Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fwd: Fw: PFC Bradley Manning arrested for leaking murder video; GI Resistance at USSF; Msg from freed objector

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian Rayner <>
Date: Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:49 PM
Subject: Fw: PFC Bradley Manning arrested for leaking murder video; GI Resistance at USSF; Msg from freed objector

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 3:28 AM
Subject: PFC Bradley Manning arrested for leaking murder video; GI Resistance at USSF; Msg from freed objector

manningCourageous Army whistle-blower arrested
Army PFC Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old intelligence analyst, is being held in Kuwait without access to civilian lawyers. End the occupation of Afghanistan! Free Bradley Manning!

GI Resistance at the US Social Forum
Join us for "Building a Military Resistance Movement: Veterans, Service Members & Allies Organizing Together", Thursday, June 24, 1 pm at Cobo Hall

Objector Nicole Mitchell free!
"I just wanted to give a big thank you... I received quite a few letters of support from people across all spans of the US. Those letters truly helped me to stay positive (while jailed)."


Bradley Manning arrested for leaking murder video

ImageBy Courage to Resist.
June 23, 2010

"From what I've heard so far of (Wikileaks co-founder Julian) Assange and (Army Pfc Bradley) Manning,… they are two new heroes of mine." -Daniel Ellsberg, famous whistle-blower of the Pentagon Papers

In April, released a notorious video depicting a U.S. helicopter attack resulting in the killing of 11 unarmed Iraqi civilians, including two Reuters employees. The video, titled "Collateral Murder" was widely posted and reported on. Last week, the U.S. military arrested 22-year-old Pfc Bradley Manning, an Army intelligence analyst who allegedly took credit for leaking the video. Lawyers for Wikileaks have not yet been allowed access to Bradley, who is currently being held in pretrial confinement in Kuwait. Courage to Resist's primary concern is that Bradley has access to civilian legal representation to fight what are expected to be very serious charges at court martial. We expect to collaborate with many concerned organizations and individuals in order to best support Bradley legally and politically.



GI Resistance at the US Social Forum


Join us for "Building a Military Resistance Movement: Veterans, Service Members & Allies Organizing Together" presented by Courage to Resist, Civilian-Soldier Alliance, and Iraq Veterans Against the War at the US Social Forum (USSF), Thursday, June 24 from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm, Cobo Hall. The USSF is being held June 22-26, 2010 in Detroit, Michigan under the slogan,  "Another World is Possible. Another US is Necessary!"

This is a workshop led by veterans and civilian allies who are organizing within the military and veteran communities against the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. The workshop will include an overview of the history of military resistance around the world, a presentation from Iraq & Afghanistan veteran organizers on a new campaign to win a GI bill of rights, as well as an introductory training on supporting war resisters and being a strong and accountable ally to veterans and service-members organizing for change.



Message from released objector Nicole Mitchell

ImageBy Army Spc Nicole Mitchell.
June 20, 2010

I just wanted to give a big thank you for posting an outreach for support in regard to my recent incarceration after being AWOL. I was let out just this past Saturday, June 12th and now I am in the process of separating from the Army at last! I received quite a few letters of support from people across all spans of the US. Those letters truly helped me to stay positive not just about my reasons for being confined, but about being able to remain stable outside of the military. It is good to be reminded that there is such a strong community out there that won't look at the terms of my discharge like the military claims. (Check out Nicole's Myspace music page.)


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Palash Biswas
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