Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 24 August - Nuclear Winter

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 2:10 AM
Subject: CC Issue 24 August - Nuclear Winter

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

US Drone Strike Destroys House Full Of Children In Pakistan
By Jason Ditz

The Obama Administration's policy of escalating drone strikes took another hit today, after the explosion from a drone attack against the house of "suspected militants" in North Waziristan also destroyed a neighboring house full of women and children. The combined toll from the blast was 20 people killed, with at least four women and three children among the slain. At least 13 other civilians were also reported wounded, including a number of other children

Nuclear Winter
By Fidel Castro

One can imagine my surprise when I learned that a nuclear world war was not needed for our species to disappear. It would be enough to have a nuclear conflict between two of the weaker nuclear powers, such as India and Pakistan –who nevertheless have between the two of them much more than 100 weapons of this kind – and the human race would disappear

Nuclear Liability Bill Must Cover
Nuclear Submarine Too
By Dr.A.Gopalakrishnan

There should be absolutely no question of excluding nuclear submarine reactors from the purview of the nuclear liability Bill. To ensure the rights for justice and suitable compensation for the potential Indian victims who could suffer from an accident in such a reactor, legal protection under the liability Bill has to be provided to them by Parliament

Two Minutes To Midnight?: Cutting Through
The Media's Bogus Bomb-Iran Debate
By Tony Karon

America's march to a disastrous war in Iraq began in the media, where an unprovoked U.S. invasion of an Arab country was introduced as a legitimate policy option, then debated as a prudent and necessary one. Now, a similarly flawed media conversation on Iran is gaining momentum

Why The Wars Can't Be Won
By Prof. John Kozy

The Vietnamese never broke. Now again Americans are foolishly assuming that the peoples of the Middle East will change their attitudes if enough force is imposed for a long enough time and enough promises of a better future are made. History belies this assumption

Iraq Pullout: Mission Accomplished
Or Strategic Retreat?
By Stephen Lendman

Echoed by shameless major media trumpeting, Obama's bravado is brazenly bogus, the staged-managed Iraq pullout more retreat than success

Awakening The Global Slave
By Bill Noxid

It's Time for Americans to stop making false proclamations about this Country that only demonstrate their ignorance and unwillingness to face what happened yesterday, much less the historical truth of the United States. Since the brief shift of direction toward exposing truth during the end of the Bush era and 2008 Presidential campaign, this country has wildly – even spastically – swung back in the direction of madness and deception, and it is certainly no mystery why

Israelis Risk Jail To Smuggle Palestinians
By Jonathan Cook

Nearly 600 Israelis have signed up for a campaign of civil disobedience, vowing to risk jail to smuggle Palestinian women and children into Israel for a brief taste of life outside the occupied West Bank

Obama's "Mongrel" Statement: A Manifestation Of
Strategy And Indifference
By Frederick Alexander Meade

In addressing the issue of race, Obama has seemingly chosen to take the path of least resistance. The President has elected to engage in a veiled form of gamesmanship in attempt to contend with an American public still unable to emotionally grapple with this often explosively polarizing topic. Obama's political maneuvers have unfortunately now come at the expense of the African-American community

Australia: Labor And Liberal Vie
To Form Minority Government
By Patrick O'Connor

Negotiations have begun between the independent and Greens parliamentarians, and Labor Prime Minister Julia Gillard and opposition leader Tony Abbott, for the formation of a minority government. Neither the Labor Party nor the Liberal-National coalition was able to win a majority of seats in parliament, reflecting deep hostility among voters towards both major parties

Major Elephant In The Room Issues
Ignored In Australian Elections
By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia is the world's worst per capita greenhouse gas polluter and has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars (excess deaths 23 million). Yet major Elephant in the Room issues such as war, climate change and human rights abuse were off the agenda in the recent spin-driven Australian federal election campaign that returned a hung parliament for the first time in 70 years

Scientist Accuses Obama Administration
And BP Of Underestimating Amount of
Oil Left In Gulf of Mexico
By Ian MacDonald

New evidence has badly shaken the Obama administration's rosy narrative about the alleged disappearance of most of the oil that gushed into the Gulf of Mexico from BP's blown-out well. Early this month a report by government scientists declared that three-quarters of the oil had vanished, either collected or dispersed. But numerous reports contradict the administration's sanguine picture of the cleanup effort

A Crisis Of Democracy: Real Solutions
To The BP Oil Spill
By Brooke Jarvis

For Gulf residents, the BP oil spill has made the problem of unchecked corporate power painfully clear. Exxon Valdez survivor Riki Ott on why this may be the moment to overcome our political divides and take back our democracy

Major Reports Point To Oil Supply Turmoil
And Price Volatility
By Matthew Wild

Major energy reports published this year are pointing to a significant rise in the price of oil due to supply constraints sometime over the next three years – the only disagreement is how soon

Community Economic Laboratories (CELs)
By Richard Heinberg

As America adjusts to the New Reality of tight credit, chronically less-affordable energy, high unemployment rates, rising levels of homelessness, and steeply declining tax revenues, new strategies will be needed to help swelling ranks of low-income people adjust and adapt.One strategy worth exploring is the seeding of a loosely coordinated national network of locally-based Community Economic Laboratories (CELs)

An Open Letter To Israel
By Lauren Booth, UK

By the way there are an estimated 400 laptops, 600 mobile phones plus other personal cash and effects, which your military still has not returned to the passengers of the aid flotilla. You see, when then they set sail. For some reason, those good people, didn't think the IDF would steal from them

VIDEO: "The Nakba of Palestine"
By Ilan Pappe

Historian Dr Ilan Pappe of Exeter University discusses the people and ideology behind the crimes of the war of 1948, which he describes as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. This speech was given at the Al-Awda Convention in 2008

Faking An Ecounter: Killing The Peace Process
By Coordination Of Democratic Rights Organizations

Preliminary Report of the All India Fact Finding Team on the Killing of Azad and H. C Pandey. Released to the media at Hyderabad on 22 August, 2010

On The Support To Mamata Banerjee -
An Open Letter To Intellectuals
By Sumanta Banerjee

An open letter to Mahashweta Debi, D. Bandyopadhyay, Suvaprasanna, Sujato Bhadra and other friends…

Notes From Besieged Gaza
By Stephen Lendman

On June 17, Israel's Cabinet issued a six point plan, agreeing to ease access for civilian goods entering Gaza without loosening inflexible security measures to restrict them. So what's changed? Not much. Increased truck traffic has been modest at best. The consumer ban was partially lifted, permitting previously prohibited items like ketchup, chocolate and children's toys

Palestine's Students Excel In New Maths Program
By Eva Bartlett

The Al Zahara private school in central Gaza is the first to incorporate a specialised programme for mental development based on math computations

Unjust America: Metering The Casualties
By Robert S. Becker

As rightwing distemper feeds the frenzied run-up to the midterms, 'refudiating' today's mounting degrees of American injustice is nearly impossible. Not that all injustice accrues to GOP reactionaries, only most, and certainly the most extreme wedge issues: Islamophobia, racism, nativism (especially towards Latin guest workers), threats to amend Constitutional mandates, militarized religious crusades, and the successful defamation of our Christian, American, pro-corporate president as "foreign other."

Too Much Of A Good Thing: A Warped History
By Ivan Hentschel

When any "entity" becomes "too much of a good thing", it becomes a bad thing. Like too much ice cream, too many French fries, too many martinis, too many sectarian branches of one idea claiming to be the one true way. And intermixing religion and politics, is simply a bad move

NORAD-Russian Joint Air Drill, Bomber Incursions
And Canada's F-35 Jet Purchase
By Dana Gabriel

Whether or not the majority of Canadians support the government's decision to purchase the new F-35 jets, it does represent a continued commitment to NATO and NORAD. It is also closely tied to deeper U.S.-Canada military integration and a North American security perimeter

Maulana Azad As A Role Model For
Contemporary Muslims
By Muqtedar Khan

Muslims who live as minorities need leaders like Azad who emphasize respect for pluralism, believe in democracy and eschew mental and social ghettoes

Karachi Faces Economic Losses
By Zia Ur Rehman

The wave of political violence and targeted killings in Karachi have crippled business and inflicted economic hardship on the city's residents

Why Be So Selective About Using CBI
By Mustafa Khan

In the case of Amit Shah the agency collected mountains of documents and was zeroing in on Narendra Modi but then came the nuclear liability bill. For the sake of getting it through the parliament the government made a quid pro quo deal with BJP. We are in for another Rip Van Winkle sleep!

UID Meeting In Delhi On 25th August

This meeting is organised to discuss UID's lack of a feasibility study, huge cost, legality and real danger of abuse. Hence, we invite you to come for a public discussion where people from many diverse groups will express their viewpoints on the subject on - 25th August 2010 from 10.00 am to 6.00 p.m. at the Constitution Club Auditorium, Rafi Marg, New Delhi

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Palash Biswas
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