Monday, May 24, 2010

Fwd: Invitation for second Hinduism Summit at Chicago, USA - Join Hands and Unite together.

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From: Rajeev Gupta <>
Date: Sat, May 22, 2010 at 3:18 PM
Subject: Invitation for second Hinduism Summit at Chicago, USA - Join Hands and Unite together.
To: rajeevgupta072 <>

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1 comment:

  1. Brahmanism responsible for misfortune of lower caste Sudras, Tribals & other so called untouchables Dalits!?

    1) In Rigvedic age all Hindu Aryas were Brahmins.
    2) Later Hindu society divided into occupation based three castes, Brahmin, Kshatriya & Vaishya as jobs became hereditary all duly baptized by upanayan.
    3) Brahmins & so called Dalits are blood brothers as Mahabharata says & as per Manusmriti Brahmin criminals were not given harsh punishments like jail or execution but made outcaste untouchables after ouster from villages who lived in the periphery & forests taking jobs of hunters, fishermen & cremators named Chandals & Doms.
    अन्त्यजो विप्रजातिश च एक एव सहोदरः एकयोनिप्रसूतस् च एकसाखेन जायते
    antyajo viprajātiśa ca eka eva sahodaraḥ ekayoniprasūtas ca ekasākhena jāyate

    4) Like the Australians, descendants of convicts of the penal colony many of them mixed with local & invading tribes to form non baptized Sudra caste, wrongly despised by some upper castes for their ancestors’ crimes. Also some Kshatriyas fallen in status after war like Bhils became lower castes but there always were intermarriage and mixing between forming thousands of Hindu castes from earlier only three upper castes & fourth Sudra.
    5) In last thousand years of foreign Muslim & Christian (who too have castes like Ashraf, Ajlaf, Arzal, Dalit, etc showing its necessary evil status) rule of India there was no Brahminism hegemony rather the Brahmins & upper castes were mostly persecuted for being in power before the invaders, yet today most Sudras, various tribals & other Dalits are poor & in distress due to own inefficiencies while some enterprising among them like Kayasthas acquired high caste status. If they want all so called lower castes can declare themselves as Brahmins & learn Sanskrit & Hindu Scriptures, none can stop them as Swami Vivekananda said & Arya Samaj did. Let they be priests in their local temples, perform yagna-pujas at homes of their so called lower caste brethrens instead of calling Purohit-Pandits from outside! See why Dalit-Muslim or Hindu (all) – Muslim unity not possible ever as earlier proved by J. N. Mandal’s resignation from Pakistan Cabinet & fleeing to India beside rape, murderous attacks & ouster of most Dalits from Bangladesh & Pakistan –
