Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] The best compendium on one-site of the monumental oil devastation

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From: <>
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 9:30 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] The best compendium on one-site of the monumental oil devastation

excellent summary tho pictures are absolutely sickening - be advised

Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda


Sent: 6/5/2010 2:12:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: The best compendium on one-site of the monumental devastation still being minimized as an "oil spill"


Exclusive photos of the BP Oil Spill that is still leaking, world's largest environmental disaster to date > New World Order R

If the above link doesn't work,;


The above site helps convey how monstrous the "gulf" disaster actually is and its most underreported associated specifics.  E.g., The oil rig owner made $270 million off the explosion (by having insured the rig at twice it's actual value); The current cap on BP's liability for economic damages (like lost wages and tourist dollars) is $75 million but approximately $1.6 billion in annual economic activity and services are currently estimated to be already at risk in the Gulf of Mexico (not including the immeasurable environmental damages); BP has required those of its employees who survived the spill to waive their right to sue BP, kept them incommunicado, and used the coast guard to help it keep reporters and anyone not in their employ away from the contaminated region; BP is valued at $152.6 billion, makes $93 million each day, and posted its first-quarter profits ($6 billion) a week after the explosion; unlike most countries that allow offshore drilling, the U.S. doesn't require the use of an acoustic trigger (which would have shut down the well even if it was damaged) and BP chose not to use one although BP makes what one costs ($500,000) in under eight minutes and BP also chose to outfit the well with the cheaper and less safe casing that burst; and the Interior Department, which regulates the oil industry, lets oil companies decide what kind of backup system to use on oil rigs although it issued a "safety alert" ten years ago, that those that failed on Deepwater Horizon would be a problem but, in 2007, the chances and impact of a "spill" like this one were downplayed; Interior Department officials, agencies, and inspectors routinely accepted gifts from the industry it was their job to regulate, flew on oil executives' private planes, took part in "shooting contests, hunting and fishing trips, golf tournaments, crawfish boils, and Christmas parties" given by oil companies, are still granting new permits for offshore drilling sites (2 of them to BP) and 26 of the 27 issued within the month after this "spill" included the same regulatory exemptions previously granted to BP's Deepwater Horizon; and clean up measures haven't improved since only 8 percent of the 12 million gallons of crude oil the Exxon-Valdez "spilled" into the ocean and coastlines off Alaska was recovered.


The current already comparable "spill" is still unstoppable and increasingly voluminous.  The rate at which it kept more rapidly discharging oil reached over 2.5 million gallons daily by May 30, 2010.  It has already ravaged the underwater ecosystem around it, oiled 100 miles of Louisiana's coastline, spread over 12 miles into Louisiana's marches, and irreversibly ensured all the waters and coastlines it affects will never be the same.  The indeterminate impact of this disaster on the entire Mexican Gulf region will soon begin extending up the Atlantic coast.  The thick layer of oil already in float is as yet spreading slowly but once it becomes entrained in the Loop Current the speed at which this carpet of oil flies along the surface of the water will jump to about 40 miles per day and will be able to travel up to 100 miles per day—about 3,000 miles per month—when it enters the Atlantic Gulf Stream.  Tracking the steadily increasing volume of the continuing flow of oil up from the well is difficult, but currently estimated at 5,000 barrels of oil (possibly much more) every day; if unstopped, it will heave up and collapse the ocean floor, create huge tsunamis, and ripple into a predictable series of myriad other disasters with worldwide consequences.


The site shows pictures of oiled birds and dolphins, dead turtles, and other wildlife washing ashore.  At one wharf alone, millions of small dead fish (the size of sardines, possibly baby fish) lie fin-to-fin, belly up, and their silver white undersides so totally blanket the water you can see no water at all.  The current estimate is that over 9,000 species of animals have been placed under threat of extinction by oil already spilled into the Louisiana Gulf region alone.  We have heard little or nothing about the future effects of all of the methane gas being released along with the oil. 


The site also has videos, other clickable links to additional knock-your-socks off videos, and an animation that (in less than a minute) presents a computerized simulation to project and illustrate the oil trajectory thus far and its likely future path from inception to date and over the next 130 days as the oil flow spreads and gulf streams and ocean currents carry it up the Atlantic Coast ( and concludes with an article ("The ten 10 Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill") in which Alternet discusses shocking facts about the impact of a spill that's still being minimized, downplayed, underestimated, and ignored by mainstream press and all responsible for stopping and cleaning it up. 


This e-mail thus needs to be distributed virally as a distress call to the people of the world.  Government and big business created this monumental disaster and the potential that more of them will erupt from underwater wells already in place or that the permits still being granted enable to be drilled and operated on the same terms that BP constructed the rig for, drilled, and operated this one with impunity.  It certainly seems the fire we've been told will destroy the earth this time, instead of a flood, could be started by igniting the 80% of crude oil that can't yet be cleaned up from such spills.  The videos suggest better clean-up methods and invite us all to press our elected officials to insist they begin viewing this "spill" as the beginning of a calamity that could end the world, very soon.


The cost of containing and mitigating this and other future oil disasters sitting underwater like time bombs waiting to explode up at the world as we still know it will be so egregious in its impact upon an already catastrophic economy that it's incalculable.  This too is another excellent reason to pressure politicians to divert all the money being used to wage war all over the planet to address this disaster as a crisis and try to prevent future world-stopping events.  


Citizens need to organize, form new political coalitions, and carry voter registration campaigns to new heights as soon as possible.  If we don't wrest control of our government and all elected officials from both major parties from big business now, when will we?  Our taxes are still funding big oil, big coal, big minerals, and other big polluters, big banks and big mortgage companies, big munitions and big weapon manufacturers, and enabling them to create one big disaster after disaster.  It might be hijacked by big political hackers, but we still have a vote; USE IT NOW!


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Palash Biswas
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