Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 31 July - Can Another Green Revolution Save Us?

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 12:28 AM
Subject: CC Issue 31 July - Can Another Green Revolution Save Us?

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Peak Food: Can Another Green Revolution Save Us?
By Nicholas C. Arguimbau

The Green Revolution was a one shot deal, because we cannot again double irrigate acreage or multipy use of chemical fertilizers by five; and because the Green Revolution was a program of the oil age, which is fast departing. Modest crop-yield increases may keep up with population growth for a while, but all indications are that the prices of what food there is will rapidly climb above the budgets of billions of us

World Oil Reserves At Tipping Point

World oil reserves at tipping point warns Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious 'Insurance' File
By Kim Zetter

In the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks' recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious encrypted file labeled "insurance." The huge file, posted on the Afghan War page at the WikiLeaks site, is 1.4 GB and is encrypted with AES256. The file's size dwarfs the size of all the other files on the page combined. The file has also been posted on a torrent download site

The Heroism Of PFC Bradley Manning
By Evan Knappenberger

As far as the courageous PFC Manning goes, he is my new military intelligence hero. Thanks, Brad. And shame on you, media, for being out-reported by a twenty-two year-old kid with a laptop. But most of all, shame on you, US Army, for forcing a kid to be the one to finally expose the truth about your costly and deadly wars

Bradley Manning 'On Suicide Watch'
By Jason Ditz

Having been held in Kuwait since his arrest on allegations of mishandling classified data, Pfc. Bradley Manning was returned to the United States today, and placed in a Marine Corps Brig in Quantico, Virginia. He is now said to be "on suicide watch."

The Hidden Face Of Sanctions
By Dr. Alan Sabrosky

The real purpose of sanctions is not to affect the policies of the Iranian government, because nothing it does will affect the sanctions. It is to prepare the US public for an attack against Iran, almost certainly in conjunction with Israel, to destroy Israel's last remaining competitor in the region and to provide a cover for Israel's expulsion of the Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, into Jordan and the Sinai respectively

At Last, A Human Right To Water
By Daniel Moss

Good news for thirsty people around the globe: The UN affirms the right to safe and clean drinking water

Don't Blame Pakistan For The Failure Of The War
By Imran Khan

Political leaders in the US and UK should realize that people in the streets of New York and London are not threatened by the people in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan but by the growing radicalization of their own marginalised Muslim youth

Deaths In Renewed Kashmir Violence
By Aljazeera

A teenage boy and a protester have been killed in clashes in Indian Kashmir, bringing to six the number of people shot dead by security forces in two days

Kashmir: Our Human Rights Concern
By Naveed Qazi

People have been struggling for truth and justice since late 1980's. A long lasting peace perhaps would be the biggest tribute to families who have been victimized through violence. People should build intense pressure for action to raise the cost of human rights abuse

Paul McCartney Sang Nicely At The White House.
John Lennon Wouldn't Have
By Jay Janson

Millions of Americans watched the PBS telecast of a gala performance of Paul McCartney and others stars at the White House. Aging Beatle Paul McCartney was in fine voice. If John Lennon were alive, he would have been singing at some demonstration protesting the slaughter in five Muslim nations

Book By An Innocent Victim Suggests
Torture By U.S Was Widespread
By Sherwood Ross

Although U.S. officials have attributed the torture of Muslim prisoners in their custody to a handful of maverick guards, in fact such criminal acts were widely perpetrated and systemic, likely involving large numbers of military personnel, a book by a survivor suggests

Why Muslims Should Rethink Palestine
By Ramzy Baroud

Muslims must stand, hand in hand, with people from all different backgrounds, not as exclusive owners of the Palestinian struggle, but as proud contributors to a global movement that wishes to ensure that justice is served, rights are attained and peace for all is realized

Occupied Palestine: Home Demolitions, Dispossessions And Residency Rights Revoked
By Stephen Lendman

Daily, Israeli oppression continues - demolishing homes, dispossessing occupants, and revoking residency rights, three of its many crimes under international law, Israel spurning it with impunity

Endless Cry In The Red Corridor
By Gladson Dungdung

After the arrival of the Monsoon, the city dwellers are enjoying the cool weather. The farmers are busily preparing their paddy fields. However, the atmosphere in the red corridor is more or less the same, a mood of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, pain and shock prevails in the region

Radicalization Of Indian Muslim Youth
A Dangerous Portent
By Syed Ali Mujtaba

There are two very disturbing news coming out of India, both from the Marxist bastion of the country. One from Kerala, the other from West Bengal, both points towards the fact of the growing radicalization of Muslim youth, particularly those enrolled in the academic institutions in the country

Narendra Modi And The Last Ditch Battle
Over Constitutional Democracy
By Mustafa Khan

The taluka panchayat and municipal polls in Gujarat will see Hindutva politics at its zenith. The chief minister Narendra Modi has carefully but brazenly articulated what is not just communal but also thwarting to the constitution

Is Justice K.G. Balakrishnan Holding
A Devil's Brief, Asks ALRC

Justice Balakrishnan owes an apology to the country. His statement condoning extrajudicial execution negates the premises of the constitution that he has sworn allegiance to protect and fulfil. Through the statement he has proved that his legal intellect is unfit of leading a national institution that is mandated to protect, promote and fulfil human rights

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Palash Biswas
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