and the government seized land to build military bases to manage the population and protect the resources.


To legitimize propaganda for World War I, Walter Lippmann persuaded President Wilson to create the official Committee on Public Information (CPI) on April 13, 1917. Wilson appointed newspaper publisher, George Creel, as chairman. Creel commissioned the nation's artists to produce paintings, posters and cartoons to promote the war. With the expert help of Edward Bernays, "the father of public relations" and a nephew of Sigmund Freud, the CPI manufactured the most atrocious hate propaganda against the Germans. Bernays manipulated public opinion through crowd psychology, his uncle Sigmund's specialty. Creel had a staff of persuasive wordsmiths – journalists, writers, intellectuals and many advertisers – who later admitted they were willing to lie, use emotional appeal and enemy demonization to generate hate and fear to elicit support for the war.   

In anticipation of entering another war, on July 11, 1941, President Roosevelt created the Office of Coordinator of Information (COI, and appointed William J. Donovan, a millionaire Wall Street lawyer, as its head.  Communist apologist Eleanor Roosevelt, Wendell Willkie, George Field, Dorothy Thompson, Herbert Bayard Swope, and prominent journalists, academics, trade unionists, theologians, and public officials founded Freedom House, a CFR front, in October 1941. FDR encouraged the group's covert propaganda activities as he hoped it would persuade U.S. citizens to accept entry into World War II. Freedom House was also instrumental in facilitating and supporting post-war policies like the Marshall Plan, NATO, and the UN.  The Marshall Plan transferred U.S. tax dollars into the hands of the elite, camouflaged as a humanitarian effort. U.S. taxpayers rebuilt bombed-out foreign countries with the stipulation that the money be spent with banker-backed U.S. companies who raised their prices for those foreign customers. 

The U.S. embargoed Japan, which depended on imports, to provoke a military response. Churchill and Roosevelt, whose governments had broken the Japanese communication codes, then monitored the progress of Japan's military expedition to Pearl Harbor where unwary military personnel, 2,402 people, "live bait," were killed on December 7, 1941. After Japan's retaliatory attack, the media vilified and dehumanized them. The U.S. government, urged by California farmers, also forcibly relocated and interned 110,000 Japanese Americans, mostly west coast farmers who typically sold their produce more competitively than the Caucasians. The government put the Japanese in detention camps and froze all of their assets. At least 80,000 of those individuals had been born in America. Pearl Harbor

 On June 13, 1942, after the U.S. entered the war, the COI's propaganda department joined the new Office of War Information (OWI) and was renamed the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) still under Donovan's direction.  The OSS developed worldwide clandestine capability and employed almost 13,000 men and women.  It conducted psychological warfare, often used by governments to marshal the troops for warfare. This included constant repetition of fabricated atrocity stories to prove that the enemy was evil and had to be eliminated. 


In 1942, the State Department and CFR members collaborated to set up a new "supranational organization" to replace the League of Nations, based on Wilson's internationalist ideas.  Secretary of State Cordell Hull (CFR) asked Communist Alger Hiss to assemble a group of fourteen other CFR members to draft the United Nations Charter (UN).  The UN Charter displaced the U.S. Constitution with little response from the voters who were traumatized by Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. U.S. Senators accepted the charter without even viewing a copy. They were not authorized to bind U.S. citizens, without their consent, to the conditions of the U.N. charter.  Stalin would join the allies only if the U.S. would accept the UN. On April 12, 1952, Secretary Dulles would claim, "Treaty law can override the Constitution. Treaties can take powers away from Congress and give them to the President."


Truman suspended OSS operations on October 1, 1945. Its leaders, trained personnel and assets were ultimately transferred into the newly created Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) via the National Security Act, July 26, 1947. Among the transferees to the CIA were four future CIA Directors, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, William Colby, and William Casey. The CIA, created and staffed by the elite, is a worldwide organization to perpetrate covert terrorist activities. It has links to Britain's MI6 and to the Israeli Mossad. Truman struggled to regularize the CIA's psychological warfare, one of the agency's greatest propaganda triumphs.  


The CIA's activities, per the official government directive, included the following, propaganda; economic warfare; preventive direct action, including industrial sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrilla and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist or now anti-nationalist elements in countries around the world. Such operations should not include armed conflict by recognized military forces, espionage, counter-espionage, and cover and deception for military operations."  


Presidents Truman and Eisenhower introduced and mobilized propaganda as an official peacetime practice. Gun-toting dictators make demands but democracies use propaganda to persuade citizens to accept ideas, points of view, or policy positions as if the communication were immediately or ultimately their own.   Truman established the Psychological Strategy Board, as part of the CIA, on April 4, 1951 with Gordon Gray (CFR) as the first Director. Henry Kissinger, a Harvard professor, was Gray's consultant.  The CIA published and disseminated hundreds of books promoting the official Cold War party line. A CIA-backed, worldwide media network provided cover for their agents and allowed the distribution of misinformation that predictably spread to the U.S. via the wire services, which also employed CIA agents who prevented problematic facts from gaining public exposure. 


Frank Wisner, along with Allen Dulles, Richard Helms and Phillip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post and husband of CFR/Trilateralist Katharine Graham) established Operation Mockingbird, the CIA program designed to control the U.S. media.  For decades U.S. "news" has been fabricated. In 1981, CIA Director William Casey said, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."


In 1948, according to John F. Kennedy, many of Truman's supporters abandoned him because he supported the Morgenthau Plan and other questionable issues. On his whistle-stop campaign train during the presidential race, an avid U.S. Zionist delivered a suitcase containing $2 million in cash which gave him the financial boost he needed to win in what was considered the greatest election upset in U.S. history.  Truman believed, as a result of the Holocaust, that Jews were oppressed and deserved a homeland. The British relinquished the problem of a shared Arab-Jewish state to the UN on April 2, 1947 because of Jewish terrorism in Palestine. President Truman instructed a reluctant State Department to endorse the UN's partition plan of November 29, 1947. At midnight on May 14, 1948, Israel's Provisional Government announced the new State of Israel. On that same day, like Roosevelt's recognition of the Soviet government, Truman officially recognized the Zionist government in Palestine against the advice of many people. Truman didn't bother to tell leading State Department officials who became angry when they heard about it. On May 15, 1948, the Arab states responded by invading Israel which began the first Arab-Israeli war.  Zionists held only 7% of the land when they proclaimed their state. After Truman's recognition, public relations experts started promoting the phrase "Judeo-Christian" to help establish America's "special relationship" with Israel.


Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of Columbia University (1948–1953) just before he was installed as U.S. president. Bernard Baruch first met the like-minded Eisenhower in 1928. Rockefeller and Morgan agents and numerous CFR members backed Eisenhower, a womanizing scoundrel, in the presidential election in 1952. After his nomination he told the President of the United Synagogue of America, "The Jewish people could not have a better friend than me …I grew up believing that Jews was the chosen people and that they gave us the high ethical and moral principles of our civilization."  He accommodated the OSS in their covert assassination of General George S. Patton  who opposed the Morgenthau Plan and Eisenhower's death camps and was going to reveal Eisenhower's close collaboration with the Soviets. Eisenhower halted the U.S. troops in order to allow the Soviets to "liberate" Berlin. Ilya Ehrenburg, the head of Soviet propaganda directed the Soviet troops to ravage and rape the German women. At least 50,000 and perhaps as many as 100,000 females of every age were savagely raped; many of them were tortured and killed.


By 1953, the CIA had 7,200 people working on covert actions, activities that took 74% of the CIA's yearly budget.  The CIA always recruited their leaders from the elite class – businessmen, credible journalists, Ivy League scholars and Wall Street lawyers and bankers. Irving Kristol, Paul Weyrich, William Simon, Richard Mellon Scaife, Frank Shakespeare, and William F. Buckley, Jr. were connected to the CIA.


George Washington, in his farewell address, advised Americans to avoid an "unnatural connection with any foreign power" and "to have with them as little political connection as possible."  Apparently, future leaders ignored that advice. By June 1953, the U.S. government had given Israel $293,000,000 with an additional of $200,000,000 as Export-Import bank loans. The New York Herald-Tribune of March 12, 1953 reported that, in the first five years of Israel's existence, including gifts, the total amounted to $1,000,000,000. This was in addition to the money they extracted from Germany.


Irving Kristol
Irving Kristol
Beginning in 1953, Irving Kristol (CFR), "the godfather of neo-Conservatism," and a former Trotskyite (opposed Stalin's focus on Russia in preference of a worldwide system), co-edited the magazine Encounter, published in London and financed by the CIA. It was the voice of the CIA-funded Congress for Cultural Freedom and regularly promoted Fabian Socialism and the Labour Party. Kristol was also the editor of Commentary (1947-1952) and the editor of The Reporter (1959-1960). Kristol moved his family back to the U.S. by 1960. Daniel Bell (CFR) and Kristol founded The Public Interest (1965-2002), a publication of Freedom House, under the direction of George Field, its executive director. Field was also chairman of the RAND School for Social Science which was owned by the American Socialist Society and financed by the Garland Fund. Both Bell and Kristol were subsidized by the CIA, through the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the same organization that funded some of Gloria Steinem's social engineering activities. Bell worked for Henry Luce (S&B, CFR) and advocated the dissolution of all borders and local governments.


Irving Kristol founded and published The National Interest (1985-2002). He was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the American Enterprise Institute and a John M. Olin Distinguished Fellow (1988-1999). He contributed a monthly column to the Wall Street Journal (1972-1997). He served on the Council of the National Endowment for the Humanities (1972- 1977). From the 1950s forward, chaos, in various strategic places, has reigned, perpetrated primarily by the CIA in conjunction with foreign intelligence agencies.  


In 1954, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles ordered the CIA's Saigon Military Mission (SMM) to engage in guerrilla warfare operations in Vietnam. Dulles told these "agent provocateurs" to "raise hell."  The turmoil was then blamed on the local citizens, who were now referred to as the insurgency. CIA Director Allen Dulles assigned Edward Lansdale and his CIA cohort Lucien Conein, to engage in unconventional warfare in Vietnam where they created the Vietnam Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG). In June 1954, the SMM established a campaign of undercover military and psychological warfare. They had unlimited U.S. taxpayer dollars and engaged in political, psychological and terrorist activities against the native population in the northern regions, especially in Hanoi and in the surrounding Tonkin area. They polluted petroleum supplies, sabotaged the railroad, tried to destroy the largest printing business in the North, bombed the post offices, and distributed millions of propaganda leaflets to incite fear and vast amounts of counterfeit money which created calculated inflation. 


When the Tonkinese villagers, mostly Catholic, were sufficiently frightened and intimidated, the CIA offered to transport them from the north to the south. The CIA manipulated the Catholic hierarchy who then urged thousands of Catholics to evacuate.  Those resistant to relocation were told that the U.S. was going to use the atomic bomb on them if a civil war erupted between the north and the south.  Weapons and agents were left in the north with an abundance of CIA-supplied counterfeit currency to continue the economic destabilization. 

Tens of thousands of the terrorized citizens fled on foot. The CIA transported the remainder via their Civil Air Transport Airlines (CAT) and U.S. Navy ships at a cost of about $100 million. The Catholics were moved into a predominately Buddhist population which intentionally created religious, civil, and economic strife.  The CIA and the Mossad are expert in population relocation in order to provoke civil and religious strife. The deliberate decimation of Mexico's peso in the mid 1990s (and Bush's de facto North American Union) created an influx of desperate Mexicans into the U.S, in conjunction with the drug cartel's operations. Zionists expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948; forced another 350,000 to flee Gaza in 1967 and forced another 147,000 Syrians from the Golan Heights in order to repopulate the areas, without compensation. Of course, the media suppresses these terrorist activities. Also, U.S. warfare in the Middle East caused thousands of dispossessed Muslims to flee elsewhere. This ongoing clash of cultures, the foreign incursion into America's diminishing economy and deindustrialization (by corporate outsourcing for cheaper labor) creates tension. The media incites religious and economic outrage while concealing the cause and effect activities of the real culprits who prey on all of us.  


In 1954, Israeli agents working under cover planted bombs in several Egyptian buildings, including a U.S. facility. The Israelis were trying to flip U.S. support of Egypt to Israel. So they planted evidence implicating the Arabs. However, one of the bombs detonated prematurely. The Egyptians captured one of the culprits who revealed the identities of the other members of the Israeli espionage group, some of whom were from Israel and others were local Jews. Often Israelis move to other countries, hold dual citizenship, and engage in dubious activities while working in government positions and other influential positions, in opposition to the best interests of the host country. The Israeli media immediately denied all culpability and claimed that it was a scam perpetrated by "anti-Semites," a convenient oft-used ruse to silence justifiable criticism. However, in a subsequent trial, individuals produced clear-cut evidence that proved Israeli involvement in the bombing. Top Israelis blamed Israel's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon; he resigned. The operation is known as the Lavon Affair or Operation Susannah. Regarding anti-semitism, Norman G. Finkelstein wrote, "The new anti-Semitism actually incorporates three main components: (1) exaggeration and fabrication, (2) mislabeling legitimate criticism of Israeli policy, and (3) the unjustified yet predictable spillover from criticism of Israel to Jews generally."


On December 11, 1955, the Syrians captured five Israeli soldiers who were in the process of installing a wiretapping apparatus on the Syrian telephone network. The Israeli's version of the event was that the five men had been abducted in Israel and taken to Syria and tortured. Public opinion was skewed in Israel and in the West in favor of Israel. By then, Israel had diverted the flow of the Jordan River at the expense of the area's other inhabitants. On October 1, 1955, the U.S. government, through the CIA, gave Israel the "green light" to attack Egypt. 


I was in Israel in 1999 when our group received special permission to visit a specific site on the Jordan River which was little more than a tiny stream of putrid water. It was, at that time, guarded by several gun-toting Israeli soldiers. Our tour group was repeatedly warned not to discuss Christianity with any Israeli citizen as they have disdain for Christians. According to the Talmud (Traditions of the Elders), Jesus led Israel astray; his mother Mary was an adulterer and a whore and Jesus is in hell, in boiling excrement. The Talmud states that Christians will also be in hell for eternity in "boiling excrement" if they oppose "Judaism." Jewish sages encourage their followers to daily recite the following "Blessed be thou who hast not made me a goy."  Goy is a negative term for gentile; some say it means cattle.


In October 1960, just prior to the presidential election, John F. Kennedy visited with his good friend, Charles Bartlett, a journalist. The previous evening, Kennedy had been the dinner guest of an elite group of wealthy, influential Jews at the New York home of Abraham Feinberg, chairman of the American Bank and Trust Company. Their spokesman told Kennedy that they recognized that his campaign was in financial difficulty. The group then offered significant financial help if Kennedy as president "would allow them to set the course of Middle East policy over the next four years." <!--[if !supportFootnotes]--> [37]<!--[endif]-->


Bartlett recalled, "He said if he ever did get to be president, he would push for a law that would subsidize presidential campaigns out of the U.S. Treasury. He added that whatever the cost of this subsidy, it would insulate future presidential candidates from this kind of pressure and save the country a lot of grief in the long run." Congressman Paul Findley (1961-1982) inquired further and discovered that Adlai E. Stevenson had a similar experience in 1956.


Findley wrote, "Ethnic group pressure is an ever-present part of U.S. partisan politics, and because the president of the United States is the executor of all foreign policy, and the formulator of most of it, pressures naturally center on the people who hold or seek the presidency. When the pressure is from friends of Israel, presidents—and presidential candidates—often yield."  This has been the case since Truman's presidency (1945–1953). Condoleezza Rice once said, "We have an Israel-centric foreign policy." Regarding Iraq, Findley said, "Our forces invaded because Israel wanted us to topple Saddam. Two religious communities – one consisting of a combination of secular and ultra-Orthodox Jews and the other of misguided Christian fundamentalists – control U.S. Middle East policies."


By 1977, Washington Post journalist Carl Bernstein said that over 400 journalists, distinguished reporters and foreign correspondents were CIA employees. A high-level source told Bernstein, "One journalist is worth twenty agents." Pulitzer Prize winner Arthur Schlesinger, a former OSS agent transferred to the CIA.  The CIA, before 1990, paid college professors to write at least 1,200 propagandistic, anti-Communist books about places like the Soviet Union, Vietnam, China, Cuba and the Congo.  Columbia University, along with other schools, is a CIA recruiting ground. The Communists recruited Whittaker Chambers when he was there.


Prior to 1967, Islamic fundamentalism was a relatively small movement. Osama bin Laden, supported by the CIA, headed the al Qaeda network. Al Qaeda, referred to as the database, was part of a CIA operation after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979, part of Columbia professor Zbigniew Brzezinski's plan to destabilize the Soviet Union. Brzezinski (CFR), the founding Director of the Trilateral Commission and a Rockefeller minion with CIA ties as early as 1959, was President Carter's National Security Advisor (1977-1981). By 1984, the CIA supplied textbooks for Afghan students through USAID, a CIA front group. The textbooks were written under the direction of Dr. Thomas Gouttierre, head of Afghanistan Studies at the University of Nebraska where the books were published. Dr. Gouttierre is friends with Zalmay Khalilzad (CFR), U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq (2003). Khalilzad, an Afghan-born Muslim was a former adviser to Unocal and was an Assistant Political Science Professor at Columbia University (1979-1986) where he worked closely with Brzezinski.


The textbooks were designed to create a militaristic populace in order to provoke resistance to the Soviets and future enemies. The book's illustrations included tanks, land mines and missiles and promoted hatred.  The U.S. supplied these incendiary textbooks (1984-1994) under Presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush (S&B). Bush was Vice President under Reagan (1981-1989). All CIA records regarding Bush and his company, Zapata covering 1960 to 1966 were destroyed when he became vice president in 1981. Bush was CIA director (1976-1977).


In 1982, President Reagan created the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in order to acceptably manage CIA activities. Freedom House, the group created in 1941, became a part of this network. NED helped to finance Freedom House. Paul Wolfowitz, in the early 1980s, along with his neoconservative allies, collaborated with numerous Trotskyites. With the hidden funding and under the cover of conservative think tanks, the U.S. government can influence the public and conceal its interventions in foreign politics.


At least six million people had perished by 1987 as a result of the CIA's covert operations. Not only is the CIA not an intelligence agency, it distorts information and perpetuates misinformation and disinformation to justify its own goals. This wide-range deception has resulted in organized terrorism throughout the world. Using the CIA, our government routinely dismisses or ignores national and international laws under the guise of "national security."


Interestingly, alarm over Islamic fundamentalism actually occurred at about the same time that Reagan called for the dismantlement of the Berlin Wall, formally concluded on October 3, 1990, followed by the official collapse of the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991. With Soviet Communism gone and the Berlin Wall dismantled, the State Department would either be forced to create another enemy or decrease their defense budget to about half of what it had been which would really cut into the elite's profits. Shortly thereafter, the first Gulf War was devised to purportedly protect the oil resources of the Middle East against so-called "rogue states and nuclear outlaws." Islamic fundamentalism, our latest enemy, replaced Communism.


Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (CFR), the man behind the proposed Muslim community center two blocks from ground zero, came to the U.S. with his family in 1965. In 1997 he founded the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMS), a tax-exempt foundation. Its mission statement states, "We collaborate with other faith-based organizations to build relationships of trust through dialogue and education, honoring the diversity of faiths, sharing commonalities, and celebrating differences."  Interestingly, ASMS is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers; the Carnegie Corporation of New York; Rockefeller Philanthropy; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Global Fund for Women; The Russell Family Foundation; Danny Kaye & Sylvia Fine Foundation; Graham Charitable Foundation; Henry Luce Foundation; Hunt Alternatives; The Ms. Foundation and other elite tax-exempt foundations.  The people who sign the check determine the policy. Are all of these people on the same team, playing the public and causing controlled conflict?

In 1972, Gloria Steinem (CIA agent extraordinaire), Patricia Carbine, Letty Cottin Pogrebin and Marlo Thomas founded The Ms. Foundation.  Steinem's social engineering activities led to Roe v. Wade. Pogrebin authored In Defense of the Law of Return for The Nation on December 22, 2003, a law passed in Israel on July 5, 1950 which grants any Jew automatic citizenship.  Pogrebin, a financial contributor to Obama since 2004,  is a member of Americans for Peace Now (APN) the most prominent American Jewish Zionist organization working to achieve a comprehensive political settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Steinem
Gloria Steinem

Bill Kristol
Bill Kristol
Former Harvard professor, William "Bill" Kristol, the son of Irving Kristol, was Chief of Staff to Vice President Dan Quayle, under the first Bush regime. Bill Kristol founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a tax-exempt foundation, in the spring of 1997, the same year that Rauf founded the ASMS. PNAC, with close ties to the American Enterprise Institute, was funded by the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the John M. Olin Foundation and the Bradley Foundation. Its objectives are U.S. Global supremacy and a "Greater Israel." Twenty-five people signed their mission statement, seventeen of whom belong to the CFR, whose objective is a one-world government. Founding members include Elliott Abrams (CFR), Gary Bauer, William J. Bennett (Irving Kristol's protégé), Jeb Bush, Richard B. Cheney (CFR), Eliot A. Cohen (CFR), Midge Decter (CFR), Paula Dobriansky (CFR), Steve Forbes, Aaron Friedberg (CFR), Francis Fukuyama (CFR), Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle (CFR), Donald Kagan (CFR), Zalmay Khalilzad (CFR), I. Lewis Libby (CFR), Norman B. Podhoretz (CFR), Dan Quayle, Peter W. Rodman (CFR), Stephen P. Rosen (CFR), Henry S. Rowen (CFR), Donald Rumsfeld, Vin Weber (CFR), George Weigel (CFR), and Paul Wolfowitz (CFR). In 1992 Libby and Wolfowitz wrote Defense Planning Guidance for Defense Secretary Dick Cheney.

Bill Kristol, advocates neo-conservatism, the American version of Trotsky's Bolshevism. Kristol, a Bilderberger, a Manhattan Institute trustee, is also the editor and co-founder, along with John Podhoretz, of the Weekly Standard Magazine, established September 17, 1995 and funded, at a loss, by Rupert Murdoch (CFR), a Zionist. This so-called conservative magazine, co-edited by Fred Barnes, promotes the war hawk mentality, the same message heard on numerous "conservative" talk shows and on Murdoch's Fox Network. Weekly Standard contributors include Joseph Epstein, Charles Krauthammer (CFR), Brit Hume, a Fulbright scholar,  Tucker Carlson, Robert W. Kagan (CFR) foreign policy analyst and son of Donald Kagan (CFR), Yale Professor John Podhoretz (son of Norman Podhoretz) and others. In 1995 Kristol confessed to the New Yorker: "The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."  See a video on PNAC here (warning: language).

Norman B. Podhoretz (CFR), a Trotskyite, in his books has admitted that the reason for the Cold War was to weaponize Israel to fight the Arab nations. He belongs to the influential New York chapter of the American Jewish Committee, one of the leading Zionist organizations operating within the U.S. It publishes the "liberal-turned-conservative" Commentary magazine.  Kagan is a columnist for the Washington Post which was associated with the CIA's Operation Mockingbird. He is a senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and wrote Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order.


Now, remembering that the CIA probably controls much of what we hear from the elite-owned media, according to Pew, 30% of all Americans obtain their news from talk radio and cable television – many never read a book. A large percentage get their "news" from the Fox Network whose employees receive the morning memo, a directive on how to spin the "news" of the day. Roger Ailes, former Republican campaign wizard, is president of Fox News Channel and chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group which has a throng of "journalists" and guests who push right-wing propaganda disguised as news.  According to a decision by the Florida Appeals Court on February 14, 2003 in the Jane Akre whistleblower lawsuit, the court agreed with Fox News that it is not against the law to distort or falsify the news in the U.S.


In 1997, Israël Shahak wrote, "Since the spring of 1992, public opinion in Israel is being prepared for the prospect of a war with Iran, to be fought to bring about Iran's total military and political defeat. In one version, Israel would attack Iran alone; in another it would 'persuade' the West to do the job."  On January 26, 1998, the PNAC war hawks, in a letter to President Clinton, urged him to invade Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein.


Zelikow In October 1998, the Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group completed a nine-month long study of the "technologies and defenses" against terrorists. The study group was a collaboration of the faculty of Harvard, MIT, Stanford and the University of Virginia. It was funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Herbert S. Winokur Public Policy Fund at Harvard University. The group produced a report entitled: Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy.  An article based on the academic Study Group report appeared in the CFR journal Foreign Affairs in the November-December 1998 issue, the same year that PNAC wrote to President Clinton suggesting the removal of Hussein. The project director was Philip D. Zelikow, later the gatekeeper executive director of the 9/11 Commission. He earlier co-authored a book with Condoleezza Rice (both members of Bush 41's National Security Council) entitled Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft. Zelikow also authored The National Security Strategy of the United States which became the new preemptive war doctrine of the Bush administration written for then National Security Council Director, Condoleezza Rice who had worked on the Bush transition team. He had a hidden agenda – connect al Qaeda and Iraq.

PNAC's policy statements were compiled in Rebuilding America's Defenses, Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century, published in September 2000. We read, "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."  It appears that 9/11 was that new Pearl Harbor. As Shahak indicated, Israel was going to persuade the West to wage war. Just how would Israeli political leaders "persuade" the U.S. to invade their enemy, a country that has not militarily assaulted the U.S.? The elite, for over 100 years, has used false flag assaults and very pervasive media propaganda to win public support for their warfare. The CIA and their foreign intelligence counterpart, the Mossad, have lengthy experience in false flag tactics, the actual reason for their existence. At least two previous incidents, probably more, involved Israel.

On June 8, 1967, there was a failed attempt to use the "live bait" device, with government foreknowledge, with the USS Liberty. The Zionist owned U.S. media kept quiet about the Israeli attack on the ship. Then on October 12, 2000, the "live bait" tactic was used in the USS Cole where seventeen U.S. sailors were killed, and thirty-nine were injured. A small boat moved to the port side of the destroyer when all the sailors were gathering in the galley for lunch. An explosion occurred which created a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship. Al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, a CIA asset, took credit for the attack. Yet, samples of the explosives retrieved from the ship's hull showed that materials used were only available in the U.S. and Israel. Then the "live bait" tactic was used on 9/11 to get the U.S. to remove Hussein and bomb Iraq back to the Stone Age. USS Liberty

9-11 Explosion Within twenty-four hours of 9/11 the media miraculously, as if all the information were prepared beforehand, revealed histories, photos, and details about the Muslim terrorists who allegedly perpetrated the attack. Bin Laden, who died in December 2001, even came back from the dead to claim responsibility.  Fox News announced his death on December 26, 2001.  Despite the terrorist's amazing ability to subvert the military response apparatus of the world's most powerful nation, they failed to cover their trail and left a substantial amount of easy-to-find fireproof evidence. Their unhindered assault on a specific section of the Defense Department halted an audit that would have exposed billions of dollars of stolen money that had been funneled to special friends. The Port Authority, after it lost a 10-year asbestos lawsuit on May 1, 2001, were stuck with a money-losing albatross that they couldn't get a license to demolish. On July 24, 2001 Eisenberg of the Port Authority leased the towers to his friend Larry Silverstein. Almost prophetically, Silverstein quickly insured the towers against a terrorist attack. 
On September 20, 2001, PNAC members sent a letter to President Bush in which they urged him to wage the nation's "first war of the 21st century" including the capture or killing of Osama bin Laden, and the capture and prosecution of any and all perpetrators of 9/11. They encouraged Bush to go after any other group that means us harm. They advocated the end of Hussein's government and the financial and military support of any Iraqi opposition. They also encouraged him to go after Hezbollah and the countries that support them, Iran and Syria. If Iran and Syria fail to comply and cooperate then the U.S. should take action against those countries. They further recommended that the U.S. withhold support from the Palestinians in favor of support to Israel. 


The letter said, "…But even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq."   Richard Perle said, "This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq, then we take a look around and see how things stand. This is entirely the wrong way to go about it... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war ... our children will sing great songs about us years from now." Paul Wolfowitz said the anti-terrorism campaign has to be broad and sustained. "It's not going to stop if a few criminals are taken care of."  Iran, another industrial competitor, is the next war target which brings us back to the subject of Feisal Abdul Rauf, the individual behind the Manhattan mosque project.


Rauf is a member of the World Economic Forum's Council of 100, an organization composed of business, political, religious, media and opinion leaders that advocates openness and understanding between the West and Muslim world.  Rauf is also a member of the CFR's Religious Advisory Committee, along with Jim Wallis, publisher of Sojourners. He has been an imam in New York City for twenty-seven years. The building project, the Cordoba House, a 13-story, $100 million project, is planned as a community center complete with a swimming pool, culinary school, art studios and other features. It is to be built on properly zoned, private property two blocks from ground zero. The city Landmarks Preservation Commission approved of the construction. However, the American Center for Law and Justice, founded by Reverend Pat Robertson, filed a lawsuit in a state court to dispute the commission's decision. They could have built the facility, like any other private group, on private property, without public scrutiny. The media has driven this issue and incited anger.


Recall that Freedom House was organized in 1941 to promote World War II. They are still propagandizing. William Howard Taft IV (S&B, PNAC is its current chairman. It is an international non-governmental organization that endorses a one-world government and opposes all nationalist governments. It has offices in offices in Algeria, Hungary, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Uzbekistan, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine. Taft supports the Law of the Sea which places all of the oceans under the jurisdiction of the UN. Since 1941, the group has developed ties to the CIA, the Brookings Institution, the U.S. Institute of Peace and other institutions and government agencies. Freedom House, a propaganda vehicle, is also a front group for the CFR, the British counterpart of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In 2005 Freedom House was receiving U.S. government funds "for clandestine activities inside Iran."


The organization receives about 66% of its budget from the U.S. government.  See the list of their board members here. Other financing comes from the Scaife Family Foundation which finances many groups and individuals, especially those associated with the CFR, including, Newt Gingrich's (CFR) GOPAC, the Federalist Society, the Media Research Center and Joseph Farah's World Net Daily – all of which selectively dispense "conservative views." The National Endowment for Democracy, a proponent for one world governance also finances Freedom House.

CIA Director
R. James Woolsey (CFR, PNAC) former CIA Director (1993-1995) was a signatory on the 1998 letter to President Clinton calling for Hussein's removal. On September 11, 2001, Woolsey claimed that Iraq was involved in the attack. A year later, he claimed that Iraq was also involved in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center and the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Woolsey, a former Chairman of Freedom House board (2003- 2005) was a Rhodes Scholar and a Booz Allen Vice President (2002-2008).  He was part of the secretive North American Forum held in Canada, September 12-14, 2006.  In July 2006, Woolsey suggested that the U.S. bomb Syria. His wife, Suzanne H. Woolsey (CFR), has been a Director of the Fluor Corp., an engineering and contracting firm since February 3, 2004. By August 2004, Fluor had a $1.6 billion Iraqi reconstruction contract. Fluor made about $1.3 billion for reconstruction after Hurricane Katrina (August 23-29, 2005),  a storm (HAARP?) that displaced 1.5 million people and caused about $81.2 billion in damage. On September 26, 2005, Senator Mel Martinez hosted the Halliburton-sponsored "Katrina Reconstruction Summit" for no-Katrina-victims-need-apply contractors.

Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom is now listed on the Hudson Institute web site. On November 15, 2005, Nina Shea (CFR), the Director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom House presented a 19-page report to the Committee on International Relations of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations. This report describes the followers of Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi ideology and elaborates on the millions of Muslims who have relocated to the United States. Shea said, "Earlier this year, Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom released a report based on a year-long study of the radically intolerant Wahhabi ideology contained in documents spread, published, or otherwise generated by the government of Saudi Arabia and found in the United States. Extremist Wahhabism is Saudi Arabia's state religion; it is also the Saudi government's aim to propagate it and have it replace traditional and moderate interpretations of Islam worldwide, including within the United States."


Another report, Saudi Arabia's Curriculum of Intolerance, issued on May 23, 2006, by Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom analyzed the textbooks used by the Saudi Ministry of Education by their elementary and secondary students. These textbooks, according to Freedom House, advocate hatred of anyone, including Muslims, who reject the Wahhabi dogma. The 2006 report was created by Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom which collaborated with the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs. Their study covered the textbooks used in Saudi Arabia and Saudi schools outside that country. The Institute for Gulf Affairs collected the books to be used in the study from families, teachers, and administrators associated with Saudi schools. Freedom House then had them translated.  Did USAID have anything to do with these textbooks?


Nina Shea said, "What is being taught today in Saudi public school textbooks about how Muslims should relate to other religious communities will poison the minds of a new generation of Saudis. Whatever changes have been made in the Saudi educational system, clearly more needs to be done." The Saudi government had revised all of their educational materials to eliminate all intolerant materials. But, according to the Freedom House report, the textbooks "condemn and denigrate the majority of Sunni Muslims" who reject the Wahhabi brand of Islam. The report also claims that the textbooks encourage Muslims to "hate" Christians, Jews and other "unbelievers." The Saudi public school system has 25,000 schools, with about five million students. They also have academies in nineteen world capitals. One of these is located just outside of Washington in Alexandria, Virginia. They all use the same religious textbooks. Saudi Arabia also distributes its textbooks around the world to many Islamic schools. 


Barack Obama, as I have previously written, was a CIA asset and attended Columbia University where Marxist apologist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, taught. Obama was born (1961), named, mentored, media puffed and financed into the White House by Soros, Rockefeller and other bankers. According to Wayne Madsen, Obama's mother, grandparents and other associates were also CIA. Former community organizer, Barack Hussein Obama, whether he is Muslim, Christian or a minion for Israel, is furthering the destruction of the U.S. economy per his agreement with the bankers when they financed his presidency. Citizens will blame the Muslim in the White House and take vengeance on U.S. Muslims as the destabilization continues. Obama, in 2008, committed his efforts to serving AIPAC's agenda. He has links to Wright's Christian (liberation theology) church in Chicago and has publicly implied that he is Muslim. Is he just a CIA chameleon who alters his rhetoric for his current audience? Or is this a distracting Psy Ops designed to distract and divide U.S. citizens while the elite privately snicker. He is still a community organizer but on a much larger scale.


Part of the operation has Republican Orly Taitz (b. 1960), the Jewish lawyer, dentist, and perhaps Mossad, along with Philip J. Berg, a Jewish Democrat are publicizing Obama's Kenyan birth, a detail that was openly announced in 2004 when he was running for an Illinois senate seat.  Taitz emigrated from the Soviet Union to Israel in 1981 where she attended Hebrew University. In 1987 she met and quickly married a software engineer visiting from California named Yosef Taitz and soon she was in the U.S. She believes that Israel should "exterminate" the Arabs.  She is associated with AIPAC and believes that Obama's policies are "a clear and present danger to Israel."  Ironically, in regard to the birth issue, Taitz said, "When you allow somebody with allegiance to other nations to become president, that's extremely dangerous."  Good Heavens, save us from the arrogant, blatant elites and their useful idiots.

Menorah That's true for any political office. Three hundred members (69%) of the House of Representatives signed a letter addressed to Secretary of State Clinton affirming "the unbreakable bond" that exists between the U.S. and the State of Israel. Given that fact, I hardly think that the imposition of Sharia law is a viable threat.  As long as the "National Menorah" is prominently displayed at the White House during the holidays instead of a Christian scene, I think U.S. citizens can be assured that Sharia law is not a threat.
Scientists understand that monotonous patterns produce a stupor that renders people vulnerable to hypnosis. Certain low-level frequencies or unperceived waves exist in radio and television, the normal vehicle for mass hypnosis. It is the prime method of controlling huge populations.  On 9/11, everything shut down, except our television sets; we were extra attentive and traumatized, the most effective of any indoctrination process. Many still believe that Muslims perpetrated 9/11.


Politicians, journalists, and media personalities are repeatedly expressing outrage over the possible construction of the Muslim community center two blocks from ground zero. This attention serves to ignite the emotions that we all felt that day, conveniently near the anniversary. It serves to re-establish the connection between 9/11 and the Muslims. It is a psychological operation of the most organized kind. The government has had almost a decade to reiterate their deceptive version of the event. Many naïve people, not wanting to complicate their lives with the horrible reality, believe the government/media's first reports – it is easier than acknowledging that they've been so easily deceived.


Gingrich Former Speaker of the House, internationalist Newt Gingrich (CFR, NAFTA proponent), a recipient of millions from Sheldon Adelson, argues, "One of our biggest mistakes in the aftermath of 9/11 was naming our response to the attacks 'the war on terror' instead of accurately identifying radical Islamists (and the underlying ideology of radical Islamism) as the target of our campaign… Radical Islamism is more than simply a religious belief. It is a comprehensive political, economic, and religious movement that seeks to impose Sharia—Islamic law—upon all aspects of global society."


Madeleine Albright (CFR), while Secretary of State, said, "If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation."  Over 170 million people were slaughtered by governments during the 20th century. Ten million died in World War I and fifty million died in World War II. Of those who were killed during World War II, almost 70% were civilians. This so-called collateral damage was a consequence of indiscriminant bombing by Britain and America. Then there was Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a potential war in Iran and the unpublicized CIA wars. Yet, many citizens, rather than focusing on America's brutality, claim that Islam is violent.


The Muslims are not the enemy. They don't extort usury through the Federal Reserve; they aren't manufacturing population-reducing vaccines and GMO seeds; they didn't devise our abortion laws (about fifty million dead); they didn't bail out the banks; they didn't create the Department of Homeland Security and impose the PATRIOT Act; they aren't wiretapping our private conversations or scanning us at the airport; they didn't impose godless Communism on several countries and cause the death of millions of innocent people; they haven't instituted the draconian healthcare laws; they have not orchestrated the nation's economic crashes; they have not deindustrialized the nation and outsourced so many jobs; they haven't wiped out the middle class by passing trade laws like NAFTA; and they haven't foreclosed on thousands of homes; they are not the reason thousands of people live in tent cities; they haven't developed depleted uranium weapons. Instead of worrying about a mosque, consider what's going on behind the closed doors at the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, the Senate and House chambers, the CFR, the State Department, the UN or dozens of other places. The Muslims didn't instigate the attacks on the USS Liberty or the USS Cole and they didn't orchestrate the highly organized attack in Manhattan on 9/11.


People should be burning the 9/11 Commission Report or if they absolutely insist on burning a religious book, burn the Bible or the Talmud instead of the Quran. Most of the people who insist that the Quran is full of hate have never even seen the book.


The mystery surrounding the death of John O'Neill:

The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11

by Chaim Kupferberg


Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), ,   13 June 2002 (revised 19 September 2002)


In the immediate aftermath of the destruction of the World Trade Center, the finger of guilt was directed toward the only plausible author for such a sophisticated and ruthless act of terror - Osama bin Laden.

Throughout the late '90's, we were informed that bin Laden had declared war on America by reason of the American military presence on Saudi soil in the wake of the Persian Gulf War. We were told how bin Laden, ensconced in Afghanistan, headed up a world-wide terror franchise whose sophistication and global reach dwarfed that of the Iranian-financed Hizballah or Islamic Jihad (previously, the most widely known of the terror organizations among the masses in the Middle East). Bin Laden's organization, al-Qaida, was presented to us as something entirely new in the annals of terrorism - a far-flung, sophisticated empire of terror, possessing - possibly - weapons of mass destruction, while having no clear or viable state sponsor behind it (as the Afghani Taliban were merely its resident protectors).  In short, by September 11, the United States now had a bona fide enemy - and, as they say in criminal justice parlance, a suspect with motive, means, and opportunity.

And while I was a bit taken at how quickly - and confidently - the fingers were pointing only hours after the 9/11 bombings, I was positively shaken by the first red flag that popped up. His name was John O'Neill - or more precisely, he is the seam that shows. Dated September 12, in a Washington Post article by Vernon Loeb, it was revealed that O'Neill, who died in his capacity as head of security for the World Trade Center, was also formerly the New York FBI Counterterror chief responsible for the investigation into Osama bin Laden. That could perhaps be written off as one of those freak synchronicities. There were the other items - reported quite blandly, in that "there's nothing to see here, folks" tone - that gave me that sinking feeling. Apparently, O'Neill had a falling-out with the Ambassador to Yemen over his investigative style and was banned from returning there. But then there was that other nugget that I had trouble digesting - that O'Neill had resigned from a thirty-year career in the FBI "under a cloud" over an incident in Tampa - and then left to take up the security position at the WTC (only two weeks before!).

The seam that shows...

For the bulk of his career, like most of his FBI colleagues, John O'Neill was largely unknown to the public at large - respected in his circle, to be sure, yet scarcely meriting much mention in the media - beyond being referenced now and then as an expert on counterterrorism. Yet in the few months leading up to September 11, O'Neill was now suddenly the subject of a series of seemingly unrelated controversies - the first, in July, involving his dispute with the State Department over the conduct of the bin Laden investigation in Yemen; and the second, in August, in which he was reported to be under an FBI probe for misplacing a briefcase of classified documents during an FBI convention in Tampa.

In the light of the aftermath of this second controversy - the documents were found, "untouched", a few hours later - one wonders why this seemingly minor news would merit such lengthy coverage in the Washington Post and New York Times. Keeping in mind the fact that these latter articles on O'Neill appeared a mere three weeks before he was to die in the rubble of the Twin Towers, one wonders if this wasn't a well-orchestrated smear campaign against O'Neill, with a bit of unintended "blowback" - as this now-discredited counterterror chief in charge of all bin Laden bombings would finally make the news as a fatal casualty of bin Laden's final bombing. Coincidence? Or was there something more here that would bear investigating?

My gut told me that, in the months preceding September 11, somebody was out to either discredit John O'Neill or, alternatively, to plant disinformation that could later be used to divert any investigator from a fruitful reconstruction of the forces behind 9/11.  Or, quite possibly, was a mistake made - one pointing the way toward a plan whose scope goes well beyond the designs of Osama bin Laden? In other words, could we spot the telltale fingerprints of a propaganda campaign preceding 9/11?

Well, as they say, a hypothesis is only as good as its usefulness in ferreting out reality. My hypothesis: that the events of September 11 were planned by those who not only had the motive, means, and opportunity to carry out the plan, but also were best placed to manage the consequences stemming from it, as well as managing the flow of information. If this were an "inside job", the first thing to do was to look at who conveyed specific information on bin Laden before - and I stress, before - 9/11, for they were most likely involved wittingly or not with those who masterminded it.

Virtually the first "smoking gun" was presented the day after 9/11, when Vernon Loeb and Dan Eggen reported in the Post that Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the Al-Quds al Arabi newspaper in London, "received information that he [bin Laden] planned very, very big attacks against American interests" only three weeks before 9/11. Moreover, the article reported that Atwan "was convinced that Islamic fundamentalists aligned with bin Laden were 'almost certainly' behind the attacks." Incidentally, Atwan had personally interviewed bin Laden in Afghanistan in 1996 - among the very few to do so. As reported by Michael Evans in the August 24, 1998 issue of The Times, Atwan "is trusted by bin Laden."

Curious, perhaps, that Atwan seemed to be one of the major "point men" used in elaborating the Osama bin Laden "legend", as they say in intelligence parlance. In a U.S. News article dated August 31, 1998, Atwan informs us that bin Laden "is a humble man who lives simply, eating fried eggs, tasteless low-fat cheese, and bread gritty with sand. He hates America." No flash in the pan, this interviewer. Apparently, bin Laden kept Atwan's business card tucked away in his toga pocket. "Bin Laden phoned this newspaper, phoned me last Friday," Atwan revealed in an ABC News LateLine Transcript dated August 25, 1998. We'll come back to ABC News shortly.

While solidly implicating bin Laden the day after 9/11, Atwan was also the media's "go-to" guy back in 1998 when he informed us, after President Clinton bombed tool sheds in Afghanistan, that bin Laden issued this threat against the United States: "The battle has not started yet. The response will be with action and not words." In the same article (which I took from Nando Times), ABC News is the source for an additional threat called in by Ayman al-Zawahiri, a senior bin Laden aide: "The war has just started. The Americans should wait for the answer." Only a few months before that, ABC had conducted its televised interview of bin Laden. By the summer of 1998, primed by Atwan, ABC NEWS, and a surprisingly small clique of well-worn sources, we had come to know bin Laden as America's latest "Saddam", "Qaddafi", "Noriega" - take your pick and set your bomb sites.

By October 2000, when the U.S.S. Cole was bombed in Yemen, in case there was any doubt, Atwan offered Reuters his helpful analysis with regards to the source of blame: "I do not rule out that this was undertaken by Osama bin Laden. Yemeni groups don't have the experience to carry out this kind of operation."  Atwan informed Reuters that bin Laden "was unlikely to claim direct responsibility for Thursday's attack for fear of U.S. reprisals." One can imagine, then, that Atwan gave his trusting phone mate cause for many a sleepless night. With friends like these...

Leading up to 9/11, by the Spring of 2001, an incriminating wedding videotape, apparently implicating bin Laden in the Yemen bombing, was circulating around the Middle East after being broadcast on the ubiquitous al-Jazeera television station (reconstituted from the BBC TV Arabic Service - more on them later). In the video, bin Laden, according to the Saudi-owned al-Hayat newspaper (more on them later, too), recited a poem celebrating the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole (shades of deja vu here?) This from the site dated March 1: "Al-Hayat, which carried a photo of bin Laden and his son at the wedding, said its correspondent was the only journalist at the ceremony, also attended by bin Laden's mother, two brothers and sister who flew to Kandahar from Saudi Arabia."

And yes, here, too, Atwan offers his thoughtful review of the bin Laden video, courtesy of PTI, datelined London June 22, 2001: "[Atwan] said the video was proof that the fugitive Saudi millionaire [the Bruce Wayne of terrorists] was fit, well equipped and confident enough to send out a call to arms." Why this sudden need for proof? According to Atwan in the same article: "There have been rumours that [bin Laden] is ill and that he is being contained by the Taliban in Afghanistan. It is quite clear from the film that he is in good health to the point where he can fire a rifle, and is free to operate as he chooses." In other words, limber enough for his starring role in the months ahead.

So who is Abdel Bari Atwan and why is he anxious to tell us so much? According to the Winter 1999 issue of INEAS (Institute of Near Eastern and African Studies), Abdel Bari Atwan, a Palestinian, was born in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip in 1950. Educated at the American University of Cairo, Atwan moved to Saudi Arabia and worked as a writer for the al-Madina newspaper. In 1978, he moved to London, where he became a correspondent for the Saudi-owned Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. In 1988, after shuffling around between Saudi-owned papers, Atwan was offered a position as editor of al-Quds al-Arabi. By his account, he was offered a position as the executive editor of the Saudi-owned al-Hayat (of the bin Laden wedding video coup), yet turned it down to produce a more independent newspaper as a challenge to the "empires" of the Saudi-dominated dailies.

Al-Quds began production in April 1989. A little more than a year later, Saddam invaded Kuwait and al-Quds stood alone as the only Arab newspaper opposed to the Persian Gulf War - at least by Atwan's account. According to Atwan: "Without the Gulf War, we wouldn't have taken such political lines, which made us well recognized and well respected." In November 1996, Bari-Atwan braved a twelve-hour car ride through muddy roads, attired in shabby Afghani rags in below-zero weather, and gave us the early scoop on bin Laden, conducting a one-on-one interview in bin Laden's [bat]cave. From then on, the mainstream media - CNN, ABC, BBC, Sky News - looked to Bari-Atwan and al-Quds as the "independent" voice of the Arab street.

Incidentally, in a discussion concerning the matter of Saudi domination of the Arabic media, taken from the site, Atwan, as editor of his struggling independent, was facing off against Jihad Khazen, the editor of the Saudi-owned al-Hayat. As Atwan proudly related in support of his independence: "One day I was called by the BBC-TV Arabic service [whose staff later reconstituted itself as al-Jazeera television]: 'There's a story on your front page today, saying such and such. Is it true?' I asked why he should doubt it and he replied: 'It's not published in al-Hayat [his job offer] or al-Sharq al-Awsat [his alma mater].' " Atwan boasts: "At least I can say we are 95 to 96 per cent independent" - leaving out the 4 to 5 per cent spent on bin Laden, I presume. Whether or not al-Quds truly is independent, this is the cover story the mainstream media buys into when they come trolling for their "independent" evidence.

So, to elaborate further on this (so far) fruitful hypothesis, it is my contention that al-Qaida and bin Laden are elaborate "legends" set up to promote a plausibly sophisticated and ferocious enemy to stand against American interests. I am not, however, implying that bin Laden himself is a total fabrication. Rather, it is my contention that confederates, believing themselves to act on behalf of bin Laden, are being set up in a "false flag operation" to perform operations as their controllers see fit.  And who are these controllers? If they're anything resembling the folks who brought you Hizbullah and Hamas, you wouldn't be sweating the suitcase nukes (made in America), the Ames strain anthrax (made in America), the MI5-like "sleeper agents" and coded "go" messages. Instead, you would be dodging primitive nail bombs and road mines - and not needing Abdel Bari Atwan to feed you the lowdown on the blame.

In view of the fact that bin Laden is of Saudi origin, that much of the "evidence" on the Arab side initially originated from Saudi-owned or Gulf Anglo-client state sources, and that Saudi Arabia is the major financial sponsor of the Taliban brand of fundamentalism in Afghanistan (as a counter-point to Iran), I believe it is fair to say that Saudi Arabia might possibly be implicated. " Most likely, the Saudis performed their roles as subservient proxies. We'll get to the ultimate controllers soon enough (if you haven't already guessed where this is going). And now, to fill out the picture further, it is necessary to name an equally essential partner as proxy - Pakistan, or, more specifically, Pakistan's version of the CIA - the ISI (Interservices Intelligence Directorate).

And this is where we begin to "close the circle" of our close-knit pre-9/11 propaganda clique. Returning again to the above-mentioned Dan Eggen and Vernon Loeb Post article of September 12, we're offered - in a powerful little side-bar - more critical evidence implicating bin Laden for the attacks the day before. This time, the bombshell is offered by Palestinian journalist Jamal Ismail, Abu Dhabi Television's bureau chief in Islamabad. According to Ismail, a bin Laden aide called him "early Wednesday on a satellite telephone from a hide-out in Afghanistan," praising the attack yet denying any responsibility for it.  As it turns out, Ismail was also among the select few to conduct his very own bin Laden interview, published by Newsweek in its April 1, 1999 issue. Here is how Newsweek described Ismail's good fortune: "Palestinian journalist Jamal Ismail's mobile phone rang just before prayers on December 18. 'Peace be upon you, ' said the voice on the line. 'You may not recognize me, but I know you.' " And thus was Jamal Ismail invited on his own mud-soaked incursion to the bin Laden [bat]cave.

Searching deeper, I found an interesting obscure article penned by respected Pakistani journalist Rahimullah Yusufszai in The News Jang, and dated May 3, 2000.  It details the detention of two men of Kurdish origin, accused by the Taliban of spying for American and Israeli intelligence. As Yusufszai relates it, he spoke to the only journalists allowed by the Taliban to interview the detained men - Jamal Ismail and his cameraman. Apparently, Ismail had a special relationship with the Taliban, allowing him this rare privilege above other journalists. And, as we shall shortly see, so does Yusufszai.  One wonders who debriefs them at the end of a workday. But more interestingly, by May 5, as reported by Kathy Gannon for the Associated Press, the story acquires - as they say - "new legs." Not only are the basic elements of the Yusufszai story mentioned, but the article leads off with the bombshell that one of the detained men revealed that he was recruited by the United States to find Osama bin Laden. It finishes with a little coda implicating bin Laden in the 1998 embassy bombings. Thus, in the space of two days, Yusufszai's Pakistani "spy" article sprouts a bin Laden addition when fertilized by the American Associated Press - and nicely provides a plausible explanation as to why a Kurd would be prowling around Afghanistan on behalf of the United States.

Yusufszai, incidentally, moonlighted as an ABC News producer, charged with guiding ABC News correspondent John Miller through the Afghani marshes to the bin Laden [bat]cave - one of the very few American journalists to be accorded such an honour (and also, as it happens, a good friend of bin Laden arch-foe John O'Neill. But not chummy enough to direct O'Neill on to bin Laden's hideaway). Moreover, Ismail and Yusufszai are mentioned together in a CNN article posted January 4, 1999 - the former for his Newsweek interview, the latter for his own bin Laden dialogue for TIME Magazine the day later.

Rahimullah Yusufszai, regarded by New York Times reporters John Burns and Steve LeVine as "one man who has seen more of the Taliban than any other outsider," is also named by The Nation, in its article of January 27, 1997, as "one of the favourite journalists of [Pakistan's] of the organizations funding and arming the Taliban. "

It's a small world after all. In the September 29, 2001 article of PressPlus, Yusufszai's ABC colleague, John Miller, mused about running into his buddy John O'Neill in Yemen while reporting on the U.S.S. Cole bombing the year before. "He said, 'So this is the Elaine's of Yemen.' "

"There is a terrible irony to all this," Miller said. I'll say: Miller, one of the very few Americans who can give a first-hand account of bin Laden, bumps into his friend, bin Laden's chief investigator, while both are investigating a bombing in Yemen that will later be tagged onto bin Laden - and only a year before O'Neill dies at the hands of... allegedly ...bin Laden.

Now, following the logic of my hypothesis, if the bin Laden threat was, pre-9/11, a close-knit propaganda campaign, one would expect to find the same names showing up repeatedly in combination with one another. This, too, applies to the American commentators. Let us return to the August 1998 American bombings of bin Laden's tool sheds as an example. The night of the bombing, Rahimullah Yusufszai received a call from bin Laden aide Ayman al-Zawahiri, in a report from the Associated Press. Later, Yusufszai obtained for ABC News exclusive photos of the damage to bin Laden's camp. Further commentary describing the layout of the bin Laden camp was furnished to the Washington Post by former CIA analyst and terrorism expert Kenneth Katzman, as well as Harvey Kushner of Long Island University. Only little more than a week before that, Katzman and Kushner were offering their assessment of bin Laden's culpability for the embassy bombings in Africa in a Washington Post article penned by Vernon Loeb and Walter Pincus. They were joined in this effort by Vincent Cannistraro, the ABC news analyst who also escorted John Miller to his bin Laden interview, as well as provided running commentary in the days immediately following 9/11. Cannistraro, a former CIA counterterrorism chief, provided covert aid to the Afghani mujaheddin in the late '80's, as well as supervised CIA operations with the contras. He was also one of the point men in the notoriously circumspect investigation at Lockerbie. In the above-noted Loeb and Pincus article - in which bin Laden is quoted from the ABC News Miller and Yusufszai interview - Cannistraro weighs in with his assessment of the embassy bombings: "I believe Osama bin Laden is the sponsor of this operation, and I think all of the indications are pointing that way."

Soon after the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen, a Vernon Loeb Post article, dated October 13, 2000, proceeded to implicate bin Laden through the detailed information provided by Kushner, Katzman, and Cannistraro.  Earlier, in a Vernon Loeb Post article dated July 3, 2000, Yusufszai, Kushner, and Cannistraro unveiled bin Laden aides Ayman al-Zawahiri and Muhammed Atef as the men to watch as bin Laden's likely successors, with a helpful tidbit on the Zawahiri biography thrown in by the Saudi-owned al-Sharq al-Awsat.

None of the above, of course, is offered as the "smoking gun" pointing the way to a propaganda conspiracy, nor are my chosen examples meant to be exhaustive in evidencing this point.  According to Felicity Barringer, in a New York Times article dated September 24, 2001:  "A good deal of the public information on bin Laden comes from the journalists who went to Afghanistan to interview him, including [Peter] Bergen, ... Peter Arnett, John Miller, Rahimullah Yusufzai, and Jamal Ismail."  The article further makes reference to Vernon Loeb, Al Quds al-Arabi (Atwan), Judith Miller, Al Jazeera, and Brian Jenkins (formerly of Kroll Associates - the security firm that obtained the WTC position for John O'Neill by way of Jerry Hauer).  Clearly, I have also not heretofore made mention of the other experts who have worked assiduously toward building our knowledge base on bin Laden - Steven Emerson, Daniel Pipes, Yossef Bodansky, and various British and EU elites. However, the above examples do show how the information flow on bin Laden could be plausibly managed by the skilfully placed revelations of a relatively insular clique of "experts" called upon repeatedly by the mainstream media.

Here is how it would work:  A relatively few well-connected correspondents provide the "scoops" that get the coverage in the relatively few mainstream news sources - the four TV networks, TIME, Newsweek, CNN - where the parameters of debate are set and the "official reality" is consecrated for the bottom feeders in the news chain. In other countries, this is what is known as propaganda - or, put less politely, psychological warfare.

But before I leave this topic, I would like to provide an example of "news management" that is revealing for what is omitted - that is, the "smoking gun" of Pakistani ISI involvement in the events of 9/11.  On October 9, 2001, the Times of India dropped this little bombshell:  "Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday that [ISI Chief Mahmud Ahmad] lost his job because of the "evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Centre. The US authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh at the instance of Gen. Mahmud."

 What makes this particular piece so devastating is that only days before, much of the mainstream American media was touting the news of a "key link" in the chain of evidence linking bin Laden to the events of September 11 - namely, a $100,000 wire transfer to the hijackers from a shadowy operative linked to bin Laden.  Yet once this operative was "outed" as being linked instead to the Pakistani ISI Chief, any propaganda gains initially made through this evidence would now crumble.  One possible reason might stem from this Karachi News item, released only two days before September 11:

"[Pakistani] ISI Chief Lt-Gen Mahmood's week-long presence in Washington has triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council. Officially, State Department sources say he is on a routine visit in return to [sic] CIA Director George Tenet's earlier visit to Islamabad...What added interest to his visit is the history of such visits. Last time Ziauddin Butt, Mahmood's predecessor, was here during Nawaz Sharif's government the domestic politics turned topsy-turvy within days. That this is not the first visit by Mahmood in the last three months shows the urgency of the ongoing parleys..."

In other words, this was a propaganda piece that went disastrously wrong. After October 9, bin Laden's alleged paymaster could now be linked to a U.S. "ally" who spent the days before 9/11 in deep consultation at the Pentagon.  The US authorities immediately went into damage control mode by insisting on the quiet retirement of the "outed" ISI chief. Thus removed from the public eye, the ISI Chief's role in all this could be effectively ignored, and an American media black-out could be safely assumed.

Such a scenario certainly fits in snugly with my hypothesis, which I will now proceed to elaborate completely. The events of September 11 were masterminded by those who were in the best position to manage the consequences - namely, those most able to manage the flow of information, those most able to coordinate all the elements necessary for the perpetration of a successful operation (subverting airport security, guiding the planes to their specific targets), and most significantly, those who stood to reasonably benefit in the aftermath. Conspiracies, by their very nature, are not crimes of passion. They may involve rational, albeit cold-blooded, attempts to achieve a desired end by employing the most effective means available. It is for this reason that "mainstream" terror groups like Hamas and Hizbullah largely avoid attacking American interests where such attacks would serve no practical interest. For all their talk of Jihad, these terror groups tend to plan their specific attacks with an eye to the consequences that could reasonably be expected to follow. Thus, knowing the moral and political constraints of Israeli deterrent strategies, they calibrate their attacks to elicit consequences that are most tolerable for them - and hence, manageable. Yet surely, in the light of the cult of suicidal martyrdom, such considerations no longer hold sway. Perhaps. But then, in the case of such a far-flung anti-Zionist movement as al-Qaida, one would expect at least a little more exertion against Israeli interests than has heretofore prevailed - unless, of course, the "point" of al-Qaida was to provide a plausible dire threat to American interests where none had then existed. In any case, as nobody has noticed this particular anomaly, there was no need for any needless exertion of resources in order to bolster a credibility that needed no bolstering in this one particular sector.

Motive, means, and opportunity. While I presented the Saudis and Pakistani intelligence as clear-cut proxies, the only motive these elements would have to benefit from a crime of this nature is an assurance that no punishment would be forthcoming but rather, they would be on the right side of power and wealth among those in a position to determine the booty.

Another anomaly: on the very day that the ISI Chief was in deep consultation at the Pentagon, Ahmed Shah Massoud, the head of the Afghani Northern Alliance - a cultishly popular figure within that group, and a mortal foe of Pakistan's ISI - was assassinated by two terrorists posing as cameramen. Keeping in mind the fact that, throughout the '90's, American leaders such as Clinton, and American companies such as Unocal, were largely throwing their support over to the Taliban in opposition to the Northern Alliance (or United Front), it seems rather convenient that, in the aftermath of 9/11, the way was now cleared for the Northern Alliance to be co-opted as an instrument for setting up a more pliant Afghani government (now headed, incidentally, by a former consultant to Unocal).

So who are the ultimate controllers? To begin with, the circumstantial evidence seems to point to an operative clique primarily based out of New York City and the State of Florida. I stress the word "operative", as this clique appears to consist of subservient agents involved in laying the preparations. Once again, John O'Neill serves as an effective Rosetta Stone in interpreting the raw outlines of this operative clique (which is by no means a "rogue" clique). The FBI and CIA elements involved in counterterrorism have a checkered past. For one, Oliver North in the 1980's served as Counterterrorism Chief while he used his office as a cover to deal with such narco-terrorists as Monzar al-Kassar (who figures in the crash at Lockerbie - also investigated by Cannistraro). In the late '90's, O'Neill was transferred from the federal office of Counterrorism to the New York Counterrorism Office of the FBI - and it was the New York branch which was then designated as the primary investigator of all overseas investigations involving bin Laden. Moreover, this branch was also involved in the somewhat suspect investigation of TWA 800 - investigated by O'Neill and reported upon by ABC's John Miller, who was formerly the Deputy Police Commissioner of Public Relations for the NYPD before he joined up with ABC.

 As regards New York, there is another element involved in germ warfare operations. Actually, a multi-million dollar bunker - serving as a command and control center in the event of a biological attack - was set up at 7 World Trade Center at the direction of Rudolph Giuliani, who also oversaw the mass spraying of malathion over the boroughs of New York City when the West Nile Virus hit town a few summers previously.  The man Giuliani placed in charge of that operation, Jerry Hauer, also happened to be the man who found John O'Neill the position at the World Trade Center, as well as being the one who - by his own admission - identified O'Neill's body.

Moreover, there has been a widespread campaign on to link the threat of al-Qaida with that of a mass biological attack. At least the day after September 11, the link - as the Anthrax mailings had yet to arise - was not so apparent. Yet on PBS' Frontline, the New York Times' Judith Miller (no apparent relation to John Miller, as far as I'm aware), accompanied by the New York Times' James Risen, was interviewed as an expert on al-Qaida. Several weeks later, Judith Miller would once more make the headlines as the apparent recipient of an anthrax mailing which turned out to be a false alarm - yet was all the same conveniently timed with the well-publicized launching of her book on...germ warfare. As was later discovered, the anthrax mailings petered out once the news leaked that a DNA test revealed the material to be of the Ames strain of anthrax, an agent synthesized out of a CIA laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland.  Nevertheless, this was sufficient to fast-track Bioport's exclusive license for the anthrax vaccine toward FDA approval. Formerly, Bioport's experimental anthrax vaccine was being forcibly administered - under threat of court-martial - to hundreds of thousands of American servicemen (in conformity with Bioport's exclusive and lucrative contract with the Department of Defense).

 Incidentally, Judith Miller, along with Jerry Hauer, was among 17 "key" participants in a biowarfare exercise known as "Dark Winter" - a think tank-funded scenario that aimed to study the nationwide effects of a hypothetical smallpox outbreak.  One of the sponsors of that exercise was the Anser Institute of Homeland Security, an organization established before September 11, 2001.  Interestingly enough, the curious phrase "homeland security" was starting to creep up with increasing frequency in the vocabularies of certain political cliques (Dick Cheney, the Hart-Rudman Commission, et al.) in the year or two leading up to 9/11.  

The point of the above-noted information is to draw attention to an apparent propaganda campaign to prepare the public for a catastrophic biological attack. As with the Twin Towers, the blame for any coming attack may be duly and plausibly assigned by those who carefully laid the groundwork in preparing us for this eventuality.

As for Florida, the connection with this state is obvious, for not only was the first anthrax mailing directed to the Florida offices of the National Enquirer, but many of the accused hijackers were also reported to receive their pilot training from flight schools in Venice and Tampa. Notably, it was a Florida bank account to which hijacker Mohamed Atta allegedly deposited his 9/11 pay cheque.  Moreover, Florida, by way of the MacDill Air Force Base, is also Central Command for the war in Afghanistan.  In addition to its function as Central Command for the war on terrorism, MacDill is -outside of Langley - also a major base of the CIA. Thus, in the CIA's own backyard, we find the infrastructure and financial support that went into the planning for the events of 9/11. And, as we so often find with events surrounding 9/11, another synchronicity - for coincidentally enough, the woman who reportedly happened to find an apartment for one of the alleged hijackers was the wife of the senior editor of the National Enquirer. Moreover, her husband, Michael Irish, also happened to make use of an airfield that reportedly served as flight training for some of the hijackers. I emphasize the word "reportedly," as the possibility always exists that this "reported fact" may be nothing more than disinformation, strategically placed to divert attention from a possibly more subtle truth.  In intelligence operations, foreign assets are often placed with resident "controllers" whose job it is to supervise the asset as well as provide accommodations as the need arises. Who are Michael and Gloria Irish? Or, perhaps more revealingly, what kind of social circles do they run with? This is certainly an avenue worth exploring - by reason of its many synchrocities if for nothing else. Again, the seam that shows.

As a little side-note, Tampa experienced its own mass spraying of malathion, a mutagenic pesticide, when it encountered a med fly outbreak the year before New York's West Nile outbreak.  In the end, the flies were contained through a sterile med fly program administered out of MacDill Air Force base.

So, to sum up, it appears that the events of September 11 were planned years in advance, with the groundwork being carefully laid by a propaganda campaign orchestrated to convince the public that the United States has a plausibly sophisticated nemesis with the motive, means, and opportunity to perpetrate a devastating act of terror against Americans. Toward that end, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have been used as the primary proxy agents to run a "false flag" operation, setting up and financing the infrastructure of al-Qaida in Afghanistan. Through madrassas based in Pakistan, Saudi and Yemenite militants were instructed in the Saudi brand of Wahabbi Islam, and subsequently "graduated" to the camps that were set up in Afghanistan - again, under Saudi and Pakistani sponsorship. Stateside, the operative agents were mostly based out of New York City and Florida. In the aftermath of 9/11, elements in the American government are now widely disseminating information in vast quantities, overwhelming the populace and lending credibility to the government's version of events. Thus, post-9/11, the actions of this formerly insular propaganda clique are no longer perceptible. Information is now being doled out in generous portions to credulous reporters who are outside the loop, yet perform their unwitting service as "bottom feeders" in the downward flow of information.

In all cases, the actions of these proxy agents and operative planners are sufficiently distanced and compartmentalized from the true masterminds to create a condition of "plausible deniability". In short, the proxies have also been set up as possible patsies with evidence that has been carefully laid to incriminate them should cracks in the "official story" become too discernible. Moreover, the groundwork has already been carefully laid to cast aspersions on another convenient patsy - the Jews, by way of the State of Israel and its supporters. Already, for those prone to perceive Jewish conspiracies, the reliable vein of anti-Semitism - combined with anti-Zionism - has been mined to distract the masses and to create a modern version of the ritual blood libel, thereby further "muddying the waters" should the true masterminds be threatened with exposure. In other words, the present difficulties in the Middle East work perfectly to set up the State of Israel as a plausible alternative suspect with motive, means, and opportunity. Toward that end, a low-level "buzz" has been circulating over the Internet (and especially in Europe) of an Israeli spy ring that was rounded up in the days after September 11.  Whether or not these reports are credible is not the point.  Most likely, there was a spy ring operating, and various Israelis were unwittingly set up as patsies, to be exposed should the need arise. Thus, while evidence may be marshaled to taint the Saudis, Pakistanis, or Israelis, the real guilt must inevitably lie with those in the best position to manage the flow of information as well as reliably benefit from the new order created, primarily, the political and corporate elites of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union - also, as it happens, the very parties orchestrating the global war on terrorism. In this respect, the Saudis, Pakistanis, or Israelis have far less to gain (other than the benefits of going along with the designs of the rich and mighty).

I could go on and further highlight the obvious geostrategic gains of those who are clearly managing the flow of information - the proverbial pipelines, oil, wealth, and so forth. But I think those purported benefits are a bit of a "red herring" - more of a side benefit than the main motivating factor. Americans and their allies would have easily supported a thrust into Afghanistan for a provocation far less costly and bloody than this (such as Kuwait in the early '90's).  It is no small act to intentionally take down such an overarching symbol of financial stability as the Twin Towers, and chance killing thousands in the process. Such a conspiracy, if in fact perpetrated from within, would by its nature necessitate a huge structural, cultural, and demographic change. The very brazenness of the act, the naked aggression, would necessitate a tenacious determination to achieve the ends for which these actions were perpetrated.  There is no going back now. An infrastructure is being laid out - one that will, finally, provide a dissident-proof totalitarian oligarchy composed of like-minded elites served by an under-class kept under constant surveillance. The edifice of this regime is being constructed, brick by brick, with the mortar of the Office of Homeland Security (to centralize and coordinate an effective police state), the Freedom Corps (to indoctrinate the most idealist - and therefore activist - elements of the populace toward service to the state), and the Patriot Act (to provide the legal basis for subverting long-held rights under the screen of national security). If all of this sounds strangely familiar, if it is redolent of Huxley and Orwell, that is perhaps because Huxley and Orwell were both intimately involved with the elites of their time - in fact, were fully subsumed among them - in ways that made their future projections abundantly prescient, and, in their minds, inevitable. With further refinements in mind control technologies - yes, they do exist - as well as the monopolization of the food supply by way of sterile seed "terminator technology" - the approval for which was granted in the months following 9/11 - the masses may be perpetually culled and exploited by those who hold the keys to this fully managed society.

If this notion of reality strikes you as somewhat dissonant, at odds with your own personal experience, it may be perhaps that we have not quite arrived there yet, and that you have personally not felt the corrosive lash of political corruption and governmental malfeasance. In all likelihood, you have not read the mountain of evidence detailing political and elite deviant behaviour in this country. You may even be dismissive of "conspiracy theories", yet wholly unaware of the well-documented attempts by the CIA and FBI to subvert, surveil, and propagandize the populace through programs such as Project Mockingbird (media infiltration) and MK-Ultra (mind control through chemical, hypnotic, or electro-magnetic means). These programs are effected primarily through "think tanks" that are set up across the United States for the purpose of disseminating information and propaganda under the rubric of "expertise". Moreover, various foundations, such as the Rockefeller or Ford Foundations, are often used as funnels to finance and feed the arteries of these propaganda networks. In the 1970's, a good deal of this structural corruption was officially exposed - in a "limited hang-out" - by way of the Church Commission, as well as the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Thereafter, much of the most damaging revelations were played down or ignored by the mainstream media, and the waters were then muddied by a stream of outlandish conspiracy theories - aliens, Elvis, etc. - that merely served to discredit the information that was most credible. "Muddying the waters", incidentally, is a tried and true staple of the intelligence craft.

It is really just a matter of familiarizing yourself with all the documented anomalies that do not accord with the received, mainstream reality put forth to you by the mainstream media. As a practical guide to begin, you might want to confine your search to strictly "mainstream" sources, as I have sought to do in attempting to construct my case on 9/11. My evidence is by no means exhaustive. In fact, it is merely the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Yet proceeding in this direction, under my hypothesis, has been most fruitful in analyzing the various anomalies that pop up now and then.

Any simple keyword search of the following terms may be helpful in pointing toward a more substantive understanding of the elites who ultimately guide your fortunes: "Iran-Contra" , "Mena", "BCCI", "Project Paperclip", "Michael Aquino", "Paul Bonacci", "Operation Northwoods", "MK-Ultra". Much of the information on these topics is credible and well-documented. More disturbingly, it highlights behavior committed by the very same elites who are now interpreting the events of 9/11 for you. Read for yourself, and decide, at the end of the day, how much credibility you will continue to accord to those who claim to be the proper trustees of your fate and well-being.

Must Read Who Did 9/11 - OBL, Bush Or Mossad? The Evidences presented 
US quietly testing 'scary new war in Pakistan' - Road to World War III; Inauspicious signs for Pakistan;
Cuba's Fidel Castro, fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club, claims al-Qaida leader Osama bin laden is a US agent 

The mystery surrounding the murder of John O'Neill on 9/11 and The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11 
Must Watch Video: Why our civilization is dying: war is nothing but a business where young men are sent to die for some to get richer and richer.   These are the horrors of the war. Please share!
US Hijacked by Zionists: Birth of National Security State (by Philip Giraldi), Rick Sanchez: Jews Run CNN & All Media
What's Behind The Demolition of Al-Arakib Palestinian village in the Negev by Zionists the eco-fascism movement
Pharisee Watch: How do gulags of Israel differ from the Soviet ones or the ones in Babylon?
Duty to Warn; 9/11 Was an Inside Job by Dr. Gary Kolhs, A Call for a New, Unbiased 9/11 Commission to Investigate the Controlled Demolitions of the Three WTC Towers 
9/11: Pentagon early inside bomb; Congress really hates our freedoms: Patriot Acts, Homeland Security, Powers of Assassination/Torture around World, Internet wiretappying/control/censorship, etc.
U.S. ATTEMPTS TO EXTRADITE 9/11 Truth WHISTLEBLOWER Kurt Sonnenfeld, official 9/11 videographer; steel blown out in every direction onto other buildings up to 600 feet away by explosions going off
Dow Jones Industrials Delusion - they're no longer industrials, certainly not with the likes of Disney, McDonalds, banksters, etc... 

Video: Essence of Banking Industry... brilliant excerpt from "The International" starring Clive Owen and Naomi Watts, Directed by Tom Tykwer 
Locked up for Life without charge under New US Law sponsored by Lieberman; UN seeks Control of Planet's Drinking Water

What is delaying treatment of a 47-year-old Palestinian woman, if not punishment of someone who opposes her foreign rulers? 

Killing each Taliban soldier who is defending his country/land costs $50 Million, very profitable for the War Industry

Zionist Rahm Emanuel heckled by angry Chicago voters during his listening tour 

Humiliating Israeli video condemned - video of a male Israeli soldier bellydancing around a bound and blindfolded female 



Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel;GORDON DUFF: "RULE OF LIE," AMERICA'S "WINGNUT" PRESS - SEX, SIN AND WAR 

Zionists stealing Olives from Palestinian orchards 

Musician Robert Wyatt on resistance | Israel university sacks another thinking academic because of critique of Israeli rights-abuse policy and of Zionism 

Are we all just human lab rats in a series of BIG PHARMA medical experiments? 

The Original Christianity of non-violence 

MarketWatch: The Banksters' Fed is Dead Maybe By 2012?????? 

Recognition of Israel as Jewish state poses existential threat to Israeli Arabs 


Important Video: 9/11 Investigation Library, Charlie Sheen's message to Obama on 9/11 Truth, PEOPLE DEMAND THE TRUTH 

Jewish Community Post and News in Winnipeg: Palestinian Sam Bahour's take on the peace process 




Video: Brother Nathanael explains why the rats are bailing out of the Obama presidency....Obama Boys [Rothschild Agents] Bail Out

Understanding the Zionist-Ashkenazi Deception...Jews are not Israelites


Obama's leaked letter to Netanyahu, a dishonest broker | Israel's Mavi Marmara disinformation (i.e. lies and fabrications

Divest from Zionist Injustice: BNC statement in support of JVP's campaign to pressure TIAA-CREFF to divest from various companies

Federal indictment: 11 Alabama casino owners, state senators, lobbyists bought votes

FLUORIDE TRUTH hits the TV in AUSTRALIA, the poison in our water



Must see video: 9/11 DEFINITELY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT AN INSIDE JOB, See how many 9-11 Commission members were CFR -- just like Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rice etc. -=-

"UN Report on Flotilla Raid Blisters Israel" - by Rev. Ted Pike, Israeli executed aid workers in cold blood

OCTOBER SURPRISE- 10 10 10 10??????Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Larry Summers, Peter Orszag leaving White House.

Who's Lying? NIST and conspirators eager to cover-up the 9/11 crimes? video of fused elements of molten steel

THE LAST WAR CRIME: New Feature Film On Indicting Cheney For Torture, And You Can Help Make It Happen

Rothschild's are no longer a shadow entity to general public anymore as Corporate Takeover Of The American Government Well Underway

US quietly testing 'scary new war in Pakistan' - Road to World War III; Inauspicious signs for Pakistan;

False Flag Ops: Will Indian Intelligence/Mossad stage a False Flag attack during the Delhi Games?

Homeowners' Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Protected From Banksters' Foreclosures Claws?


Rats leaving Ship: Exodus of Zionist Advisors from Obama White House Likely Not an Omen of Good Things to Come

The Left vs. Right Paradigm is Over: Its You vs. Corporations ?

Asia to Gaza Caravan: 500 civil resisters from 17 Asian countries are marching to Gaza to end the illegal Israeli Siege!


Obama Tells Zionists "No More!" like Truman, Eisenhower, JFK... Obama told Netanyahy that they must play fair with oppressed Palestinians, told Petraeus to plan withdrawal from Afghanistan..
Guest Editorial:
From: My truth   Maisoon
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 2:25 AM
Subject: VEILED THREATS AGAINST THE ISLAMIC WORLD;Whose World Are We Really Living In?;Pack of Hyenas Laughing Their Way to Power;Perceptions Of Goodness versus Evil;BEYOND BELIEF: MYTHICAL FANTASY OR GOSPEL REALITY?
Whose World Are We Really Living In?
(and picked up here too with web editor's comments added
Pack of Hyenas Laughing Their Way to Power
 Perceptions Of Goodness versus Evil




 By Maisoon- October 2005


"Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, deceiving the stupid multitude" --Leonardo da Vinci   


What are we exactly seeing, experiencing or living through? How many of the world's population actually cares or is aware of what is happening to not only their own nations but to others and to be more exact, to the world at large? Just who or what is benefiting from the drastic altercations in our political, religious and social lifestyles - "qui bono" a question we really must ask over and over again as each new event transpires?  Why are wars being waged in this day and age in the modern 21st century? What are we all fighting for and who is gaining from all this tragic bloodshed with untold loss of innocent lives? Is it really for democracy and freedom and just what do these words really mean to each and every one of us, with our different classes, cultural, racial and political ethos and persuasions?


One man's freedom may be another's man's enslavement; one man's democracy may indeed be another man's oppression; war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, wealth is poverty. While one nation lives through a delusional world of so called  love and a free for all, living in their pretend world with a certain amount of free will and free movement, another nation is subjected to violence and torture through the inhuman actions of war and occupation, and even in our modern times, slavery. Are we really free and what are we supposed to be free from?  Colonialist Armies are free to invade, kill and occupy free people, but is this freedom for the occupied and the oppressed? Freedom, therefore, for one Nation, maybe slavery for another.


"Every nation has a right to govern itself internally under what forms it pleases, and to change these forms at its own will; and externally to transact business with other nations through whatever organ it chooses, whether that be a King, Convention, Assembly, Committee, President, or whatever it be. The only thing essential is the will of the nation." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Pinckney, 1792. ME 9:7


Freedom of speech is yet another part of our delusional world where we feel we can voice our disapproval at the despots and tyrants that threaten their citizens.


"It was Orwell's conviction that "political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful."


But for the Colonialists and Tyrants, these very people expressing their "free" supposedly democratic voices, are deemed as dissidents or smeared with false labels, such as anti Semitic, for daring to speak their minds in opposition to their leaders, masters/occupiers. If the citizens of an occupied nation try to speak out, or defend their nation, they are threatened, incarcerated, tortured, raped or even assassinated, in order to silence their voice, depriving them of  their very democratic rights for which these wars were and are allegedly waged; and if these same people take measures to regain, assert their free will and demand their freedom from oppression, suppression and dictatorship, they too are smeared with false labels and name calling – 'insurgents', fanatical fundamentalists or the latest popular tag- 'Terrorists'. They are not seen as the patriotic Resistance Fighters that they are, defending their Nation, and demanding their liberty and democratic Human Rights, basic rights that each and every one of us is entitled to, a right that is written in the Geneva Convention for Human Rights and in our Divinity's Law. 


"Nations of war expend all their energies in the destruction of the labor, property & lives of their people" - Thomas Jefferson


Just why and who are these 'Nations of war' who are depriving mankind of their basic Human Rights and how long is it going to last?


"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence — I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens - the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."-George Washington.


Are we living in some kind of Time Warp, Parallel Universe or a devised matrix world in which our world has been programmed? Are we exercising our free will or are we all unconsciously doing the bidding of our programmers?  Are we living our lives as free spirits or are our actions, values and morality being controlled by covert alien forces that are determining and cunningly manipulating our belief systems, lifestyles, creating their vision for our world through our collective lives?


"Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery."-Lawana Blackwell


This begs the ultimate question- when do we all awake from this programming, this state of stupor, a mythical fantasy?  When do we stop being the brain washed cells of our technicians, and more urgently, when will we come to the realization that our world is actually a delusionary, unbalanced Kingdom,  a mythical fantasy, so far removed from the realities where the trusted values of democracy, freedom and moral civilized forms of behaviour never really existed due to the stifling stranglehold of Colonial and Imperial Agendas- a stranglehold that has kept Mankind enslaved, shackled and divided into social, political, religious, racial and class based structures and sects.


"We have 50% of the world's wealth, but only 6.3% of its population.  In this situation, our real job in the coming period is to maintain this position of disparity.  To do so, we have to dispense with all sentimentality; we should cease thinking about human rights, the raising of living standards and democratisation." -George Kennan, US strategic planner, 1948- a figure that has steadily increased since 1948)


At the pinnacle of this dominant pyramid -like structure is the "Elite" 2% of the world's population which dominates 85% of the world's wealth; and rules with an iron fist, cold, calculating, merciless in its power which terrorizes, tortures and bullies at an alarming and shocking rate. Does this 2% minority have a name and what percentage of the rest of mankind knows of its existence and manifest power over us?


 "To me, I confess that countries are pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a great game for the domination of the world." -Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India 1898

To confuse us further, leaving us in perpetual limbo, in order to instill fear, confusion, mayhem and bewilderment, they choose to give themselves different titles/names- Zionism that is influenced by Talmudic Judaic dogma, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, run by the Rothschild dynasty, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws"- Meyer Rothschild. We must also not forget the Nazis, Communists, Marxists, Fascists, Extreme "Religious" Fundamentalists, using faith as their power base; Liberals, Conservatives, New Labour, Republican, Democrat, Christian Democrat, Green Party, etc, etc, the list goes on and on, ad infinitum. 

But if truth be told, all these different "persuasions" are all in fact working to the same agenda, New World Order, controlled for the very same programmed prime factor-World Domination - a power Idol that will enforce absolute control of Mother Earth's natural rich resources, its Governments, its puppet Leaders, north , south, east, and west of the globe; control its military and police, its judicial systems, religions, its media, social and racial structure and of course total control of its population, which they will greatly reduce through manufactured and induced calamities such as wars  (WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine) using the very latest Weapons of Mass Destruction- e.g. Napalm, Phosphorous bombs, Depleted Uranium, mini-nukes;" terrorist" acts such as in Iraq, the  USS Liberty incident, 9/11 in the USA, Madrid bombings, Bali bombings, 7/7 in London.

We have also had scientific and technological disasters creating climatic disturbances, catastrophes such as we have sadly witnessed in recent years with sudden tidal waves- Tsunami, earthquakes in Iran and Pakistan and vicious hurricanes in New Orleans,- possibly all caused by geological weather manipulations, taking advantage of existing weaknesses in the respective regions' Tectonic plates through "HAARPS" technology. Then we have the various so called "suicide" bombings in Israel, and beyond, in many cases perpetrated, in the most part by Israeli agents (Mossad) but blamed on Palestinians and other Muslim Arabs who have now been turned into the new scourge by the Chosen Ones.

We have also faced the health methods, in our food chain, Aspartame, Fluoride, MSGs, GM Foods; scientific methods through Laboratory grown pandemic diseases and virus cultures such as AIDS, which was covertly spread in Africa through the use of vaccines; Ebola, SARS and the latest "germ", man-made virus threatening our existence- Bird or Avian Flu- in carefully selected well populated areas, targeted specifically to decimate their large populations, such as in S.E. Asia- China, which the officials are warning us will take many lives. They encourage us all to take their advised precautionary methods/deterrents, namely vaccinations, which they fail to tell us, contain harmful ingredients detrimental to our health, with their intended side effects, and as a secret means of injecting us with micro chips. Naturally, Corporate Pharmaceutical Companies will rake in a huge profit, at our expense and well being! For them, there are far too many people to worry about in case of a mass revolt. Large populations seriously threaten and jeopardize these Controllers' world agenda.


"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer." - Henry Kissinger, Nat. Sec. Study Memo. 200


It is after all, far better to have a drastically reduced number; the smaller the crowd, the easier to control, police and put under surveillance and so at some future date, approaching ever so near, implanting us with micro chips, their modern day shackles, in order to maintain their absolute control over our movement and lifestyle, programming us into subjugated subjects- walking, living zombies influenced and subdued by drugs, alcohol abuse, promiscuity, pop and sport culture and celebrity distractions etc, and at a later date, incarcerated into new concentration camps/gulags, building  huge concrete walls to keep us out and keep them mightily tucked into their secure power bases.. 


Even those from deep faith based nations have been suitably taken care of via suppression,  mind control, hijacking and demeaning and discarding pure, moral and ethical principles passed down to us by Our Divinity, via His chosen Messengers, Abraham, Christ, Mohammed, and engaging in acts terrorizing peoples' sound beliefs with their pagan secularism, neatly packaged in its varying Cult cultures/Secret "religious" societies, that corrupt the mind, thought patterns and promotes in its place degradation, prostitution, homosexuality, Child sacrifice, immorality and other perverted evil practices, so far removed from God's teachings, and which divert mankind's true path into a hell of darkness where only one belief system, promoted by their Beast, can ever flourish- Satanism, to whom they owe their absolute allegiance to, along with all its varying offshoots- Skull and Bones, Freemasonry, Moonies, Kabala and other Judaic Cults, Fundamentalist Evangelism, Jesuits, Muslim Brotherhood, and other vile secret societies and cults that exploit and brain wash their followers, suitably named as the Sheeple.


Mankind is travelling through a 21st century living, hairy and deeply disturbing nightmare, a hellish journey that we have travelled time and time again, reaping so much destruction and threatened by the same Imperialist Satanic forces that existed back in Biblical times which destroyed Empires then, successive ones and will possibly, as history tends to repeat itself as we never learn from our past mistakes, will destroy future Empires:


"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." Kissinger


The big difference to then and now is that Man has evolved into a far more dangerous animal, and with its supreme knowledge, developed far more lethal technological, scientific and military capabilities and destructive devices, which if left unchecked,  and not tightly secured under safe and trusted lock and key, can open up the gates of hell and see the virtual reality of not only the destruction of many specifically targeted nations, e.g. Syria, Iran, China, Venezuela, Cuba, and others, along with their indigenous populace, but tragically, as prophesied in the Holy Books, lead to the complete annihilation of Mother Earth, and possibly, beyond our universe if the Nuclear threat, Star Wars becomes a frightful entity.


Too many illegal Laws are being passed to protect the guilty criminals and bestial wars are being waged against the world's weak and most vulnerable, poor and starving nations, all coincidentally by the same aggressor/perpetrator- a traitor to Mankind, such as has been happening in the Third World, in the Middle East- a prime Real Estate for these blood thirsty World Gangsters seeking a bulging bank balance through exploiting indigenous peoples and seeking autocratic omnipotence.

"Oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs."-Henry Kissinger- Cited in Halliday and Sponneck 11/29/01)


A long running war has been perpetrated against the long forgotten Nation of Palestine these last six decades, the longest conflict of modern 20th/21st century, which has endured countless massacres, assassinations and thousands of  deaths of innocent souls, especially children; and as we have also, so tragically, witnessed in Afghanistan and Iraq, with plans already firmly in place to extend their belligerent tentacles and bombs onto further nations, such as Syria and Iran, thus causing more trouble and strife, more heartache and trauma, bringing with it death and destruction in its evil path:


"Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular- but one must take it simply because it is right." Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968


In modern times, Mankind has faced endless wars, violent "Terrorist" attacks, geological climatic catastrophes through earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, unseasonable increases in rainfall that cause devastating floods etc.. 


What power will it take to awaken us from our comatose nightmare?  Will it be our own self realization, our conscience, free spirit awakening and our hungry yearning to love, cherish, nurture and protect our Universal World, or will it take something far greater than our own Consciousness to extricate us from this hellish path to possible Armageddon-  a power that will, guaranteed, slay the avaricious multi headed-Beast and all its devilish disciples, and steer us into a world of light where truth, justice, freedom, true democracy and love will reside, in unison and equality, for all to share and savour- Our Divinity, in whose realm Racism, Supremacist grandeur and arrogance will never rear their ugly heads.


When and how long will it take for us to remove our buried heads from the deep sand, stand up and be counted and for the voices of our universal consciences to unite and our souls to declare in moral defiance 'You are not the master of the Earth, Sir" and  that we will no longer tolerate the world of our present bestial controller, with its problem, reaction, solution agenda, whose vision for our world is totally unacceptable, beyond belief,  and to reject this mythical Entity that goes beyond all realms of decency, love, and respect for all Human Life which is sacrosanct,  for the vast majority of us.


"Our country is the world, our countrymen are all mankind.  We love the land of our nativity, only as we love all other lands.  The interests, rights, and liberties of American citizens are no more dear to us than are those of the whole human race.  Hence we can allow no appeal to patriotism, to revenge any national insult or injury" William Lloyd Garrison, Declaration of Sentiments, Boston Peace Conference, 1838 


When will we, as united members of the Universal Family of Man, reject the self appointment, by the "Chosen Ones" to be our judge, jury and executioners; denounce their wars, illegal racist self serving hate laws, their genocide, massacres, torturers, concentration camps, prison guards and gate keepers, and their holocaust against the entire world's population. No more deaths, no more burnt offering, no more sacrifices to their tyrannical agenda.

 "The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do." - Samuel P. Huntington

"Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable."


When will we all awaken to the true horrors of our present delusional 'reality' and demand a change that will guarantee our freedoms and our rights to justice, morality, basic human understanding, respect and tolerance??




references An international network of gangsters and criminals has taken over the world)


'Israel will take out Iran's nuke facilities if US does not''We_Could_Destroy_All_European_Capitals'.html ) - Exposing the Project for the New American Century: Comment on 4 years before 9/11, plan was set :  


NAZI BUSH REGIME's ENVIRO/HAARP-REICHSTAG FIRE: seize Aceh oil militarily as "rescue" - Forums powered by Reason and Principle




Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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