Thursday, July 1, 2010

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AsSalaam O Alaikum (Peace be always with you. AMEEN.)
Remember: Visible and Invisible Auliyaas are Protectors and Helpers of DEEN (Ref: Al_Quraan_006:159). Global Auliyaa Thinks Globally.
Change yourself according to the Quraan, NOT reverse.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Possible Cure to our Misconceptions - Part-2

by Irshad Mahmood - PRESIDENT
Siraat-al-Mustaqeem Dawah Centre

No Muslim is Muslim if one don't Believe on Really Authentic Hadeeth

Neither BLINDLY Reject all Hadeeths Nor BLINDLY Accept all Hadeeths

We MUST believe on Those Authentic Hadeeths, which don't contradict Quraan

Gog (Yajooj) and Magog (Majooj) coming out of the Barrier:

They said: O Zulqarnain! Surely Gog and Magog make mischief in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute on condition that you should raise a barrier between us and them. He said: That in which my Lord has established me is better, therefore you only help me with workers, I will make a fortified barrier between you and them; Bring me blocks of iron; until when he had filled up the space between the two mountain sides, he said: Blow, until when he had made it (as) fire, he said: Bring me molten brass which I may pour over it. So they were not able to scale it nor could they make a hole in it. He said: This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord comes to pass He will make it level with the ground, and the promise of my Lord is ever true. (Al_Quraan_018.094 – 098)

Here the question rises that, is the Gog and Magog are more important the coming of Imaam Mahdee, Dajjaal and Second Coming Jesus / Isaa (pbuh). Coming out of the Barrier by Gog and Magog are Clearly mentioned in the Quraan while Imaam Mahdee, Dajjaal and Second Coming Jesus / Isaa (pbuh) are not mentioned clearly and we are not supposed to go behind the Allegorical Ayaat, Ayaat which are not clear.

That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah"; but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. (Al_Quraan_004.157)

"They killed him not, nor crucified him", does not mean that Jesus / Isaa (pbuh) will come to this world again.

Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute. (Al_Quraan_003.055)

Here Allah is saying about the Day of Resurrection NOT before, Allah will judge on the matters we dispute, So we should not waste our time in the dispute matters, instead we should obey the Clear Ayaat of the Quraan.

Jesus / Isaa (pbuh) Dead or Alive:

Please read my article "Jesus (pbuh) – Dead or Alive".

Second coming of Jesus / Isaa (pbuh) & Imaam Mehdi:

Please read my article "Great Misconceptions about Jesus's (pbuh) Return" & "Astrology – Fore-Teller – Unseen".

What will all the Prophets (pbuh) say, on the Day of Judgment, regarding our arguments?

Jesus / Isaa (pbuh) will be questioned exactly like all other prophets:

And when Allah will say (on the Day of Judgment): O Isaa son of Marium! Did you say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah he will say: Glory be to Thee, it did not befit me that I should say what I had no right to (say); if I had said it, You would indeed have known it; You know what is in my mind, and I do not know what is in Your mind, surely You art the great Knower of the unseen things. I did not say to them aught save what You did enjoin me with: That serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them, but when You took me, You were the watcher over them, and Thou art witness of all things. (Al_Quraan_005_116 – 117)

Even Rasool Allah (saw) will be saying the same thing:

Then the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! Truly my people took this Quraan for just foolish nonsense." (Al_Quraan_025.030)

Also All Prophets (pbuh) will be saying the same thing:

One day will Allah gather the messengers together, and ask: "What was the response ye received (from men to your teaching)?" They will say: "We have no knowledge: it is You Who know in full all that is hidden." (Al_Quraan_005.109)

Obeying Allah and Rasool Allah (saw):

O ye who believe! Guard your duty to Allah, and speak words straight to the point. (Al_Quraan_033.070)

And whoso disobeys Allah and His Messenger (saw) and transgress His Limit, He will make him enter the Fire, where such will dwell for ever: his will be a shameful doom. (Al_Quraan_004.014)

Even if we sent down to them a physical book, written on paper, and they touched it with their hands, those who disbelieved would have said, "This is no more than clever magic." (Al_Quraan_006.007)

Think what never ending arguments ignorant people could have made, if the Ayaat regarding "Obey Allah and Obey his Messenger (pbuh)" were not there in the Quraan and instead only "Obey Allah", were there. Whatever Messenger (pbuh) was delivering the message and ignorant people could have passed several arguments against him and might not had accepted the Quraan. "Obey his Messenger ", is mainly for the acceptance of the Quraan. However, It is also for that time. Recall the situation of War of Uhad, where Rasool Allah (saw) said to a group of experts of Bow and Arrows that "Do not leave the place unless I tell to do so", and what happened to them upon disobeying Rasool Allah (saw). Similarly for distributing things from Bait-ul-Maal, ignorant people could have started fighting each other. So What ever Rasool Allah (saw) was giving you, you should take it, without any hesitation. Remember, Rasool Allah (saw) gave us the Quraan and we need to accept it as is, without twisting its meaning.

O you who believe! Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger and do not turn back from HIM (saw). (Al_Quraan_008.020)

Here the believers are identified to be those who were listening to the Messenger who delivers the Quraanic laws to them, as the singular pronoun anhu (from him) indicates. This confirms that Allah and His Messenger are not two separate sources of law to be obeyed; but that the source of Divine law to be obeyed is ONLY Allah and the people are able to hear these divine laws ONLY through the LIPS of His Messenger.

Surely the Hukm (Law and Judgment) is for none but Allah. (Al_Quraan_012.040).

O Messenger! Proclaim the (Message, Quraan as is) which has been sent to you from the Lord. If you didn't, you would not have fulfilled and proclaimed His Mission. And Allah will defend you from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guides not to those who reject Faith. (Al_Quraan_005.067)

Clear Proof of the Existence of Hadeeth:

(We sent them) with Clear Signs and Books of dark prophecies; and We have sent down unto thee (also) the Message; that thou may EXPLAIN (through practice i.e. Sunnah and Really Authentic Hadeeth) clearly to men what is sent for them, and that they may give thought. (Al_Quraan_016:044)

We must obey Allah as well as Rasool Allah (saw), The Quraan came to us from Rasool Allah, and it is very important to understand the Quraan as is, without twisting its meaning since it is very clear. How ever there is no doubt that Rasool Allah also explained the Quraan through practice and really authentic Hadeeth, e.g. to offer Salaat, to perform Hajj etc. Hope you already know about the War of Uhad, in which Rasool Allah (saw), asked the team of Arrow / Bow expert, not to leave your position until I {Rasool Allah (saw)} will ask to do so, and what happened when they disobeyed. Rasool Allah (saw) said many things including for that time as well as general guidance. Rasool Allah (saw) already warned about spreading of Hadeeth as follows:

Be in the MIDDLE and Categorize the Hadeeth:

Rasool Allah (SAW) already warned about coming of Hadeeths after him and set the CRITERIA on how to verify them, which allows us to live in the MIDDLE without extremism.

Ali (RA) narrated, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, there is NO DOUBT that, there will be Hadeeths coming after me, claiming that I have said those. So you MUST test each and every Hadeeth from the QURAAN. If it is really according to the QURAAN only then accept it otherwise reject it. (Sanan Dar Qatni, Vol-2, Book – Imrani Abee Musa, Matba Farooqi – 513)

Then WHY don't you Reject all those Hadeeths which REALLY contradict the Quraan and its Basic Principles, since Rasool Allah (saw) already told to do so, are you rejecting Rasool Allah (saw) this Authentic Hadeeth by accepting all Hadeeths BLINDLY, which Contradicts the Quraan.

… We have Revealed the Book to you explaining EVERYTHING (Not Missing any thing, what we really need to understand and follow Deen), and a Guidance and Mercy and Good News for those who submit. (Al_Quraan_016.089)

Why Az-Zubair (RA) were NOT saying ANY single narrations:

Narrated By 'Abdullah bin Az-Zubair (RA): I said to my father, 'I do not hear from you any (single) narration (Hadith) of Allah's Apostle as I hear (his narrations) from so and so? " Az-Zubair (RA) replied. I was ALWAYS with him (the Prophet {saw}) and I heard him saying "Whoever tells a lie against me (intentionally) then (surely) let him occupy, his seat in Hell-fire. (Sahi-Bukhari_Vol-1_Book-3_Hadeeth-107)


Deeds are NOT Transferable: Benefits or Punishments are NOT Transferable:

You will get reward of what you yourself used to do. (Al_Quraan_036.054, 045.028)

Don't get confused with following Ayaat. Here the Topic is Janaaza, the last honor.

And never offer prayer (Salaat-ul-Janaaza) for any one of them who dies and do not stand by his grave; surely they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger (SAW) and they shall die in transgression. [Al_Quraan_009.084]

Punishment in the Grave

We MUST believe on All Authentic Hadeeth, which DON'T contradict Quraan.

In the Quraan, at several places Allah has mentioned to Think or See and to do Research.

Take a case of a similar sin, a person may committed ten thousands years a go and the other just few hours before the Day of Judgment. If they were getting lashes on each morning and evening, then the one who is in the Grave for ten thousands of years a go might receive millions of lashes, while the other might not receive any single lashes. Is this a True Justice. This way Not a single person on the whole world could prove that this is a True Justice. I haven't yet found any who can prove this as a True Justice.

If there is any punishment before the trial then what is the need of the Day of Judgment?

PURPOSE to send the Quraan was to warn the human kind from the Day of Judgment and the Punishment in the HELL and NOT in the GRAVE. This is the Natural Process to be crumbled bones in the Grave, NOT a punishment. The main arguments of the disbelievers were that after the bones getting crumbled in the Grave, we will have SECOND life to get the punishment. Please Re-Read the whole Quraan again and try to understand. I will strongly recommend to re-read followings specially:

Al_Quraan_002.001 – 029

Al_Quraan_050.001 – 045

Al_Quraan_056.001 – 096

Al_Quraan_075.001 – 040

Yes there are some exceptional cases including, a person is being killed on the way of Allah, and Allah already told us about them that don't say them that they are dead, BUT they are alive and we don't have capacity to understand that. For reference please see Al_Quraan_002.154.

Hell not yet started giving fire: Switch is not yet turned on.

Think of a huge electric fire, which is ready to switch on. All the wirings are ready, it just needs to turn the switch on.

And when the Hell is lighted. (Al_Quraan_081.012)

Experiences during Sleep or being Dead:

Such We raised them up that they might question each other.  Said one of them "How long have ye stayed (here)?" They said "We have stayed a day or part of a day." (At length) they (all) said "Allah (alone) knows best how long ye have stayed here...Now send ye then one of you with this money of yours to the town: let him find out which is the best food (to be had) and bring some to you that (ye may) satisfy hunger herewith: and let him behave with care and courtesy and let him not inform anyone about you. (Al_Quraan_018.019)

Or (take) the similitude of one who passed by a hamlet all in ruins to its roofs.  He said: "Oh! How shall Allah bring it (ever) to life after (this) its death?"  But Allah caused him to die for a hundred years then raised him up (again).  He said: "How long didst thou tarry (thus)?"  He said: "(perhaps) a day or part of a day."  He said: "Nay thou hast tarried thus a hundred years; but look at thy food and thy drink; they show no signs of age; and look at thy donkey: and that We may make of thee a Sign unto the people look further at the bones how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh!  When this was shown clearly to him he said: "I know that Allah hath power over all things. (Al_Quraan_002.259)
They were dead for years and yet they thought they were asleep for day or part of it, no punishment of grave here?

What happens to us when we die? Death is exactly like sleep because Allah says so.
It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death: and those that die not (He takes) during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death He keeps back (from returning to life) but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed.  Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect. (Al_Quraan_039.042)
The above verse clearly says that sleep is like death in both cases the souls are taken by Allah, now if sleep is like death then do we have anything called punishment during sleep?

Angles Ask Questions just BEFORE death and NOT in the Grave:

Who is guilty of more wrong than he who forgeth a lie against Allah, or saith : I am inspired, when he is not inspired in aught; and who saith: I will reveal the like of that which Allah hath revealed? If thou couldst see, when the wrong doers reach the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out, saying: Deliver up your souls (a process to take the soul out of the body, before the final death). This day ye are awarded doom of degradation for that ye spoke concerning Allah other than the truth, and scorned, His portents. (Al_Quraan_006.093)

When the angles (come to) take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say (just before taking the soul out): in what (plight) were ye? They reply: weak and oppressed were we in the earth. They say: was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (from the evil)? Such men will find their abode in Hell (NOT in Grave), what an evil refuge. (Al_Quraan_004.097)

Please DON'T impose exceptional cases over General Rules of Quraan.

To Feel the Pain You Must have Skin, and you cannot have skin without body:

First let us see what Allah has said about pain. Modern Science has also recently discovered this Fact.

Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their SKIN are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may TASTE the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise. (Al_Quraan_004.056)

As we know, several times mosquitoes or bugs bites during the sleep and we don't feel any pain immediately unless it is severe or poison is strong and spreading very quickly. To Feel PAIN it is Necessary to have SOUL and BODY, with FULL Attention, NOT during Sleep, NOR during Dizziness, and WITHOUT any Drug to Reduce the Pain.

Before we born (not existed), Allah considered it as death as well:

Or some created thing that is yet greater in your thoughts! Then they will say: Who shall bring us back (to life). Say: He who created you at the first. Then will they shake their heads at thee, and say: When will it be? Say: It will perhaps be soon; (Al_Quraan_017.051)

Two Lives and Two Deaths:

How disbelieve ye in Allah when ye were dead and He gave life to you! Then he will give you death, then life again, and then unto Him ye will return. (Al_Quraan_002.028)

They say: Our Lord! Twice hast Thou made us die, and twice hast Thou made us live. Now we confess our sins. Is there any way to go out? (Al_Quraan_040.011)

Basic Questions Raised by Non-Muslims (Punishment in Hell NOT in Grave):

This is the NATURAL Process to be crumbled bones in the Grave, NOT a punishment. Allah knows the best.

(Now) they are saying: Shall we really be restored to our first state (to get punishment in the hell, NOT before in the Grave). (Al_Quraan_079.010)

Even after we are crumbled bones? (Al_Quraan_079.011)

They say: Then that would be a vain proceeding. (Al_Quraan_079.012)

Surely it will need but one shout, (Al_Quraan_079.013)

And lo! they will be awakened. (Al_Quraan_079.014)

What did Allah Mention about Grave (BARRIER):

Literal meaning of BARZAK is BARRIER. Since Allah put it as a secret, so we should not open the secret of this Barrier. It is the Process to Unite All the people Before and After.

Until, when death comes unto one of them, he says: My Lord! Send me back, That I may do right in that which I have left behind! BUT no! It is a word that he speaks; and behind them is a BARRIER until the day when they will be raised. (Al_Quraan_023.099-100)

This is the Day of Decision, We have brought you and the men of old together. (Al_Quraan_077.038)

How you can prove that Allah will do TRUE justice if you believe on Punishment in the Grave, it is a challenge to all. From ANY angle you CANNOT see that Allah is UNJUST:

Take an example of similar SIN done by a person 10,000 years a go and a person will die just few seconds before the Day of Judgment. Some person might be having millions of hunter in the Grave and the other might be having just few hunters on the commitments of same type of SIN. Is it a real justice?

What do you say about those who were never buried in the Grave?

Take an example of Hindus:

Hindus burn the body of their relatives & then pour the ashes in the river, so what about their Punishment in the Grave? Does that mean, for them there is no Punishment in the Grave?

Take an example of the Donors of their Organs (parts of bodies) after their deaths:

At present, people can donate their eyes, kidneys & Heart etc. Now Surgeon is capable to do Heart Transplant. Heart Transplant for infants under one year of age need no checkup for their blood groups for donor of under one year of age. Surgeons also started using bones of dead persons to fix patients problem. So it might be possible that some parts of the body is used to fixed a Muslim, while the other parts of that person to non-believers. Possibly some parts will be burned into ashes for a Hindu accepter, while the other part may go to a Muslim's Grave, so what about their Punishment in the Grave? Does that mean, for them there is no Punishment in the Grave? If science gets good progress and over 50% of the body may be reused over and over again till the Day of Judgment, then what will be your answer?

Concept of Conversion of FINITE System to INFINITE System:

If you know the Advanced Mathematics, then Perhaps You might Understand it Easily. This world is FINITE but the life after death is INFINITE.

You cannot divide infinite numbers by any finite number. If a person performs 50% good deeds and commits 50% sins, In an INFINITE SYSTEM, he cannot be in the Hell for 50% of time and will come out of it and go to heaven for rest of the 50% of time. The only SYSTEM works for it, to convert from FINITE to INFINITE is, as Allah explains in the Quraan.

If you AVOID the GREAT (SINS), which you are forbidden, We will REMIT from you your all the (small) evil deeds and make you enter at a noble gate. (Al_Quraan_004.031)

So Never ever go near to any of the GREAT SINS by disobeying any of Allah's commands. Wish you all the BEST and See you in the Heaven, Inshaa Allah. AMEEN.

Possible Answers to some Questions regarding Punishment in the Grave:

Remember, Islaam is True Scientific, Logical and Practical Religion.

Sleep is Rest and not a Punishment:

Crying: Woe upon us! Who hath raised us from our place of sleep? (Al_Quraan_036.052)

A person in sleep may awake if any body tries to make him awake, but not the dead person.

If there is any punishment before the trial then what is the need of the Day of Judgment?

Can any body prove that usually people get full punishment in the jail, before the trial in the court, THEN what is the need of court?

Angles Ask Questions just BEFORE death and NOT in the Grave:

Who is guilty of more wrong than he who forgeth a lie against Allah, or saith : I am inspired, when he is not inspired in aught; and who saith: I will reveal the like of that which Allah hath revealed? If thou couldst see, when the wrong doers reach the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out, saying: Deliver up your souls (a process to take the soul out of the body, before the final death). This day ye are awarded doom of degradation for that ye spoke concerning Allah other than the truth, and scorned, His portents. (Al_Quraan_006.093)

In the above Ayaat, Deliver your soul means :::>>> at that time that person is alive and he / she has his/her soul in his body, which Angle is asking to Deliver (to Return) his /her soul. A person who is dead (or in the Grave) cannot deliver his soul, since it is not in his body any longer. Here this day means, what ever sustain that person had in this world is taken away, Ending of his / her happy life is here. BUT punishment has not yet started. It will be cleared in another Ayaat at another place, Insha Allah.

When the angles (come to) take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say (just before taking the soul out): in what (plight) were ye? They reply: weak and oppressed were we in the earth. They say: was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (from the evil)? Such men will find their abode in Hell (NOT in Grave), what an evil refuge. (Al_Quraan_004.097)

"And if you could see when the angels (come to) take away the souls of the disbelievers, they beat their faces and their backs, (saying) 'Taste the punishment of the blazing Fire. This is because of that which your hands had sent forward. And indeed, Allah is not unjust to His slaves." (Al_Quraan_008:050-051)

""Then how will it be when the angels will take their souls at death, beating their faces and their backs?" (Al_Quraan_047:027)

Every soul will taste the Death, which is really very painful. BUT the Disbeliever will be having Extremely Horrific Pain at the time of death, while delivering their soul. Allah knows the best.

Both the above Ayaat speaks of a beating by the angles and not after the death BUT at the time of death, when the angle comes to take the soul, by beating their faces and their backs. Some Disbelievers may take few extremely painful days if not months to deliver their soul. Allah knows the best.

"The Fire; they are exposed to it morning and evening. And on the Day when the Hour will be established, it will be said: Cause Pharaoh's people to enter the most severe torment." (Al_Quraan_040:046)

The above Ayaat is about the day of the judgment and the Hell and not about the Grave.

"It was said to him (when the disbelievers killed him): 'Enter Paradise'. He said: 'Would that my people knew that my Lord has forgiven me and made me one of the honored ones." (Al_Quraan_036:026-027)

The above Ayaat is about the exceptional case when a person is killed on the way of Allah. Remember Paradise means Heaven and not the Grave. Also remember Allah already said about those who were killed on the way of Allah, don't call them dead BUT they are alive and you don't have knowledge about that.

"Those whose lives the angels take while they are in a pious state, saying to them, 'Peace be upon you, enter Paradise because of the good which you used to do in the world". (Al_Quraan_016:032)

In the above Ayaat, enter PARADISE means enter into HEAVEN and not talking about the Grave. This is also for a special case.

"Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead! Nay! They are alive, with their Lord, where they have provisions. They rejoice what Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounties. Rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come nor shall they grieve."(Al_Quraan_003:069-170)

The above Ayaat is for an exceptional case.

It was said to him: 'Enter Paradise'. He said: 'Would that my people knew that my Lord has forgiven me and made me one of the honored ones." (Al_Quraan_036: 026-027)

Again the above Ayaat is about the exceptional case when a person is killed on the way of Allah. Remember Paradise means Heaven and not the Grave. Also remember Allah already said about those who were killed on the way of Allah, don't call them dead BUT they are alive and you don't have knowledge about that.

Continued .....

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