Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Press Release: 8-th plenum of SOC, CPI(M-L)!

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From: Spring Thunder <>
Date: Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:21 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Press Release: 8-th plenum of SOC, CPI(M-L)!




The 8-th plenum of the State Organising Committee (SOC), CPI (M-L) commenced on April 22, 2010, and was concluded successfully on April 26, 2010. The date of commencement of the plenum coincided with the the inaugural day of of the party, ie CPI (M-L) and also the birth day of Comrade Lenin.

Delegates elected by the party units from all over Tamilnadu participated in the plenum. A three member presidium unanimously elected by the delegates, took charge of conducting the affairs of the plenum. Paying homage to the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the people's liberation in India as well as in various countries of the world,  the plenum set out to discuss and analyse in detail, the international and internal political and economic situation, and the significance of the developments and changes occuring therein, and also made a critical analysis of the functioning of the party.

The plenum drew attention to the increasing dominance and stranglehold of the finance capital over the real economy in the context of implementation of the LPG policies, the causes and effects of the subprime crisis- stock market crashes and the collapse of the international banks, the state sponsored bail outs of the imperialist finance capital, the rising mass struggles against these trends in all the imperialist countries, the irredeemable economic stagnation, the decline of the U.S super power, and its naked aggression on Iraq and Afghanistan and explained them  as the manifestation of the deepening and widening of the crisis of the global capitalism, post world war II, now engulfing the into a structural crisis devoid of recovery, threatening the imperialist global system.

The plenum took care to point out that despite the intensification of the crisis, neither the imperialist global system is in the verge of collapse nor has it rescinded to a multi-polar equilibrium, devoid of wars. It clarified that post world war II, the intensification of the national liberation struggles in the colonial countries and the rising tide of communism forced imperialism into adopt neo colonialism, ie indirect forms of colonisation over the erstwhile colonies. The emergence of superpowers from amongst the imperialist countries in the seventies, the fall of USSR and the decline of socialism in the eighties, and the globalisation of capital, production, market and the division of labour facilitated by the scientific and technological revolution have enabled imperialism to adopt an offensive tactic against the oppressed countries – ie re-colonisation – under the aegis of U.S, the unipolar global hegemon.

The plenum evaluated the political, economic and military strengths of the super powers, viz US, EU, Japan and Russia, took note of their unevenness, identified the specific spheres where the contradictions amongst them is getting intensified, underlined the significance of the challenge posed by the Sino-Russian alliance to the dollar hegemony and outlined the possibilities for the intensification of the contradictions and conflicts in the imperialist world under new alliances. Thus through a concrete analysis of the international situation, the plenum upheld the relevance of Leninism and held that this is an era of imperialism and proletarian revolution.

Bringing into focus the valiant struggles waged by the masses against re-colonisation in various countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and the escalation of spontaneous anti capitalist street protests of the proletariat in U.S, Japan and Europe and various struggles of the farmers and the petit bourgeois, the plenum concluded that the struggles symbolise the failure of capitalism and the re emergence of communism, and emphasised the responsibility of the proletariat to project socialism as the alternative. It also stressed the need, in the context of the increasing globalisation of capital and labour, of forging the unity of the international proletariat, the building of regional alliances among the working class and the urgent need of building up revolutionary communist parties.

Analysing the internal political and economic situation, the plenum deplored the myth of high growth rate, concocted by the increased inflow of the hot money of the FIIs, the stock market bubble and growth of the services and the consumer products sector, all of which were dependent on Imperialism and the finance capital. Focusing upon the deterioration of the agricultural sector, the plenum observed that, the reduction of public investment in agriculture, cut in subsidies and loans, the steep fall in the grain production, the deliberate termination of the state procurement and the privatisation of the grain trade, encroachment of agricultural lands for urbanization and industrialization, a policy of deliberate destruction of agriculture to encourage urbanisation etc. are being implemented with the avowed objective of handing over Indian agriculture into the hands of multinational agri business corporations.

The plenum observed that the de-peasantisation of of agriculture, farmers' suicides, the steep decline of the share of agriculture in the GDP, increasing regional and class disparities etc., are all inalienable parts of the 'development path' pursued by the Indian corporate capitalists that excludes the majority of the masses. It also exposed that the 'growth' achieved by the corporate sector has been achieved primarily through the aggression and appropriation of the commons and the natural resources of the country.  The plenum also dealt with the new trend of Indian big business acquiring foreign corporations, and corroborated them with the facts that the upper strata of the Indian comprador bourgeosie, is propped up by the state to become super rich, through tax exemptions, concessions and licence to loot public property. It concluded that the growth of the upper echelon of Indian big business does not signify their losing the comprador character, but only demonstrates the fact that they have become transnational comprador bourgeois.

The plenum also dealt with the structural changes being introduced into the indian state structure. The control excercised by the International finance organizations over the macro economic policies of the state through Finance sector liberalization and capital account liberalisation, the infusion of market rationality into the structures of the state, and the subversion of democratic practice to suit the capitalist market laws, the reorganization of state structures including police, judiciary and administration to suit the requirements of re-colonisation, are the structural changes that institutionalised fascism in the garb of democracy. While the Laws of the global economic order imposed from above by the superpowers actually govern the rules of administration, the Indian constitution, the plenum explained, is rendered to be a mere piece of paper.

The plenum further elucidated upon the modus operandi through which the changes are effected in the state structures. Banking upon the contempt of the people towards the politicians, caused by the degeneration of parliamentary democracy, transferring the decision making powers into the hands of bureaucracy, eulogising them to be professionals and elevating them to political leadership, treating the decisions of the professional consultancy firms to be final, depicting their decisions to be scientific, professional and impartial and concealing their subservient role towards international financial institutions, injecting the corporate capitalist class directly into the state apparatus in the name of downsizing the state, bringing the local bodies directly under the surveillance of World Bank in the guise of promoting autonomy, recognising the non governmental organisations as partners of state power in the name of grassroot democracy, using them as the fifth columns to buy consent for privatisation measures at the local level and institutionalizing and corrupting people's dissent, poisoning people's consciousness by diffusing collective spirit and infusing self-development goals through self-help groups, achieving ideological disintegration of the forces inclined towards communism and diluting their anti-imperialist resistance with the slogan 'Another world is possible!' et all, the plenum noted that, are parts of the 'structural reforms package'.

It also underlined the unanimity amongst all the parliamentary political parties from Cong and the BJP to the CPI and CPM, in implementing the neo liberal policies, and the slogan of Good Governance put forward by the international finance capital, being endorsed and upheld by these parties as their only principle. The mask of the welfare state withering away, and the parliament visibly turning into a billionaire's club causing disillusionment amongst the masses, the plenum pointed out, that the ruling classes deliberately unleash a neo liberal ideological offensive, instigate caste and religious chauvinism and promote cultural degeneration in order to divert people from resorting to a revolutionary path. The plenum also warned that the Brahmanic hindu fascism has not weakened, though it has suffered a setback owing to electoral defeats.

The plenum pointed out, that the Indian state, that brands and crushes the nationality struggles and the class struggles as terrorism and Anti development, has willingly allied itself with the U.S war machine, and this alliance is in sync with the expansionist aspirations of the Indian comprador bourgeosie. Drawing attention towards the Indian intervention in Nepal and Srilanka, the plenum called upon the proletariat of the South Asian region to unite against the Indian State, that has emerged as a fortress of reaction in this region.

The plenum asserted that though the immediate aim of the Operation Green Hunt, unleashed against Maoists by the Indian state, is to hand over the mineral rich Dankaranya region to the multinational mining giants, the ultimate aim of this offensive is to crush the Naxalbari movement, emerging and gaining credence as the political alternative to recolonisation. The plenum urged the need for the naxalbari revolutionaries to unite into a single party, more so, in the context of being identified by the enemies as the gravest internal security threat.

Following the discussions on the international and internal situations, the plenum took up the review of organisation. The debates were held with a perspective of criticism and self criticism, conducted in a democratic manner and a spirit of comradarie permeated all through the discussion. After the discussions, the plenum went ahead and unanimously elected the new state organising committee and its secretary. The delegates pledged to expedite party building, expand the base of the party and to intensify mass struggles against the re-colonisation offensive of the enemies. The five day session was concluded with the singing of the proletarian Internationale.

Courtesy: Puthiya Jananayagam, May 2010 issue

Spring Thunder is an unofficial initiative to document the publications of People's Art and Literary Association (PALA), New Democratic Labour Front (NDLF), Peasants Liberation Front (PLF), Revolutionary Students Youth Front (RSYF) and Women's Liberation Front (WLF), which are functioning in Tamilnadu, India. It publishes translations of selected articles published in revolutionary Tamil magazines, Puthiya Jananayagam (New Democracy) and Puthiya Kalacharam (New Culture).It upholds Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought.


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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