Saturday, July 31, 2010

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Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:09 PM
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To: Palash Biswas <>

Common Man
Common ManJuly 31, 2010 at 1:56pm
Subject: Common man empowered, fights for rights;

The woes of the common man are most effectively depicted in the character created by R K Laxman as a kind gentleman surviving amidst corrupt politicians and greedy bureaucrats, resigned to his fate, yet symbolising the hopes and aspirations of millions of people.
In Laxmans's words: "After being continuously cheated by the leaders, the populace has become paralysed – it has accepted docility as a survival strategy. Can the entire 950 million people revolt?" The question is, can they?
For the past 15 years Sanjaykumar Pande, a resident of Rakhial in Ahmedabad, was forced to live with drinking water shortages, bad roads and a non-existent drainage in his area. After being a silent witness for long, he decided to act. He filed a Right to Information (RTI) application regarding the state of basic civic amenities in his municipal ward. His application, however, was rejected by the authority concerned.
Sanjay decided to appeal in the State Information Commission. Although there were 3,500 appeals pending at that time, it did not deter him and he patiently waited for his turn, which came after one and half years.
During the appeal proceedings, he was called six times and the authorities did not have replies to his questions.
The commission, taking cognisance of the fact that larger public interest would be served, ordered that not only the requisite information be given but ensured that all information regarding proposed development in the ward be disseminated.
This led to the civic authorities making a provision of Rs 7 crore in the budget for further development in the ward. Within a year, 60 per cent of the development work was over.
Now, if there is any problems in his ward, all he has to do is call and the work gets done. There is no need to file an RTI application too. Sanjay proudly says he is a social worker.
He works as a security guard at night and in the day, takes up civic issues and guides others on the RTI Act.
Isn't this the kind of common man one would want in our country? A common man who he is empowered and has a say in the development of the nation. With the RTI Act, 2005, the entire nation has been empowered. Citizens just have to raise their hands and ask questions for answers they rightfully deserve to get.
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Palash Biswas
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