Monday, June 7, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Chemtrails: A Dangerous Plague

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Grannie <>
Date: Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:24 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Chemtrails: A Dangerous Plague
To: "1 Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups" <>, "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1 Paranormal_Research@yahoogroup" <>
Combining with these natural cyclic changes are the gross manipulations being
carried out by global elite control patterns which are in failing last attempts
to maintain hierarchal stance. These energies are capitalizing on the drama of
2012 and have intelligently engineered great levels of toxicity in all that we
consume, through mind control techniques and through high tech psychic and
energy weaponry.
One example of severe manipulation is the current biological warfare from the
air, affecting every single human that breathes. Chemtrail spraying from
unmarked planes is heavily saturating the world; contaminating our air, water,
plants, wildlife and being especially harmful to our human bodies. These
chemtrails contain varying mixtures of pathogens including fungus, yeast,
parasites, heavy metals and high tech "nano" engineered particles.
The airborne nanotechnology is a ploy to covertly microchip humanity by creating
internal body antennas that self assemble into a programmable fiber matrix, all
part of an idea for an electronically based mind controlled society. We know, of
course, that this too will fail, yet, these invading pathogens are causing much
havoc on bodily systems and causing great mental disorientation in a lot of
Sacred sites and places of new emergence are also being heavily sprayed with
purposed chemicals. Numerous groups who travel to sacred sites come back
sickened with respiratory conditions. Research across the internet reveals a
plethora of articles, images from around the world and outrage from untold
numbers of people who report serious deterioration of their health as a result
of these false cloud formations raining down upon us all.
Chemtrails are an issue that, up to now, has not been openly discussed yet is
one of, if not THE most destructive silent plagues happening in this timeline.
We are experiencing a form of slow mass genocide right before our eyes that is
being cleverly masked as our attention is swayed towards the oil cataclysm and
more blatant external news. This planetary chemtrail situation could be far
worse than anything we have ever experienced to date.

We also now see into the real reason for the Codex situation in the USA and the
attempt to block public access to herbs and natural supplements which immensely
helps to clean and remove these airborne particles from our system. There is
great prayer that we all begin to take a closer look and address, on mass scale,
this outrageous crime against Humanity.
(For those affected by chemtrails, consider body detox and cleanses, body
oxygenation, immunity building, ionic foot baths and the neutralizing properties
of salt. Please conduct further research.)

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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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