Friday, July 2, 2010



Steve Amsel, Desertpeace

May 17, 2010

Yesterday a post appeared on this Blog dealing with Noam Chomsky being denied entry to Israel. In the report, Chomsky is referred to as a 'Left wing American Jewish Intellectual'.

In his own words, he admits that his barred entrance has nothing to do with positions he might hold about Israel. Take notice that he does not mention the FACT that Israel is in violation of International Law by determining who can or cannot enter the Palestinian Territories. This also indicates that the Occupied West Bank is under siege, not only the Gaza Strip.

Left  wingers do not oppose a boycott and divestment from Israel…. neither do they hold the views expressed by Chomsky in the following…

Audio: Challenging Noam Chomsky's opposition to boycotting Israel (Ali Abunimah & Jeff Blankfort)

Why does Noam Chomsky oppose boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, and why does he think Palestinians should not talk about justice and redress for their ethnic cleansing from their homeland in 1948? Why does Chomsky dismiss any talk about the influence of the Israel lobby? His pathetic views on the Lobby can be seen in THIS video.

Click here to download the download the Abunimah and Blankfort response

or listen to it at Ali Abunimah's Blog

Israel could have welcomed Chomsky with open arms. His non participation in the Movement is exactly the type of 'left winger' Israel loves.

Universities in the Palestinian Territories have scores of professors to chose from that hold views in support of their cause. Chomsky is definitely not one of them.

Just my two cents…..

The following is a post from the archives, it states pretty clearly my personal opinion of the man.


"It is wise to attend to deeds, not rhetoric" – Chomsky …… it would be wise if he made this his mantra.

At one time I was impressed every time Noam Chomsky spoke. Seeing his name on lists endorsing political actions was most encouraging…. but NOT seeing him participate in those actions sort of put a damper on the situation.

In recent days he has been very vocal about the situation in Gaza. He speaks of International Solidarity as a new phenomena in People's Struggles. Did he never hear of the International Brigades that went to Spain to fight Franco? Did he not hear of the worldwide movement to eliminate apartheid in South Africa? Does he think Cuba could have survived as a free nation all these years without the support of International Support Groups?

Chomsky overlooks the movements of Palestinians within Gaza and the Occupied West Bank. He gives the impression that without his endorsements, nothing will change. So typical of so many 'ivory tower' dwellers. The problem with these people is that their views of reality are often obstructed and they never really see the entire picture of a situation.

The struggle of the Gazans, and all other struggles of people throughout the world need more than endorsements. They need action, they need your 'body on line'. People often ask me to define the word zionist….. I often say that a zionist is a person, not living in Israel, that writes a TAX DEDUCTIBLE check to the Jewish National Fund every year. Perhaps that definition oversimplifies such a vile movement, but even there you see a large 'movement' of talkers, not doers.

We in the People's Movements cannot afford talk…. to quote from Chomsky himself, "It is wise to attend to deeds, not rhetoric".
You can read about the Free Gaza Movement HERE. See where you can fit in…. we need YOU, not your endorsement.

The following is a recent interview with Noam Chomsky, the interview that soured me as far as he is concerned….. I usually refrain from this type of post, but the dilettantes of the 'left' are really getting to me.

Amira Hass writes in HaAretz today about this situation. Her positions are more sympathetic to the man than mine are, but worth reading just the same.

:: Article nr. 66080 sent on 18-may-2010 02:20 ECT


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