Friday, May 21, 2010

Fwd: US Majority Leader: I AM NOT FRIEND OF INDIA

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Date: Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:48 AM
Subject: US Majority Leader: I AM NOT FRIEND OF INDIA

During Congressional Luncheon organized by NFIA in Washington DC, on May 18, 2010 House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer was asked a question:


Dave Makkar:

"When every US law maker swear by friendship with India then why they are giving sophisticated arms as free Aid to India's hostile neighbor Pakistan knowingly that they are being used for terrorist activities in India?


Then Israeli's are stealing military technology from America to sell it to China which is another hostile neighbor of India?"


Steny Hoyer evaded the first part by saying "I don't claim to be friend of India but I am a friend of India.


Pakistan is our old ally from the time when we were looking an ally against Russia and India never supported us.


As far as Israel is concerned they are our important ally and we are committed to its defense. We do transfer technology to them as this gentleman is alleging I do't know his name that Israeli's are stealing technology for sale to China…..


Steny Hoyer who can accuse President Obama from his own party on a foreign soil that he is incompetent; is a big liar for accusing the person asking the question when it is an open secret Israeli's are behind China's spectacular growth in sophisticated military hardware & technology.


During the August 2009 recess, 56 members of Congress visited Israel all expanse paid by Israelis, and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) blasted Obama on foreign soil; told reporters that it was a mistake for Obama to make settlement construction the key issue and that there was a "significant difference" between settlements in the West Bank and those in East Jerusalem." In some other country this bizarre act of US Congress members  will be treated as Treason and crime against the Country; punishable with death sentence.


Here are few statements from various news papers. Please feel free to send it to Steny Hoyer who is always willing to drop his pants for Israelis and posing as real friend to Pakistan by supplying them free arms so that Israeli's can sell their junk at inflated prices by bribing main political parties of India namely Zionist Christian Sonia's Congress & Zionised BJP.


"Every time we discover a new program in the Third World arms proliferation game, we always find that the Israelis have got some hand in it,'' says a senior analyst with the U.S. State Department's Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, who spoke to the Washington Report on condition of anonymity. "Israeli scientists helping with a Third World arms program [are] about as inevitable as ants at a picnic."


Larry M. Wortzel, a former U.S. military attache in Beijing and now an analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said the Israel-China arms channel has flowed for more than 50 years. "It grew and grew, and the United States just winked at a number of serious transfers," he said.


CIA Director R. James Woolsey in a written testimony to US Senate: "We believe the Chinese seek from Israel advanced military technologies that the U.S. and Western firms are unwilling to provide," Woolsey also informed the Senate that Israel has been selling military technology to China for over a decade, and that the sales may amount to "several billion dollars."


Israeli Defense Ministry Director David Ivry: Israel has been selling arms to China but refused to describe the arms sold or their value.


1992 U.S. intelligence report that said Israel, in the immediate aftermath of the Persian Gulf war, transferred Patriot anti-missile data to China. US had given Patriots to Israel for protection against Iraqi Scud missile attacks. Tel Aviv vehemently denied the intelligence report, first disclosed by The Washington Times. In fact, Israel has denied several other accusations that it violated agreements by exporting restricted American technology it buys with yearly U.S. subsidies.


The Cox report confirmed the suspicion in 1999, stating, "Significant transfers of U.S. military technology have also taken place in the mid-1990s through the re-export by Israel of advanced technology transferred to it by the United States, including avionics and missile guidance useful for the PLA´s F-10 fighter."


Not long after the Patriot brouhaha subsided, Israel again was denying charges that it illegally exported U.S. technology to the communist regime in Beijing. This time, the suspicions revolved around the ill-fated Lavi fighter. Israel spent more than $1 billion in U.S. aid on the aircraft, which was based on the U.S. F-16 Falcon. After Israel ditched the program at Washington´s insistence, intelligence reports said Tel Aviv was selling the F-16 avionics technology to China for incorporation into that country´s new F-10 ground-attack fighter.


A federal grand jury in Honolulu has indicted Noshir Gowadia for allegedly sending military secrets to China, Germany, Israel and Switzerland. The 18-count federal indictment handed up Nov. 15 does not detail the charges.


The Congressional Quarterly reported in 2009 that a 2005 National Security Agency wiretap caught JEW Congresswoman Jane Harman assuring an Israeli agent that "she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two former officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)". In return Jane Harman wanted AIPAC to lobby for her to become chairwoman of the House Intelligence Committee. As usual being a Jew/Israeli she was never prosecuted.

US government to drop espionage charges against Aipac officials

Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman accused of providing US defence secrets to Israeli embassy in Washington

Northrop Grumman (Non-JEW)engineer could get death for selling classified tech

Special to World


Friday, November 24, 2006

Did U.S. Pressure to Curb Israeli Arms Sales Prompt Peace Accord?

By Tim Kennedy


Is Israel Really America's Friend?


Settling for Failure in the Middle East


By Stephen M. Walt

Sunday, September 20, 2009


US Congress full of Pro-Israeli scoundrels did a Loyalty Show when AIPAC in May 2009, drafted a letter warning Obama implying he is an idiot with no experience to "work closely and privately" with Israel. It garnered 329 signatures in the House and 76 names in the Senate which includes the name of House Majority Leader Steny H Hoyer (D-MD).


During the August 2009 recess, 56 members of Congress visited Israel all expanse paid by Israelis, and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) blasted Obama on foreign soil; told reporters that it was a mistake for Obama to make settlement construction the key issue and that there was a "significant difference" between settlements in the West Bank and those in East Jerusalem." In some other country this bizarre act of US Congress members  will be treated as Treason and crime against the Country; punishable with death sentence. 



House Resolution 34 & 867 passed by Zionist captive US Congress. Which I reproducing for the benefit of India-Unity members.


H. Res. 34: Recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirming...


Recognizing Israel 's right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza , reaffirming the United States ' strong support for Israel , and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.


Sponsored by: Nancy Pelosi

Co-sponsors: 116


Introduced: Jan 8, 2009

Passed: Jan 9, 2009


Jan 9, 2009: This resolution passed in the House of Representatives by roll call vote. The vote was held under a suspension of the rules to cut debate short and pass the resolution, needing a two-thirds majority. This usually occurs for non-controversial legislation. The totals were 390 Ayes, 5 Nays, 38 Present/Not Voting.


DEM NO: Maxine Waters CA, Dennis Kucinich OH, Nick Rahall WV, Gwen Moore WI


REP NO: Ronald Paul TX


Present:                     22 Dem                      0 Rep

Not voting:                   8 Dem                      8 Rep


H. Res. 867:

Calling on the President and the Secretary of State to oppose unequivocally any endorsement or further consideration of the "Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict" in multilateral fora. (popularly known as Justice Goldstone Report)


Sponsored by: Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL18]

Co-sponsors: 202


Introduced: Oct. 23, 2009

Passed: Nov. 3, 2009


Nov 3, 2009: This resolution passed in the House of Representatives by roll call vote. The vote was held under a suspension of the rules to cut debate short and pass the resolution, needing a two-thirds majority. This usually occurs for non-controversial legislation. The totals were 344 Ayes, 36 Nays, 52 Present/Not Voting


YES                 179 D              165 R

NO                    33 D                 3 R

PRESENT         20 D                 2 R

Not voting          23 D                 7 R   


DEM. NO: Edward Pastor AZ, Raul Grijalva AZ, Lyn Woolsey CA, George Miller CA, Barbara Lee CA, Fotney Stark CA, Lois Capps CA, Maxine Waters CA, Bob Filner CA, Andre Carson IN, Donna Edwards MD, John Olver MA, James McCgovern MA, Stephen Lynch MA, Carolyn Kilpatrick MI, John Dingell MI, Betty McCollum MN, Keith Ellison MN, William Clay MO, Yvette Clarke NY, Maurice Hinchey NY, David Price NC, Melvin Watt NC, Dennis Kucinich OH, Earl Blumenauer OR, Llyod Doggett TX, Eddie Johnson TX, James Moran VA, Brian Baird WA, James McDermott WA, Nick Rahall WV, Tammy Baldwin WI



REP. NO: Geoff Davis KY, Charles Boustany LA, Ronald Paul TX 


Danny Seidemann, a Jerusalem lawyer and campaigner for a shared capital in the city, points out that 1,600 homes in Ramot is more than Israel has built for Jerusalem Palestinians in 43 years of occupation. But he accepts that – assuming a just land swap – that such a consensus exists. However he adds: "The status of Jerusalem will be determined not by Israeli consensus but by an agreement with the Palestinians. If I as an Israeli want Ramat Shlomo to be part of Israel , the only people that can give it to me are the Palestinians. The borders have to be determined by negotiations, not by settlement activity."


Israeli writer and Peace activist Gideon Levy has to say about Terrorist & Apartheid state Israel :

"The time has come to send Israel for observation. Only psychiatrists can explain Israel's behavior. Its acts have no rational explanation. It suffers from a loss of touch with reality. Temporary or permanent insanity. Paranoia. Schizophrenia. Memory loss. Loss of judgment." Gideon Levy


US Citizen Jeff Gates another writer and peace activist writes:

"As Afghanistan and Pakistan join other nations in being destabilized one cannot help but raise questions about how the crises which have wracked the sub-continent in recent years, were so "well-timed": Benazir Bhutto's murder, Musharraf's departure, the terror attack in Mumbai which served to draw Pakistani forces away from the western tribal region. Incidents which served the tactical goals of both Muslim extremists and Jewish nationalists. Did Mossad have any role to play?" Jeff Gates


America is a Zionist Colony


About 10,000 Zionist control America representing the 2% Jew population of USA . They control Judiciary, big law firms besides Media, Hollywood , Banking, Real Estate, Universities, Schools and Politics of America.


45 Zionist are in US Congress; 13 Senators & 32 House Representatives serving the interest of world's most racist organization AIPAC made up of Zionist Bankers, Media & other big businesses with loyalties to Israel are controlling US Congress and President. Zionist have made America another Israeli colony after Palestine .


Every American politicians including President Obama can drop their pants and skirts when they see an Israeli/Jew before any one can blink their eyes. When they open up their mouth they talk about Jews and Israel only.


For more than 2 decades American Domestic, Trade & Foreign Polices is dictated by Israeli's & Pro Zionist Americans to please Israel . Take example of recent unjustified bombing by Zionist controlled Israeli in Gaza ; 71% American favor that their Government should stay neutral but American Politicians sided with Zionist.


I refused to call Jews or any one American when they can serve in the Army of a foreign country and can vote in the elections of a foreign Country. In the case of Jews while holding American Citizenship they can serve in Israeli Army like President Obama's Chief of White House Staff Rahm Emanuel and can vote in Israeli elections. It is a debatable issue how one can trust such a privileged class of Jew First with loyalties to it's morally & ethically corrupt as well as racist Zionist Leadership of Israel in any country? But they are acceptable in their colony America and another colony in the making India because of coward Hindu Leaders from BJP & Congress for their hate for fellow Muslim citizens and brain dead philosophy enemy's enemy is our friend.


Those who are thinking Obama will bring Change to America they must know that when it comes to Jews/Israel this "Change" champion says "No I can not change any thing when it comes to Israel/Jews."


Obama's has chosen his entire Cabinet on 2 criteria only either the person should be a Jew or must be a blind supporter of Zionist controlled Israel with a Loyalty certificate from CLINTONS & AIPAC. The only person even being a Jew with all the required qualifications but still does not qualify is Monica Lewinsky! Obama should have made her Cultural Secretary to honor womanizer ex President Bill Clinton always ready to waggle his tail for Jews/Israel.


Dave Makkar


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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