Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Fast Islamic Growth in the World [2 Attachments]

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From: Charles Mercieca <>
Date: Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 2:37 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Fast Islamic Growth in the World [2 Attachments]
To: - Yancey Anthony <>

[Attachment(s) from Charles Mercieca included below]


Fast Islamic Growth in the World


Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.


International Association of Educators for World Peace

Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,

Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament

Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University


            In spite of the fact that many in the world view Islam as a "dangerous and fanatic religion," this religious culture, which was provided to the world by Prophet Muhammad, is growing and spreading much faster than it could possibly be anticipated. The reason of this cannot be attributed to negative elements, such as those revealed by the Jihadists who tend to act like the Supreme Being is a God of hatred and revenge.


Elements of Some Basic Religions


On the contrary, the vast majority of Muslims have proven to be good people who view the Supreme Being as a God of love and mercy whose policy with all of His children is always to love dearly everyone with patience, determination, and perseverance. Muslims in general have a lot of things in common with both Jews and Christians. These three well known religions all claim belief in the Bible, commonly known as the Old Testament. Moreover, they all claim to be the descendants of Abraham.


            This means, they all believe in the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses. They view such commandments as sacred, even though these three great religions have periodically disregarded such laws, under various pretences or disguises. For example, they hardly ever heed to the words of the Master Teacher of Nazareth who said to Peter: "Put the sword away for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword." This was in line with God's Commandment which says: "You should not kill."


            Unfortunately, the history of such religions abides in numerous struggles and wars where millions of innocent people were killed or left maimed for life. Another of God's Commandment says: "You should not tell lies." Many statements made by the governmental leaders of these respective three religious cultures have revealed periodically deception as well as lack of love and respect for fellow human beings everywhere. Another of God's Commandment's says: "You should not steal." A mere glance at the history of wars reveals that the ultimate goal was to confiscate, that is, steal the property of others by force.


            Going back to the early days of creation, we learn of God's intended plan when he said to Adam and Eve: "Increase and multiply." This explains why after so many thousands of years, the world had exceeded six billion people. These may be viewed as God's pride and delight, as God's angels adorned with a body blessed with numerous gifts. Among such gifts we find that of speech and eyesight, as well as that of hearing, smelling, and feeling. These are viewed as essential qualities of the human body, which are known to be very beneficial.


Rapid Increase of Islam


            In recent times, in both Europe and North America the world has noticed a rapid decrease in population, especially among Christians. At the same time, there has been a rapid increase in population among Muslims to the extent that in merely fifty years all of Europe and North America are expected to be mostly Islamic. Children have always been viewed as God's blessing. Since the Muslims seem to demonstrate more respect and gratitude toward such a type of blessing, they may likely dominate the western culture of civilization in due time.


            In order for us to get a good grip of this reality, we need to open the attachment above to see with clarity the real demographic situation that confronts us. Of course, it would be in the best interest of Muslims, as well as of Christians and Jews in addition to people of other religions, to prepare for our future generations a solid ground for harmony and peace based on mutual love and respect. Those responsible for the Islamic faith have the sacrosanct responsibility to turn the Jihadists from an agency of apparent hatred and revenge into one of eventual love and compassion.


            Just as we do have Jews and Christians who, at times, they misinterpret both the Old and New Testament, we also have Muslims who, at times, they misinterpret the Koran that is viewed to be the holy book of the Islamic faith. The Jihadists tell us that, in the name of God, they wage holy wars as supposedly stated in the Koran. The problem here does not lie in the eventual "waging of wars in the name of God." The problem lies in the elements we choose to wage a war against, which is done in the name of God.


            Such elements cannot be God's children whom He loves so dearly and so mercifully. Such elements consist merely of our sins. Hence, when someone hurts me deeply and I feel I should fire back, at that time I should wage a jihad against my instinct of retaliation by taking a deep breath, look lovingly at the one who hurt me and react by even doing something nice and beneficial to such a person. This way I will give myself the opportunity to demonstrate that I am a perfect image of the true loving and merciful God, the creator of heaven and earth.



Attachment(s) from Charles Mercieca

2 of 2 File(s)

Palash Biswas
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