Monday, August 2, 2010

Rush for political power forces Dalits to compromise with Brahminical parties



Rush for political power forces Dalits to compromise with Brahminical parties

Only after a thorough-going (1) social and (2) cultural revolution, there can be a (3) political revolution. This is what the "Father of India" had said.

To reinforce this argument Dr. Ambedkar cited the famous Budhist slogan, Buddham, Dhammam, Sangham, which he translated into English as Educate, Agitate, Organise. We had described this slogan of Babasaheb as his "Three Commandments" and brought out a booklet itself (third reprint 2005) under the title: When Dalits Disobeyed "the Final Words" of their Father. (See p.4).

How to overthrow BSO: The point he was driving at is of great importance — not only for Dalits but all the oppressed humanity. He said without "Education" (ideological exercise), there can be no "Agitation" (expression of anger, deep dissatisfaction with the existing socio, cultural, economic order). And unless the suffering people under the Brahminical Social Order undergo the twin process of "Educate" and "Agitate", they cannot graduate and launch the final assault against the BSO. The final assault (revolution) needs tremendous "Organisation" which can come only after completing the first two phases: "Educate" and then "Agitate".

Where did we go wrong: Only when the first two phases are completed, the people will automatically build the "organisation" to launch the revolution.

But ever since the death of Babasaheb there has been a spurt of Dalit movements but none of them led to revolution. Why?

This has been worrying us. Where did the Dalit movement derail? Despite our population being an awesome 20% of the country's 1,300 million population, why we are not able to launch the revolution of Babasaheb's dream?

This made us read Babasaheb's writings again and again and consult scholars on the subject but none was able to throw any light.

Who changed the wordings: A Dalit intellectual from Pune sent us an English translation of Babasaheb's 1948 speech delivered at Lucknow (published after the Editorial). The speech was made in Hindi and its text was published (2002) in the Marathi version of his Works Vol.18, Part-III page 90, by the Maharashtra Govt.

Please note. We don't have with us the Marathi text of his speech and we also can't read Marathi.

It is in this speech that Babasaheb said "political power is the master-key to social progress". Please note the wordings. The text of the speech translated to English by our Pune brother is published on p.4.

Ready to be corrected: But how did Babasaheb's words that "political power is the master-key to social progress" changed into "political power is the master-key that will open each and every lock?" Or did Babasaheb say it and we are not aware of it? We would like to be corrected.

To this day no authority on Babasaheb was able to tell us from where the above words were smuggled and put into his mouth. Be that as it may, the new twist given to Babasaheb's words led to formation of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and many other parties. Dalit movement itself has transformed into many political parties in different parts of India. But except UP, nowhere Dalits were able to capture political power — let alone "opening each and every lock". Even in UP, BSP had to join hands with Brahmins and change its slogan from Bahujan into Sarvajan.

Brahmin did not stop hating Dalits: In spite of taking Brahmins into the Mayawati cabinet, Brahmins did not stop hating the Dalits. Every effort is being made to topple Mayawati's govt of which DV has been a great supporter and admirer.

We will be too glad if experts on Babasaheb enlighten us on this "master-key". We are ready to apologise if we are wrong. Babasaheb has given us his "Three Commandments" which alone will lead us to political revolution. But those Dalit leaders' newly formed political parties have not completed the three stages. And that is how they failed to capture power which is safely and solely held by the Brahminical rulers.

RPI disappoints: Even Mayawati is not able to extend her sway even to neighbouring states. The Republican Party is a big disappointment.

Not only that. The Dalit political leaders are imitating Brahmins in corruption. In Parliament itself we have 120 Dalit MPs. This is a big number but nobody takes them seriously. The ruling Brahminists care a two-pence to Dalit political parties. In all the states Dalit political leaders have forged an alliance with upper caste political parties compromising with the principles laid down by Babasaheb.

We don't have a single all-India major media of our own. We have not been able to produce a noted Dalit journalist.

Over 85% of Dalits are in villages or urban slums — working as slaves. Except during election, they are not even counted. All these things are happening because the Dalit leadership has forgotten Babasaheb's Three Commandments. "The master key" is not only stolen but has further confused our people.

Who will remove the confusion?

This is one of the reasons which made us announce DV closure.


When Dalits disobeyed
of their Father


V.T. Rajshekar

2007-third reprint pp.20 Rs. 20

Write to DV office.

Political power as the master-key to social progress : Dr. Ambedkar

Speech delivered by Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on April 25, 1948 in the 2-day (24/25 April 1948) 5th United Provinces Scheduled Castes Federation Convention at Lucknow. Over 1,00,000 people attended this convention).

Sisters and Brothers,

I firmly believe that we shall not at all benefit by merging with or joining the Congress. Day by day Congress is becoming weaker. The Congress has weakened further as the Socialists have quit the Congress. In such a situation, taking advantage of the contest/rivalry between these parties, we can capture power by co-operating with the party which will accept our terms and conditions.

Political power is the master-key to social progress.

It is impossible for the Backward Castes to capture power by joining the Congress. The Congress is a big institution. Our entry into the Congress will be equal to putting a drop of water into an ocean. Our progress is impossible if we join the Congress. If the Congress splits into various groups then only we can effect our advancement. The enemy's power will only increase if we join the Congress. Today Congress's situation is like a house on fire. We will be annihilated if we join the Congress. I won't be surprised if in the coming two years Congress gets destroyed.

Political awakening in U.P.

The Socialists have quit the Congress. Therefore, Congress's strength will surely reduce. In such a situation, we should form an independent organization, the third party. If the Congress or Socialists do not get a majority, they will come begging to us for our votes. At that time, we can put forth our terms and conditions for extending our support to them, and thus maintain the balance of power.

Twelve years before, I had come to Lucknow as a member of the Lothian Committee. I am very happy to see that the political awakening in the Untouchables is much more in comparison to that during that time.

I proudly mention the satyagraha done by the Untouchables in the United Provinces last year. I congratulate those who participated in this movement and suffered for the cause. If your decision to accomplish a thing is firm, then you can easily accomplish that thing by taking the necessary efforts and by surmounting all the obstacles that come in the way.

British betrayed Dalits

Many of my disciples are in confusion over my entry into the Congress Party. I will try to dispel the confusion present in their minds.

The British did not transfer power, according to its declaration, to all the four parties — namely the Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and the Untouchables. The Viceroy had clarified in the Simla Parishad that power will not be transferred to Congress alone. The Scheduled Castes Federation (SCF) had won the primary elections in 1946 and had vanquished its opposition. The SCF established its representative character by winning the primary elections in 1946. But the British did not keep its promise and decided to transfer power only to the Hindus, Mussalmans and Sikhs.

That period was extremely bleak in our political struggle. Everywhere there was darkness and no ray of light. There was no hope. I had the huge responsibility of my community on my shoulders. In such a situation, I was not sure of the course of action to pursue. In such a dismal situation, I did not want to take my community astray. Therefore, I decided to wait until things get clear.

Why I compromised with the Congress?

"You fought the Congress for 25 years and now in such a critical situation you have chosen the policy of remaining silent, why?"

Such questions are asked to me. I say it is not always useful to fight. Many times it is unnecessary to use the second way. The British betrayed us. There were many traitors among us. It would not have been apt to fight such a big institution. After this remains the way of compromise. Through this we have succeeded in getting many rights. It is correct that we did not get all that we wanted but still we have succeeded in getting many rights.

We have got reserved seats in the executive and assemblies. They have accepted many of our demands. Our demand for Separate Electorates was not accepted. Other minorities, too, have failed to get Separate Electorates. So there is no need to be ashamed of our demand not getting accepted. This is not the time to declare war against Congress. Through co-operation and compromise we must accomplish whatever we can.

I did not become a member of the Congress though I joined the Central Govt. I have no intention of becoming a member of the Congress. I was invited by the Congress to join the Central Govt. and I joined it without putting forward any condition.

Why we need Dalit officers

I am solid as stone and, therefore, I do not have fear of getting dissolved in water. I joined the Congress Govt. but it will have no effect on me. But your situation is different. You will get dissolved in Congress as mud dissolves in water. When it is useless or me to remain there, I will quit anytime.

The situation is such that we need our people in the administration. It is true that good laws will not sabotage our interests. But good laws can be wrongly and unjustly implemented to injure our interests. In such times if those people who have a tradition of behaving and working against the Untouchables are in authority, then that is harmful for our future.

The law does not support forced labour. But zamindars (landlords) do not obey the law. In many places the relatives of such oppressive people are in authority. These people do not take action on any application put forward by an Untouchable against these zamindars (landlords). If in such places there are Untouchable officers then they would have defended the rights of their untouchable brethren.

If I decide to join the Congress, then I will openly announce it. If it is in the interests of the Untouchables then I will urge you to do it. But till the time I do not openly ask you to join the Congress, do not join the Congress.

Translated to English from the original in Hindi and published in the Marathi Volume-18, Part-III, p.90 (2002) by the Maharashtra Govt.



You can't wakeup those pretending to sleep

In DV, we have tried our level best to fight the Goenka menace. A couple of Marathi Dalits occupying high income-posts in Bombay approached us at the Bombay airport a decade back requesting us to stop our "DV Debate on Vipassana". They even tempted us with handsome compensation. When that failed, we were threatened. That also did not work. Had our own people said no to the Vipassana poison it would have died a natural death. The fault lies with our people because they forgot their own Father and tried to derive individual salvation as against collective salvation recommended by our (their) Father. It is too late. Vipassana like a poison weed has spread all over the urban India — fully supported by the Jews and the "Jews of India.

Sandeep Patil and S.M. Wasnik may tell their experience with the "Dalit Nation. Dr. Ambedkar must be turning in his grave over the stupidity of his children simply giving their neck to be slaughtered.

We can wake up a sleeping person but not one pretending to sleep — EDITOR.



DV March 16, 2010 p.14: "Vipassana cult to hinduise Budhists".

DV July 1, 2009 p.9: "Brahmins die for Brahminism but we die to save our enemy", p.10: "Goenka & Nichiren cults not suitable to India".

DV April 16, 2009 p. 22: "Brahminical people sabotaging Budhism", "Nagpur DV meeting".

DV March 16, 2009 p.22: "Brahmins suppressed Lotus Sutra as it will liberate Dalits". & p. 23: "Budhism died because Brahminical enemy killed Lotus Sutra".

DV March 1, 2009 p.9: "A critique of DV Editor & Dr. Kancha Ilaiah: Budhism as religion".

DV Feb.16, 2009 p.19: "When Budha took to armed struggle against Brahminism & defeated it".

DV Feb.1, 2009, p. 24: "Dr. Kancha Ilaiah discovers Budha as world's first greatest philosopher", p. 25: "Vipassana controllers use chamchas to attack Dalit Voice", p.27: "Khadgadhari Budha".

DV Jan.16, 2009 p.21: "Educated Dalits can't fight caste system by being with Hinduism", p22: "How to save Dhamma from the Goenkas?"

DV Jan.1. 2009 p.21: "Vipassana not for everybody — but only for monks".

DV Dec.16, 2008 p.9: "Dr. Ambedkar did meditation".

DV Dec.1, 2008 p.20: "Dr. Kancha Illaiah on how Brahmins killed Budhism", p. 21: "RSS agent Goenka using Vipassana to hinduise Dalits & kill Ambedkarism".

DV Nov.16, 2008 .8: "Dalai Lama selling Brahminism in the name of Budhism", p. 9: "Vipassana is Budhism".

DV Nov.1, 2008 p.6: "Budha is no god & Budhism not religion" & p. 7: "Hindus capture Soka Gakki"., p. 8: "Jehadi heart, not Vipassana, alone can lead to Budhist communism".

DV Oct.16, 2008 p.7: "Vipassana killing Ambedkarite revolution"., p. 12: "Budhism reduced to farce".

DV Oct.1, 2008 p.19: "Brahminical bluffs on Budhism: In defence of war & Violence", p. 23: "Vipassana is not Budhism".

DV Sept.16, 2008 p.12: "In defence of Vipassana" & "Vipassana harms Dalits".

DV Sept.1, 2008 p.5: "Goenka & Dalai Lama preaching Hinduism & deceiving Dalits", p.6: "Goenka's Thai fan defends meditation", p.7: "Flood of Brahminical frauds by Kaushalyayan" & p.9: "Save Budhism from Vipassana fakes & frauds".

DV Edit Aug.1, 2008: "How those who killed Budhism can love us today via Vipassana? Meditation chills our anger", p.5: "Brahminical people misleading educated Dalits through meditation". p. 7: "Role of Brahmin Kaushalyayan & Gavai in Brahminising Budhism"., p.9: "Defence of meditation with some reservations".

DV July 16, 2008 p.5: "Budhist martial art clubs wanted to fight developing caste wars" & p. 6: "In defence of meditation".

DV July 1, 2008 p.7: "Kadgadhari Budha shocks DV family".

DV June 16, 2008 p.8: "Salute to Sidhu for discovering fighting Budha".

DV June 1, 2008 p.7: "Who cut Khadgadhari Budha's right hand? And why?" p. 8: "Identify enemy before Budhists launch armed struggle" & p. 9: "Vipassana-crazy Ambedkarites cheating Babasaheb & Budha". p. 11: "Budha died of eating pork".

DV May 16, 2008 p.19: "Sant Bhindranwale became Budha by launching armed struggle against Brahminism". & p. 26: "Budhism & Creative violence".

DV May 1, 2008 p. 14: "Brahminism finally defeats Budhism & takes to naked violence"

DV April 16, 2008, p. 15: "Budhism & Sikhism suffered for giving up fighting practises" & p. 25: "Brahminism killed Budhism to destroy its liberating force".

DV March 16, 2008 p. 19: "Ambedkarite Budhism rushing to commit suicide", P. 23: "Who played mischief in Babasaheb's book, Buddha & His Dhamma?" & p. 25: "Kill the killers: Budha used violence to fight violent people".

DV Feb.16, 2008 p. 10: "If Budha was for non-violence why his Bhikhus learnt martial art?"

DV Jan.16, 2008: "Cowards & hinduised Budhists have finished Budha's Dhamma".

DV Sept.1, 2007 p.5: "Even Dr. Ambedkar sanctioned violence against oppressors".

DV Aug.16, 2007 p. 19: "Budhism as a military religion, not a creed of cowards".

DV Edit Aug.1, 2007: 'Did Budha name enemy of Dhamma & ask his followers to fight & finish Brahminism?"

DV Jan.16, 2006 p.9: "Revolutionary Budhist monk denounces Vipassana meditation as fraud".

DV Nov.16, 2005 p.23: "Vipassana is a Brahminical trap to destroy Budhism" & "SN Goenka must stop speaking on Budhism".

DV Sept.1, 2005 p.7: "Vipassana is cultish?"

DV Aug.16, 2005 p.21: "Dalits rescued by Budhism slipping back to Hinduism".

DV Oct.16, 2004 p.24: "Wisdom is not Vipassana" & "Vipassana is not Budhism".

DV Sept.16, 2004 p.25: "Why Dr. Ambedkar was against Vipassana?"

DV Sept.1, 2004 p.21: "Rs. 20,000 cash prize if anybody proves Budha recommended Vipassana" & p.24: "In defence of Goenka".

DV Aug.16, 2004 p.25: "Goenka's secret pact with Hindu nazis on Budhism".

DV Aug.1, 2004 p.9: "Dalit Budhsit elites hypnotised by Vipassana" & "Corrupt educated Budhists", p. 10: "Babasaheb clears doubts on Budhism" & p. 11: "DV attacking Budhism?"

DV July 1, 2004 p.21: "Vipassana as the best cure".

DV May 1, 2004 p.8: "Goenka bid to sabotage Budhism through Vipassana".

DV April 1, 2004 p.10: "Ambedkarites warned against Vipassana tricks" & "Yet another Goenka mischief". p. 11: "Vipassana creeping into Christianity to destroy Spirit of Jesus" & "In defence of Goenka".


The Brahmin joy over DV pain


Read your "Should we continue DV or not" Editorial in internet. I am not able to control the laugh. Did anybody ask you to start Dalit Voice? Did you take anybody's permission to start it? You started it for your livelihood.

Your product is not selling —may be because of some defects. Or, your writings for Dalits are not liked by them. I am also following DV's internet edition for a long time. There is nothing new. If you keep all the editions together it is all repetitions. Not in one edition but in all editions.

With this type of gutter journalism who can read it? DV should work for Dalit liberation as its name is Dalit Voice. But you are writing what you want to write. What you feel like writing and forcing it on Dalits. That is why it is not selling.

Praising Muslims and always abusing Dalits with below- the-belt words is not good. If you write like this how can you expect Dalits to support you? DV is best for China as you carry it on your head.

We have to clean our house first and then advice others. So, you have to set right the Dalit house first and then go to China, Jews, Obama and others. This is the biggest mistake you are doing. That is why Dalits are not interested in your paper.

So, instead of blaming Dalits first, correct yourself. And most importantly nobody asked you to start DV. You only started. If it sells well, then the credit goes to you. If not this credit also goes to you. As you are the Editor, the rise or fall of DV is solely on your performance. So don't blame Dalits.


The happiness of the Brahmin is natural because India's only journal ruthlessly exposing their commissions and omissions is folding up. We have received lots of such emails, many fake. Their happiness is over their success in hinduising (enslaving) the non-Hindu, if not anti-Hindu, Dalits. Destruction is very easy, Brother . But DV has been on the path of construction — not destruction. What did the ancestors of Sitaraman Iyengar construct in the past thousands of years they were "occupying" India? — EDITOR.

DV'S history-making achievements


The "Closing down DV" announcement (DV June 1, 2010) is a heart-breaking news. DV gave us dignity, a respected English journal of international repute, a wholesome journal covering every subject needed for our intellectual development.

More than that you groomed Dalit writers like Dr. Jamanadas, Dr. Chandanshive, Ayyankali inside India and made them famous. Brig. Usman Khalid, London. The very first page I open every time on receiving DV is the "Letters" column which is a treat to my "soul".

"Caste identity" thesis: DV corrected Dr. Ambedkar's famous "Three Commandments", mischievously twisted by the Brahminical enemy, fought the poisonous Vipassana being sold by the Marwari Goenka, supported Kanshi Ram in his difficult days and got respectability to BSP, propounded your famous "caste identity" thesis, popularised the Dalit-Muslim unity theory, exposed the Manuwadi marxist crooks. And more than anything the "Jews and the Jews of India" theory is the brightest feather on your cap.

But there is no point in raising all these subjects and adding to the heart-burning of our thinking DV family members.

Dalits have been ungrateful to their own Father, what will they care for you?

What really shocked me was when many a born Dalit betrayed Dr. Ambedkar and ran after power, money, and publicity, you despite being a non-Dalit (born OBC), have been a diehard Ambedkarite compared to the best of the better Ambedkarites.

I am a clerk in a govt. office. Can send just Rs. 100 with your permission.

Foreign Dalit students rush money to save DV


The "Closing down" announcement made in DV shocked me and I decided on a quick damage control operation. Though we are all Dalit students from India living on scholarship, we thought of sacrificing even that to save DV. The money collected (listed below) is sent on June 18, 2010.

  Contributors Amount in New Taiwan Dollar (NT$)
1. Muthusamy Chinnasamy 5,000
2. Raj Kumar 10,000
3. Muthamil Selvan 5,000
4. J.N. Sudhakar 31,000
  Total 51,000


Even from such a far off land four Dalit students living on mere scholarship think of India and bleed for their blood brothers. But inside India, there is a virtual silence of the graveyard. Out of the four only Brother Sudhakar is a DV family member hailing from AP. The rest simply paid on mere asking. This is a great job which no Dalit inside India has done so far in the history of DV. All that we are flooded with are suggestions, recommendations, advises, warnings, proposals and what not. Not a single paise came to this date except Rs. 10,000 from a poor bangle-seller OBC jati man, a recent DV entrant from Madras. The darkness enveloping India is becoming thicker, deeper and more worrying and more long lasting — EDITOR.

Who is behind killing DV?

A DALIT STUDENT FROM JNU (Name & Add. withheld)

As I am disclosing a top secret which involves influential sections of Dalit leadership, I want to remain anonymous.Today "politicisation" of Dalits has become so complete and total. "Dalit politicians" among bureaucracy, educationists, and even students are controlling the entire Dalit society.DV exposed this corrupt class as none else. That is how DV was starved of advt. As these Dalit "politicians" command enormous influence on Dalits, you will not get any financial support. These corrupt politicians are guided by "Brahmin brains" who are bent upon killing the only truth-telling journal of India. DV 's death is certain and unavoidable.

No suggestions please, only action


DV Editorial of June 1 on "Closing down DV" came as a shock.

I know your 30-year-long painful struggle to convert DV into mass media. If DV closes, it is a big victory for our enemy. DV is the last silver lining. Only DV had the courage to speak the truth. Hence it should not close down to save the 85% slaves of India.

If at least 1,000 DV family members each make 10 life-members by getting Rs. 3,500 per head before Nov.2010, we can collect Rs. 3.50 crores. Or else, you select 100 DV family members and ask them to enroll 10 life-members. There is another solution.

If 1,000 annual DV subscribers convert their annual subscriptions into life-membership within two months even then sufficient funds can be generated.

I assure to introduce 10 life-members before Nov.2010.


Your Letter carries only suggestions. It is like saying "If the sun rises in the West". We are tired of these ifs and buts. The only thing that is concrete in your letter is you would make 10 life-members before Nov.2010. That means something. We will publish your promise and if that is not fulfilled we will announce that also. You are the only state rep. of DV to write to us expressing your sorrow. All other representatives, whose names are printed regularly on p.3, are sleeping. Brahmins have broken Punjab into pieces. Yet not one suffering fellow is crying. They are busy serving the enemy — EDITOR.

DV proved to be India's best journal of Dalits


"Closing down DV" is the saddest news not only to me but for the whole Dalit community. As a journalist in Indian Express, Brahmins got rid of you for your powerful pen by which you did outshine everybody. They got you dismissed. During the past 30 years you have given the best journal for the Dalits, Muslims and the entire Bahujan Samaj. Our unthinking community, which wants to remain as slaves, was ungrateful to Dr. Ambedkar who gave us light. By allowing you to "close down DV", our people are switching off the light that Babasaheb gave. Brahmins will not write your praise. They hate you. And also Dr. Ambedkar, Periyar and all other revolutionaries. But a small section of thinking Dalits like J.N. Sudhakar of Taiwan, will write about you. Your name will go into history.

Why not a conference to raise funds ?

M.C. GAUTAM, 200/5, PART-6, GURGAON - 122 001

This refers to your Editorial of June 1, 2010 on "Closing down DV" which is India's most respected, recognised and remarkable journal. Your Editorial on this has raised many questions in my mind. DV has run a long race against time and it is very popular all over the world. It deals with the problems of the exploited, dehumanised races of the world. DV is the only journal which boldly identifies the enemy and its evil intentions and also the means to be employed to destroy it.

I recall my meeting with you at the Delhi office of the BAMCEF and your revelation about setting up a "media centre" by Kanshi Ram at Noida (Delhi). This centre was established at your instance.

As I have studied you carefully, you have not made any personal direct contacts with our people who love your great service to the Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj. You have not held any conference at the national level intellectuals of this Samaj. Nor you held any training camp for the readers and the writers of DV. Personal meetings held for at least 2-3 days brings close affinity among the DV members and instills a feeling of belonging along with a confidence to do something. As far as I know, you have not associated yourself with any organisation or any political party of the Dalits in whose name the country's most reliable journal is being published since 30 years. So, you have to form an organisation of the like-minded people ascertaining their genuine interest and investment. I can assure you there will be no dearth of money. There are many examples. Kanshi Ram was given any amount of money by our samaj.

I have known you for over 12 years. Being a student of literature I know that your language in DV has never been persuasive. Rather it has been the language of science which puts things as they are. With your penetrating eyes, you have deep knowledge to analyse the tricks and conspiracies of our Enemy. With a team of dedicated disciples, you can do wonders. I have no doubt on your ability to hit the nail squarely.

Please call a conference of your followers to discuss all the issues as the matter of "Closing down DV" is not or cannot be personal and individual. It involves the education and future of common man for whom you have been continuously chiselling would-be leaders.


When our honesty, integrity & ability are tested, why don't they give ?

Brother M.C. Gautam like all others offers plenty of suggestions and advices. He says closing down DV is "not a personal or individual decision as it involves the future of our society". We are fully aware of this. Ever since we announced this decision we have been boiling inside. No doubt DV has created history which no other Bahujan journal has done. He admits it. But what is the Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj doing?


As far back as the year 2000 when we were in Delhi, we called for a conference of "100 best brains" (V.T. Rajshekar, The Second Partition of India?, DSA-2000) to discuss this very matter. Not one Brother responded.

After 10 years we now announced the "Closing down DV" decision. Except a couple of our brothers living abroad, those inside India (the sphere of the DV activity) have been totally silent.

We have made it clear that we need no suggestions or advice. Because we know all of them. A totally enslaved people can do nothing except remaining as slaves.


Had we been a Brahmin and running a journal to promote Brahminism, by this time crores would have poured into our coffers. To that extent Brahmins love their jati.

But in the case of Dalits it is like a dog hating another dog. The very fact BSP is confined to UP proves, how much Dalits hate Mayawati despite all her proven ability.

Brother Gautam, who says he is a great admirer of DV, became a member of our family only in 2010.


Yes. Kanshi Ram got plenty of funds. I knew him very intimately for years. He got fed up with BAMCEF etc. It is only when he started a political party, money started pouring.

If we start a party tomorrow, we too will get plenty. But our problem is not political —but social and cultural.

We have repeatedly said DV is incurring heavy losses. We make up part of the losses by the sale of our books.

Our decision to "close down" can be averted only if enough fund flows. When all our family members confirm that they have tested our honesty and integrity, why they are not giving? Does it not mean they can live (or exist) without DV? — EDITOR.

DV mistake in Dalit-Muslim unity movement


Over the last 30 years a lot of effort has been made to unite Dalits and Muslims against Brahminism. But no fruitful result. And consequently both these communities have suffered a lot.

The veteran Dalit philosopher, V.T. Rajshekar, has been lamenting that the Muslim leadership is reluctant to unite with Dalits despite all his 30-year-long efforts.

Dalits have been pushed to the bottom of varna system created by Brahminism. Even Muslim-Dalits or Mustadafeen have got the same position which is Arzal. Ashrafts are the same like Brahmin and Kshatriya.

Dalit movement committed a mistake by playing into upper caste Muslims (Ashraf) to unite with the total Muslims. But Muslim community is dominated by the very same Ashriafiya Muslim which is Brahminical.

Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan hated Arzal Muslims. He was the founder of the Aligarh Muslim University. He never thought of the Arzal Muslim. Maulana Ashraf Ali Farooqui says in his book, Ashraf-ul-Jawab, when an Englishman went to AMU, he saw Arzal Muslims serving food to upper caste Muslim students. Arzals were not allowed to sit with them.

Sir Sayed hated Arzals in his Urdu book, Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind Julaha. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, a noted religious scholar, also hated Arzals (Bahisti Zewar). He says: "In theory Sheikh, Sayed, Mughal, Alwi and Ansari are all equal but Sayed are socially upper caste and which is why Sayed should not marry to lower caste". It is ironical that this Islamic scholar has divided Muslim society and his Brahminical-Sayadwadi thought has spread hatred in Muslim society. (

DV reps. in state capitals can collect money


I am trying my best to convince our people in India to donate to save Dalit Voice. I am very sorry, I am just a PhD student, living on scholarship. I am doing whatever I can. Whatever money I collected I have sent to you. I will not let my hope down. I will do my best to collect more donations. My father who lives in Hyderabad and a childhood friend of Dr. Yadaiah, your Hyderabad representative, promised that he will try to do something. There are many Dalits, who can afford to donate at least RS. 10,000 per head. If all the Dalit Govt. employees and software professionals are determined, then the dream of DV will be a reality. If DV representatives like Dr. Yadaiah in various capital cities of India work hard and launch a systematic campaign for donations to DV, they can easily collect few crores.


When Dr. Ambedkar failed how can DV succeed ?

Forget mobilising money, our own closest Dalit brothers have not even written a postcard. Dr. Yadaiah is silent. Iron has entered into the soul of our people. When they could let down their own Father, what will they care for DV? Not one state representative of DV except S.C. Musafir has so far commented on our "Closing down DV".

Even when we announced the zionist plan led by Bill Gates to launch a massive "Biological war to kill UP Dalit children" (DV May 1, 2010 p.8), UP Dalits were silent. We even wrote letters to some DV Dalit doctor family members alerting about this multi-million dollar conspiracy. But none replied. Something seriously has gone wrong with the psyche of our people. Dr. Ambedkar's words no longer inspires them. Can anybody save a people who are not interested in getting rid of their slavery? Brahminism has killed their brains. They have all became wholesale Hindu and slaves of Brahmins. When Babasaheb himself failed, how can DV succeed ? — EDITOR.

A mere 50-year-old Ambedkarism can't kill 5,000-year-old Brahminism


I am reading Dalit Voice past 11 years. With this background my doubt is whether the mere 50-year-old Ambedkarism can destroy the 5,000-year-old Brahminism. The converse is more likely because for today's generation. Dalit movement is confined to mere "fight for reservations" and celebration of Ambedkar Jayanti.

Mere knowledge of scriptures cannot employ a Brahmin. So the Brahmin had to invent Brahminism for his livelihood. If one tracks this psyche we may be even amazed to find that Muslims didn't invade India as it is popularly believed. But the unemployed Brahmins brought the Muslim rulers to India for their survival. It was probably the British who realized this dangerous psyche and employed the Brahmins in the initial stages. But they also failed in the long run. After "independence" for some years the Brahmins were employed but when unemployment increased they invented the Hindutva movement and made the MNC's to have a cake walk in India. Probably Mayawati realized this and employed Brahmins in her cabinet. At present the MNCs are shining in India because they have employed the Brahmins very well. Once they fail there is likely to be another "national movement" to drive away the MNCs.

With this truth behind, I don't think that the mere 50-year-old Ambedkarism can destroy the well-rooted 5,000-year-old Brahminism.

DV must continue to prevent darkness


Dalit Voice continues to echo. Thanks to VTR, DV has become a global phenomenon. Dalit Voice is neither commercial nor literary. It is a mission in true sense as it connects, awakens and organises us, the Mulnivasi Black Untouchables world-wide. It is the only lifeline for our survival kit. I have met Sheetal Markam and Wasnik in Nagpur as we are connected by Tri Iblis series. I had been in Bangalore to attend a seminar but could not meet VTR. The Editor visited Calcutta but my meeting could not take place. We are just connected by the singular link, Dalit Voice. I read and quote DV. I have serious reservations on VTR's stance on castelogy, Mayawati, Dalit-Muslim unity and Taslima Nasrin. I believe that the organised sector must be involved in any mission to change. I focus on Ambedkarite economics while VTR spends his energy on equations and power sharing. But his global vision is a must for our survival. K.L. Biswas called me from Bombay and assured that Dalit Voice would continue at any cost. Maj. S.G. Barve has been most worried and believed that we should be able to support VTR.

Our guide and leader, VTR and DV must continue to prevent darkness.

DV can't "prevent" darkness. How can a pygmy succeed where a giant (Dr. Ambedkar) has failed? Educated Dalits have been broken into pieces, divided and subdivided by the Brahminical enemy. Today they are the biggest supporters of the Brahminical BJP — EDITOR.

DV helped us fight enemy


I am doing PhD here. I am the first generation entering education up to this level. I completed my UG in St. Joseph's College, Trichy. PG in Barathidasn University. My father is a fruit-seller. In my village, all upper castes (Hindu) are against us. I learnt everything from my father. He hadn't seen school but always talks of the intellectual titan, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. My village is near the Union IT Minister A. Raja's. I know the Brahmin is my enemy —that crafty and cunning fellow. They have been holding all the power in India. J.N. Sudhakar explained about them. He introduced your lightning and thunder writings. I have all your books. Now I can find how to defeat the enemy? Thank you dear, my lovely father, for working for the last 30 years.

Help from USA

MLECCHA, USA (via email)

We need your Voice. We need Dalit Voice. I am soon in a position to help you, and help you I will. I do believe Budhist-Islam is the answer for the Dalits, a Budhist-Islam which recognizes Dr. Ambedkar as its modern teacher. I ask you to consider this possibility. Budhism, Islam, science and evolution are all compatible. You are the leader of a world liberation movement. Lead us and we will grow and we will succeed.

"We will not allow you to close down DV"


I am an engineer. I had been a DV subscriber when I was in Madras and Bangalore from 1988 to 1990. I had been following DV through my friend.

I can never forget DV. I need to support so that you don't close down DV. I have two questions:

(1) Vipassana: I agree that it makes our people docile, peaceful. I had been to three of its classes. My experience is Goenka Vipassana technique is very scientific. Surprisingly, it talks about "understanding mind and subconscious mind" working with reference to body. It is effective. It really works. I am not sure this is the pure form of Budha's technique of meditation that King Asoka's religious branch preserved in Burma, Goenka claims that. If Goenka is using it to make the oppressed submissive and docile, we can use this technique the other way. You mentioned in Lotus Sutra: Budha at the end of his days got fed up of Brahmins and wanted to take people into a self-defence mode, thus beginning the art of karate or other techniques. At the end of Vipassana meditation session, Goenka says we need to meditate spreading love for all animals, human beings. True, but if Brahmins joined Goenka to cheat us, we should stop the last part of this meditation. Perhaps, that is what the Lotus Sutra is. Learn the mind, strengthen it and defend ourselves against the enemy (Brahmin mind).

(2) Jews & the Aryans: I think 10 years ago you said Hitler had been fooled to believe that Germans were pure Aryan race by the Brahmins. So there was a welcome party organized in Madras by Tamil Brahmins to invite Hitler, as the World War-II was going in Germany's way before the Russian invasion of Germany failed. Now DV calls that the Jews are cousins of Brahmins. Can you elaborate?


Babasaheb Ambedkar never did mention anywhere that he was doing meditation. Rather, he rejected it outright — consciously. Goenka is an RSS agent brought to India to control Dalits through meditation. India's most famous Budhist monk, a revolutionary, Surei Sasai, also said the same thing. He warned us against meditation. There is no contradiction in our earlier statement on Hitler and our today's that Brahmins and Jews are cousins. We will clarify it later. Our "closing down" decision was taken as we are financially crippled. You want us to continue but how? The well-off Dalits have gone away with our enemy — EDITOR.

No advice or sympathies — only support needed


I have read about your visit to Pakistan. It was nice. We came to know what is going on there. It is our privilege you have addressed so many meetings there. Congratulations. I felt very sorry to read on stopping DV. It should not stop. Do something to sustain it for long.

A service of 30-years is more than enough. Dr. Ambedkar started 3 journals, one after the other, and closed down all — unable to run it. A giant like Babasaheb failed to clean the cobwebs in the Dalit mind — totally hinduised (enslaved) — how can a poor fellow like me do? Like the rest you are giving only suggestions to keep DV running but not ready to contribute even a paise? Who can save a people who are not ready to save themselves? We need no suggestions or advice on "closing down" — EDITOR.

Ideological mistakes of DV

COM. AYYANKALI (via email)

The Editor has been telling that his predictions never go wrong. But now he has admitted that he went wrong on Obama (DV July 1, 2010 p.21). You have been mechanically betting on Ashraf Muslims saying "enemy's enemy is friend". Here also you proved wrong. You have been ignoring the Brahminical Maoist threat and refusing to understand that Dr. Ambedkar did a monumental blunder by not adopting marxism and revolutionary violence which he could have used to finish gandhism. Then millions of Dalits would have been saved from Vipassana vampires and Dalai Lama. There would have been no trace of fake Manuwadi Maoism since Bahujan Maoism would have completely wiped out such fakes. You refused to allow Dalit-Muslims to revolt against Ashraf Muslims — a right which you readily give Dalit Christians and "Dalit" Hindus. Only when it comes to Dalit Muslims, you want to imprison them in the Ashraf Muslim gas chamber.

To err is human. In the past 30 years, this is perhaps the only one case (Obama) we erred and we have admitted it in writing — EDITOR.

When an oppressed people forget their Father


Address to university professors at Indian Social Institute, Bangalore, on May 25, 2009
on "Understanding & re-discovering Dr. B.R. Ambedkar".


Since the gathering here comprises non-Hindu (Christian) and that too academics, I am very much relieved because the subject given to me is extremely "controversial".

Besides, the two subjects are too big covering the whole gamut of Indian history.

Anything which goes against the value system of the upper castes (Hindus), who constitute a micro-minority in India, is called controversial and then shot dead.


So the subject will impress you only if I give you the caste and religious composition of the country — meaning the population statistics of today's In dia.

Muslims 15% SC 20% Brahmin 2%
Christians 2.5% ST 10% Kshatriya 1%
Sikhs 2.5% BC 35% Vaishya 1%

Shudra 11%
Total 20%

Nobody will give you these figures because either they don't know or silent as the figures are extremely uncomfor-table and irritating to the ruling class.

But without understanding the caste and religious compo-sition of the country, it is not possible to understand India or any of its problems.


The problem becomes more complicated because though you are a Christian and victim of the same forces, you are brought up and educated in the Hindu value system. The country got divided in 1947 on the religious question.

In pre-independent days, Dr. Ambedkar and Jinnah together fought their common enemy. Who was their common enemy? The "Hindus", who form a micro-minority, led by the Brahmins. The leader of the Hindus was M.K. Gandhi.


Jinnah led the Muslims and Dr. Ambedkar led the Untouchables.

Both fought the same enemy — just a 15% micro-minority led by Gandhi — who continues to oppress us even to this day.

I just returned from a tour of Pakistan (2009) where I was invited by the govt. to address the birth anniversary function of Dr. Ambedkar, a highly respected person in Pakistan because the Father of Pakistan, Allama Iqbal, and M.A. Jinnah, had close relationship with Dr. Ambedkar.

Dr. Ambedkar had only one simple demand, "separate electorate", which would have solved all our problems and transformed India itself.

The benevolent British Govt. then ruling India (1932) accepted his demand because all the religious minorities then had been enjoying separate electorate.

Separate electorate is a well-known democratic principle as part of self-determination.

But M.K. Gandhi, the Hindu leader, went on his fake fast against Dr. Ambedkar's demand and once for all killed the future of untouchables. And the future of India. Gandhi was more interested in Hindus and their Hinduism. Not Dalits. But finally who killed Gandhi? They only.


Dr. Ambedkar was undivided India's most learned person. Educated at London, a Barrister, Columbia University, Bonn University —all world famous institutions. But Gandhi, Nehru and other Hindus were mere lawyers. Or "Sunday lawyers".

He was also a man of character, nobility and super-human scholarship. The British recognised his genius and the whole world — but not India's Hindus.

Beverly Nicholas, a famous Western scholar, called him "one among the seven best brains of the world".

I have read all his works and found him a towering genius.

But the ruling micro-minority upper castes, just 15%, refused to acknowledge his greatness.


I will give you one confrontation that I had at the famous British Library headquarters in London two years ago.

Not one person in the undivided India or even later could surpass Dr. Ambedkar in his all-round knowledge and mastery over law, international affairs, economics, political science, philosophy, religion, history and the command over English language.

So much so in the whole of India with all the highly educated Iyers and Iyengars, they could not get a single person to draft the constitution of India.


Brahmins finally fell on his feet and forced him to accept the responsibility.

But as soon the job was over, he was kicked out of the Union Cabinet as the first Law Minister of India.

The Congress Party, the original Brahminical party of India, hated him and continues to hate him.

They are not ready to recognise the greatness of the man who is described in Dalit Voice as the "Father of India".

When the rulers of India have no respect for the country's greatest son, you can well imagine what will be the future of this country.

Do you know India's so-called "independence day" was started on an inauspicious day (the country's future is judged by only astrologers and not thinkers and scholars) and from then onwards we have been slipping and slipping.


Out of the 190 countries or so as members of the United Nations, India's rank is 134. And it is going down. But our "India shining walas" keep it well hidden.

As you are teachers you can understand the chaotic situation in our education field. Our universities are producing sub-standard doctors, engineers, lawyers and other professionals. What a shame.

Even after 62 years of "independence" our literacy rate (in Indian languages) is not even 30%. English knowing population is not even 3%. Over 70% illiterate.

And this 3% people are 90% upper castes and enemies of the 85% of the population. And it is these people who are attacking churches and your nuns. How can India progress?

Kerala is an exception to this rule. In Karnataka, no school is functioning in villages.


But in Bangalore, all upper castes, meaning the rich, are going to English-medium schools and jumping forward. But our people are working as clerks and peons, brainwashed by the Brahmin-created "mother tongue mania".

This in nutshell is the Indian effort to "understand Dr. Ambedkar".

Sorry, Dr. Ambedkar is forgotten. That means our future is gloomy. When I say this I am dubbed a pessimist. But you must know that all revolutionaries were only pessimists. Budha said the world is full of dukkha.

For your information, I am not a born Untouchable. I belonged to an OBC jati and through marxism I came to Ambedkarism — which is marxism plus something more.

I am the Editor of Dalit Voice for the past 30 years. With about 100 books to my credit. My earning is from my books which are sold as hot cakes.

For taking up the cause of Untouchables and the other weaker sections I was badly punished: four arrests, once handcuffed and jailed in Chandigarh, passport impounded for 20 years, two attempts on my life. More will follow.

But more than that the country's rulers have taken a decision that my name and that of my paper should not be published anywhere. And yet they boast that India is a great democracy with full freedom of speech and freedom of press.

The same people shout "sarva dharma samabhava". But kill Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Dalits. This is Hinduism.

I am not bothered. At the most they may kill me. They killed Gandhi, "father of their nation". What do they care for me?

I have brought with me a book written by an upper caste Malayali Nair (not a Dalit or even OBC), Parameswara Menon, saying all that I have said so far.

The copies of this book are available with us. It is a must reading.


We have spent 1/2 hour on understanding Dr. Ambedkar.

But India's micro-minority ruling class, which says the only job of the Christians is to convert Dalits and Tribals, is not interested in understanding the "Father of India".

The services rendered by the church can be written only in the words of gold. We have said and written about it but the rulers hate church and yet make full use of its facilities.


When the ruling upper castes are not interested in understanding Dr. Ambedkar, how can we say they will be interested in re-discovering Dr. Ambedkar.

After having worked in the Indian Express for 25 yeas and now as Editor of Dalit Voice for about 30 years, I am too pessimistic about India's future.

And my pessimism is fully supported by the socio-economic, cultural and political factors which the rulers are using to govern us.

I will give the latest and the most impressive example from Kerala to convince how the ruling upper castes think.

Kerala has 25% Christian and 25% Muslims and 30% OBCs, mostly Ezhavas.

At last because of the immense popularity of Achutanandan, the Marxists (CPM), came to power and he was hailed as incorruptible and man for the poor. But the 3% upper castes of the state — Brahmin, Nair and some upper caste Christians— joined hands to topple him.

Not only that. They got the party itself defeated. Why? The Brahminical people are not interested in Kerala or the country. Their permanent interest is their caste.


Why the upper castes of Kerala, who are not even 5% of the population, hate Achutanandan when he is loved by the people?

The upper castes were so furious that they did not mind defeating their own party. They wanted to get rid of Achutanandan because they think he is against them.

Have you heard such a thing?

In the latest parliament election, the BJP got defeated because the upper castes vote swung from BJP to Congress.

Why? Because Advani is not a Brahmin. But he is a man of character, honest, incorruptible.

Upper caste rulers are not interested in all these things. Their only interest is their caste.

Because from the Brahminical point of view Manmohan Singh is very good. Because he is proved to be a great supporter of the rich who are mainly upper castes.


Sikhs don't like him nor do the Muslims and Dalits. That is why the 15% upper castes love him.

Because he was ready even for the defeat of his govt. in his desperate search for what is described as "peaceful nuclear deal" — in other words bomb.

Manmohan Singh wanted to give bomb to the upper castes to fight Pakistan and China.

Upper castes are India's only people who can clearly identify their enemy and friend.

This ruling class has declared Dr. Ambedkar thoughts are dangerous to their caste interests. Simple.

When this is the reality, how can India "re-discover" Dr. Ambedkar?

Who represents India? Not the Dalits. Not the Muslims. Not Christians. Not Sikhs. Not BCs. But only the micro-minority "Hindus" representing just 15% of the population.

There may be some good, honest persons among the upper castes. But such of them collaborate in the crime of their jatwalas by their silence.


The Brahminical people quickly counter this argument by pointing out "merit".

I have written a book itself on the subject in which this question is answered.

The Supreme Court itself has quoted my whole book in a historic judgement and fully endorsed my thesis: Merit — My Foot.

Has anybody visited the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore? I go there sometimes.

This is said to be country's "most prestigious and internationally known research institution". Fine.

I asked them to give me just one instance of their research accepted as per international standards. The authorities started evading the question.


But as a journalist I can speak with authority. IISc has not a single research to its credit that will help improve the living standards of the people. I said this once at a public meeting inside the IISc itself, presided by its then director.

No Indian scientist has received any Nobel Prize after "independence". Those "Indians" who got such prize are not Indian citizens.

In the light of these, where is the chance for India "re-discovering" Dr. Ambedkar? Hate cannot build a society. It can only break the society.


Christians, who did so much to educate India, serve India, are hated and killed. Muslims are killed daily, impoverished and pushed to urban slums. Dalits and Tribals have become beggars.

You may ask: what about the reservations? Did it not improve their lives?

No. That is why I brought a report of the UGC Chairman's book on Dalit reservations.

As you are teachers you must be knowing this better than me.

Your own Christian schools and colleges prefer "merited" students, meaning upper castes. We have the famous example of Christ College and Mount Carmel College in Bangalore. Situation is gloomy, dismal. In the din of the "India Shining", all the facts are hidden.

But you have the famous example of China, which became independent two years after India, becoming the world's No.1 economic power. How it soared so high?

The Brahminical quick reply to this is: "India is a democracy but China is communist dictatorship". But they don't know China is a member of the WTO, World Bank, United Nations and all international bodies.

But to this day nobody has said China's progress was due to communist dictatorship. Our upper castes have a jaundiced mind, sick mind. They have their own logic.

So in the light of such dismal records of the past 62 years when the rulers have forgotten Dr. Ambedkar and went against every principle and policy that Dr. Ambedkar propounded, where is the chance to re-discover Dr. Ambedkar?


Speech delivered on "Role of Intellectuals in Social Reconstruction" Indian Social Institute (Jan.24, 2007).

The topic given to me does not mention economic reconstruction. That means our problem has been rightly diagnosed as social problem.

I don't want to make a speech but put before you four questions. On receiving the answer to each question I will elaborate on the subject.

All the questions are familiar to educated Dalit youth who have read Babasaheb's book.

How many books of Babasaheb you have read?

You may say you don't know English. How can I read? This is the biggest problem facing our liberation. One who does not know English is like a cow. English opens door to your knowledge. What is there in Kannada? Did not Basavalingappa say "kannada sahityadalli boosa"? (Kannada literature is nothing but cattle-feed).


Question 1:

While moving the constitution of India, Babasaheb said in Parliament that those who suffer from social and economic inequality will blow up the constitution.

Sixty years are over since Babasaheb made this speech. Our social and economic crisis are deepening. Not only of Dalits. The whole country is in social and economic crisis: agriculture, education, health, infrastructure, industry and technology. Even the very security of the country.

Dalits continue to remain slaves. No. They have become better slaves.

Did we revolt and blow up the constitution?

The pre-requisite for any revolution is revolutionary situation.

That means Dalits, who are the lowest and the poorest, must get angry. Did we get angry?

Khairlanji recently provoked some anger but it is confined to Maharashtra.

Now answer the question: Did those who suffer from social and economic inequality blow up the constitution?

Question 2:

Babasaheb gave us two weapons to strike the Hindus, our enemies and pull them down as rulers.

The first weapon was "reservation". (a) Reservation in education and job and (b) Reserved constituencies.

Only about 5% of Dalits have been benefitted by the reservation in education. That means 95% of our people are still out.

Only if you have education, you can get a job. That means 95% of Dalits don't have education and hence can't get govt. jobs.

The second weapon is reserved constituencies. In Parliament there are about 130 reserved seats. There are many more MLA reserved seats. What are these MPs and MLAs elected from reserved seats doing?

Did we use Babasaheb's two weapons: education and reserved seats to fight the rulers?

Question 3:

Babasaheb gave us the RPI. This party got divided into five or six — all confined to Maharashtra.


Kanshi Ram was the first Dalit leader to form an all-India party for Bahujans. It has about 17 MPs in Lok Sabha but have our people joined it? In Karnataka, BSP has not even one MLA.

We have tremendous population strength: Dalits 20%, STs 10%, BCs 35%, Muslims 15%. Total 80.

We have the strength of population. But Brahmins who have no strength of population are ruling us. Why?

At least in one state, we could come to power. In UP, BSP came to power 3 times but failed.

But BJP which is the party of 15% upper castes ruled India for five full years. In Karnataka, it is in power.

We talk of Babasaheb, Narayana Guru, Phule, Periyar. But all these leaders are dead and gone. Do we have today any leader of that stature?


(A) We are divided on caste, subcaste. (B) Male domination. Our enemy is united. But we are divided. We have no money, no discipline.

Question 4:

Babasaheb said Dalits are not Hindu and were never Hindu.

We are only called Hindu. But in the recent two-day "communal riot" in Bangalore it was the Dalits who went to attack Muslims.

Are you Hindu? If you say no did you teach this to your children? Are you going to temple? Did you quit Hinduism and embrace Budhism? No.


[Address to Dalit Students of Central University, Hyderabad, Oct.21, 2000.]

Ambedkarism loved to death? Four questions demand answer:

I don't want to make a speech. Instead I want to put five questions. And on receiving the answer to each question, I will slightly elaborate on the subject.

All the questions are very familiar to educated Dalits who have read Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Question 1: While moving the constitution of India in parliament, Babasaheb delivered his famous speech. In that he warned:

"Those who suffer from social and economic inequality will blow up the constitution".

Did he not say that?

Fifty years are over since he made this speech. Social and economic inequalities have increased by leaps and bounds. Dalits in AP and all other parts of India have not only remained as slaves but became better slaves.

Did you revolt and blow up the constitution?

The first pre-requisite for revolution is a revolutionary situation. That means you must first get angry. Did you get angry?

Question - II: Babasaheb gave you two weapons to pull Hindus down as rulers. The first weapon is reservation: (1) reservation in education & jobs, and (2) reserved constituencies.

About 5% of our population took advantage of the 1st weapon.

In Parliament we have about 130 SC/ST MPs. Have they used these two weapons and defeated the ruling upper castes?

Question -III: Babasaheb gave us the RPI but it got divided and failed.

BSP is the first and the only Dalit-Bahujan all-India party formed after Babasaheb.

Our population is formidable. Dalits 20%, ST 10%, Total about 30%.

Did you make BSP the ruling party in India? We are the majority but the Brahminical BJP has become a ruling party though they form just 15% of the population.

You talk of Sri Narayana Guru, Ayyankali, Mahatma Phule Babasaheb. All these past. What is today?

We are divided on the basis of caste, subcaste, language. Even party-wise. In this meeting here today, I find not a single girl student.

The minority 15% Aryans are united but we are divided.

Brahmins have mastered English. But we stick to our mother tongue.

Question IV: Babasaheb said Untouchables are not Hindu and were never Hindu. We are only called Hindu. But go to Tirupati temple, most of the fellows who go and get their hair shaved are Dalits.

Did you convert to any other religion or at least to Budhism?

Question No. V: The holiest place for Budhists is Bodh Gaya but it is under Brahmin control. A Japanese Budhist, Surei Sasai, based in Nagpur has been for years launching an agitation liberate Budha Gaya. But why the Dalits of even Bihar did not support him?


Assam body to counter Dalit Voice


Most of the Scheduled Castes and the OBCs do not even know how they became ignorant and who made them ignorant. If you come to North-East and hold seminars in the state capitals of all the North-Eastern states, you will be able to make them aware of the points of their ignorance. To destroy the awareness campaign launched by Dalit Voice and you, a Dalit association was formed in Guwahati. SC/ST people, Muslims and even Brahmins joined it as office-bearers. They held one meting at the Press Club at Ambari, Guwahati. They redefined "Dalits" meaning all the poor people of all communities. They have taken "economic condition" as the criteria for identifying a Dalit.

We are so happy that the DV influence has reached even remote corners of India. Sharpening of the socio-cultural contradictions will help further the goals of DV — EDITOR.


Saudi Arabia's support to Israel


Bangalore: In the June 1, 2010 DV p.24: "Jewish roots of Saudi family", we published a report that rulers of Saudi Arabia — considered the holiest land for Muslims world-wide — had Jewish origin.

The TOI, India's premier Brahminical daily (June 13, 2010) published a report quoting the London Times that the Saudi rulers have agreed to help the zionist Israel to attack Islamic Iran which has emerged as the world's most revolutionary Islamic country. Barring Saudi Arabia all the Muslim countries of the world are supporting Iran in its fight against zionism.

World War-III: Saudi Arabia claims it is the custodian of everything that is Islamic just because Mecca and Madina are on its soil. But despite this claims and also being a Sunni country, it is not able to get support even from other Sunnis.

The zionist Israel is fully supported by the Brahminical rulers of India. The Jews and the "Jews of India" have a stranglehold on the Obama administration. But will the US which is fast collapsing — (DV June 16, 2010: "Big news — fall of America from super power status is speeded up as China rises") — have the courage to provoke a World War-III if Israel attacks Iran?

Miracles of money-driven society: But the "Jews of India" are not bothered about the consequences of another World War or the defeat of US. Their primary interest is world domination. They are furious with the Western Christian rulers and also India's over 85% indigenous Bahujan population who are coming in the way of their world domination.

The "Jews of India" have already killed the "soul" of India. Only the body (or the skeleton) remains. They want to destroy even the residue.

Before provoking the World War-III the Jews want to financially cripple the West. India is already crippled. To a great extent they have succeeded in bending the Christian rulers. The "money-driven society", which the Jews launched, has taken hold of India with the help of the "Jews of India".Some DV family members are saying why DV should bother about Jews, China and all that is going on outside India.

This report gives the answer to our Dalit brothers.

DV's discovery: DV is the first in India to expose the closely guarded secret link between the Jews and "Jews of India". A noted Dalit intellectual who had the capacity and the depth of knowledge, Maj. Siddhart Barve of Bombay BAMCEF unit was the first to congratulate us. Read what he says:

DV was India's first to disclose secret of Jews

Closure of DV is going to be the most unfortunate thing in this decade — at least for me.

Only now I have started my kindergarten in the study of zionist Jews and its effect not only on the Mulnivasis of India but of the world. But if my school (Dalit Voice) itself is demolished (closed), I will be forced to be the most illiterate, ill-informed person and this is going to be the biggest victory for the international and Indian zionist Jews. I am very optimistic and a firm believer in you. You will prove this as bad dream not going to be true.

DV has increased not only our appetite inside India but the people of the world as a whole. You cannot starve them now, you will have to feed them with more and more information which will culminate into a mass revolution.

We want more and more DV to be published not merely as a fortnightly but a daily.

DV family members must note that coming days will become hot, hotter and hottest as the contradictions get sharpened. The most interesting things are yet to come. The happiest of the news will be the final verdict on the two world famous tyrants: the Jews and the "Jews of India" on which we are preparing a major book itself.

When 2 top Brahmins spoke the truth


Bangalore: The problem with DV is it walks too fast, thinks well in advance of the rest. It is this ability that made DV predict that Hindu India's free fall has begun. The collapse is all-round. Nothing can stop this crisis after crisis. Here is a proof of perfection of our predictions.

Collapse of education system

Bangalore: "We are producing sub-standard doctors, engineers, lawyers and other professionals. There is not a single educational institution in India that is par-excellence. The chairman of Medical Council of India (MCI) is in jail. I got to know the condition of some medical colleges. The lesser that is said, the better", said Karnataka Governor H.R. Bharadwaj. (Times of India, June 26, 2010).

Brahmin speaks Truth

The education sector lays the foundation for a society's forward march.

Governor H.R. Bharadwaj is a former Union Law Minister and top Brahmin of the country. A great quality of the Brahmin is they never criticise themselves, particularly the education system which is their 100% monopoly.

But Bharadwaj says India's entire education system has collapsed. There is no village in India with a functioning primary school. The ruling class (read Brahminists) want to keep the Bahujans (SC/ST/BCs and Muslims etc.) totally illiterate. Bharadwaj knows all this but in a state of excitement at a Bangalore function truth burst out of his mouth unconsciously.

Iyer reveals where money is going

There is yet another Brahmin (a Tamil Nadu Iyer), an ex-Union Minister who was a former diplomat who also spoke the truth which will not be liked by his jatwalas:

Bangalore: The UN human development index for India was 134 in 1984 and it remained at 134 even in 2007, despite so much of being spent on development, said Mani Shankar Iyer, former Union minister for Panchayat Raj.

The centre spent a nominal Rs. 7,500 crore on the social sector and the poor in 1984, but by 2007, it went up to Rs. 1,20,000 crore though the human development index remained the same.

We are now among the top four nations having dollar-billionaires and dollar-millionaires now.

But there are nearly 836 million people who are earning Rs. 20 per day, which is lower than the NREGA pay scale. There has been a regression in terms of panchayat raj which was supposed to take us to development.

Quoting late PM Rajiv Gandhi who once said that "out of Re.1, only 15 paise reaches the poor and the rest is lost in corruption", Aiyar said: "It has actually been misinterpreted. What he actually said was that 85 paise goes to administration costs".


A rough estimate shows that Rs. 30,000 crore is being spent for the Commonwealth Games, for sheer entertainment of the middle class (read upper castes — Editor). However, there is a furore when there is a Rs. 70,000 waiver for farmers and the poor, he said.

Now with nearly 47% of the children suffering from malnutrition and 9 in 10 mothers being anaemic, the chances of children becoming athletes are very slim", he said. (TOI June 29, 2010).

Both are TOI reports by the country's topmost Brahminical daily and reports quoted above are speeches made by two Brahmin leaders of India. The impression given to public is that Brahmin alone speaks truth and nothing but truth.

But the above two truths will not shock the Brahmins because they have already become the unquestioned leaders with one leg in America supported by their Jewish cousins.

DV has said all this over 10 years ago.


Brahma's sex with daughter, animals

(3) As Brahma left the place after the marriage, he once again secreted the semen and dropped it on the ashes of a graveyard. Here also a Rakshasa named Pooricharavanan was born.

(4) After this Brahma collected the bones in the burial ground and once again secreted the semen and dropped it on the heap of the bones. Instantly a brave and strong man called Salliyan was born.

(5) As he left the graveyard small quantity of semen was secreted and it dropped on the ground. A bird came there and consumed the semen of Brahma. The bird became pregnant and gave birth to a man called Sakuni.

(6) Then god Brahma went to a tank. He dropped a little of his semen there. A frog came and swallowed the semen of Brahma and the frog gave birth to a female child called Mandothari.

(7) At last Brahma dropped the last remnants of his semen in a lotus flower in a tank. The lotus flower became pregnant and gave birth to a female child called Padma?

(8) On seeing his daughter Padma, Brahma was very much moved. He looked at the beauty of his daughter. He wooed his daughter and wanted to have intercourse. How could a daughter give consent to one's own father? Padma refused. Brahma did not give up his desire. He began to quote the Vedas to his daughter to make her realise that there is nothing wrong in enjoying with anyone, anytime, anywhere for the sake of giving birth to a child:

Mathara Mupathya, susara mupaithe, Puthrartheetha

Sagamarthi, Napathra loka, nasthee thath.

Saravam paravo vindu ha, dasmath Puthrar tham

Matharam suransathee Rahathee.

This is the Sanskrit sloka Brahma quoted to his daughter. He explained to his daughter, that for the sake of a child one can enjoy with one's own sister or daughter, as per the authority of the sacred Vedas composed by Brahmin scholar.

(9) Brahma managed to convince his daughter with the help of the Veda and enjoyed her. Brahma's semen entered the womb of his daughter. But somehow, for reasons not known he extracted his semen from the womb of his daughter, with the help of his own penis.

(10) This behaviour of god Brahma and his lustful actions reached the king of Devas - Devendra. He deputed Thilothama, a dancing girl of devalokam to dance. She danced in all the four directions and up above in the sky. By this Brahma got five heads. He was much enamoured of the beauty of Thilothama. Brahma followed Thilothama for her love. God Eswara personally saw the madness of Brahma. So he cut away one of the heads of Brahma.

(11) Then Brahma began to roam about in the forests. He happened to see a female bear in a bush. Brahma would not leave it. He went straight to the bush. The female bear yielded to Brahma. God Brahma enjoyed with the bear and a human being with the head of a bear was born. He is called Jambu Vandan, the son of Brahma.

(12) Then Brahma met Urvasi, a prostitute. He was much moved for her beauty. He wooed her and made an agreement. Accordingly after enjoying her, he left the semen extracted from the womb of his daughter Padma and left in the womb of Urvasi. The child born was named Vasistan. After performing all these increditable acts, god Brahma transferred his powers to Vasistan and went away to perform penance.

The origin and birth of munivars and rishis who created Vedas and sastras

The birth of these Rishis is against the laws of nature, absurd and vulgar. I give few examples:

Rishis Born to
1. Kalaikottur Rishi Deer
2. Kousik Kusam
3. Jambukar Jackal
4. Gouthamar Bull
5. Valmiki Hunter
6. Agasthiar Vessel
7. Vyasar Fisher woman

(To be continued)

Serpent - Mongoose Blood Feud


A case study (712-1947) of centuries-old animosity that
culminated in partition of India

Dr. Sarfaraz Hussain Mirza
Eminent Muslim scholar of Lahore

Foreword: Majid Nizami, Chairman,

Nazaria-i-Pakistan Trust, Lahore

2009 pp.200 Rs. 200

Photocopy available with DV. Send Rs. 125

The book was presented to the Editor of DV at a reception to the Dalit delegation from India on May 26, 2010.

Muslims of the undivided India became the worst victims of Brahminism because Islam posed an all-round threat to its exploitative tenets. To escape from the horrors of Brahminism, Muslims ultimately sought partition (1947).

Bengal had the largest concentration of Muslims and that is how the Brahminical terrorist party took its birth in Bengal to prevent the large-scale conversion of Dalits into Islam. Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan of Aligarh was the first most famous Muslim to unite the community against Brahminism. Tilak, a Chitpavan Brahmin from Pune, became the father of the anti-Muslim war and violence by staging Ganapati festival. The first riot took place in Bombay in 1893.

Dalits preferred Islam: A Bengali Brahmin, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, wrote the Anand Math, inciting "Hindus" to kill Muslims and also composed the notorious anti-Muslim song, Vande Mataram. When the persecuted Muslims, unable to bear Brahminical violence, appealed to the then British rulers they partitioned Bengal creating a Muslim-majority district (1905) against which the Brahminists launched a violent agitation. The Congress Party virtually became a Brahminist weapon. Tagore led the struggle against the partition of Bengal. The British were then forced to annul the partition.

It is this unending Brahminical hatred of Muslims that forced them to seek a separate country.

M.K. Gandhi, as Hindu leader, was the no.1 conspirator to drive Muslims out of India. Arya Samaj, became a violent movement to fight Muslims.

The author says the principal grouse of the Brahminists was that the Untouchables of India preferred conversion to Islam by which they ceased to be Untouchable. It is the wholesale conversion of Dalits that upset the Brahminists because that decreased the "Hindu population". To fight such conversions they started the RSS.

All the top Brahmins like Tilak, Gokhale, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, M.M. Malaviya, Lala Lajpat Rai, Surendranath Banerji called upon the "Hindus" to arm themselves to fight and kill Muslims. This led to widespread anti-Muslim riots in many parts of India with hundreds killed. It was at this juncture the beleaguered Muslims launched the Muslim League headed by Jinnah to assert the rights of Muslims who then formed 1/5 of India. Arya Samaj was in the forefront of fomenting anti-Muslim riots. The Moplah rebellion of Kerala (1921) was a major event of all-India importance. Gandhi played an important role in provoking Hindus.

Such an all-round prejudice and reckless physical violence naturally forced Muslims to seek a separate homeland (Pakistan) for Muslims. Allama Iqbal, the eminent poet, made this proposal in his 1930 presidential speech at the Allahabad Muslim League conference.

Pendrel Moon, a noted British author of the book, Divide & Quit, said:

"The Hindus say Muslims were brothers but would in fact treat them as less than step-brothers".

Abul Kalam Azad, a Brahminical stooge, was the only one who went with Gandhi.

Top secret of Muslims

What is the cause of Muslim suffering? What made them to seek partition?
Why, despite their enormous population strength,
they continue to be killed?

The expert diagnoses India's centuries-long Muslim problem



V.T. Rajshekar

2010 pp.20 Rs. 10

Write to Dalit Voice office.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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