Friday, May 28, 2010

Fwd: The Iranian Student Group at UCLA Presents Senior Diplomat Ramin Asgard

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From: PAAIA <>
Date: Fri, May 28, 2010 at 2:33 AM
Subject: The Iranian Student Group at UCLA Presents Senior Diplomat Ramin Asgard

PAAIA: Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans

The Iranian Student Group at UCLA Presents Senior Diplomat Ramin Asgard

ISG in sponsorship with PAAIA invites you to a close and personal encounter with Ramin Asgard, the most senior Iranian American State Department Foreign Service officer and Political Advisor to General David Petraeus at U.S. Central Command in Florida. The event is a rare opportunity for anyone interested in learning about and pursuing a career in government, especially in the State Department.

Date & Time: June 1, 5-7pm
Location:UCLA Broad Hall 2160 E
Parking: Parking structure 3

Campus map

Click here to read more.

Update: AVN Responds Favorably to PAAIA's Concern Over Climate Ads Targeting Iran

May 25, 2010 Washington, D.C. – PAAIA is pleased to report that the American Values Network (AVN) has responded favorably to community concerns over their climate change ads targeting Iran. The ads placed on metro buses in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere depict "Iran" as making a "killing" in oil revenue while Congress stalls to pass clean energy and climate change legislation. AVN argues that reducing America's dependence on foreign oil is not only good for the environment but also for our national security.

Click here to read more.

Don't Miss the Deadline – Apply for the PAAIA Mentorship Program Today!

Are you wondering what career path to follow, or whether to change your career? Do you need advice on how to better manage your staff or your workload? Then the PAAIA Mentorship Program is for you! Come join the program and get one-on-one access to some of the most successful and experienced Iranian American professionals, absolutely FREE!

With 28 outstanding mentors, including THREE new additions to our mentors, representing different fields nationwide, chances are you will find a great match for your needs. Send in your applications and welcome these highly accomplished members of our community!

Whether you're 20 or 40, starting a new job or a mid-career professional, the PAAIA Mentorship Program can help you find the answers you're looking for.

Don't miss this unique opportunity! Apply by June 1 to meet the deadline!

PAAIA members, please click here to explore this exceptional opportunity
If you are not a member, please click here to sign up
Click here to see the list of PAAIA Mentors
Click here to download the application

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Palash Biswas
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