Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)'s Comments on the Mid Air Disaster of Air India Flight 182 on 23rd June, 1985

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Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 6:30 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)'s Comments on the Mid Air Disaster of Air India Flight 182 on 23rd June, 1985


Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon writes

The 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy/autocracy and its International Committed Crimes: DESTRUCTION OF AIR INDIA FLIGHT 182, Another Foiled Plan to Destroy Air India Civilian Aircraft in the European Air Space in 1994 (meeting took place in Rome, Italy), and the 'Brahmins-Hindus' Foreign Missions, Penetration of Indian Intelligence toDistract the Lives of the Sikh Diaspora, the Sikhs Gurdwaras 'Failed Badly' to Make the Sikhs, the 5th largest Religion of the world, 'A TERRORIST COMMUNITY' by Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon

AIM: To make the Sikhs 'Terrorists worldwide'

India's 'Brahmins-Hindus apartheid practicing administration failed badly in acheiving its very much wanted goal, to make the Sikhs terrorist. This is the third time India's 'Brahmins-Hindus administration failed badly to destroy the Sikhs worldwide, despite making the Sikhs a 'Landless Sikh Nation/Sikh Raj/PUNJAB (under the occupation of the Indian administration since 1947).

Secondly, India very much wanted to 'swallow' the Sikhs and their Sikh Nation, Punjab, which it made the 'Landless Sikh Nation' on 15th August, 1947.

India wanted to acheive its much wanted goal from the Justice John Major's Commission. However, it failed to hear in the Press Conference of Honourable Justice John Major on 17th July, 2010, although the RCMP and CSIS of Canada received criticism of their duties.

India's Brahmins-Hindus democracy is notorious to commit crimes against humanity, as has been happening with the Dalits (65% population of a country of 1.2 billion hungry mouths and a country where nearly 400 million people go to sleep hungry every night of the year for more than 365 days in the night), the Sikhs, the Muslims, Christians, Assamese and 7-sister of Assam, Manipuris, Adivaasis, Tamils, etc.

India is in turmoil, because of its corrupt law-enforcing agencies, armed personnel (army, navy and air force), corrupt politicians (more than 2/3 of MPs are either murders, corrupt, criminal or have no knowledge of human rights, etc.). Indian police is made of 'Butcher Police Personnel'; the prime example is KP Gill, Punjab's former Director-General of Police.

Present Chief Minister of Punjab has been recruited by the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), equilavent of the CIA, KGB of the defunct state of the USSR and the Scotland Yard of the Great Britain, to help 'Brahmins-Hindus' to 'swallow' the Sikhs.

The above are a few points of the failure of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' appetite to 'swallow' the Sikhs of the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab. What it used to be the First Sovereign and Secular Nation of South Asia in the times of Monarch Ranjit  Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1849.

The Sikhs' Struggle to Regain their Lost Sovereignty, Independence and Political power has been going on by peaceful means, since 14th March, 1849 to this day of writing to break the chains of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' slavery.
----- Original Message -----
From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Monday, June 21, 2010 12:26 pm

Subject: [PakistanAffairs] The 25th Commemoration Anniversary: Air India Flight 182 (Toronto-Montreal-London-Delhi) And The John Major's Report

The 25th Commemoration Anniversary: Air India Flight 182 (Toronto-Montreal-London-Delhi) And The John Major's Report

Habib Yousafzai


Almost a quarter of century ago, an Air India Flight 182, took off from the pious soil of Canada. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the mid air before it was due to reach the London's Heathrow Airport. This was one of the worst midair disasters in the aviation history. Three hundred and twenty-nine lives were lost in the air space of Ireland, in the early morning hours of June 23, 1985. Every community and nationality has denounced this kind of international crime and it will be do so in future, because a single human life is precious and here, we recorded the loss of 329 lives. Among these lives were the Sikhs of Canada and non-Sikhs including one crew member who was a Sikh as well and the captain of the flight. There had been the children going to visit grandparents, young tourists looking forward to their first experience of India's snake charmers, the Indian daily lives of the numerous religions and the Sikh religion's highest seat of religion and supreme seat of the Sikh polity. The hear is full of sorrow when the writer records all these events related to this ill fated aircraft, known as Air India Flight 182 (please see Soft Target ISBN 1-55028-221-2; Betrayal: The Spy Canada Abandoned 1994 ISBN 0-13-325697-9; Int J Sikh Affairs 18, 2008 ISSN 1481-5435; Int J Sikh Affairs 20, No. 1, 2010 ISSN 1481-5435;


About a week ago, one of the former Supreme Court of Canada justices, Honourable Justice John Major, had been asked to take up the task to reach in depth the explosion that killed 329 crew and passengers, where three earlier commissions of enquiry remained inconclusive in the eyes of the Canadians and their democratically elected administrations. In the spring of 2005, John Major was appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister, Anne McClellan, to review this atrocity and its handling by Canadian governmental agencies. He concluded that Canada did indeed need an inquiry, because there were simply too many unanswered questions.


Several years later, we now have John Major's comprehensive report. It is a massive piece of work of more than 1,400 pages. Like all commission reports, the key issue is how the government intends to deal with Major's conclusions and recommendations. There is always the risk that momentum gets lost, that the established interests whose conduct has been reviewed say "the problems have been solved." This would be a huge mistake.


"I stress that this is a Canadian atrocity," Major said, adding it is the federal government's responsibility to see it doesn't happen again.


Within two hours of the report's release, Prime Minister Stephen Harper met privately with victims' families and lawyers in his third-floor Centre Block office, the House of Commons, Canada.


"The destruction of Air India Flight 182 remains the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history. It was a cowardly, despicable and senseless act," said Harper.


Even so, Harper warned that "there would be pushback" on some of the recommendations and many would take time to phase in. But he said his government would seriously review the Major report, said Rob Alexander, 40, whose father Matthew Alexander died aboard Flight 182.


Harper also told the dozen or so family members—many of whom have been demanding answers for years—that the government would respond "positively" to a special fund being set up and Major's observation that no government official has ever apologized.


In the walnut-lined office, several urged Harper to be vigilant about homegrown Sikh extremism, flagging that in Vancouver, Sikh extremists and "martyrs" are to this day publicly glorified in parades. 


This raises the question: why did it take so long for "need to know" to shift to "need to share"? CSIS' concerns about concealing their investigation of "peoples' of interest", including those under physical surveillance, led to the practice of routinely erasing tapes once they had been analyzed and found to be of "no further interest." This is what happened in the Air India bombing. Neither the RCMP nor CSIS was able to get to the bottom of the problem.


Major has provided Canadians and the world with a report of great importance. As he so rightly says, "This was the largest mass murder in Canadian history. A cascading series of errors contributed to the failure of our police and security forces to prevent this atrocity." The point to note is only one man, the bomb maker Inderjit Singh Reyat, was ever convicted. He is also charged with perjury following his testimony at the trial that acquitted two Vancouver businessmen, Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri.


As a matter of fact, why has the blame been put on the whole nation whereas it is an act of an individual? It is not necessary that if a Sikh individual is caught committing a crime we just conclude that he has been sponsored by the Sikh nation and the  whole nation be penalized for the action of one person.  It is also possible that Indian agencies hired a Hindu-Brahmin in the Sikh identity to create a bad name for the Sikh nation so that no one will help them in their demand of their lost Sovereignty of Sikh Homeland, Sikh Raj of Monarch Ranjit Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1849. The Sikh Raj which had been the fist 'Sovereign and Secular' nation of South Asia, Khalistan. In another situation it can also be assumed that due to the genocide, pogroms, atrocities, gross human rights violations, the deliberate deterioration of the 'law and order' situation by the Hindus-Brahmins, the Sikhs of Punjab alias the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab' were suppressed, emotionally oppressed and were compelled to make repeated request to their provincial and the 'Hindus-Brahmins' federal governments, but their requests and demands fell on the dumb and deaf ears. Although International community feels that the Sikhs' demand for their homeland is genuine, they are silent and keeping their mouth shut in the fear of losing business of India.  At the same time they do not have a single Sikh country equal to the size of a village in the whole world that can raise voice for them. That is the reason they feel distressed. On the other hand, irony is that there have been almost 20 countries less than the area of the Sikhs' Holy and histories homeland, Punjab, the 'Landless Sikh Nation PUNJAB'.


In order to understand the situation we have to examine the sixty-three-year situation retrospectively. Soon  after the 'Brahmins-Hindus' independence on August 15, 1947, the day the Hindus-Brahmins' India received freedom from Britain after the 'subservient' of the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., of more than 3,500 years, the 'Brahmins-Hindus', the enemies of the Sikhs 'robbed' the Sikhs of Punjab in a broad day light and made them the 'Landless Sikh Nation Punjab'. Within 7-week post 15th August, 1947, the 'Brahmin-Baniya' 'trio' (JL Nehru, CL Trivedi and VB Patel) declared via a state circular that "The Sikhs are a lawless people and are dangerous to the law-abiding Hindus, i.e., the Hindus and Brahmins."

This was the beginning. The 'Brahmin-Hindu' leadership brought a draft of the Indian Constitution in 1948, in which the 'Sikh religion' was 'swallowed'. The Sikhs were termed as the 'long-haired Hindus'. The 'Brahmins-Hindus' exterminated the Sikh religion. The Sikhs' elected representatives, on behalf of their electorates of Punjab 'REJECTED' the Indian Constitution of 1950, in its draft and final forms, in 1948, 26th November, 1949, 1950 and more recently on 6th September, 1965. The Sikhs' representatives were Sardar Hukam Singh, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Maan and Sirdar Kapur Singh, ICS, MLA, MP and National Professor of Sikhism. To date none of the Sikhs' elected representatives has accepted/endorsed/signed the Indian Constitution of 1950. I am wondering, under what law of the country and/or Constitution the Sikhs of the 'Landless Sikh Nation PUNJAB' are being ruled by the alleged Indian administration? I believe that the Sikhs are in the captivity of the alleged Indian democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus (14% of the total population).


The atrocities did not stop there. To exterminate the Sikhs, genocide and/or massacres were carried out in 1978 in Amritsar, an 'Undeclared war on the Landless Sikh Nation PUNJAB' in the name of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, in which more than 260,000 innocent and unarmed Sikh infants, children, youth, male and female folks and elderly were killed mercilessly, by the Indian armed forces, and nearly 15 Sikhs were massacred in Ludhiana in April 2010 (by the Punjab and the New Delhi administration headed by Dr. Manmohan Singh. The latter, who is the Prime Minister of the alleged Indian regime, is 'not' an elected member of parliament from any constituency of India. This is the alleged Indian democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' since 15th August, 1947. More than 6000 Sikhs have been languishing in the high security jails in New Delhi (Tihar jail), in Punjab and outside PUNJAB, without any charges and trials.


However, the International community should, therefore, pay immediate attention to resolve the Sikh problem of the Landless Sikh Nation PUNJAB amicably, as well as of other non-Hindu and non-Brahmin communities including Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, so that nobody has any reason to take the law into his or her hand or abuse the law by the 'law-makers'. The attention is more essential because the 'Brahmins-Hindus' have killed more than 3.2 to 3.4 million Sikhs since 15th August, 1947; more than 500,000 Muslims in general; more than 112,000 Muslims of Kashmir under Indian occupation since 1988more than 15,000 Tamils since 1990more than 12,000 citizens of Assam and 7-sister of Assammore than 312,500 Christians since 15th August, 1947; hundreds of thousand Dalits (who are more than 65% of a total population of 1.2 billion hungry mouths of the alleged 'Brahmins-Hindus' (14%) democracy, Adviasis, etc.


The writer strongly condemns discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, creed or religion and any sort of killing of innocent people by the way of suicide bombing or terrorismirrespective of the reasons, and prays for the victims of Air India flight 182 and their remaining family members; so that God gives them patience and that they can receive true justice.  At the same time we should also equally grieve for the victims who have been killed and are still being killed by the Hindu-Brahmins Indian government in India in general and in particular in Khalistan and in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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