Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Kashmir an int’l issue: Omar

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From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 11:31 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Kashmir an int'l issue: Omar


Kashmir an int'l issue: Omar

'JK acceded, not merged with India'


Srinagar, Oct 6: Amid mounting international focus on Kashmir for its resolution, the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Wednesday said Jammu and Kashmir was an outstanding issue between India and Pakistan, with international recognition. He asked New Delhi to start a sustained two track dialogue process with the neighboring country and separatists to resolve the issue.
On state's relation with India, Omar emphasized that Kashmir had not merged but acceded to the country under unique conditions and it was obligation on part of both sides to respect the instrument of accession.
Omar said that the ongoing unrest had once again put Kashmir on "front burner" and it should not be allowed to be shelved till a solution is found.

Winding up the debate in the Legislative Assembly on the prevailing situation across the Valley, Omar said it is a reality that Kashmir is an issue. "It is an outstanding issue between India and Pakistan. There is a need for two track dialogue process between New Delhi and Pakistan and New Delhi and separatists to resolve Kashmir. We have to talk to separatists," Omar said. "We want dialogue process should continue. Let them (separatists) respond through media or back channels. But they should not exploit the situation."
The Chief Minister said Kashmir was an issue discussed in international forum (United Nations) where it has been agreed that all the outstanding issues (between India and Pakistan) including Kashmir would be discussed. "Kashmir solution requires time and it can't be solved overnight."
Off late US and other countries have been consistently asking India and Pakistan to solve Kashmir and even the issue is likely to figure during the upcoming visit of US President Barrack Obama to New Delhi in November this year. The government of India has been maintaining that Kashmir is an "integral part of India." However Pakistan has never accepted India's stand on Kashmir saying it is a disputed territory.
Omar said many BJP members claim that Kashmir is not an issue. " Had it not been the issue then the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee would not have gone to Lahore to talk to Parvez Musharaff and there would not have been agreements like Shimla agreement, Agra Summit and other accords," he said. "It would be wrong to think that we can solve Kashmir by addressing its development and employment problem."
He said there was a perception that as along as situation remains "normal" in Kashmir the issue remains on the back burner and when there is unrest, it comes on front burner.
"It should not happen this time. Nearly 110 people have sacrificed their lives. We have to resolve it," he said.
On demand for Autonmy, Omar said it wasn't something sought outside the ambit of Indian constitution. "If we are not allowed to discuss something permissible under constitution then what have we to talk about."

The Chief Minister emphasized Kashmir had acceded to India in unique conditions which should not be ignored. "Ours is accession to India not merger. We have a special constitutional status which should not be ignored," Omar said.
To drive home his point, Omar quoted Home Minister P Chidambaram who had said Kashmir was a unique problem that needed a unique solution.
"We say that Kashmir is an integral part of India. We say Tamil Nadu, Mizoram and Skimm are Atoot Ang of India, if JK was also an Atoot Ang then why the special status," he said.
Kashmir, Omar said, had acceded to India. "It should not be mixed with Hyderabad and Junagarh which first acceded and then merged with India. Kashmir didn't merge neither we broke our agreement on accession. They (GoI) can't ignore that Kashmir has only acceded.  Both sides (India and JK) should honor and respect the accession," he pointed out.
"Whether I remain in power or not, the Kashmir problem will continue unless a solution is found."

Omar said 110 people including children, youth and women lost their lives during past four months in Kashmir. "It is not the outcome of the past three months or 19 months but we are victims of violence for past 20 years."
The Chief Minister said he keeps on thinking what could have been done to stop loss of lives. "I will have to answer this question to myself till my death that what could have I done differently to prevent the loss of lives."

Omar blamed separatists for the present unrest saying it all started with the announcement of calendar programs by the Hurriyat Conference led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani.
"People were treated like cattle and asked to go here and there. Protests programs were announced on Fridays. After Amarnath land row in 2008 protests have taken shape of stone pelting."
Without naming anybody he said time had come to think who have quit Kashmir during the past four months. "Army and paramilitary forces were target of the program but how many of them went away. I will say more troops arrived in view of the present situation. If somebody left Kashmir during past 3-months were Kashmiri doctors, students and businessmen. We believe more than 30,000 people lost their jobs due to the unrest," Omar said. "From Tangmarg to Mendhar, Public property and institutions were targeted and burnt. Calendar program makes people to suffer not the government."
On Kashmir situation, Omar said government hopes that it would improve soon. "However as long as the protest calendar continues there is a danger," he said.

Without naming anybody Omar said some people started a propaganda that people were angry with him and the present situation was the outcome of that anger.
"It is unfortunate that those who encouraged it had only one mission to change the political system. They say that by change of guards more than 90 percent of the problem will be solved. Does that mean they were behind the creation of 90 percent problem in the Valley," he said.
Omar said if his resignation could solve the Kashmir then he was ready to quit politics and never to return. "However Kashmir is a far big problem. It is an issue between India and Pakistan," he said.
Ruling out that the present situation was the outcome of bad governance, Omar said had it been the case then situation would have deteriorated in Jammu and Ladakh and other parts of Kashmir.
He made a passionate appeal to people to support him to take the state out of the present crisis.

However Omar ruled out that the opposition Peoples Democratic Party was behind the trouble making in the Valley.
"I don't agree with it. They don't have the power to do it though they exploited the situation. Somebody else started the vehicle and they (PDP) boarded it but were not on the drivers' seat."
Omar said PDP should have fulfilled its duties as a responsible opposition and condemned the acts of violence particularly the stone pelting.
"They (PDP) left no stone unturned to pass the buck of the ongoing unrest on the Government. Ironically they did not ever utter a word against the stone pelting or torching of Government buildings," he said.
However, Omar said it was nothing new that situation was exploited by political parties. The government of former, Chief Minister, Dr Farooq Abdullah, was toppled when governor's rule was implementer in 90s.
 But Omar criticized PDP for boycotting Assembly. "These empty benches (of PDP members) mean we are eroding the credibility of the House. I will like them (PDP) to re-consider their decision and join proceedings.

Omar said there were many cases in which police and paramilitary troops have used excessive forces. He said government had initiated action in the killing of three youth in Islamabad and culprits would be punished.
"We have produced the challan against the people involved (in the killings). There are many such examples (and) we will punish those involved," he said.
"It is my duty to provide justice to people and as long as I am here I will work for it," he said.

Omar said it was center's responsibility to set up the team of interlocutors and initiate a sustained dialogue process. "If the process clicks in right direction it will be something great," he said.
However, Omar warned against involving bureaucrats and retired officials as members of the team. "We want people who have knowledge about Kashmir and who will approach the issue with an open mind, not preconceived notion." The state government, Omar said was working to get right people as part of the team.

Omar said he was surprised that some political friends were linking demand for revocation of the act with reduction in army presence. He said there were many places like Srinagar where there was no presence of Army. "There should be no objection to anyone if AFSPA is revoked from such areas. It was done in Greater Imphal where it has proved to be a successful experiment. We have not spoken against Army but guilty would not be spared," he said.

 Omar said 50 students arrested during protests in Kashmir were released from custody on Wednesday.
 "We have set free some 50 student protesters," Chief Minister told the state assembly during a discussion on recent unrest in the state.
 Abdullah, who heads the pro-India National Conference, said a meeting would take place later Wednesday to review cases of other protesters and separatists jailed under tough security laws.

Quote Unquote

* Kashmir an outstanding  issue between India, Pak

* K-issue has international  recognition

* Need to start dialogue with  Islamabad, separatists

* Unrest has brought  Kashmir on front burner

* Separatists responsible  for turmoil

* PDP not behind unrest, exploiting situation

* Centre should not  undermine JK Govt

* Right people should  be interlocutors


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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