Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Intro excerpt & info re Stewart's The Logos 2012 Trilogy book

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Date: 2010/7/4
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Intro excerpt & info re Stewart's The Logos 2012 Trilogy book
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Subject: [Paranormal_Research] Article/Intro excerpt & info re Stewart's The Logos 2012 Trilogy book
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 17:50:31 -0000
From: Templar <>

Hello members,


Based on increased detrimental activities such as the Gulf Oil Spill and others, I have decided to post an excerpt from my new book, The Logos 2012 Trilogy which was published in May 2010.  Below is a non-fiction article 1 of 5 that forms the introduction to the fiction book.  Below that article is a synopsis of The Logos 2012 Trilogy itself, details as to why I wrote it and a review by author Andrew Smith.  I think you will also see as to why I posted to this group.  I trust that you will derive benefit from this information.  In service, Roy



Preparation for 2012, Part I: Dealing with and Defeating Negativity

by Roy Francis Stewart



Become enlightened and align yourself with the Cosmic Energies, the Cosmic Pulse, and the HEART of the Goddess of the Universe Galactic Center where all the "stars" were birthed including you and I.


A member of my own site/ social network posted an important question and one that many people are asking these days:


What would you do to protect your loved ones and keep them safe when chaos reigns in the world due to upcoming changes in 2012?  Will you take your family underground, leave the country, or ignore everything and hope for the best, pray?


Of course the person is referring to the End of the Mayan Calendar.  Some people fear it is the end of the world, others see indigenous prophecies coming true, or a possible World War III, a pole shit, a crashed economy combined with becoming enslaved to the New World Order and additional horrific scenarios.


How to prepare for all this if that is what is coming?  It's a lot to tackle here.  Many books have been written about it - the doom and gloom variety and the awakening to consciousness variety - spiritual evolution and ascension period.  I myself tend to lean towards the latter and am supported by it.  One word comes to mind that encapsulates the doom and gloom side NEGATIVITY.  From my perspective and combined training in spiritual disciplines and martial arts, I feel that in order to deal with Negativity, one needs to understand how the Universe works and how one works within this Universe. Negativity is the polarity of the Positive, in balance and what makes up this 3rd dimension.  Without Negativity, you would have NO 3rd Dimension.  It wouldn't exist and thus, you wouldn't exist in it.


The confusion is what and who we are really AND the fact that most of us don't know who and what we are and are thrust into this world and have no memory of any other experience, are ill equipped and are exposed only to the negativity we see.  We think that this is all there is.  Then we get all depressed, thinking that we have to escape or we'll spiral down deeper.  To escape, many turn to over indulgence in drinking, drugs, food and other vices or extremes, which of course, draws us down deeper into the negativity.  Some of these people experience only these types of hell worlds.  They get comfortable in them, adjust to them, justify them and survive in them not unlike the living dead.  Obviously anyone around you from this negative energy as well as the media itself that also caters to these worlds, not only wear you down, but, can drag you and keep you into this side of the polarity.


BUT, the question is, what is the root of all this?  And the answer is simply IGNORANCE.  Ignorance of who we really are, what this Universe is and how it operates.


So, the religions help point the way (but even they do not have all the answers). Mythologists and Shamans pave the way, and filmmakers paint the way (but I'll be the first to tell you, I don't have all the answers either).


Now, I'm not a Buddhist per se, but they get pretty close to an understanding.  However, the problem is, the individual still lives in this world and still may not know the ultimate truth.  They may label the world as samsara, an illusion and seek refuge from it in meditation.  Meditation is great, a great tool, but in order to escape the illusion world which IS the 3rd dimension, one would have to spend the majority of their time in meditation.  The next question this really living?


So lets cut to the chase (mythologists and prophecies claim we may be headed into a higher dimension the 5th dimension):


This is the 3rd dimension.  It's real, it's not an illusion.  If you're here, there is NO escaping it.  You can spend 6 days and 23 hours in meditation if you want to, but when you come out of it, you step into the 3rd Dimension world for One hour and then you immediately realize that wow, this world is very negative.  The Tibetans are still getting beaten up over there and the war is still going on over there and some soldiers just got blown up and on and on and on.  Man I want to escape, so I better go back into my meditation to seek refuge from the illusory world.  Again, is this living?


I say NO.  So we need simply to shift to a new understanding.   Ready? (instant enlightenment on one page)


The Ten-Fold Path

1)  This world is the world of duality, the world of polarity, of positive and negative.  This is the world of the 3rd dimension.


2)  There are countless dimensions above this 3rd dimension.


3)  The world of God or Source or Allah or Pure Mind or Oneness, is NOT in the 3rd dimension. It isn't BUT we are.  This world of God, Source, Allah, Pure Mind, Oneness is singularity not duality.  It is a singular all positive dimension that gives birth to all lesser dimensions.


4)  However, inside of us, is the DIVINE SPIRIT, that is the real us.  The Divine Mind encased in a flesh body here to function in this material world - this 3rd dimension - with a purpose.


5)  We recognize, realize or understand that our true nature is SINGULARITY, or Oneness.  But we live in a world of Duality.


6)  If we attach ourselves only to the material, and to the degree that we do so, we also separate ourselves further from the truth (see 5 above).  We only perceive the negative and can get caught up in it.


7)  Society is set up to lock us into the material 3rd dimension world and Controllers profit from keeping us in this sleep state.  In example, when you're in Kindergarten, do they tell you that you are an infinite being capable of being a co-creator in this dimension because the real you is the Divine encased in a material body and as such this reality is molded by your every thought?  NO.  They teach you the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic and you are indoctrinated into eventually serving this system.  (This whole system is against the divine plan, thus may fall, as we are starting to see.)


8)  With this new understanding, you know who you are, where you are from and where you will eventually go to.  Right now, you are a walking, talking, living Sage - a physical manifestation or expression of the non-physical Divine Mind.  Sure there is alot of Negativity.  And out of compassion, you can and do help others.  But you also enjoy life. You take a walk by the beach and enjoy the surf pounding.  You smell the flowers, you listen to music, you laugh, you cry, you create, you sleep, you eat, make love, communicate, whatever.  You simply enjoy life.


9)  By your example, you are released from the world of illusion as you know the Truth. You are no longer ignorant and a prisoner of the 3rd dimensional world. You are also no longer a prisoner of Dogma - something man made.  Also by your example, you are living in balance with the Divine Universe and as such you are in flow.  Good things happen to you.  The landscape changes simply because you walked past it.  The kid you said hello to is transformed.  The cat you gave some milk to learns to trust humans.  You are walking your talk and you are aiding in the raising the consciousness of the entire planet and everything in it.  Even the pebble evolves because you held it in your hand.


10)  This is the best part.  This understanding can come in an instant or it could take years.  It is under the direction of a higher intelligence beyond most people's comprehension, it is coming from an infinite place.  And the exciting NEWS is that it is now directly coming in through energy, through light, through people, through star emanations, it's moving as part of a quickening and now is the time to jump on and ride the wave to immortality and enjoyment.  This is the realm of SPIRIT.  Spirit, the above, overcomes the material, the below.  It's building up and it seems to point to the fastly approaching December 21, 2012 date.  Let the shift begin!



What I am saying is that in the higher dimensions, as we move up to SOURCE, SOURCE is an all positive singularity.  It is beyond our comprehension.  That is why in various occult mystery schools, they say that Source or God is unknowable and unutterable.  In Jewish mysticism you can't and shouldn't even try to pronounce the true name and only a few know it and only use it under certain conditions.


The negative exists in this, the lower dimension.  Even in the Bible, whether you use this as a source of knowledge or not, claim that there where Angels that fell or were cast down to Earth.  Falling from grace for whatever reason, they mutated and developed an opposite polarity and were removed and sent here to Earth where they created their dominion. Now the story of course could be a metaphor for "energies", electromagnetic star emanations, whatever, which goes back to the "unknowable".  We just don't know.  There is a such a thing as "good" and 'evil" that exists in OUR dimension.  Denying it is ignorance and denial.  Just look around you.


Knowing or Gnosis is learning how to adapt to this environment, this dimension and what I alluded to above is the common belief among all religions is that within us is the "Divine Spirit", Soul, Clear Mind, Nirvana, Gnosis, Enlightenment, Great Spirit, Father, Goddess, and on and on and on, again man trying to understand and label something that is unknowing.  But we try.  This is the learning step, the learning curve of who we are and what we are capable of and the means to deal with where we are right here, right now.


The agreement among all wisdom teachers is that "WE" are aspects of this SOURCE and may have the responsibility to try to raise our consciousness of ourselves and others and the frequency and the dimension of this planet, if not the entire universe - to restore it.


"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on "Earth" as it is in "Heaven"" (from the Lord JC Prayer).  So we are on the plan to restoration.  It is profound, a mystery, unknowable but it seems to be on a course, so the key is to move with this course or Flow, move with Tao (Tao = the way of the Universe).  A Master Plan is and has been unfolding.  So stay "tuned".



The Logos 2012 Trilogy by Roy Francis Stewart.


Spiritual Warfare comes alive in Roy Francis Stewart's new action/adventure/occult novel, The Logos 2012 Trilogy.  This 596 page book is exciting, informative and well researched and not only exposes the root of the major conspiracies and evil that afflicts our planet, but provides the Characters AND the Readers with the tools, experience and knowledge to overcome these beings and their atrocities.


Dark Beings have plagued the Earth since the destruction of Atlantis.  We are in a Fallen Dimension controlled by a Fallen Race, but now,  for humanity's sake, there may be a way out


The Logos 2012 Trilogy is a hero's journey reminiscent of "Star Wars meets Stargate meets The Matrix." Colin MacManus experiences trials and tribulations and goes up against the most formidable villain in the Universe - the supreme embodiment of Evil!  He makes alliances along the way, receives mentorship from Masters and Elementals, finds love and secures the most valued treasure of all - his "higher self". Equipped with tools and weapons from Egypt and Tibet and his experiences gained in the underworld, he ascends to become the ultimate Warrior & Master, taking US along for identical experiences and revelations. The book contains a non-fiction introduction: Preparation for 2012 parts I-V. The fast paced fiction trilogy experiments with a new style blending novel and screenplay into a hybrid "novellaplay."  A thrill ride in the genres of Science Fiction/Fantasy, Action/Adventure,  and Occult all intertwined revealing a hidden knowledge that is vital for ALL right here, right now!



"I didn't pull any punches with this one," explained Roy Francis Stewart, who has studied spiritual, metaphysical and paranormal phenomenon for over 25 years."The 40 page introduction, Preparation for 2012, is non-fiction and helps orient the reader to what is happening here and now in the real world.  I feel that this then best equips the reader to enter the fictional world of The Logos 2012 Trilogy prepared, yet now able to further learn, absorb, and master the mystical, sacred and secret teachings right along with our characters within the story.  As the characters confront and surmount any and all obstacles at hand with said knowledge, it is possible that the Reader too can also deploy these same empowerment tools in their own lives.  Not only does one bond with the characters, story and overall entertainment value, but the trilogy raises the direct experience level beyond what most books and movies do.  I wrote this for something that I myself would like to read, see and experience but never could find not anywhere.  I feel there are many others like me, out there and now as we approach 2012 and beyond, the time has never been more important than now to have The Logos 2012 Trilogy book available!"  Note the subtitle is entitled The Hall of Records Revealed!  Thoth makes a grand appearance in Episode III and his secret knowledge is revealed.   No joke.  You don't have to wait 1001 years for some bogus government to decide when you'll be ready for the truth.  Encoded within and without, above and below,  are mystical, magical information and scenarios that is surely destined to entertain and may possibly even enlighten.  It's time!


Andrew Smith, UK author of The Revolution of 2012, Vols I, II & III reviews The Logos 2012 Trilogy:


Roy Francis Stewart has pulled together a unique combination of esoteric philosophy combined with a thrilling adventure.  As the story unfolds, the heroic characters are challenged to take on board the higher understandings and practices of that philosophy, while coming to terms with the dire state of mainstream humanity at this time.


As a screenplay, it presents a fast moving drama in the best traditions of Indiana Jones and other adventures..  Mr. Stewart however, goes far beyond the conventional action thriller as he graphically portrays the battle between the forces of Light and Darkness.


The author vividly describes the need for individuals seeking Higher Spiritual Consciousness to develop the self-discipline and discernment of the Spiritual warrior and step out of the numbing mindlessness of today's consumer society.  As the Earth moves closer to her Ascension, we are shown the new high-frequency Earth at 5th Dimensional Consciousness separating completely from the old 3rd dimensional version.  The reader is encouraged to use the inspiration and empowerment available from their individual Higher Self to follow the example of this story's heroes and choose to be part of the New Golden Age.


Whether it be Jupiter or Nibiru which is the instrument for changing the rotation and pole positions of the Earth, it's clear that it behooves us all to make real preparations for the coming physical and Spiritual changes on our home planet.




The Logos 2012 Trilogy 







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