Monday, October 4, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] More Davis: Common Purpose is an organization of change agents who are working towards the Communitarian Technocratic Tyranny that is being imposed in the UK and the US.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dick Eastman <>
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:20 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] More Davis: Common Purpose is an organization of change agents who are working towards the Communitarian Technocratic Tyranny that is being imposed in the UK and the US.


Also from Vicky Davis:
This link is to a brilliantly written blog article about the technocratic tyranny that is being imposed on the people of the EU.  What he says about it pertaining to Europeans is what I've been trying to explain and show to you on this side of the Atlantic.  Their technocratic tyranny is our techocratic tyranny because THE SYSTEMS ARE GLOBAL. 

--- On Fri, 10/1/10, Stop Common Purpose <> wrote:

From: Stop Common Purpose <>
Subject: The Grid: Your future is what the EU says it will be
To: "Vicky Davis" <>
Date: Friday, October 1, 2010, 12:13 PM 

"A biological economic device.  That's YOU. A device whose importance in society will be governed by its worth, whose entitlements to state services will be governed on your economic value."

There you have it, Vicky.


Note from Vicky:   If the link above breaks, use this tinyurl for the article:
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 7:53 AM
Subject: Common Purpose Mind Map

When I was researching Idaho's democratic candidate for Governor, Keith Allred, I traced his ideological roots to a communitarianism.   In doing so, I found an organization in the UK called, "Stop Common Purpose".  
Common Purpose is an organization of change agents who are working towards changing the laws, attitudes and institutions to meet the requirements of the Communitarian Technocratic Tyranny that is being imposed in the UK.   
It's apparent to anybody who is paying attention that the communitarians are in control of our country as well.  
Over the weekend, I receive an email from Stop Common Purpose that had a link to a "Mind Map"   to assist people in understanding the modus operandi of the Communitarians and in particular, Common Purpose.  It's an interactive map with explanations that appear when the word is clicked.
Vicky Davis has discovered the strategy in play of morphing US society and our economy piecemeal into a replication of China's system.  This is something I have noticed and remarked on over the years  --  after all, isn't this what communist subversion was always all about --  for example who we unnecessarily adopted the Chinese police state inspection system at airports following 9-11; how we have accomodated China's denial of the US moon walk; who Christianity is being systematically banned from an every increasing sphere of the average citizens environment; how our wages and living standards are being equalized with those of the average Chinese worker; how education has been changed to the police state model from the older "liberal arts" and "education to realize individual potential" that was the emphasis of olden days; the change of our medical systems to one where the state dictates who will receive what treatment and when.  China could not enter the world as long as no-bygone American freedom and respect for the individual was still existing to shame China's totalitarian dictators.  So in order to have the "best model" China is "deconstructing" the competition.     However Vicky Davis, a systems analyst,  has gone way beyond ad hoc cold war analysis and his discovered the actual mechanisms employed in effecting this transformation.  --  Dick Eastman
 "Because the multinationals have one foot in this country and the other foot in China, they can pretend they are still American while they manipulate our political system, buy politicians and lobby for laws and the elimination of laws to further increase their power to control our country." 

From: Vicky Davis    
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 11:15 AM
Subject: The Yoke of Control

I was finally able to describe the Trojan Triangles in a succinct way. 

The Yoke of Control
Over the past four months, I've been writing about a system that I called, the "Trojan Triangle".  Having grown up in a very different America, there was a high hurdle of history, culture and experience to scale before I could describe the Triangles with a succinct definition.  Even as I write this and knowing what I know, it's still almost unbelievable.

First, Trojan Triangles are key components of a new system.  When implemented, big systems are hardly ever "switched on".  There is a phase-in period when the old system is closed off and shut down while the new system is put into place.  The phase-in period is called "conversion".  The Trojan Triangles are the locations for conversion of the U.S. economy to the same economic system as Communist China. 

The economic system of China is not talked about much in America media.  If mentioned, it's only mentioned in passing that the Communist Chinese government owns a percentage of around 40% of all businesses doing business in China.  That's their deal with the multinationals.  The Chinese government controls labor and keeps prices low and they get a percentage of the profits of the corporations.  

It's been very lucrative for the American multinationals to do business in China.  They produce goods using virtually slave labor controlled by the Communist Chinese government and they import those goods into the United States using their American brand.  Because the multinationals have one foot in this country and the other foot in China, they can pretend they are still American while they manipulate our political system, buy politicians and lobby for laws and the elimination of laws to further increase their power to control our country. 

NAFTA Chapter 11 giving corporations "investor rights" is proof of that power.  "Foreign corporations" can challenge American domestic laws if our laws prevent them from making a profit.   This gives the multinationals the power to wear both hats at the same time – domestic and foreign.  They can act through a foreign "partnership" when it's convenient and they can act as a domestic firm when that suits their purpose.  It's a rigged system that the people are powerless to overcome no matter how many demonstrations they hold or politicians they boot out.  

The Trojan Triangle system is the yoke of control that will allow them to drop the pretense of a free people in a free America.  It began in 1990 when the decision was made in Houston, TX to internationalize our economy.  This decision put the capstone on the pyramid for the international system of "global governance" which is just a euphemism for global totalitarian tyranny – the proverbial velvet glove on the iron fist.  

In 1991, Secretary of Labor William Brock initiated a Commission to begin work on a national system of labor management through training – with training for the workforce being integrated into the education system as a continuous flow from grade school through entry to the workforce and throughout life – cradle to grave. 
The work of the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) was to define the industries, job categories, job descriptions and skill requirements for the purpose of establishing a system of certification for all jobs in the United States.  For the computer types who read this, they defined the tables for the integrated school-work computer system which is in effect, a national personnel system.

In 1992, the SCANS Commission published a report titled, "Learning a Living" that described the system they planned to implement.  It boggles the mind that they could describe what they planned and that few if any people sounded the alarm.  One can only surmise that the word art and expert manipulation of perception allowed them to proceed without the national alarms sounding.  This may have been the case because it was done during a Republican Administration.  Business would of course profit from having the government take over "worker training".   

In the 'Learning a Living' report, they describe a system of work-based learning; learning in context, applied academics.   The Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Title 1, provided for the establishment of "workforce development areas" in the states to be controlled by "workforce investment boards".  Put the workforce development areas with the system of work-based learning and what you have is the Trojan Triangle system and you have the means by which the American economy is being transformed to the Communist Chinese system of "partnership" in the economy with government control over economic opportunities – hence control over the people through the system of certification and placement. 

The workforce development areas are the location of the small businesses that are actually part of the school system that provide "learning in context".   These areas are also called "small business incubators".   The reason for that is because selected students are given money to start small businesses in the community – to compete (put out of business actually), the existing private sector small businesses that were started under the old American economy.   The bonus for these areas is that they get the use of the students who are still in high school and college as free and virtually free labor.  They also get preferential treatment on government contracting because they are part of the government.   

Where do they get the money to do all of this you ask?   Foreign Direct Investment.  The Immigration Act of 1990 provided authorization for the EB-5 visa plus many other types of visas but the EB-5 in particular allows a foreigner to buy his way into our country for an "investment" of $500,000 or $1,000,000 depending on location.  The money from that visa goes to what appears to be a private sector venture capitalist but which is actually connected to the workforce investment board.  The EB-5 Regional Director then decides who gets the venture capital to start a small business. 

And that's the Trojan Triangle system and the yoke of control for the conversion to a Communist system in America.  

 Vicky Davis
October 3, 2010
More from Vicky Davis
This link is to a brilliantly written blog article about the technocratic tyranny that is being imposed on the people of the EU.  What he says about it pertaining to Europeans is what I've been trying to explain and show to you on this side of the Atlantic.  Their technocratic tyranny is our techocratic tyranny because THE SYSTEMS ARE GLOBAL. 

--- On Fri, 10/1/10, Stop Common Purpose <> wrote:

From: Stop Common Purpose <>
Subject: The Grid: Your future is what the EU says it will be
To: "Vicky Davis" <>
Date: Friday, October 1, 2010, 12:13 PM 

"A biological economic device.  That's YOU. A device whose importance in society will be governed by its worth, whose entitlements to state services will be governed on your economic value."

There you have it, Vicky.


Note from Vicky:   If the link above breaks, use this tinyurl for the article:
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 7:53 AM
Subject: Common Purpose Mind Map

When I was researching Idaho's democratic candidate for Governor, Keith Allred, I traced his ideological roots to a communitarianism.   In doing so, I found an organization in the UK called, "Stop Common Purpose".  
Common Purpose is an organization of change agents who are working towards changing the laws, attitudes and institutions to meet the requirements of the Communitarian Technocratic Tyranny that is being imposed in the UK.   
It's apparent to anybody who is paying attention that the communitarians are in control of our country as well.  
Over the weekend, I receive an email from Stop Common Purpose that had a link to a "Mind Map"   to assist people in understanding the modus operandi of the Communitarians and in particular, Common Purpose.  It's an interactive map with explanations that appear when the word is clicked.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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