Friday, May 28, 2010

Kargil Truth Update

Kargil Truth Update

Ghost unit spiced up Kargil lies
- Fictitious formation to belittle officer

New Delhi, May 27: The military tribunal's judgment for a rewriting of the army's official history of the Kargil war has thrown up questions on generalship during the conflict, especially after it was found that a general established a fictitious formation — a ghost brigade — up front to devalue the role of Brigadier Devinder Singh.

It is ironical — maybe even fitting — that a ghost brigade should resurrect the ghosts of the Kargil war to haunt the army's generals and their political masters over a decade after the hostilities.

Devinder Singh, the now-retired brigadier, commanded the 70 Infantry Brigade in the tough Batalik sector with some of the most forbidding heights. The landmark judgment of the Armed Forces Tribunal is a belated restoration of his military reputation as a soldier after an 11-year-long battle, more bitter than any that he led in the war itself.

But the documents presented during the proceedings that finally convinced the tribunal, comprising former Supreme Court judge A.K. Mathur and former vice-chief of the army Lt Gen. Milan Naidu, show just how generals pulled rank to mask their own failures and pass the buck on field commanders like Devinder Singh.

More questions are likely to be thrown up when the petition of Brigadier Surinder Singh, who commanded the 121 Kargil-based brigade and was sacked in the middle of the hostilities, is heard.

This afternoon, Brigadier Surinder Singh told The Telegraph that his tell-all book would be published shortly. He has detailed his communications with his superiors and with higher headquarters in his account.

But there is a difference in the way the generals treated Surinder Singh and Devinder Singh. Devinder Singh was denied credit for his leadership and personal example.

Surinder Singh alleges he was discredited and made a scapegoat on charges of having allowed the intrusions by Pakistan Army regulars and irregulars in his sector to build up.

Surinder Singh's case is yet to be disposed of. But Devinder Singh's case illustrates just how far superiors can go to doctor accounts.

In his reports on the war, Devinder Singh's (15) corps commander, Lt Gen. (also retired) Kishan Pal, stated categorically that "success in operations, particularly in the last 10-12 days came about by superimposing Brigadier Ashok Duggal, deputy general officer commanding 3 Infantry Division, who positioned himself at Ganasok (up front) and helped in conduct of operations".

Pal's doctored "battle performance report" on Devinder Singh was approved by the then Northern Army commander, Lt Gen. H.M. Khanna, without any questioning, and passed on to the Military Operations Directorate in Army Headquarters then headed by Lt Gen. N.C. Vij who reported to the then chief, Gen. Ved Prakash Malik.

Pal's report was designed to give the impression that Duggal had established a new brigade headquarters and was commanding it from the eastern flank of the sector. In reality, Devinder Singh was actually on the western flank, executing diversionary tactics before launching a major attack on the heights from three directions.

The government was forced to set aside this "battle performance report" by Lt Gen. Pal because not only Devinder Singh's battalion commanders but also the Colonel General Staff of his higher (3 Infantry Division) headquarters — and Duggal's and Pal's junior — denied that Duggal was in charge.

In his affidavit, the Colonel GS, Col. Avtar Singh (also retired), said he was "fully conversant with the operational and all other aspects of the operations that took place in the Batalik sector from May 8 to August 9, 1999".

He added that Brigadier Devinder Singh "commanded and controlled the entire operations in the Batalik sector solely and exclusively and that at no stage did the command and control ever change or devolve on any other individual other than him. This pertains to both the western and eastern flanks."

Avtar Singh said Brigadier Duggal was asked to be in the Batalik sector for just 72 hours from July 1 to July 4 1999 "as the divisional representative for the largescale operations of the 70 Infantry Brigade (being conducted by Brigadier Devinder Singh) and specifically to oversee the functioning of the LSA (logistic support area) set up by headquarters of 3 Infantry Division in support of the operations of 70 Infantry Brigade.

This forward positioning of a representative of the higher headquarters in the remote sector of the lower formation often happens in war to facilitate interaction and timely support.

Lt Gen. Pal was actually saying that Brigadier Duggal had achieved in just 72 hours what took the Indian Army 80 days to accomplish!

It was this LSA that was being passed off as the ghost of a brigade and that was later used by Devinder Singh's superiors to deny him his due.
Brigadier not keen to return to army

New Delhi, May 27: A Pakistani artillery shell that exploded near his forward tactical camp in Batalik kicked up stone and dust and shrapnel that broke Brigadier Devinder Singh's nose in early July 1999.

By then the brigadier was in, what old soldiers call, the "rhythm of the war", having gauged his terrain, assessed his strengths, got an approximate fix of the enemy positions and having more or less decided on his angles of attack, the diversions and a battleplan for assaults on the heights in his sector.

As he sits behind the wheel of his sedan in South Delhi now with the air-conditioner on — his car is also an office — riffling through a file of documents that he has amassed since he began his crusade for justice, the heat and dust of that war still clouds the memory.

"It's been a long time, nearly 11 years. I don't think I'd like to go back to the army now, I'm well-settled since retiring but it's about honour," he says in sharp tones.

The soldier still bursts out of the finely cut summer-suit of the corporate executive.

Since retiring — being forced to retire — from the army in 2006, Devinder Singh has been a senior manager with an air cargo firm, heading its logistics hub in the capital.

He believes that after the tribunal's judgment he should be considered for the notional rank of major general.

A handful of his contemporaries have gone on to be lieutenant generals and even army commanders. But most have retired.

"We were surprised that he should have been passed over," says one of his friends from the artillery regiment.

Even former army chief, Gen. V.P. Malik, admitted on television today that Devinder Singh "was a fine soldier and I visited him in Batalik to give him a pat".

Malik is angry that Devinder Singh's case should raise questions on the capability of the army's command and control mechanism under his generalship.

"I want the record to be set straight," says Devinder Singh.

At one point in the war, he was commanding as many as 11 battalions — more than a division-plus of troops that a major general should be leading. "He was treated shoddily," says his regimental friend.

Devinder Singh still does not know why his superior and the 15 corps commander distorted the reports on him. "We had differences on the operations," he says but the fudging was "for reasons best known to him (Lt Gen. Kishan Pal)".

In early 2002 when the entire military was being moved to the northern and western fronts for Operation Parakram, the year-long stand-off with Pakistan following the Parliament attack, Brigadier Devinder Singh told The Telegraph that in his assessment the mobilisation would not lead to war. He was then the army Fellow at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis and was making an assessment few would have dared to give. Subsequent events proved him right.

"He was army commander material," says his colleague from the regiment to which he belonged (artillery).

By 2002, Devinder Singh had already begun his crusade, filing non-statutory and statutory complaints and then petitioning the high court. Till Wednesday, he was not sure that the long and laborious war that he has waged — all alone — through the bureaucracy of justice would redeem his honour.

Pal reacts

Lt Gen. Pal today said: "I have not fudged any reports or records, I have written one confidential battle performance report about Brigadier Devinder Singh and the report was totally unbiased and true."

LoC battleground turns tourist spot

Srinagar, May 27: One history distorted, another made.

The Jammu and Kashmir government has put Kargil's Batalik on the tourist map for the first time since the 1999 war, the move coming at a time the area is under the spotlight in the row over fudging of the conflict's records.

Batalik was one of the war's most important theatres where the now-retired Brigadier Devinder Singh, the army officer wrongfully accused of negligence in detecting the intrusions, commanded his 70 Infantry brigade.

"Batalik was out of bounds for both domestic and foreign tourists, but that will be history now. They are now free to come anytime," Kargil police chief Aijaz Ahmad said.

The curbs were formally lifted yesterday, with the government organising a three-day tourist fair in Batalik. The aim was to showcase the area, known for its scenic but inhospitable landscape, and the life and the culture of its Drokpa inhabitants who claim to be the only surviving members of a pure Aryan race.

Kargil collector Sheikh Riyaz Ahmad said opening Batalik would help promote tourism in the entire district. "There is great potential for trekking. Plus, Batalik is a virgin site with beautiful valleys. A historical road runs parallel to the Indus river. It is also home to Drokpas who have been living here for centuries," he said.

"The Batalik sector is spread over 1000sqkm area and there are no less than 20 villages in it," he added.

The Drokpas' Aryan descent has fascinated foreigners. Unlike the area's other people, most of whom have Mongoloid features, the Drokpas are of central Asian origin. The race-sensitive Buddhist community has been known to fiercely guard its racial identity by preventing inter-caste marriages.

Sheikh said the government had drawn up a new set of rules to let in visitors. "There is little tourist infrastructure now but with the restrictions gone, the area will see development (of such facilities)," he added.

Some of the Kargil war's most important battles were fought in Batalik. One such battle featured Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey of the 1/11 Gorkha Rifles. He was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra, the highest gallantry award, for recapturing Jubar Top, a strategic peak, in Batalik in June 1999.

Last year, the government allowed foreigners to visit Turtuk in adjoining Leh, described as the Kargil war's last outpost. Turtuk is part of the Nobra valley, situated 220km from Leh and 660km from Srinagar.

Ladakh, which includes Leh and Kargil, is popular with foreign tourists who flocked to the cold desert even during militancy in Kashmir. Around 75,000 foreign visitors go there every year.

The season, July to August earlier, now runs from May to October.

Truth is out: Kargil War hounding Army back

kargil war 300x240 Truth is out: Kargil War hounding Army back general news

Kargil war was fought by the Indian Army following fierce gun battles and bravery. But all the bravery and ensuing victory was again put to shame by Army's own war heroes.

The Armed Forces Tribunal has raised very serious doubts on the top military leadership. As per the tribunal, the former Lieutenant General had distorted the records of the war which affected a Brigadier's promotion.

Brigadier (Retd) Devinder Singh was commanding 70 Infantry Brigade which was instrumental in many victories during the Kargil war. As per the Brigadier, these victories were shown against a fictitious command headed by the Lieutenant General's trusted aide.

Brigadier approached the Delhi High Court and his plea was transferred to the Principle Bench of the Armed Force Tribunal. Brig Devinder said, "For reasons best known to Lt Gen Kishan Pal, he was favouring and giving credit to Brig Duggal and my command tenure was shown in bad light. Though it could not help him and he could not take his next rank, I had to suffer a lot because of this act".

The incident amounts to tampering with the history of the battle. The tribunal has now directed the Director General Military Operations to re-write the history of Op Vijay: Account of the War in Kargil.

The tribunal also directed the Army to consider the Brigadier for the notional promotion to the rank of Major General. "I feel vindicated" were the happy remarks by the Brigadier after the tribunal decision.

Gen (Retd) VP Malik, the then Army Chief said on the tribunal's decision "Kargil is India's most transparent and well documented war" and also said that it will incorrect to point out that the entire history was doctored.

Truth is out: Kargil War hounding Army back

All India Today - Sumit Sehgal - ‎17 hours ago‎
Kargil war was fought by the Indian Army following fierce gun battles and bravery. But all the bravery and ensuing victory was again put to shame by Army's ...

Top commander fudged Kargil war records

Indian Express - ‎22 hours ago‎
... the truth revail. Such officers need to be felicitated for there sacrifice for the just cause. I salute devinder singh. Top commander fudged Kargil war ...

Army general falsified Kargil records, rules tribunal

Sify - ‎17 hours ago‎
But Pal, who headed the Srinagar-based 15 Corps during the conflict, denied having done anything wrong and said he had written the 'truth as I saw it'. ...

Kargil row: Devinder case an aberration, says ex-Army chief

Times of India - ‎21 hours ago‎
Complete truth of the war should come out. The nation will have to investigate that why so many people died". Blaming the senior leadership of that time for ...

Kargil war should be thoroughly probed, demand two

Press Trust of India - ‎17 hours ago‎
I demand that a Kargil Inquiry Committee be set up to unearth the truth of the war," Brig Devinder Singh said. In the Tribunal, he had contended that he was ...

Indian Army report on Kargil War, a pack of lie: report

South Asian News Agency (SANA) - ‎16 hours ago‎
... the Indian Army Generals presented false reports for the sake of acquiring medals and awards in connection with the Kargil War and twisted the truth to ...

Report on Brig Singh Objective, No Bias: Lt Gen Pal

Outlook - ‎17 hours ago‎
After being indicted by the Armed Forces Tribunal for showing bias against a Brigadier and falsifying the accounts of the Kargil war, Lt Gen Kishan Pal ...

Armed forces tribunal indicts Lt Gen for fake Kargil battle accounts

Economic Times - ‎11 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The Armed Forced Tribunal has indicted a former Lieutenant General for showing bias against a Brigadier, playing down his achievements and for ...

Kargil war: Lt-Gen doctored reports

Times of India - ‎13 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Against all odds, courageous young officers and soldiers dislodged well-entrenched Pakistani intruders from the Kargil heights in 1999. ...

Officer denied Kargil credit by biased senior, rules Tribunal

Indian Express - ‎14 hours ago‎
The Armed Forces Tribunal has ruled that a former Army Commander was biased against a Brigadier under his command during the Kargil war and fudged records ...

Rewrite Kargil history to give soldier back his honour: Armed Forces Tribunal

Hindustan Times - ‎15 hours ago‎
In an unprecedented order, the Armed Forces Tribunal has said the Kargil war history is inaccurate and asked the Army to give a true picture of how the ...

The batalik battle

Indian Express - ‎16 hours ago‎
The operations in Batalik have come under the scanner after a tribunal ruling that one of the senior most officers involved in the Kargil war, ...

Did not fudge any Kargil war reports: Lt Gen Kishan Pal

Times of India - ‎17 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: After being indicted by the Armed Forces Tribunal for showing bias against a Brigadier and falsifying the accounts of the Kargil war, ...

Army general falsified Kargil records, rules tribunal

Sify - ‎17 hours ago‎
In a major embarrassment for the Indian Army, a military tribunal has ruled that a senior commander had falsified records of the 1999 Kargil war with ...

Ex-Kargil brigade commander wants probe into role of officers

Daily News & Analysis - ‎18 hours ago‎
PTI Chandigarh: With the Armed Forces Tribunal indicting a former officer of fudging accounts of Kargil battles, sacked Brigadier Surinder Singh today ...

Fudging Kargil war history

NewsX - ‎18 hours ago‎
The Armed Forces Tribunal has thrown light on some disreputable goings-on in the Army during the Kargil war. It has finally restored the credit for ...

Sting ops can be used to 'malign' people: Army Tribunal - ‎20 hours ago‎
New Delhi Sting operations alone cannot be relied upon by authorities to take action against officials as there have been several cases where such ...

Timeline of articles

Timeline of articles
Number of sources covering this story

Armed forces tribunal indicts Lt Gen for fake Kargil battle accounts
‎11 hours ago‎ - Economic Times

Top commander showed bias towards Kargil war officer: Tribunal
‎May 27, 2010‎ - Times of India

Calcutta Telegr...
Calcutta Telegr...
The Express Tri...
Chandigarh Trib...

  1. Truth is out: Kargil War hounding Army back

    All India Today - Sumit Sehgal - 17 hours ago
    Kargil war was fought by the Indian Army following fierce gun battles and bravery. But all the bravery and ensuing victory was again put to shame by Army's ...
    Kargil row: Devinder case an aberration, says ex-Army chief- Times of India
    Army general falsified Kargil records, rules tribunal- Sify
    Indian Express - Press Trust of India
    all 137 news articles »
  2. Army general falsified Kargil records, rules tribunal

    India Talkies - 17 hours ago
    It was truth as I saw it,' Pal told reporters. Singh, in his plea, had challenged the post-Kargil operation report that stated that four of his most ...
  3. Caution is the watchword

    Daily Pioneer - Joginder Singh - 2 May 2010
    It has suggested the setting up of a truth commission to unravel the mystery ... the last is also known as the Kargil war — but was defeated in all of them. ...
  4. Talking Water Treaties

    Newsline (blog) - Afia Salam - 15 May 2010
    ... in search of a story have to wade through muddy waters to reach the truth. ... (1965 and 1971) and a limited but extremely perilous skirmish in Kargil. ...

    Newsline (blog)
  5. Debating Nuclear Deterrence

    The New York Review of Books (blog) - Freeman Dyson - 12 May 2010
    Last night on television I repeated this dreary truth for the n'th time, .... The more recent example of the Kargil War, a limited conflict between two ...
  6. Sikh Bravery and Valour in Military History

    The Sikh Times, UK - Daljit Singh - 5 May 2010
    The pictures reveal the truth and the genuine dedication and commitment of the ..... During the Kargil Conflict of 1999, two battalions, 8 Sikh and 14 Sikh ...
  7. India's Bizarre Classification Policy

    KanglaOnline - B.G. Verghese - 16 May 2010
    ... the truth remains locked while those who should know remain in ignorance. ... a peak just north of Kargil which Pakistan was using to interdict the Zoji ...
  8. Aman ki Ashaa–Living in Fools paradise

    Rupee News (blog) - 7 May 2010
    ... been played for a long time despite the fact that it is not based on truth. ... In their view, Vajpayee was keen to settle Kashmir dispute but Kargil ...

India satisfied after Canada expresses regret over visa row

The Hindu - ‎31 minutes ago‎
PTI The Hindu Canada have deeply regretted the recent letter drafted by low level officials on routine visa applications casting for aspersions on security ...

Canada says sorry to India

Oneindia - ‎1 hour ago‎
New Delhi, May 28: Canada expressed the regrets in the use of language which cast 'false impressions' during its visa denial procedures to the members of ...

India Fumes at Canada, Oz Breathes Sigh of Relief

Wall Street Journal (blog) - Vibhuti Agarwal - ‎1 hour ago‎
Weeks before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is scheduled to visit Toronto, a visa officer at the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi has ...

"We have received a copy of the statement made by Jason Kenny, Canadian Minister for Citizenship. He has expressed high regards for India. They have deeply regretted the recent letter drafted by low level officials on routine visa applications casting for aspersions on security forces," External Affairs Minister SM Krishna told reporters here.
more by SM Krishna - 31 minutes ago - The Hindu (2 occurrences)

Canada regrets language used by its officials in visa letters

Daily News & Analysis - ‎2 hours ago‎
PTI New Delhi: Canada today expressed "deep regret" over the language used by its officials against Indian defence and security establishments, ...

Canada 'deeply regrets' visa row with India

Indian Express - ‎3 hours ago‎
Canada on Friday expressed 'deep regret' over the language used by its officials in the visa rejection letters to some officials of the Indian defence and ...

Canada 'apologises', assures visa policy review

The Hindu - Sandeep Dikshit - ‎3 hours ago‎
Regretting the use of language that "cast false impressions" while refusing visas to former or serving members of Indian armed forces and security ...

Canada mum, Indo-Canadians blame 'anti-India' bureaucracy

Hindustan Times - ‎3 hours ago‎
Canada has said it "deeply regrets" the aspersions cast on the Indian security establishment following the refusal of visa to several Indians by its mission ...

Denial of visa by Canada to Indian security personnel unacceptable, says Krishna

Oneindia - ‎3 hours ago‎
Bangalore, May 28 (ANI): Reacting to the Canadian High Commission denying visa to India's former and serving security personnel, External Affairs Minister ...

Canada's Immigration Minister on visa row - ‎5 hours ago‎
The Indian government is already furious over the repeated denial of visas to Indian officers. The Ministry of Home Affairs has already given Canada a week ...

Visa row: Krishna takes on Canada - ‎5 hours ago‎
External Affairs Minister has termed Canada's decision to deny Indian security men visas as "unacceptable". Speaking in Bangalore, the minister said the ...

Timeline of articles

Timeline of articles
Number of sources covering this story

India satisfied after Canada expresses regret over visa row
‎31 minutes ago‎ - The Hindu

Visa row: India to retaliate if Canada does not respond
‎May 27, 2010‎ - Economic Times

India to retaliate over Canadian visa denial
‎May 26, 2010‎ - Oneindia

Canadian embassy insults India again
‎May 26, 2010‎ -


The Hindu
Calcutta Telegr...
Press Trust of ...

Armed forces tribunal indicts Lt Gen for fake Kargil battle accounts

Economic Times - ‎11 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The Armed Forced Tribunal has indicted a former Lieutenant General for showing bias against a Brigadier, playing down his achievements and for ...

Kargil war: Lt-Gen doctored reports

Times of India - ‎13 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Against all odds, courageous young officers and soldiers dislodged well-entrenched Pakistani intruders from the Kargil heights in 1999. ...

Officer denied Kargil credit by biased senior, rules Tribunal

Indian Express - ‎14 hours ago‎
The Armed Forces Tribunal has ruled that a former Army Commander was biased against a Brigadier under his command during the Kargil war and fudged records ...

Rewrite Kargil history to give soldier back his honour: Armed Forces Tribunal

Hindustan Times - ‎15 hours ago‎
In an unprecedented order, the Armed Forces Tribunal has said the Kargil war history is inaccurate and asked the Army to give a true picture of how the ...

The batalik battle

Indian Express - ‎16 hours ago‎
The operations in Batalik have come under the scanner after a tribunal ruling that one of the senior most officers involved in the Kargil war, ...

Did not fudge any Kargil war reports: Lt Gen Kishan Pal

Times of India - ‎17 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: After being indicted by the Armed Forces Tribunal for showing bias against a Brigadier and falsifying the accounts of the Kargil war, ...

Army general falsified Kargil records, rules tribunal

Sify - ‎17 hours ago‎
In a major embarrassment for the Indian Army, a military tribunal has ruled that a senior commander had falsified records of the 1999 Kargil war with ...

Ex-Kargil brigade commander wants probe into role of officers

Daily News & Analysis - ‎18 hours ago‎
PTI Chandigarh: With the Armed Forces Tribunal indicting a former officer of fudging accounts of Kargil battles, sacked Brigadier Surinder Singh today ...

Fudging Kargil war history

NewsX - ‎18 hours ago‎
The Armed Forces Tribunal has thrown light on some disreputable goings-on in the Army during the Kargil war. It has finally restored the credit for ...

Sting ops can be used to 'malign' people: Army Tribunal - ‎20 hours ago‎
New Delhi Sting operations alone cannot be relied upon by authorities to take action against officials as there have been several cases where such ...

Timeline of articles

Timeline of articles
Number of sources covering this story

Armed forces tribunal indicts Lt Gen for fake Kargil battle accounts
‎11 hours ago‎ - Economic Times

Top commander showed bias towards Kargil war officer: Tribunal
‎May 27, 2010‎ - Times of India

Calcutta Telegr...
Calcutta Telegr...
The Express Tri...
Chandigarh Trib...

ROVER'S DIARY: Indo-Pak peace on business foundations–Babar Ayaz

Daily Times - ‎May 24, 2010‎
A safe guesstimate is that every second household in Pakistan is doing at least Rs50 trade with India every week, if not more. There are around 34 million ...

Army lodges protest with Pakistan over firing along LoC

The Hindu - ‎May 24, 2010‎
PTI Indian Army lodged a strong protest with its Pakistan counterpart over unprovoked firing from across the border on Indian posts along the LoC in Poonch ...

All quiet at LoC, day after six-hour firing

Hindustan Times - ‎May 23, 2010‎
There were no reports of any exchange of fire on Monday along the Line of Control (LoC) Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district after more than six hours of ...

Indian jawan hurt in border firing

Daily News & Analysis - ‎May 23, 2010‎
Srinagar, ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani army on Sunday violated the border ceasefire and fired indiscriminately on eight Indian forward posts at Krishna Ghati ...

Pakistani troops fire shells on Indian positions, BSF trooper injured

Hindustan Times - ‎May 23, 2010‎
One BSF trooper was injured on Sunday when Pakistani troops fired shells on Indian positions along the Line of Control (LoC) in Krishnaghati in the Mendhar ...

'Clashes' erupt near Kashmir border - ‎May 23, 2010‎
Pakistani and Indian forces are reported to have engaged in deadly clashes near the border in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, with both armies ...

Pak troops violate ceasefire, heavy exchange of fire in Pooch

Indian Express - ‎May 23, 2010‎
Violating the ceasefire, Pakistani troops on Sunday targeted six forward posts along the LoC in Pooch district with mortars and other heavy calibre weapons, ...

Pakistani troops fire mortars on LoC, one Indian soldier hurt

Economic Times - ‎May 23, 2010‎
JAMMU: One Indian soldier was injured on Sunday when Pakistani troops fired mortars on Indian positions along the Line of Control (LoC) in Krishna Ghati in ...

Indian, Pakistani armies exchange heavy fire on LoC

Hindustan Times - ‎May 23, 2010‎
In a major incident of ceasefire violation, the Indian and Pakistani armies were engaged in a heavy gunbattle on Sunday along the Line of Control (LoC) in ...

Pak troops fire at Indian positions in J&K

Times of India - ‎May 23, 2010‎
JAMMU: In a ceasefire violation on the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistani troops on Sunday opened fire on Indian positions in Krishna Ghati sector in Mendhar ...

Timeline of articles

Timeline of articles
Number of sources covering this story

Army lodges protest with Pakistan over firing along LoC
‎May 24, 2010‎ - The Hindu

Pak violates ceasefire, targets 6 Indian posts
‎May 23, 2010‎ - Press Trust of India

Pakistani troops fire mortars on LoC, one Indian soldier hurt
‎May 23, 2010‎ - Economic Times

India Talkies
India Talkies
India Talkies
India Talkies
India Talkies

Kashmir survey finds no majority for independence

AFP - ‎May 27, 2010‎
SRINAGAR, India — Less than half of residents in both the Indian and Pakistani zones of Kashmir favour independence as a solution to end unrest in the ...

First Kashmir survey 'startling'

BBC News - ‎May 26, 2010‎
A survey which a British academic says is the first systematic attempt to establish the opinions of Kashmiris has produced "striking results". ...

VIEW: The desire for peace –Ikram Sehgal

Daily Times - ‎May 26, 2010‎
There is now a dire and immediate need to change old mindsets and give way to a new and positive thinking. Both Pakistan and India need to avoid ...

Two killed as Indian army foils infiltration bid in Kashmir

Sify - ‎May 26, 2010‎
Indian troops on Wednesday killed two suspected militants who tried to enter Indian Kashmir from the Pakistani side of the disputed region, the military ...

India's approach self-delusional: Pak

Times of India - ‎May 26, 2010‎
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has asked the US to nudge India to address contentious issues in order to bridge the trust deficit between the two countries instead of ...

Bridging Indo-Pak trust deficit will take time but talks step in right ...

Oneindia - ‎May 26, 2010‎
Washington, May 26 (ANI): Describing India and Pakistan's renewed efforts to address all pending issues between them as a 'step in the right direction', ...

Pakistan asks US to help bridge gulf with India - Baqir Sajjad Syed - ‎May 25, 2010‎
India has always denied entertaining US pressure in its ties with Pakistan, but analysts believe that the Feb 25 foreign ...

US lauds Indo-Pak commitment to talks

Daily Times - ‎May 25, 2010‎
WASHINGTON: The US has called the commitment to dialogue by Pakistan and India a step in the right direction and reaffirmed its support for efforts towards ...

Kashmir peace key to fixing Afghanistan

The Australian - Mustafa Qadri - ‎May 25, 2010‎
ALTHOUGH the war in Afghanistan has come to prominence over the past decade, the neighbouring conflict in Kashmir has almost totally dropped off the radar. ...

Dr Singh's blind spots: Pakistan and Maoists

Rediff - ‎May 25, 2010‎
The prime minister's remarks on relations with Pakistan and on the Maoist issue do not bode well for our success in dealing with these two challenges to our ...

Timeline of articles

Timeline of articles
Number of sources covering this story

Kashmir survey finds no majority for independence
‎May 27, 2010‎ - AFP

India's approach self-delusional: Pak
‎May 26, 2010‎ - Times of India

Kashmiri separatists unmoved by PM's dialogue
‎May 25, 2010‎ - Hindustan Times

Pak will continue to support cause of Kashmiris: Gilani
‎May 24, 2010‎ - Press Trust of India


Kashmir Newz
National Turk E...
Chatham House
The Express Tri...
National Turk E...
Chatham House

Srinagar erupts over 'encounter' of three youths

Times of India - ‎11 hours ago‎
SRINAGAR: Hundreds of people took to the streets at Nadihal in North Kashmir's Baramulla district to protest the alleged killing of three missing youth in a ...

Two held in Valley after villagers allege fake encounte

Indian Express - ‎15 hours ago‎
Jammu & Kashmir Police have detained a former Special Police Officer (SPO) and a counter-insurgent in North Kashmir in connection with the alleged ...

J&K: Probe into alleged fake encounter - ‎16 hours ago‎
The Jammu and Kashmir government has ordered an inquiry into an alleged fake encounter by the Army in the Machil Sector along the Line of Control (LoC) on ...

Kashmir government to probe 'staged' shootout

Sify - ‎16 hours ago‎
The Jammu and Kashmir government Thursday ordered a magisterial probe into an alleged staged shootout in which the Indian Army had claimed to have killed ...

Two arrested for involvement in fake gun battle in Kashmir - ‎29 minutes ago‎
Srinagar, May 28 (IANS) Two people have been arrested for the disappearance of three men in the Kashmir Valley who were allegedly killed in a fake gun ...

Demos in Nadihal against killing of 3 youth in fake encounter

Kashmir Media Service - ‎1 hour ago‎
Srinagar, May 28 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, hundreds of people took to streets at Nadihal in Rafiabad area of Baramulla district to protest against the ...

JK police to register murder case against Army major

Press Trust of India - ‎4 hours ago‎
Srinagar, May 28 (PTI) Jammu and Kashmir police will register a murder case against an Army major and some civilians for allegedly luring three youths to ...

CM ORDERS PROBE IN MACHIL KILLINGS (press release) - Altaf Baba - ‎15 hours ago‎
Varmul, May 27: Jammu and Kashmir government Thursday ordered a magisterial probe into the killing of three youth from Nadihal, Rafiabad in an alleged fake ...

JKPM stresses tripartite dialogue for Kashmir solution

South Asian News Agency (SANA) - ‎16 hours ago‎
SRINAGAR, (SANA): The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leader and Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Movement Ghulam Ahmed Mir has urged India to ...

Palash Biswas
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