Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Please send suggestions for a friend with terminal liver and colon cancer!

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From: Grannie <>
Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 5:22 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Please send suggestions for a friend with terminal liver and colon cancer!

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Subject: [Health_and_Healing] Re: Please send suggestions for a friend with terminal liver ad colon cancer!
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 12:36:44 -0400
From: Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. <>

Dr. Coldwell, I have the cure for hepatitis which  is used for many things.  When my friend was in  the hospital and her physician said her liver cut  off, and she wouldn't live past the weekend, she  called me hysterical.  I told her the ingredients  in this cure for hepatitis would improve the  liver.  She used it and her physician was shocked  to find 25% liver improvement the following  week.  Actually she lived for another year and a  half.  She had a serious heart condition  (rheumatic heart disease) and that is what killed  her almost two years later.  But her liver was  fine.  I'm adding it now to the chapter in the  book.  It is often used to keep a liver patient  alive until they can get a transplant.   It may  make the chapter too long but you can delete  anything you want. I'm not adding the cure for  cancer, rather refer people to the book The Only Answer to Cancer.  All my best, Betty At 03:07 AM 6/29/2010, Instinctbased medicine wrote:  >Based on the fact that we receive over 2000  >emails a day we are trying to have any question  >answered within this publication. In the rare  >event that you still have any questions please write again. > >This is the only legal way for Dr Leonard  >Coldwell and his team to answer your question!  >We get over 2000 emails a day please read the  >following information before you ask us any  >specific questions. Most questions will be  >answered by the information below. If you use  >this information it is at your own risk. The  >information herein is for educational, research  >and educational purposes only! No one is taking  >any responsibility for any result, resulting  >from the use of the following information. You  >are an adult   behave that way! Take  >responsibility and charge for over your own  >life. The disclaimer is binding to you if you read any further. > >Disclaimer: Dr Leonard Coldwell is retired and  >does not work in the USA with patients. If you  >have any serious health concerns please consult  >a licensed health care practitioner. The  >following is not health advice or substitute for  >any doctors visit, treatment or diagnosis it is  >only a general information of what advice Dr  >Coldwell gave his patients in similar cases.  >Since every individual case is different you  >need to see an expert for individual advice,  >diagnosis and treatment. Do not apply any of  >this information before you consulted a licensed  >health care practitioner. The following is only  >Dr Coldwell's personal opinion or a summary of  >the historical use of his system directed to his  >patients while he was still working with  >patients in Europe. All health statements made  >are based on freedom of religion and for and  >form the Church Of Inner Healing. Or it is  >advice from licensed MD's that are students of  >Dr Coldwell like Dr Hohn MD NMD or Dr Crone MD  >ND HD. The following information is for  >educational and research purposes only. All  >emails are written under the NAFEORA 199. >Your Instinct Based Medicine Support Team.  ><>  >You can get free individual advice from the  ><>  >from Dr Hohn MD NMD just write to  ><>  >the following information has been authored and  >organized for you by the GOODLIFEFOUNDAITON Dr  >Hohn MD NMD, Dr Crone MD ND HD, Professor  >Wilkening PHD and other members of the IBMS  team. > >The Only Answer to  ..    Dr Coldwell Series > > > >Before you ask specific questions please make  >sure that you have read Dr C s book:  The Only  >Answer to Cancer  and have watched all the  >videos in  The Only Answer to Cancer  series  >available at:  ><>  >or  ><>  > > > > >Read: The Dr Coldwell Report:  ><> > > > >Listen to Dr C s Radio show: The Dr Coldwell  >Report   Radio show:  ><>  > > >Cancer patients please: Listen to Dr Leonard Coldwell s Radio Shows: > >   The Only Answer to Cancer  ,   Instinct Based  > Medicine  and  Stress the Silent Killer   > >Listen live to The Dr Coldwell Report Radio  >every Monday at 1pm ET at:  ><> > > > >Listen to Live Radio Interview Kevin Trudeau and  >Dr Leonard  Coldwell  ><>  > > >Listen to Dr Coldwell on radio  >interviews:  ><>  > > >Dr C Video with Paul Nison the leading expert  >for Raw Food Diet  ><>  >for more videos of this interview please see  ><>  > > >Information about Dr Coldwell s book: Instinct  >Based Medicine  ><>   >How to survive your illness and your doctor on  >Youtube:  ><>  > > >See: > ><>  >  ><> > > > >If you still have specific questions you can ask  >Dr Coldwell and his Team of Licensed IBMS   >Therapists any question you may have simply  >write to:  ><http://mc/compose?>  > > >Please order Dr Coldwell s books: The Only  >Answer to Cancer and other books from  ><> > >Proof of success:  ><> > >Listen to Dr. Rima Reports interviews Dr.  >Leonard Coldwell at <> > >"The Only Answer to Cancer is NOT Chemotherapy" > ><> > > > >Your individual Answer: > > > >Watch: Paul Nison video Interview with Dr C The Only Answer to Cancer > >  ><>  >1 > > 2 > ><>  >3 > >  4 > ><>  >5 > > Paul summery on the videos > ><>  >6 > > 7 > ><>  >8 > >The Proven Cancer Cure: > >The historical IBMS  Cancer protocol used by Dr  >Coldwell successfully  Author Dr Holger Crone MD  >ND HD   who has watched it for over 10 years in  >action: 1st Read Dr Coldwell s Book: The Only  >Answer to Cancer from  ><>  > > >The Patients would go instantly on a diet  >consistent only of food from  ><>  >or after  ><> or  >the Gerson diet. But the most important element  >would be that the patient get the IBMS  Audio CD  >set (The educational self help and stress  >reduction system:  IBMS  Dr Coldwell used for  >his patients is available on CD from  ><> > >or they will probably not able to define or  >eliminate the root cause for their individual  >Cancer or health break down ) The Self Cure  >Educational Training set consists of: The Basic  >stress reduction set plus the Champion pack and  >the individual sessions: Trauma erase, Life Solutions and Pain Relief. > > > >And   all cancer patients, would do the 21 day  >full body and colon cleansing system from  ><> and  >do the specific Cancer Protocol  from  ><> > >( see specific Cancer protocols below) > > > >Every cancer patient would take the metal  >cleanse and use the metal toxification test and  >Hydrosol silver from  ><> . > >Every cancer patient would take vitamin B 17 ( 6  >to 8 kernels of the apricot seed Laetrile ) and  >Essiac Capsules and huge amounts ( 150 000 iU  >)  of vitamin D3- Dr Coldwell believes you  >cannot overdose one vitamin d if it is from that  >following company  and they had to take  >universal greens and cal mag and quint essence  >from  ><>  >for 21 days and eat fresh alive organic salads, vegetables and fruit. > >I would get the books from  ><> and  >I would have as much sun as my skin can handle  >without getting burned. I would buy a juicer the  >cheap Jack Lalane one and have a lot of fresh  >juice most of all a lot of greens. > >I would walk or exercise just a little every  >day. I would eat a vegetarian diet and take  >flora zymes, quint essence, vitamin e and cal  >mag from  ><>  >every day of my life.  In severe cases I would  >add oxygen therapy and or 35% hydrogen peroxide  >therapy ( or the pH primer from  ><>  >)   I would take ( but I don t encourage anyone  >else to do it ) 8 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide  >in 4 ounces of Aloe juice for at least 35 days. > >I you can find a doctor to give you 100 cc of iV  >vitamin C injections 3 times a day that usually  >stops and reverses the tumors the fastest. > >After doing all of this I would know I had done  >everything to address the physical cause of  >health. But I would also know that the main  >cause of Cancer is mental and emotional stress  >and that it is scientifically proven that all  >illness is to 84% based on stress and only 16%  >is based on physical elements. Therefore I would  >know that I have to uncover and eliminate the  >root cause of my personal health challenge to be  >able to get rid of the symptoms and physical  >malfunction I know I would have to  apply  the  >information in Dr Coldwell s Books The Only  >Answer to Cancer and The Only Answer to Stress,  >Anxiety and Depression  and Instinct Based  >Medicine - How to survive your illness and your  >doctor <> > > > >The historical use of the following from  ><> > >( The producing company has no knowledge about  >these suggestions and the suggested use > >They created it as different energy packages. ) > >Melanoma - Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7328 > >Lymphoma - Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7329 > >Sarcoma - Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7330 > >Leukemia - Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7331 > >Colon Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7332 > >Kidney or Bladder Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7333 > >Liver Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7334 > >Lung Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7335 > >Pancreas Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7336 > >Brain Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7337 > >Breast Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7338 > >Prostate Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7339 > >Prostate Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol Item # 7339 > > > >Dr Coldwells secret ( historical use ) protocol  >published by Dr Thommas Hohn MD NMD:  ><> > >3018 > >Saw Palmetto Berries (super fresh) > >3020 > >Yellow Dock (wild) > >4001 > >Chem - TX (chemical detox) > >4003 > >Kelp and Dulse Seaweed Formula > >4004 > >LBT#3 (lower bowel tonic) > >4005 > >Lung Tonic > >4006 > >Lymph-Flo (lymphatic cleanser) > >4007 > >Metal - TX (metal detox) > >4009 > >Tone Her (female herbs) > >4010 > >Innergy (immune response support) > >4011 > >Black Radish and Parsley > >4014 > >Kidney Tonic > >4016 > >Liver Tonic > >4017 > >Brilliance > >4023 > >Sweet Balance > >4050 > >Virility (Libido &amp; Sexual Performance Enhancement) > >4321 > >BePure Cleanse with Exclusive Limited Offer > >5010 > >CoQ10 w/Enzyme-Fulvic Enhancement > >5020 > >Vitamin A (fish oils) > >5030 > >Lecithin Triple Strength > >5034 > >Niacin 100 mg > >5056 > >Vitamin C - Complex with Bioflavanoids > >5060 > >Natural Vitamin D3 - 5000 IU Liquid Gel Caps > >5071 > >Natural Vitamin E 400 I.U. > >6111 > >Quint-Essence Blend,  Whole Food Meal Enhancement Supplement0 > >6129 > >Quint-Essence Powder - 1/2 pound container > >6201 > >LGB-Purity (Liver-Galbladder-Bowel Cleanse) > >6247 > >InflamEX  (Inflammation Management Opti-Blend) > >6255 > >ReFlux-ReForm (Acid Reflux Reformation Blend) > >6300 > >CMO-ReVive Blend (30-day supply) > >6300VP > >CMO-ReVive Value Pack (complete 90-Day regimen) > >6435 > >ParasitEX (Parasite Elimination Opti-Blend) > >6615 > >CandidaEX (The Candida Cleanse That Works ) > >6633 > >HerpEX  ( Herpes Support Formula that Works ) > >6642 > >Finally Slim (Effective Healthy Weight Reduction) > >6804 > >Universal Greens (the pH enhancing Opti-Blend) > >7029 > >Dr Coldwell's Acid-Alkaline Protocol > >7038 > >Acne Protocol > >7066 > >Dr Coldwell's Candida Remediation Protocol > >7083 > >Cellulite Control Protocol > >7101 > >Wellness Maintenance Protocol > >7110 > >Weight Loss Protocol > >7111 > >Athletic Endurance Protocol > >7119 > >Arthritis/Rheumatism Protocol > >7128 > >Liver Cleanse Protocol > >7137 > >IBS/Crohn's/Colitis Protocol > >7146 > >Parasite Elimination  Protocol > >7155 > >Yeast Management Protocol > >7164 > >Herpes Wellness Protocol > >7173 > >Inflammation Protocol > >7182 > >Lupus Protocol > >7191 > >ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Protocol > >7199 > >Adrenal Exhaustion Protocol > >7209 > >Acid Reflux Protocol > >7218 > >Autism Wellness Protocol > >7227 > >Metal Detoxification Protocol > >7272 > >Neuropathy Protocol > >7281 > >Asthma Wellness Protocol > >7290 > >Mineral Deficiency Protocol > >7308 > >Thyroid Wellness Protocol (Hypo) > >7326 > >Calcium Wellness Protocol > >7328 > >Melanoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7329 > >Lymphoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7330 > >Sarcoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7331 > >Leukemia Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7332 > >Colon Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7333 > >Kidney or Bladder Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7334 > >Liver Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7335 > >Lung Carcinoma Nutritional Support Protocol > >7336 > >Pancreas Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7337 > >Brain Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7338 > >Breast Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7339 > >Prostate Carcinoma Nutritional Health Support Protocol > >7344 > >Multiple Sclerosis Protocol > >7355 > >Cysts Protocol > >7362 > >Gout Protocol > >7366 > >Prostate Health Protocol > >7371 > >Eyesight/Macular Degenerative Protocol > >7407 > >Depression and Anxiety Protocol > >7434 > >Migraine Headache Protocol > >7443 > >Menopause Protocol > >7444 > >Libido Protocol > >7452 > >Stress Protocol > >7454 > >ADD and ADHD Management Protocol > >7470 > >PMS Wellness Protocol > >7471 > >Blood Pressure Wellness Protocol > >8131 > >Eleotin (tm) - 1 Month Pack of 3 x 30 Capsules > >8132 > >DiaEZ Plus > >8200 > >Eleotin (tm) DVD \The Truth About Diabetes\"" > >8550 > >EssiaCaps - The Original Formula in Capsules > > > >Here are the supplements that Dr Coldwell used and is using for himself: > >1003 > >Flora-Zymes (Food Enzymes w/Good Flora) > >1005 > >EB-Digestive Aid (High Potency Enzyme) > >1011 > >Bifidophilus (High Potency Pro-Biotics) > >1016 > >Vegetarian HCL > >2000 > >OmegaMins > >2006 > >Micronized Cal/Mag in a 1:1 Ratio > >2008 > >Micronized Mag/Cal in a 7:5 Ratio > >2023 > >Chromium Picolinate - 200 mcg > >2027 > >Natural Source Potassium - 99mg > >2031 > >Tracite - 2 oz. Dropper Bottle > >2433 > >pH Primer Plus > >2700 > >Oxy-Plus Drops > >2947 > >pH Litmus Stix, 4.5 - 9.0 pH, (contains 80 strips), (with use instructions) > >3001 > >Black Cohosh > >3003 > >Black Walnut Hulls (green) > >3006 > >Cayenne Pepper 90,000 BTU > >3007 > >Cedar Berries > >3008 > >Echinacea Angustifolia > >3010 > >Dong Quai Root > >3012 > >Ginger Root (Jamaican) > >3014 > >Hawthorne Berries > >3016 > >Silymarin - Milk Thistle Extract > >3017 > >Pau D' Arco Bark (inner bark) > > > > > >Gesundheitszentrum Schmargendorf > >The best and most effective all natural treatment for cancer that you can > >get in Europe is at the c/o Gesundheitszentrum Schmargendorf. > >Director Dr Thomas Hohn MD NMD is not only my colleague > >and licensed in IBMS Therapy , he is my master student and took > >over my patients and health centers from me when I left Germany. He > >is the most competent healer and MD I ever had the honor to train > >and to work with together with my most adored friend and student Dr > >Holger Crone MD ND HD. Dr Hohn has his own TV show:  Naturally > >Healthy  for over 10 years and is a multi bestselling author and one of > >the most trusted Medical Doctors in the world. If you want the best > >therapy by a licensed Medical Doctor that is trained and Licensed in > >my IBMS-Therapy  then you need to contact Dr Hohn in Germany: > >Dr. Thomas Hohn MD NMD > >Breitestrasse 12 > >14199 Berlin > >Phone-No. 1: 01149 - 30 (Berlin) - 823 50 86 (VIP-Line) > >Phone-No. 2: 01149 172 (Vodafone) - 319 10 90 (Cell-Phone) use only > >in extreme emergencies > >Dr. med. Thomas Höhn > >Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Naturheilverfahren, Sportmedizin > >You have to tell him (or his nurses) that Dr Leonard Coldwell did send > >you or you will not get an appointment before the next 18 month or so. > >Dr Hohn is usually booked one to two years in advance but will hold > >spots for cancer patients in need. > ><> > >Your Instinct Based Medicine >Support Team ><> >Everything above is only our personal opinion  >exercising freedom of speech and not medical advice in any form  «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»  § Health_and_Healing - PULSE ON 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE! § Subscribe send email to:    DETOX WITH ALL NATURAL PURE GREEN CALCIUM BENTONITE CLAY USED INTERNAL/EXTERNAL  THE OPEN LINE NEWSPAPER, HEALTH NEWS, SPIRITUAL, ENVIRONMENT, ETC. http://WWW.THEOPENLINE.ORG    ENERGY HEALING TECHNIQUE FOR CHRONIC PAIN, PTSD & OTHER ISSUES THAT TROUBLE YOU.   

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