Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 23 August - No Heroes In Illegal And Immoral Wars

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 11:00 PM
Subject: CC Issue 23 August - No Heroes In Illegal And Immoral Wars

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Indian Cabinet Protects Foreign Nuclear Suppliers
By A Gopalakrishnan

True to his credentials as an obsessively US-friendly Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh presided over his Cabinet on August 20 and approved the final draft of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010, with substantial modifications and additions to allow the US nuclear reactor suppliers a liability-free regime for their Indian sales and operations

A Prelude To The Balkanization Of America
By Morgana d'Wessington

When I was a child in America, every day in school we had to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. You know how it goes: remember that it ends with "..with Liberty and Justice for All"? There was no qualification of who "all" was. The deep division in NY over the Park51/Mosque two blocks from Ground Zero make those words ring very hollow. Some would say that words are just words, they mean nothing in reality

There Are No Heroes In Illegal And Immoral Wars
By Robert Jensen

When the 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division rolled out of Iraq last week, the colonel commanding the brigade told a reporter that his soldiers were "leaving as heroes." While we can understand the pride of professional soldiers and the emotion behind that statement, it's time for Americans -- military and civilian -- to face a difficult reality: In seven years of the deceptively named "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and nine years of "Operation Enduring Freedom" in Afghanistan, no member of the U.S. has been a hero

Washington Orders Shahbaz Airbase Saved,
Not Pakistan's Flood Victims
By Stephen Lendman

Reports say that "the US Air Force has denied the relief agencies use of the Shahbaz Airbase (it controls) for the distribution of aid and assistance. Soldiers of the Pakistan army, a federal minister and the administration of Sindh province are blamed for the incident involving Shahbaz Airbase at Jacobabad district" where flood waters were diverted to save the base

Bias And Falsities In Reportage Of
Mavi Marmara Killings
By Mairead Maguire

Open Letter to the Panorama BBC Team from Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire

Islamophobia Is On The Rise In The USA
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

Unfortunately, xenophobia sells, as it did in places like Nazi Germany some eighty years ago. With a deflationary economy that has yet to show a recovery sign from the almost-trillion dollar stimulus package and unending wars in Iraq and Af-Pak territories it is not difficult to fathom why the fascist elements within the American society are selling this poison pill of Islamophobia

Energy Sacrifice Zones
By Rand Clifford

The concept is an old one. The amount of human blood spilled over control of fossil energy deposits and associated transfer routes, in the 20th Century alone, probably rivals the amount of oil BP's Macondo well has unleashed in the Gulf of Mexico so far. But in the 21st Century the concept has gained a popular name, and really hit its stride—all the way to perhaps relegating the entire life-support system of Earth as an energy sacrifice zone

Political Killings In Colombia
By Stephen Lendman

Colombia, America's closest South American ally, is a corrupted narco-state, a repressive death squad faux democracy, threatening regional neighbors, and reigning terror against trade unionists, human rights workers, campesinos, pro-democracy organizations, independent journalists, and legitimate resistance groups like the FARC-EP

Targeted Karachi Killings Lead To
Calls To Disarm City
By Zia Ur Rehman

Worried about increases in targeted killings political observers are demanding that the government de-weaponise the city and divert funds into economic policies, such as reducing poverty and increasing job opportunities, to curb the violence

Kashmir: An Epitome Of Struggle
By Naveed Qazi

Those who are trying to confuse the issue at this juncture, and are trying to deprive the genuine Kashmiri struggle of internal and external support by projecting it as religious and extremist, are not friends of the people. And if we want to improve the situation in Kashmir and build a society that believes in pluralism and have peace and harmony, then we have to stand together and fight these elements and encourage discourses

Kashmir: The Story Now...
By Shoaib Rafiq

How difficult it's to live at a place where life is no more sacred. It's not to be lived. Putting my ear to the conversation of a bunch of kids in the local mosque today, I heard them discussing palmistry. During the sermon for righteousness, martyrdom, etc. of the imam – they were trying to stretch their life lines. Just to outgrow their age. Their peers and mentors are dead, of aged 8 and 9. One killed by a bullet in the head and other thrashed to death. Dead

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Palash Biswas
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