Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Lt.Gen Jagjit Singh Arora’s ‘Dismemberment of East Pakistan’ Documents of 1971 Documnts Destroyed by the “Brahmins-Hindus Indian army” -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) Comments

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Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:05 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Lt.Gen Jagjit Singh Arora's 'Dismemberment of East Pakistan' Documents of 1971 Documnts Destroyed by the "Brahmins-Hindus Indian army" -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) Comments



Lt.Gen Jagjit Singh Arora's 'Dismemberment of East Pakistan' Documents of 1971 Documnts Destroyed by the "Brahmins-Hindus Indian army"      -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) Comments

Giani Harinder Singh Alwar, addressing to the Congregation of the Bangla Sahib Gurdwara, monitored at 08:15 Hrs MST, ATN, Punjabi (Hindabi = Punjabi mixed with Hindi) News on 10th May, 2010, informed that the historical documents of Lt. Gen Arora's times, relating to the 'Dismemberment of East Pakistan' have been destroyed by the 'Brahmins-Hindus Indian army', according to the front page news of the Times of India, 9th May, 2010;;; and of Bangladesh. The 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian Army destroyed the historical papers as the 'Talibabized Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy is all out to destroy the 'History of Sikhs' especially the Sikh personnel rendering their professional services in the armed forces. It must be remembered that the alleged Indian administration headed by Indira Gandhi, its Research and Analysis Wing, supposedly at the request of Mujib ur Rehman,known as 'Mir Zaffer of Pakistan.  The 'Talibanized 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian armed forces invaded East Pakistan and 'Dismembered' it from the rest of Pakistan (West Pakistan). More than 90,000 professional army men surrendered, under the command of their General Niazi, to Lt Gen Jagjit Singh Arora. This had been the historic surrender of a professional armed personnel in the history of the world. Where the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus NDA of Indira Gandhi joyed the surrender, it was regretted in the hearts of the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus' that why it happened under a Sikh Lt. Gen Arora? Giani Harinder Singh Alwar explained that the '(Talabanized) Brahmins-Hindus' have never liked the Sikhs and they hated most the Sikhs, the Sikh Way of Life (Sikhi) and the teachings of the Sikh Gurus inscribed in their Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. Giani Harinder Singh Alwar's 'Katha' corroborated with the anti-Sikh policies drafted by the first deceitful prime minister of India, JL Nehru alias Mobark Ali or the his servant. These policies are theintegral part of the anti-Sikh policies crafted by the India's 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus devious, divisive, deceitful alleged Indian administration since 15th August, 1947.

In November 1964, the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian army sabotaged an army helicopter in which 9-Sikh General, on their way to Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir), crashed  near Kud, the place where the leader of Kashmiris, Sheikh Abdulla had been imprisoned. In this crash, 9-Sikh Senior Generals were eliminated by the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus Indian army'. Included in the killed were Lt. Gen Bikram Singh, Lt. Gen Daulat Singh, etc. The purpose of this sabotage was at least two fold: to eliminate the Senior Sikh Generals that no Sikh General will become the Chief of Army Staff and two, to remove the senior Sikh officers from the way of the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus'armed forces.

The destruction of Lt.Gen Jagjit Singh Arora's papers of the historical surrender of the 1971's Indian war on Pakistan was to remove from the annals of the 'Talibanied Brahmins-Hindus' army; that a Sikh commanded the 1971 war on behalf of the alleged Indian Brahmins-Hindus armed force, because the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus' do not like to see a Sikh name in the alleged Indian history or the 'Annals of the 'Talibalized Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy's armed force'.

A turbaned Hindu in 'The Sikh Identity', his clan, his 'joe boys and joe girls, members at large of the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation and its chief and the Chief Minister of Punjab, Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Badal, must not forget that the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the BJP, LK Advani, and the NDA'S Congess Party may kick at their asses whenever the time is right for them; regardless how much bootlicking the turbaned Hindus do. Beware, Hanera Sinh Badal and Amarinder of Patiala, including other Sikhs of non-Sikh and 'Rashtriya Sikh Sangat' party (a branch of the BJP), the jathedars and Presidents of the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee (SGPC), the Akali Dal, the Sikh academics on the payroll of the University Grant Commission of the alleged Indian-Talibanized institutions, to the anti-Sikh policies of the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus'.

NOTE: It is requested with all due humble request that Giani Harinder Singh 'Alwar' must take a note that he is not a 'Bharti/Hindustani or the citizen of the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy', because the "Sikhs have no Constitutional Rights under the Constitution of India 1950, Article 25, the Sikhs Holy and Historical Homeland PUNJAB, the Sikh Nation, the Sikh Raj of the Sikh monarch, Ranjit Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1849, was 'annexed' but not amalgamated into the 'British Empire on 29th March, 1849' by the British Empire's agent, Lord Dalhousie. The Sikhs have been "Struggling to Regain Their Sovereignty, Independence and Political power since 14th March, 1849, by peaceful means and the Sikhs' struggle has been going on."  None of the Sikhs' elected member of parliament has accepted/endorsed/signed the Indian Constitution 1950, in its draft and final forms. Rather, the Indian Constitution was 'REJECTED' by Sardar Hukam Singh, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Maan and Sirdar Kapur Singh, ICS, MP, MLA and the National Professor of Sikhism in 1948, 26th November, 1949, 1950 and more recently on 6th September, 1966, in the Indian or the 'Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus Lok Sabha'.

Gianiji, the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, was 'robbed' in a wide daylight on 15th August, 1947. They, the Sikhs, were made a 'Landless Sikh Nation' on 15th August, 1947, and they were branded as 'the lawless people' and dangerous to the 'law-abiding Talibanized Brahmins-Hindus' of the alleged Indian democracy, in a Governmental Circular issued on the 10th October, 1947, by a trio of the 'Brahmins-Baniya'.  –(your brother) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)




Palash Biswas
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