Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] the great big populist news report and social credit commentator -- compare this with what Rupert Murdoch gave you today

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dick Eastman <>
Date: Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 8:56 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] the great big populist news report and social credit commentator -- compare this with what Rupert Murdoch gave you today


HOW MERCHANTS OF DEATH RULE PLANET; Gordon Duff "Most TV terrorists have one thing in common. They are Jews";  MACRO-ECONOMICS OF PHONY TERROR AND CONTRIVED CONFLICT 
Single most important 9/11 analysis - E. P. Heidner examines why Globalist Crime Syndicate insiders had to risk it staging 9/11 to terminate investigations leading to them
Report: Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan wars could top $4 trillion;Scientists: 40 Times More Cancer-Causing Toxics in Gulf than Before Spill... Dispersants to Blame
Killing each Taliban soldier costs $50 Million -- who is getting paid for financing and catering this affair?
The Pentagon will not tell the public what it costs to locate, target and kill a single Taliban soldier because the price-tag is so scandalously high that it makes the Taliban appear to be Super-Soldiers. As set out in this article, the estimated cost to kill each Taliban is as high as $100 million, with a conservative estimate being $50 million.
The Coming Ban on American Travel In Europe -- its purpose is not to protect Americans from terrorists , but rather to prevent face-to-face communications of American populists with German's seeking to end post-WWII occupation restrictions of freedom of thought  and with Frenchmen losing their standard of living to Sarkozy debt-management measures.

Iran opens airspace to China warplanes - The Islamic Republic of Iran has reportedly opened its airspace to Chinese warplanes taking part in joint military maneuvers with Turkey.

China Invests Quarter Billion Euro in Tehran subway system project:
China has boosted economic cooperation with Iran through investment in the country's subway and highway projects, an Iranian official announced
China offers to buy Greek debt:
Prime minister Wen Jiabao says his country will support Greece and rest of euro zone to overcome financial crisis.
Overcoming AIPAC is not enough, Lawrence Davidson outlines a strategy for unshackling the United States
Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to

Veterans Today: Mass Killings in Iraq and Afghanistan "Wink and Nod" Army Policy, just like in Vietnam, Palestine, Germany, etc.
Bob Schulz Responds to TIME MAGAZINE cover story on: "Locked and Loaded: The "Secret"World of Extreme Militias

Preparation to stage 9/11 inside job: in 1998, Zelikow, author of the Bush adminstration's 2002 statements of its doctrine of pre-emptive war, also wrote a paper  in 1998  about imagining "Transformative Event"  that would move the public to allow a reshaping of the international scene in response.
Israeli involvement in 9/11  

Overcoming AIPAC is not enough, Lawrence Davidson outlines a strategy for unshackling the United
City-size shelters underground -- saving the elite. 
Victor Thorn Exposes Zionist Funding of Mosque near Ground Zero to create Islamaphobia

Michel Chossudovsky:  America's unholy Crusade against the Muslim World
Background to Bilderberg
Fraud factories on mortgages, Rep. Alan Grayson Explains the Foreclosure Fraud Crisis

The Failed Bush Tax cuts for the Super Rich did not help the needy

Populist Nationalist Social Credit Brotherhood of American Citizen Peacemakers of All Races and Creeds  -- This is our Common Ground!!!
Re: Plea for American Populism combining Stephen Zarlenga's government fiat monetary reform modified by "fourth branch" social credit distribution of Zarlenga money to households
I Agree, Dick.  I think publicly-owned banks would do it though.  Basically, we would be monetizing our own promises to repay, drawing on our own credit, as in a community currency system.  Best, Ellen  (Brown)


Zionist owned Fox media is a bellows for the funance of war and ethnic conflcit, A Historical Look At Israeli False Flag Operations

Under the cover of limited liability faceless corporations.....Zionist Billionaires Define US Political Discourse by Dr. Henry Makow Ph.D.

Globalist Banking Crime Syndicate Cartel Has One Card Left to Play: WWIII ? "The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III."

Britain held secret war talks with U.S. general 11 months before Iraq invasion 03 Oct 2010 America's most senior general flew into Britain for top secret talks on the invasion of Iraq 11 months before the attack on Saddam Hussein's Government. Details of the classified meeting, held at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, suggest Tony Blair's Government was involved in detailed discussions about toppling the Iraqi president earlier than previously disclosed. American General Tommy Franks flew in to the base in April 2002 to attend a summit meeting called by the then Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon.
Banks Counterfeiting Documents
That's right - when the banks cannot manage to produce documents that show you were properly served (because you weren't) or when they can't produce a note they actually destroyed on purpose, they simply counterfeit something and present that to the court instead.
Yet we are expected to obey the law and meet our obligations, from paying our debts to paying our taxes to deferring to alleged authority and law, even when that alleged authority obtains what it gets by defrauding courts and people......

Investors are faced with 2.5% yielding bonds and stocks staring straight into new normal real growth rates of 2% or less. There is no 8% there for pension funds. There are no stocks for the long run at 12% returns.

But as I have repeatedly pointed out, cash flow never lies.  The bank will never let you forge a deposit ticket.  Balance sheets, with government approval, sure.  A deposit ticket?  So who holds the power of the judiciary?
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010
 Obamanation - Expansion of the Trojan Triangle System
On Monday, Obama announced expansion of the Trojan Triangle System:
Today, President Obama announced the launch of a new initiative Skills for America's Future - an effort to improve industry partnerships with community colleges to ensure that America's community college students are gaining the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the workforce.
In his remarks before the start of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB) meeting today, President Obama laid the vision for Skills for America's Future program:

The idea here is simple:  we want to make it easier to connect students looking for jobs with businesses looking to hire.  We want to help community colleges and employers create programs that match curricula in the classroom with the needs of the boardroom. 

We've already seen cases where this can work.  Cisco, for example, has been working directly with community colleges to prepare students and workers for jobs ranging from work in broadband to health IT.  And all over the country, we know that the most successful community colleges are those that partner with the private sector.  So Skills for America's Future would help build on these success stories by connecting more employers, schools, and other job training providers, and helping them share knowledge about what practices work best.  The goal is to ensure that every state in the country has at least one strong partnership between a growing industry and a community college.  Already, companies from UTC to Accenture to the GAP have announced their support for this initiative, as well as business leaders like my friend Penny Pritzker and the Aspen Institute's Walter Isaacson.   I hope other business leaders will follow suit, and I'm also setting up a taskforce to work directly with the business community on this effort.

Aspen Institute - "Skills for America's Future"


Notice the articles on the right hand side -    very important

Summit on Community Colleges- Today, October 5, 2010

Also yesterday, World Net Daily had an article on how Christian Colleges and Universities are being forced into the federal system.    For all of you Christians, this is not about religion.  This is about the integrated school-workforce system of control of labor in the economy.  But whatever it takes to get you moving against it is fine with me...

Eye-popping power grab: Licensing of U.S. colleges

Vicky Davis uncovers strategy in play of morphing US society/economy piecemeal into a replication of China's system -- for example: police state at airports came with 9/11

The 9/11 Trial is Being Blocked because the man they have is neither Khalid Sheikh Mohammed nor the mastermind of 9-11

World for 9/11 Truth: WTC Employee discusses Pre-9/11 Power Shut Downs; 900 First Responders dead so far; U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth; Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth

Why US doesn't talk to Iran: US foreign policy decisions, especially in Middle East, driven by narrow (but powerful) special interests for "war" dividends

Israeli-Indian alliance to take out Pakistani nuclear program goes back to 1982

Clearly, the joint Israeli-Indian plan to militarily take out Pakistan's nuclear potential in 1982 has given way to a tripartite alliance of the CIA, Mossad, and the Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) to destabilize Pakistan to the point that it is declared a "failed" or "failing" state, leading to a joint U.S.-Israeli-Indian operation to seize Pakistan's nuclear weapons and other nuclear materials.

NATO Kills Afghan Children in Several Incidents


From: Dan Breeden

China says that they'll bail out Greece and the Eurozone. This is a direct broadside at America. China is looking to secure and increase market share. They can support European markets with their dollars. They can use them to buy up productive industries. They can also make new inroads into the retail sector. They can do currency-swaps to insure that the Eurozone buys Chinese. They can squeeze dollars out of Beijing and back to the West.
They bought U.S. debt and cornered our retail markets. They can do likewise in Europe. As long as they can keep wages dirt cheap, they can trade slave labor for control of Western economies. p-eurozone-Greece-afloat.html

China eclipsed Japan pretty fast. They plan to do the same to the U.S.  Everybody is doing currency swaps to get rid of the dollar.  If China can inject liquidity into the Eurozone,,, in the correct manner, they can revive the economy,,, at least temporarily. This will give them a huge new market. Essentially, everything that China gains,,,, WE lose.  We certainly can't "check" their move with tariffs.

Obama wants to de-industrialize the U.S. China's move should help things along.
A BIG maybe:   I'm sure that you heard the US warning of a terror attack in Europe just recently.  

Also worth reading:

Malthus revisited



Letter from social credit reformer Eric Encina in the Philippines
Sent: October 2, 2010
Subject: Eric Encina's Mission Odysey in Cebu Island: Hunger, Prostitution, Poverty, Drug, crimes
I am still in the island of Cebu. My talks yesterday October 2, 2010 in the afternoon sessions  were very important to  groups of Filipino cebuano natives about the creation of money of the private banking system, the root-causes of the scarcity of money, the loss of value of money, the debt and interest payments carnage, the privatization and selling of our national assets to foreigners and multinationals. I also discussed the deadly effects of debt-money-private banking cartel. I have presented the solutions based on  the Social Credit monetary reform formula. My central message was about OUR NATIONAL CLAMOUR TO PRESSURE THE GOVERNMENT TO CREATE OUR OWN MONEY DEBT FREE AND DISTRIBUTE MONEY TO EVERY FILIPINO CITIZEN.

I was able to answer some questions and some are telling me I am running against the status quo holds by the powerful men in the country and in the world.


Although I am giving talks about the root-causes of the Philippine crisis and my proposals, it is not avoidable to talk and deal with peoples who are in the suicidal stage because of their poverty, hunger, unemployment and their disappointment. I told them in a number of times, we have the same tendency, and that is why we have to work for solutions pressuring specifically the government to give us the money we need and stop feeding the financial dinosaurs.

Like in other provinces, usually poor women, men, families, children approached to  tell me their problems, they need food, money, medicines, etc.


In my stay of almost 48 hours here in Cebu more or less, I have shockingly discovered the nasty and wicked TRADE FLESH OR PROSTUTION HERE in the main city whereby young, middle aged and adult women are displaying their bodies particularly at night from 8:00pm, accordingly, till in the morning, for trading off their bodies for sex for immediate cash money, and accordingly to buy foods to feed themselves to survive.

Western-based white men involvement in prostitution in Cebu:

With all due respect to peoples in the Western world particularly Americans, Britons, Canadian, Australian, NZ, and also EU men,

I have seen in two eyes and  in fact, even spoken to them along the cebu metro politan area where they were along with Filipino cebuana YOUNG GIRLS at the age of around 16 to 25 plus  getting along with these foreigners with the age of 45 to 60 to 70.

A taxi driver has informed me that these poor Filpino cebuana women or girls in Cebu have been in prostitutions over the years due to hunger and poverty, and  most of their clients are foreigners from the Western world.

ANYONE CAN VISIT CEBU AND SEE THE PROSTITUTION HERE DAY AND NIGHT WITH FOREIGNERS AND FILIPINO MEN AS WELL. Accordingly, the Filipino Women in Cebu island are trading off their bodies from $10 to $100 in Philippine peso value  per sex service. It is indeed lamenting that Cebu, an island in the Philippine is also thriving and survival in prostituted economy because of the debt finance disaster capitalism and usury and nasty-muddy politics.


Drug addiction is also very common here in Cebu island. It is very easy to notice that there are drug trafficking financiers, protectors, manufacturers and distributers where drug addicts are rampant around. I call it narco-finance and or narco-economics and narco-politics.


Homemess peoples in Cebu island are also unthinkable with poor families lying near the road, near abandoned buildings wth the children lying in the streets.

Gang groups:

Gang groups are also rampant engaged in snatching and robbering and otyher crimes.


Hunger is very rampant here that there are accordingly 30 to 40% of poor families here are suffering hunger daily.

Poverty rate is accordingly skyrocketing. Graft and corruptions are very rampant at the cebu local provincial government according to the locals here.


These are all despicable. There are many reasons why we need to continue working against the system even though it seems futile and hopeless.

After Cebu island province, I will be heading off to Southern Philippines of Davao del Norte and Cotabato provinces.

Please pardon me but I humbly  appeal for any stand-by any amount of financial donation to sustain my major campaign-activism-mission in 8 provinces.

Please send as suggested in my earlier emails.

Thank  you very much indeed. I welcome comments, suggestions, correction, etc.

Sincerely and Gratefully yours,


Temporary Address:

c/o Cristine Anis Old House
Paradise 2, Brgy, Kasambagan Village
Cebu City,  6000

Permanent Address:
Eric V. Encina
Filipino Social Crediter/Monetary Reformer
c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite,
Km2. Brgy. Lawa-n, PO Box 8 , 5800 Roxas City , Capiz Province ,
Philippines Contact Number: 09995427779
Letter #2 

Dear Mr. Eastman and Friends,
I am in the province of Iloilo in a mission.

I traveled from Capiz province early this morning today, October 1,  via land transport bus  for 3 hours.

This  is my very last MISSION-ACTIVISM-CAMPAIGN TRAVEL to 8 provinces in the Philippines for monetary/economic justice,  that is why I call it "historical" and I will not do it again. This is a major action for monetary reform  ramification in the countryside. There are 7,100 islands and certainly I can't go there.

LOCAL TELEVISION BROADCAST in Iloilo Province: Philippines

My local television broadcasting talk in Iloilo Province was successful so far from 9:00am to 11:00am today presenting the real causes of poverty and the real solutions. One of the reactions from an official of the Provincial Government challenged me on the air that THE PROVINCE OF ILOILO MIGHT CONSIDER to adopt Social Credit Monetary Reform debt-free money creation Policy if only I can prove  THAT THERE IS ANY PROVINCE IN THE PHILIPPINES AND OR IN ANY FOREIGN COUNTRY OR IN THE WORLD
RUNNING Social Credit Monetary Reform form of government? I gave an example of China how Chinese Government creates money through its own central bank facilities through People's Bank without foreign and domestic borrowings.

Another unknown caller, openly told the local tv broadcaster-in-charge- not to allow ERIC ENCINA  anymore to talk about money creation and banking reform in the province of Iloilo Province that according to him only creating dilemma to politics and economics. He seemed to have a sound of warning to me.

Other callers reacted as they are interested to the issues I presented.

70% of Filipino natives in the province of Iloilo just like any othe provinces in the Philippines are also in poverty and hunger. Farming is down and is prone to flooding and calamities. Corruption is rampant in the government and crimes are also everywhere. Hunger is also another problem in the neighboring towns and villages.


Someone told me to submit a job application to ILOILO PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT applying as Financial Adviser For the Poor. I am thinking to submit tomorrow morning, October 2, 2010 and I will see if I can be hired.

Mission to Island of Cebu:

Tomorrow afternoon, October 2, 2010, I will be heading off to Island of Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines via ship boat where groups of poor Filipino cebuano are waiting for my talks.

The peoples here believe me but they are held unto neck by the authorities in economics, banking, finance and politics.


CNN's Rick Sanchez Calls Jon Stewart A Bigot And Suggests That Jews Control The Media; Video: This is how Israel Controls Your Media

Do unto others as the Zionist Jews do unto you?  Orthodox Jews burned hundreds of Bibles in Israel two years ago

Israel's reasoning against peace: deal comes at high cost to Jewish privilege

Zionists Burying Nuclear Waste in the Palestinian Territories

Shock & Awe: .....a testament to terror/massacre spread by Zionist promoted invasion of Iraq....

Get to know a Muslim, rather than hate one based on Zionist news propaganda

Death Squads, Porn, Hashish And Killing For Kicks ... It's Not Just A Few "Bad Apples":
For as long as Americans continue to believe that their country is "the shining city on the hill" that they are the "good guys" and are entitled to do "whatever it takes" this sort of barbarity will take place and Americans, all of them will be associated with it in the minds of Muslims throughout the world

Ahmadinejad: Israeli PM an assassin on Iran's PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad in interview with CNN's LarryKing.

Black man speaks to young Zionist

What's behind the Zionist demolition of Al-Arakib Palestinian village

An extraordinary rendition of Palestine

The Truth Behind Sarah Palin and Her Backers by American Free Press Michael Collins Piper, i.e. BIG FAMILIES, BIG MONEY, BIG POWER behind her

"The Arabs Own Hollywood and I can Prove it"

Michael Collins Piper of American Free Press Newspaper and Keith Johnson of Revolt of the Plebs join the program to discuss Keith's latest masterpiece "The Arabs Own Hollywood and I can Prove it" as well as the systemic problems faced by the truth/patriot/anti-war/movement and where it is likely headed.

Rick Sanchez on Jewish Media Power

Michael Goldfarb gets owned by Rick Sanchez.

 Rick Sanchez Jews Run CNN & All Media

The Arabs Run Hollyweird

Finally, Israel Lobby Gets Challenged


Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do--and what of it?

First, it is extremely clear to anyone in Hollywood that Jews are, so to speak, "in charge" in Hollywood in a way that is not duplicated in any other large business, except maybe garments or scrap metal or folding boxes.

Pro-Israeli Bias in the U.S. Media

Note comment about Israel's control of YouTube just after the CNN version of the deaths of five children.



Lori Price  CLG  News Items:

 Iraq raises oil reserve estimate 24 pct 04 Oct 2010 Iraq's oil minister on Monday sharply boosted the estimate on the country's proven reserves of oil to 143.1 billion barrels, an almost 25 percent increase that transforms the war-ravaged nation into the home of the world's second-largest proven reserves of conventional crude oil.
Taliban has infiltrated Afghan forces, claims ex-UN official in warning that sleeper cells are awaiting instructions to strike 04 Oct 2010 A former senior UN official has spoken of his concern that the Taliban has infiltrated the Afghan police and army. Former executive director of the UN's Office of Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan, Antonio Maria Costa said Taliban sleeper cells had been set up inside the security forces. According to Dr Costa the Taliban have already carried out a number of attacks and have scheduled further hits on Nato-led troops.
'US not after terrorists in Afghanistan' [They *are* the terrorists in Afghanistan!] 04 Oct 2010 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has hinted that the US and its Western allies are not serious enough in hunting terrorists in the country... The Afghan president said the security situation in Afghanistan does not improve as the US-led foreign forces have not been targeting the militants' main hideouts in the war-torn country, the office of Karzai's spokesman said in a Sunday statement, a Press TV correspondent reported. Karzai said on Saturday that the US-led foreign forces were pursuing their own national security interests in Afghanistan. [Right, that would be the opium and gas routes.]
US-led attacks kill Afghan civilians --Attack comes one day after US-led air strike killed over 20 people in same province 04 Oct 2010 At least 18 civilians have been killed or sustained injuries in deadly attacks launched by US-led foreign troops in troubled southern Afghanistan. The attack took place in the Kajaki district of the southern Helmand Province. Three people have been confirmed dead. Local witnesses say the victims were all civilians. NATO has confirmed the incident but claims 10 'militants' were killed.
MoD manual reveals 'execution' of prisoner by Afghan soldier 03 Oct 2010 A prisoner has been "executed" on a British base in Helmand province by an Afghan soldier, Ministry of Defence documents have disclosed. The shooting of the detainee on the small UK-controlled patrol base in Musa Qala in March was revealed in an MoD training manual for troops deploying to Afghanistan. The manual was released as part of the Baha Mousa public inquiry into abuse of Iraqi prisoners.
Unauthorized US attack kills 8 Pakistanis 04 Oct 2010 The death toll from a non-UN-sanctioned attack by unmanned US planes on Pakistan's troubled tribal belt has reached eight with several people wounded. According to Pakistani security officials, a US drone bombed a house in North Waziristan near the Afghan border. Officials say the house belonged to a local resident.
US Drone Kills Germans Amid Terror Fears --A suspected US drone strike has killed eight [alleged] militants holding German passports in Pakistan. 04 Oct 2010 The attack came amid warnings that 'al Qaeda' terrorists in northern Pakistan are plotting terror operations on European targets. According to reports, the number of drone strikes in the tribal belt have increased in response to the threat. The militants died when two missiles from a suspected CIA pilotless aircraft struck a mosque in Mirali in North Waziristan, Pakistani officials said.
Taliban claim attacks on NATO convoys in Pakistan 04 Oct 2010 Pakistani Taliban on Monday claimed responsibility for two recent attacks on NATO supply convoys in Pakistan and threatened to carry out more, a spokesman said. "We accept responsibility for the attacks on the NATO supply trucks and tankers," Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Azam Tariq told AFP.
Militants attack Nato tanker convoy in Pakistan 04 Oct 2010 Militants in Pakistan have destroyed 27 tankers which were carrying fuel for Nato troops in Afghanistan. The Taliban in Pakistan said it was behind the assault on a depot near Islamabad which left three people dead. Pakistan has stopped Nato convoys crossing the Khyber Pass in response to a Nato air strike last week in which three Pakistani soldiers were killed.
NATO fuel tankers attacked in Pakistan --Militants' third attack on NATO oil tankers since Friday 03 Oct 2010 Three people have been killed and eight injured in an attack on a convoy of 20 NATO oil tankers which were en route from Pakistan to US-led troops in Afghanistan. The attack took place near Islamabad in the early hours of Monday morning local time, a Press TV correspondent in Pakistan reported. Most of the dead and injured were civilian drivers and their helpers, AFP reported.
Army embeds active-duty PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations --WRAL and WTOC were on list of participants in Army's Training With Industry program By John Cook 01 Oct 2010 The U.S. Army has used local television stations in the U.S. as training posts for some of its psychological-operations personnel, The Upshot has learned. Since at least 2001, both WRAL, a CBS affiliate in Raleigh, N.C., and WTOC, a CBS affiliate in Savannah, Ga., have regularly hosted active-duty soldiers from the Army's 4th Psychological Operations group as part of the Army's Training With Industry program... The PSYOPS soldiers used WRAL and WTOC to learn broadcasting and communications expertise that they could apply in their mission, as the Army describes it, of "influenc[ing] the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences."
US Plans Law Enforcement 'Surge' On Trains --Amtrak's counterparts in Europe and Britain will also be holding exercise called "Rail Action Day" on Friday 04 Oct 2010 US authorities plan a law enforcement surge this week along Amtrak routes, an exercise called operation RailSafe, and the heads of the country's biggest mass transit systems were briefed today on the possible terror threat, all part of what is being called an abundance of caution. Amtrak is holding a high-security exercise on Friday in which uniformed officers will be a visible presence on national transit routes. RailSafe will include all the local police agencies along the Amtrak routes involved in the exercise.
Bomb Explodes Outside Shopping Centre 05 Oct 2010 AFP reports that a bomb planted in a car has exploded outside a shopping centre in Derry, Northern Ireland, causing substantial damage but no injuries. "Shortly after midnight a device in a Corsa car exploded outside a bank at the rear of the DaVinci retail complex" in the city, a spokesman from the Police Service of Northern Ireland said. "A warning had been received just over an hour earlier and a cordon was in place."
Airport Pre-security Areas Possible Terror Targets in European Plot, Official Says --Mounting 'Chatter' by Jihadi Extremists Has Law Enforcement Nervous 04 Sep 2010 Among the possible targets in the suspected European terror plot are pre-security areas in at least five major European airports, a law enforcement official told ABC News. Authorities believe terror teams are preparing to mount a commando like attack featuring small units and small firearms modeled after the Mumbai attack two years ago.
U.S. issues travel alert for Europe amid threat of 'al Qaeda' attack 03 Oct 2010 The State Department issued a travel alert Sunday for American citizens in Europe in light of increased U.S. and European intelligence that a large-scale 'al Qaeda' attack may be imminent. Intelligence officials in the U.S. and Europe have said an increase in activity in recent weeks suggests that a small cell of potential terrorists hiding in North Waziristan, a Pakistani tribal region, are preparing an attack that could be as spectacular as the 2008 [CIA] raids in Mumbai, India.
Foreign Office warns of high terror threat in France and Germany 03 Oct 2010 Britain followed the US in upgrading its travel advice for Europe today following a series of terror alerts. The Foreign Office warned that there was a "high threat" of attacks in countries including France and Germany, rather than the "general threat" previously identified. The move came shortly after the State Department issued guidance urging Americans to be vigilant when visiting Europe, highlighting the "potential for terrorists to attack public transportation systems and other tourist infrastructure".
Japan joins UK and US in Europe al-Qaeda terror alert 04 Sep 2010 The Japanese government has issued a terror alert to its citizens in Europe, following similar warnings from the UK and US. The foreign ministry in Tokyo urged people to exercise caution when using public transport or visiting tourist sites. Security sources warned last week of potential plots on the scale of the Mumbai attacks in 2008. US authorities have cited France, Germany and the UK as possible targets.
Japan plans to buy US spy drones 04 Oct 2010 Japan's Defense Ministry is reportedly planning to buy three American reconnaissance unmanned planes in a bid to increase its espionage capabilities. Citing unnamed ministry sources, Kyodo News said on Monday that Japan would pay $150 million for three Global Hawk spy drones. Tokyo hopes to use the camera-equipped drones to monitor its neighbors' military and nuclear programs, the report said.
NORAD plans training flights over Colorado 04 Oct 2010 The North American Aerospace Defense Command will send planes on training flights over Teller County west of Colorado Springs. The flights are planned Monday evening. NORAD says the planes will practice interception and identification procedures as well as responding to multiple threats.
NORAD jets practice intercept and ID in Teller County skies 04 Oct 2010 NORAD fighter jets will be practicing intercepting and identifying other aircraft in the skies over Teller County this evening. The exercise, which will also include assisting the Teller County sheriff in dealing with a simulated air crash, will take place in the early evening just west of Colorado Springs. Residents near Divide will hear the jets patrolling as well as other aircraft playing the role of target planes for the fighters.
Court: NSA doesn't have to say if it has records 04 Oct 2010 The Supreme Court won't make the super-secret National Security Agency divulge whether it has records of the warrantless wiretapping it did of lawyers representing Guantanamo Bay inmates. The court on Monday refused to hear an appeal from detainee lawyer Thomas B. Wilner. Wilner and other detainee lawyers filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the NSA asking whether it has warrantless wiretapping records on them. But the NSA won't say whether it does or does not, saying that revealing this information would endanger national security.
US top court refuses to hear Guantanamo wiretap case 04 Oct 2010 The US Supreme Court on Monday threw out a plea by 23 lawyers for Guantanamo Bay detainees prisoners to be informed whether conservations by their clients had been subjected to wiretaps. The nation's highest court refused to hear the case, without giving a reason, dismissing claims from the detainees lawyers that the possibility that their clients had been subjected to eavesdropping was complicating the cases. Intelligence services were given the authority to carry out wiretaps without first obtaining court approval after the September 11, 2001 attacks. But the existence of such tapes was only brought to light in 2005. [Right, the Wh*re York Times sat on the story until *after* the 2004 'election,' so that Bush would get more votes.]
Palestinians: Israeli settlers set fire to mosque --Official: Qurans burned at West Bank site 04 Oct 2010 Palestinians accused Jewish settlers of setting fire to a mosque in the occupied West Bank on Monday, an incident that coincided with U.S. efforts to save peace talks stalled by a dispute over settlement building. Fifteen Qurans and the mosque's carpet were burned, said Ali Thawabti, a municipal council official in the village of Beit Fajjar. It was the fourth time since December that a West Bank mosque had been vandalized in an attack blamed on settlers.
IDF soldiers convicted of using 11-year-old as human shield in Gaza 03 Oct 2010 The southern command military court convicted two Israeli soldiers on Sunday of using human shields during Operation Cast Lead, Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, in the winter of 2008-2009. The soldiers were convicted of offenses including inappropriate behavior and overstepping authority for ordering an 11-year-old Palestinian to search bags suspected to have been booby trapped. The conviction is the first such conviction for what is termed in the Israel Defense Forces "neighbor procedure" - the use of human shields during searches and pursuits, which has been outlawed.
Israeli soldiers convicted of using Palestinian boy as human shield 03 Oct 2010 Two Israeli soldiers were today convicted of using a nine-year-old Palestinian boy as a human shield during the three-week Gaza war in 2008-9 and could face a prison sentence of up to three years. The soldiers, who ordered the boy to open bags suspected of containing explosives, were charged with inappropriate behaviour and overstepping authority in a closed military trial.


Genetically Manipulated Crops: The GMO Catastrophe in the USA - Giant super-weeds plague

Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population


The Big Spill - connecting the dot$

Beach appears black and is oozing sheen in Ocean Springs (PHOTOS)

Four Videos: Tell Story of BP's Tragic Impact Upon Life in GOM

Gulf news: US Navy planned to massacre millions, 5-yr warfare 'testing' (video)

What Classless Society? The Growing Rich-poor Gap in "Classless" America
Top 10% controls 96% of the wealth

Mortgage Lenders Could Soon be Falling like Dominoes (actually consolidating and gaining  monopoly power)
JP Morgan suspends 56,000 foreclosures, GMAC and BOA  until laws are rewritten to excuse lack of contract

Now the Government is X-Raying You While You Drive
The mobil X-ray vans are only the latest step in a steady march by the American government towards a total national security state, where citizens can expect to be monitored in everything they do.

The boot that stamps on your face  - False footprint of history misleads our brains, destroys our lives

Mason Albert Pike claimed that Hinduism is a branch of Talmudic Masonry
Foreign Minister shows deep concern over border violations by NATO forces :
The Foreign Minister said that Pakistan would only reopen the supply route for coalition troops in Afghanistan once public anger eases and security improves. "Unless the reaction cools down and we make sure that the supply line is secured, we cannot reopen it," the Foreign Minister added.
NATO head regrets killing Pakistani soldiers:
Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen spoke in person with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi at a meeting in Brussels.

CENSORED History of the Slave Trade

Webmaster's Commentary: 

A few days ago, the Jewish Internet Defense Force, a group of hackers who attack websites that criticize Israel for its war crimes, bragged about how they had succeeded in forcing YouTube to delete the channel and videos of David Duke.

Now, regardless of whether you agree with Duke or not, we still have a First Amendment in this nation, and everyone gets to say their point of view, a right Israel's supporters never fail to take constant advantage of, even as they attempt to deny it to others. Frankly, I find the prospect of a foreign nation controlling what we can see on the internet in the same fashion they already control what we see on ABCNNBBCBS far more alarming than anything Duke has to say.

As has historically been the case, the downfall of Israel's supporters is that they cannot resist bragging about how they control America. They could not help but brag how they were in control of YouTube. Thus it comes as no surprise that First Amendment supporters are pouring Duke's videos back onto YouTube where, because of the "Banned in Boston" effect, more people are watching them now than ever before!  part 1 part 2

Spinmaster Chalabi Strikes Again:
"The issue was never weapons of mass destruction," he insisted. "It was the repression of Saddam against the Iraqi people, and the threat that Saddam constituted against the Iraqi people."
The Iraq war: Success or blunder? : George Galloway:
Was toppling Saddam Hussein's regime worth the enormous cost paid by millions of Iraqis? And where do Iraqis go to seek justice and compensation for this illegal war waged by Bush and Blair?
Interview with Robert Fisk: we preach democracy yet befriend dictators:
There is a great understanding in the Middle East of what history has done to it and what we [the West] have done in history. So I'm not really sure that they always want to buy our products, like human rights or democracy ñ because we have not always demonstrated them to them. Very often we've bombed them, in fact.


American College Student Gunned Down, Kidnapped and Tortured In Secret Prison




Obama's Hard Line Neo-Con Agenda

Straightaway, Obama's promised "change" and "yes we can" became hard line foreign and domestic extremism, betraying his loyal constituency and any hope for kinder, gentler policies. His populist hypocrisy now exposed, voters are losing faith, but most remain mindless about the harm he commits daily, much of it touching them directly.

Though well along earlier, the pace accelerated in the last decade. Obama has been as hard line as Bush, showing he's no different from America's worst ever leaders. He may, in fact, be the most dangerous, given the support he so far retains. None of it, of course, is deserved.


Webmaster's Commentary: 

With Obama, "hope and change" morphed into "shock and awe" almost faster than the speed of light.

Few Americans also have no idea that their Country along with Israel commited war crimes, a Holocaust in the Congo that cost the lives of around 5 million Congolese!

Obama's Congo Moment: Genocide, the U.N. Report and Senate Bill 2125


Few Americans realize that the Rwandan and Ugandan armies are armed and trained by the U.S. or that the U.S. military uses both countries as staging grounds, but they may learn about it now.

Few realize either that the sole piece of legislation that President Obama shepherded into law on his own, as a Senator, was S.B. 2125, the Obama Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2006, in which, in Section 101(3), he quoted USAID:

Given its size, population, and resources, the Congo is an important player in Africa and of long-term interest to the United States."

Stop the Internet Blacklist!

Just the other day, President Obama urged other countries to stop censoring the Internet. But now the United States Congress is trying to censor the Internet here at home. A new bill being debated this week would have the Attorney General create an Internet blacklist of sites that US Internet providers would be required to block.

This is the kind of heavy-handed censorship you'd expect from a dictatorship, where one man can decide what web sites you're not allowed to visit. But the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to pass the bill this week -- and Senators say they haven't heard much in the way of objections! That's why we need you to sign our urgent petition to Congress demanding they oppose the Internet blacklist.

Crypto Wars! Obama Wants New Law to Wiretap the Internet

With the Obama administration rivaling, even surpassing antidemocratic moves by the Bush regime to monitor and surveil the private communications of the American people, The New York Times reported last week that "federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the Internet."

Following closely on the heels of FBI raids on antiwar and international solidarity activists, the "change" administration now wants Congress to require all providers who enable communications "to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order."

Webmaster's Commentary: 

It should be crystal clear to the American people that no matter who seems to occupy the oval office these days, the faces change, but the agenda remains the same; the systematic destruction of the rights and liberties afforded by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


I would not spend even a  penny on any of Murdoch's ZIONIST PROPAGANDA RAGS

The Times lose another 120,000 online readers behind paywall

The Times online readership declined by 120,000 from July to August according to data supplied to the Beehive by marketing analysts comScore.

In August 2010, its second month behind a paywall, The Times received 1.459 million unique visitors, dropping 7.6 per cent from 1.579 million in July.

In addition, the total minutes spent on the site decreased 16 per cent from 6 million in July to 5 million in August, and total page views slumped 22 per cent in a month, decreasing from 9 million in July to 7 million in August.

A USB memory stick carrying the Stuxnet malware is believed to have provided intruders with access to Iran's nuclear program. The same technique was used in November 2008 to break into CENTCOM, providing a foreign government with unfiltered access to the Pentagon's command of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Did both attacks come from the same source?


why not Israel?? Kill 2 birds with one stone using a very dangerous Virus that could have serious Nuclear implications for our world but hey, Israel does not give a damn as long as only IT HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS in order to dominate and THREATEN the World of Nations with- that is what Obama meant- only USA and ISRAEL's sole dominance, with possibly UK/France/Germany for good measure as stand-by's!!.

Stuxnet Super Virus Also Attacked China

The latest super virus, Stuxnet, which attacked Iran's Nuclear Facility, is reported to have attacked China too. Some of the industrial computing systems and their hardwares run by the Siemens software were affected by the Stuxnet worm. Now there is a fear shown by the US, that if the virus could hit China, then the United States is not missing on its list.

Israel's unit 8200: cyber warfare

Israel demonstrated its intent to conquer cyber warfare in the 1990s by presenting the country's legions of hackers with a choice between prison and working for the state.


Is AP deliberately fear-mongering Europe terror threat to sell body scanners?

Activist Post

It appears that the Associated Press is fear-mongering about recently heightened terror threats in Europe. They have turned one vague State Department warning into multiple headline stories, making it appear as though a terror threat is imminent. But the original report provides very flimsy information about a nonspecific threat apparently obtained from, "a Pakistani intelligence official said (that) eight Germans and two British brothers were at the heart of an al-Qaida-linked terror plot against European cities, but the plan was still in its early stages."


It is ELECTION TIME plus these corrupt PolIticians NEED a GOOD  EFFECTIVE DISTRACTION from the Financial woes and widespread Demonstrations from their  justifiably disgruntled electorate- Obama is in the doldrums, many of his Crew have already prematurely jumped ship, Italy and France and Germany and right across Europe people are unhappy with their leaders and their Banksters!! what better TOOL than the fake WAR ON TERROR TACTIC- the DREADED 'MAHSLIM'ISLAMIST TERRORISTS used over and over again- direct the peoples' anger and frustrations and blame at the invisible Enemy using scaremongering and racist based FEAR rather than at the source of their troubles, namely their self serving corrupt Politicians, Corporations who have been stealing money from the people with impunity as well as committing Genocide and war crimes with impunity.

Distract and Deviate the ANGER upon the Muslim Enemy.

Germany plays down terror warnings: No reason to be 'alarmist'

The German government played down on Monday U.S. and British warnings about the heightened risk of terrorist attacks on Europe, with Berlin saying there were no immediate signs of a threat against Germany.

"There are currently no indications of any immediate threat of attacks planned against Germany," Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told reporters. "There is no reason whatsoever to be alarmist at the moment."


Terror, Terror, Terror... Where's The Proof?

Whenever this government begins to warn the public about terror-strikes they need to furnish checkable facts-because their word is not enough-they have lied too many times for anyone to believe anything they say on any topic: But especially on anything to do with national security matters. So the next time you hear the government say that there's a terrorist threat, just say: "PROVE IT!"

The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means

Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Now, where have we heard that before?  click

We're In a Global Currency War ... But What Does It Mean?


There is a currency war raging world-wide.

Japan, Brazil, Peru and countries all over the world are trying to beggar thy neighbor (just as happened during the 1930s) and gain a leg up for their exports by cheapening their currencies.

As the Wall Street Journal writes:

Beggar-thy-neighbor currency devaluations proved ruinous for the global economy in the 1930s. Is the world setting off down the same slippery slope again?
Japan's decision to intervene in the currency market to drive down the value of the yen blew a hole in the developed world's united effort to persuade China and other Asian countries to stop artificially holding down their currencies.

Banks may need new bailout, warns think-tank

Taxpayers should be braced for another multi-billion bail-out of Britain's banks, a left-leaning think tank claims today.

Financial institutions face a funding shortfall next year as existing borrowing ends, forcing them to look for another £13 billion a month, or £156bn a year, the New Economics Foundation (Nef) warned in a report into the banking crisis. Webmaster's Commentary: 

"Look, the way this is supposed to work is, we take a trillion pounds from you subjects and give it to the banks, then they loan it back to you at interest so the banks can stay profitable! But as long as you refuse to borrow back your own money at interest we are never going to get this economy going again!" -- Number 9 3/4


Households face extra £769-a-year on power bills to 'rewire the nation' for green energy

Isn't amazing how these "Jewish" leading economists' want to warn us all about the financial chos of the world thanks to their own KIND who are RESPONSIBLE for this depression, loss of Jobs, homes, pensions etc..! Yet no mention of the MILLIONS that are available easily for endless WARS, and the Trillions that are embezzled by the Jews, or how the TReasury Money is either disappeared (probably sitting in some Tel Aviv Bank, under the auspices of its RULER LORD ROTHSCHILD) and the Gold Bullion is replaced by fake Bullion Bars made from Tungston and tehn sold on to unsuspecting NAations like India and China or the FAKE BARS sitting in the US's very own Fort Knox and the UK's Treasury Vaults.!!! After all WHO RUNS AND CONTROLS ALL THESE BANKS THROUGHOUT THE  FINANCIAL WORLD?? It is NOT BY ACCIDENT as THEY STRANGEL US ALL TO DEATH and STAEL OUR LIVELIHOODS AND HARD EARNED MONEY/TAXES!!!
  Dr. Joseph Stiglitz

Joseph Stiglitz: the euro may not survive

By: kdtroxel

Joseph Stiglitz, one of the world's leading economists, has warned that the future of the euro is "looking bleak" and the fragile European economic recovery could be irreparably damaged by a "wave of austerity" sweeping the continent.

"The worry is that there is a wave of austerity building throughout Europe and even hitting America's shores," Mr Stiglitz said. "As so many countries cut back on spending prematurely, global aggregate demand will be lowered and growth will slow – even perhaps leading to a double-dip recession.

"America may have caused the global recession but Europe is now responding in kind."

---Comment--- kdtroxel

Those European countries that dump the euro dollar, will be the ones that recover the quickest in the long run. Central governments such as the European Union, do not serve the people, they only banker interest control of governments. I have high hopes that this is the lesson that America learns also. --

IMF admits that the West is stuck in near depression

By: kdtroxel

If you strip away the political correctness, Chapter Three of the IMF's World Economic Outlook more or less condemns Southern Europe to death by slow suffocation and leaves little doubt that fiscal tightening will trap North Europe, Britain and America in slump for a long time.

"Not all countries can reduce the value of their currency and increase net exports at the same time," it said. Nobel economist Joe Stiglitz goes further, warning that damn may break altogether in parts of Europe, setting off a "death spiral".

---Comment--- kdtroxel

Most countries peg the value of their currency on the American dollar, with Washington's runaway printing/money creation devaluing the dollar, other countries follow suit to keep their goods attractive. Thus, the master plan of the IMF and World Bank to create a one world currency unfolds. -

CENSORED History of the Slave Trade Webmaster's Commentary: 

A few days ago, the Jewish Internet Defense Force, a group of hackers who attack websites that criticize Israel for its war crimes, bragged about how they had succeeded in forcing YouTube to delete the channel and videos of David Duke.

Now, regardless of whether you agree with Duke or not, we still have a First Amendment in this nation, and everyone gets to say their point of view, a right Israel's supporters never fail to take constant advantage of, even as they attempt to deny it to others. Frankly, I find the prospect of a foreign nation controlling what we can see on the internet in the same fashion they already control what we see on ABCNNBBCBS far more alarming than anything Duke has to say.

As has historically been the case, the downfall of Israel's supporters is that they cannot resist bragging about how they control America. They could not help but brag how they were in control of YouTube. Thus it comes as no surprise that First Amendment supporters are pouring Duke's videos back onto YouTube where, because of the "Banned in Boston" effect, more people are watching them now than ever before! part 1


it is all about Greed for the DRUG CARTELS making MONEY from the SICK and wanting to deny them ACCESS to alterntaive Remedies that may actually CURE them rather than make them even more sick form conventional "Medicines' in use today which is WHY these DRUG CORPORATOCRACY THUGS,Big Pharma , ARE STOPPING US BUYING VITAMINS AND MINERALS- TOO MUCH UNWANTED COMPETITION THAT DENTS THEIR BANK BALANCES and ALSO PREVENTS THEIR HUMAN CULLING PROGRAMME initiated by the Masonic New World Order Mafia!!

Doctor admits that most MDs know nothing about nutrition, health

Even though most of the chronic diseases people face are related to poor diet, medical school training focuses largely on drugs, surgical procedures and other reactionary interventions instead. In fact, some medical schools do not even teach a single course in nutrition.


Big Pharma Scores Big Win: Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU

by Saladin

Big Pharma has almost reached the finish line of its decades-long battle to wipe out all competition. As of 1 April 2011—less than eight months from now—virtually all medicinal herbs will become illegal in the European Union. The approach in the United States is a bit different, but it's having the same devastating effect. The people have become nothing more than sinks for whatever swill Big Pharma and Agribusiness choose to send our way, and we have no option but to pay whatever rates they want.

Big Pharma and Agribusiness have almost completed their march to take over every aspect of health, from the food we eat to the way we care for ourselves when we're ill. Have no doubt about it: this takeover will steal what health remains to us.

It Begins Next April Fools Day

Dark chocolate prevents damage from strokes

Sunday, October 3, 2010

By Khalid Amayreh

There are portents of reconciliation in the air, and Palestinians and their friends and allies are quite optimistic that Fatah and Hamas may finally be on their way to close one of the saddest chapters in our recent history.

Needless to say, the national rift which emanated from manifestly treacherous efforts by American-backed elements within the Fatah movement to effectively undo the outcome of the 2006 elections, which Hamas won decisively, wreaked havoc on the Palestinian cause and thoroughly poisoned inter-Palestinian relations to an extent never seen before.

We all know how the former Bush administration utilized the bribable and buyable elements within Fatah to carry out a bloody coup aimed at decapitating Hamas once and for all in the Gaza Strip. Which eventually forced Hamas to do what it did in July, 2007?

Likewise, and looking retrospectively, one might safely claim that had the Fatah leadership refused American and Israeli solicitations and incitement, the Palestinian arena would have been spared the hateful ramifications of the rift.

I know for sure that Hamas didn't enjoy the so-called "victory" over Fatah three years ago. In the final analysis, a victory against one's brother and countryman is not a real victory; it was rather a real defeat for both Hamas and Fatah and the entire Palestinian people and its just cause.

None the less, what could Hamas have done, watching treacherous elements, enjoying Israeli and American backing, sharpen their swords and daggers, and preparing their guns to gang up on Hamas in order to consign the movement into oblivion.

Hamas had to defend itself and thwart criminal American designs to eliminate every anti-Zionist and revolutionary Islamic movement in the context of its ill-conceived "global war on terror."

The ensuing propaganda war on Hamas effectively turned the white into black and the big lie into a "truth" glorified by many. Hamas was caricatured as the main party under the sun that impeded the achievement of peace in the Middle East. Zionist spin doctors would disseminate their poisoned lies in Europe and North America, claiming that if only Hamas didn't exist, Israel and Fatah would make peace in a matter of a few weeks. The lies continue unabated and are unlikely to subside soon. After all, mendacity has always been a key component of the American-Israeli discourse toward the Palestinians.

Unfortunately, Fatah and bankrupt Arab regimes played an effective role in disseminating these lies as international Zionism was using Hamas as a sort of a red herring to justify murderous Israeli hegemony and criminality against the Palestinian people.

It is somewhat reassuring that many people within Fatah have realized, though belatedly, that America and Israel and their monies and nice words will not advance the Palestinian cause even one millimeter.

The opposite is true. Fatah, or more correctly the Fatah leadership, has done every conceivable act of treachery in order to obtain a certificate of good conduct from America and Israel. Fatah detained and imprisoned Palestinians by the thousands. Fatah tortured and killed and humiliated Palestinians, with Fatah security leaders going as far as assuring their Israeli "counterparts" that Israel was no longer the enemy and that the real enemy was Hamas.

Fortunately, the Fatah leaders in Ramalalh have discovered before it is too late that no mater how deep they sink in the sea of treason, and how virulently anti-Hamas their general discourse becomes, America and Israel will not give them a state or even a semi-state. After all, both Israel and the US don't really seek peace partners but seek collaborators and slaves and puppets.

None the less, the Palestinian people must learn the necessary lessons from what happened. This is because we are bound to repeat the same blunders over and over again, including the bloody mistakes, if we fail to draw the necessary lessons from the dark periods that followed the 2006 elections.

To begin with, and while we should refrain as much as possible from finger-pointing and futile mutual recriminations, the Palestinian people need to create a commission of truth, not to malign and criminalize those responsible for what happened, but rather in order to establish the truth. Know the Truth, for the truth shall set you free.

The Palestinian people have the right to know what was happening during these secret meetings between American and Israeli officials on the one hand, and Fatah officials on the other hand.

The Palestinian people need to know the amount of coordination against Hamas involving Fatah, especially with regard to the perpetuation of the criminal siege on the Gaza Strip as well as the Nazi-like Israeli onslaught against the coastal enclave nearly two years ago which destroyed much of the Strip and killed or caused the death of thousands of innocent people.

I know that "explosive chapters" ought to remain closed and unhealed wounds must be given more time to heal. However, it is also important not to decapitate the truth in the name of national reconciliation.

Again, the purpose of a grand commission of truth, whose members would have to be carefully chosen from among the crème de la crème of the Palestinian intellectuals, people with high rectitude and sense of justice, wouldn't be to erect a Guillotine in the streets of the West Bank and Gaza to execute the guilty.

The purpose of such a commission would be to establish the truth, nothing more and nothing less.

More over, while we can't bring those who were unjustly killed back to life, we are supposed to be able to give justice, as much as possible, to those unjustifiably wronged by both sides.

Blood money is an effective mechanism stipulated by the Islamic Sharia whereby people wrongly killed or injured can receive monetary compensation. The compensation itself will not revive the dead, but it does help their families lead a dignified life and above all gives them a feeling that at least a semblance of justice has finally been done. In the final analysis, God will be the ultimate judge, and whoever escapes justice in this world will not escape justice in the hereafter.

Another point which must be carefully discussed and resolved in order to give national reconciliation a real meaning. Following Hamas's military intervention in Gaza in the summer of 2007, the Fatah authority in the West Bank carried out a real inquisition whose purpose was to eradicate Hamas as much as possible.

All Islamic social, religious, educational, athletic, medical, and youth institutions were systematically closed or seized by Fatah. The draconian measures must be reversed if national reconciliation is to take root and be irreversible.

Second, thousands of people, suspected of affiliation with Hamas, have been summarily dismissed from their jobs. These wronged people must be reinstated in their previous jobs immediately.

Finally, the police-state structure, now permeating throughout the West Bank, must be immediately terminated, because there can be no genuine national reconciliation in the shadow of police brutality and suppression of human rights and civil liberties.

In short, the Palestinian people want and need a real national reconciliation, not a short-lasting truce.

Supreme Court: Maguire not here on friendly visit

Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire arrived at the Supreme Court Monday for a scheduled appeal hearing in the deportation order pending against her, following her participation in a Gaza-bound flotilla in June.
The judges were in consensus that the Nobel laureate's motives were "impure," but reserved their final ruling for a later date.
Several uneasy moments were felt in court, as it became evident that no interpreter was present for the hearing, for Maguire's benefit.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So attempting to bring notice to the plight of Gazan Palestinians, caused by the Israeli siege (which has nothing to do with Israeli security) is "impure"?!?
Israeli jurisprudence has just crashed and burned, making any concept of Israeli justice a complete mockery to any thinking person.

Israeli Soldier Kills Palestinian in Occupied Jerusalem
03/10/2010 12:06
An Israeli occupation soldier on Sunday killed a Palestinian who tried to cross into east Jerusalem from the West Bank, an Israeli police official said. The man was apprehended along with a group of Palestinians before he was shot and killed by the border guard, the police source said on condition of anonymity. His neighbors later identified him as Ezzedine Kawasba, 38, a father of five from a small village outside the West Bank town of ...    Details

Israeli troops used boy as shield:

Two Israeli soldiers have been convicted of using a nine-year-old Palestinian boy as a human shield during last year's Gaza war.



Rise of China

India is almost losing its presence in the region and the south Asian states are fast tilting towards China 

Amit Ranjan  
China an emerging global major power and potential rival of the USA, has influential presence in South Asia, which is a cause of big worry for another emerging South Asian regional power, India. Due to its misguided regional policies, India is almost losing its presence in the region and the south Asian states are fast tilting towards China.

China is good bet for them because of its economic robustness. It has overtaken Japan in 2010 to become second largest economy of the world.

Both India and China started their post-independent development innings together and they were at par, in terms of economic growth and development, for almost two decades after their independence. China joined the eastern block, early but later on when differences surfaced between the former USSR and China and near-to-war situation developed between the two over claims on Uri River in late 1960s, it switched its loyalty towards the US-led western block. Under the leadership of liberal reformist Deng Xiao Peng it completely reversed its economic policies, which has been continued by Deng's successors, resulting in its transformation from closed, self-satisfied economy under Mao, to one of the main proponents of liberal capitalism. India, on the other hand, maintained a socialist economic order after its independence and continued it till 1991.  Politically, it kept itself aloof from the cold war block politics and successfully launched the NAM, with other like minded developing countries. As a democratic country India has gained global status and makes everyone proud to the fact that it has successfully managed the democratic system for more than six decades. But the dreams and promises, which were supposed to get fulfilled through it, have been only partially fulfilled. Despite a constitutionally guaranteed political, economic and civil rights, India failed to resolve its internal problems and relied more on coercive means to maintain its sovereign stature. As a result the problems in Kashmir, Northeast and Naxalism are still persisting. On the other hand China, from the beginning, has been under the dictatorial rule of the Communist Party. Sometimes the authorities have turned brutally against its citizens: the protestors were marauded at Tiananmen in 1989 and also People's Liberation Army (PLA) was given free excess to deal with the dissidents in Xinxiang. The federal government has also adopted development model to silence the voices of dissent by developing infrastructure and providing employment to the youths.

After silencing the internal dissidents, China has successfully dictated all its prolonged border problems with its immediate neighbours. The exceptions are Japan and India with whom it still has disputes over the border territories. With the growing economic robustness and global political clout, China has become much more assertive towards these two countries, especially towards India, to which it consider main rival and hurdle in its ambition to become major global power. To contain India, China has created "pearl of strings" in Indian Ocean to militarily encircle it. It is also interfering politically and economically in South Asian affairs, though steadily, in order to establish its hegemony in this region at cost of India.

The political and economic space, which China is trying to occupy in South Asia, is mainly due to India's negligence of its small but strategically important neighbours. India's misadventures in the region has led to widespread trust-deficit against it.  Sometimes, it has unnecessarily interfered in affairs of its neighbouring countries. In Sri Lanka it supported the LTTE against the Sinhala dominated Sri Lankan state but later on sent its army to fight against the LTTE. After the assassination of the former Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, LTTE was declared a banned organisation. Thus it lost the support from both Sinhalas as well as from the Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka. In Bangladesh it enjoyed support during the era of Sheikh Mujib but after his assassination it does not. Anti-India constituency is growing very fast there. In Nepal India's position has been switched from supporting the monarchy and Nepali Congress leadership. After decline of monarchy, Maoist led popular government came into power. However India successfully managed to destabilise that government. Now after decline of Madhav Nepal's government, India is trying best to get 'its man' appointed as Prime Minister of Nepal. This type of attitude has made the people from these countries suspicious towards India.

Recently, China has adopted aggressive policies towards Jammu & Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh which is an open challenge to the India's territorial integrity and sovereignty. The presence of 7000 to 11,000 soldiers from PLA in Gilgit-Baltistan, as mentioned by Selig Harrison in New York Times on 26 August 2010, is a challenge to India's official position on 'disputed' Pakistan side of Kashmir. Earlier in 1963 Pakistan ceded a part of its administered Kashmir to China in order to improve its relationship with it and also complicate the Kashmir problem by including China as a party to any future negotiation for conclusive resolution of this issue.  Lately, China on its eastern border with India has deployed nuclear capable missiles. China is impatient power and is frustrated given the placement of US in Asia. The US had conducted a successful military exercise with Vietnam, an opponent of China in Southeast Asia and is constantly improving its relationship with India. As a feeble power Vietnam does not have much to challenge the Chinese interests so it is bit relaxed. But India can pose a greater challenge to the Chinese ambition; therefore it aggressive in its policies towards India.

Deteriorating relationship between India and China are going to have global, continental and regional repercussions. Although, the dialogue between the two is an option but due to proved historical record of China's betrayal it is not possible to rely on. So, the only option India has is to increase its power both hard and soft to challenge China's presence in its backyard. Besides, it has to sort out all ongoing internal problems by making some compromises with the internal actors. The cohesive society is must for meeting any future challenges from China.  

Author is Ph D scholar in South Asian Studies, School of International Studies,Jawaharlal Nehru University and can mailed at  


Two Israeli soldiers 'take fall' for Gaza offensive :

The signs point to the conviction being a sacrificial sop designed to take the heat off even more serious cases which will never see the light of a courtroom, let alone result in real justice being done

this letter was deliberatelt leaked in order to satisfy the ego of Netanyahu, to show Obama the Zionist Black Slave who the real Boss is and from whom he must take orders from!!
Obama's cave-in to Israel: letter suggests US not honest broker
By: Redress
Jonathan Cook considers the significance of a leaked letter from US President Barack Obama to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu which undermines Obama's claim to be an honest broker and confirms suspicions that Netanyahu's professed desire to establish a Palestinian state is insincere.

Obama letter confirms Palestinian fears

Shooting from the Mavi Marmara: time for Israel to put up or shut up
By: Redres

Richard Lightbown looks at the continuing Israeli disinformation about the murder of aid workers aboard the Gaza-bound Turkish ship, the Mavi Marmara, on 31 May 2010 and challenges the Israelis either to produce the evidence to back up their version of events or to shut up and accept responsibility for their actions.

being the staunch Zionist Pro israeli Firster that he is, Mitchell is a LIAR. Polls indicate that the vast majority of Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza want the TALKS TO END, No PEACE TALKS WITH ISRAEL!! his credentials re the Irish issue has no CREDIBILITY here for Palestinians as this ENvoy has his onw Zionist Agenda and vested interests in Israel
Palestinians Want to Keep Talks Alive: Mitchell
03/10/2010 12:53
The Palestinians want peace talks with Israel to continue, US envoy George Mitchell said in Cairo on Sunday after the Palestine Liberation Organization urged president Mahmud Abbas to quit the negotiations.   "Despite their differences, both the government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority have asked us to continue these discussions in an effort to establish the conditions under which they can continue direct negotiations," Mitchell ..


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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